Why Doesn't Biden Condemn BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group? Because he has no Courage.

He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Lol, why would he?
Clinton stood up to violent racist blacks. Why won't Biden?
Who says he's not?
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They were divorced.

Really? All the information that I can find has it that although they “separated” in the 1980s, they are still, to this day, married.

Except she is black.

Anyone can clearly see that she is not. There are some Caucasians that can, and have successfully passed as black. Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal come immediately to mind.

Even if she tried, Kamala Harris could not pass for black. She looks very definitely, unequivocally Caucasian. More so than other races of humanity, the black race has some very distinctive visual traits, which Kamala Harris clearly does not have.
I think I know what visual traits blacks have better than you. And you are wrong. She is part black and part Indian. And she could be the next vice president. I understand how a white person like yourself want to deny that a person who is more qualified and successful that you will ever be can be black, but Harris is black.

And as long as you support trump don't talk about people having sex with married people.
Wrong. And whites like you need to shut the fuck up.

So, who is going to make me “shut the fuck up”?

I certainly have as much right to speak the truth, as you have to spew the lies and bullshit that you spew.

It's funny, of course, that in hurling false accusations of racism at others, you cannot help but wave your own blatant racism around as if it were a proud banner, and yet paradoxically believe that nobody else sees it. In attacking my point, you're only succeeding in proving it.

I think this much is clear: I absolutely do not believe that anyone's right to hold and express whatever belief he will is in any way tied to the color of his skin. You, very clearly think and say otherwise, and condemn me as a “racist” for disagreeing.

I think any sane person can clearly see which of the two of us is a racist, and which of us is not.
You are a racist. I am not. You practice aversive racism. Qualifications for office are not mentioned by whites like you until a person of color is considered for a high position. And where your ignorance shows is in you calling me a racist for saying "whites like you." Whites like you is a designation for a subset of whites that hold a particular view. It does not place that view as an inherent trait in the entire white race. So yes, any sane person can see who is the racist here. But among the white racists here the definition of racism has nothing to do with what racism actually is, but rather a disingenuous definition created in order to derail conversation and tone police.
Many leftist looters, rioters, arsonists, are NOT being arrested, as in Democrat strongholds, Democrat mayors continue to side with the criminals, and have their cops standing down full or partially.

Where thugs are being arrested, equally complicit Democrat prosecutors are refusing to prosecute, and the punks are being let go within hours of their arrest, or the very next day, only to return right back to the street and resume their lawlessness. This has been going on for months now.

And so? You know, First Amendment, and disorderly conduct is only a misdemeanor.

The real problem, prosecutors know they are going to have to plead these out because the juries will be made up of the same people who were demonstrating.
You are a racist. I am not. You practice aversive racism. Qualifications for office are not mentioned by whites like you until a person of color is considered for a high position. And where your ignorance shows is in you calling me a racist for saying "whites like you." Whites like you is a designation for a subset of whites that hold a particular view. It does not place that view as an inherent trait in the entire white race. So yes, any sane person can see who is the racist here. But among the white racists here the definition of racism has nothing to do with what racism actually is, but rather a disingenuous definition created in order to derail conversation and tone police.

Well said.

These same people thought that Sarah Palin was qualified to be Vice President, even though her experience was all of less than 2 years as governor of a sparsely populated state and being mayor of a small town.

Harris has - 4 years as a Senator
6 years as Attorney General of the largest state in the union.
7 years as District Attorney of the 16th Largest City in the country.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.

So this one guys and Trump sez it's so.....That's proof enough for your little tiny pea brain that Trump carries around in his colon.

Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group

While it’s no surprise, given our country’s history, that most domestic hate groups hold white supremacist views, there are a number of black organizations on our hate group list as well.

A prime example is the New Black Panther Party (NBPP)
, whose leaders are known for anti-Semitic and anti-white tirades. Its late chairman, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, famously remarked, “There are no good crackers, and if you find one, kill him before he changes.” Bobby Seale, a founding member of the original Black Panther Party, has called the NBPP a “black racist hate group.”

We have heard nothing remotely comparable to the NBPP’s bigotry from the founders and most prominent leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement and nothing at all to suggest that the bulk of the demonstrators hold supremacist or black separatist views. Thousands of white people across America – indeed, people of all races – have marched in solidarity with African Americans during BLM marches, as is clear from the group’s website. The movement’s leaders also have condemned violence."""

Southern Poverty Law Center
Civil rights lawyers Morris Dees and Joseph Levin Jr. founded the SPLC in 1971 to ensure that the promise of the civil rights movement became a reality for all. Since then, we’ve won numerous landmark legal victories on behalf of the exploited, the powerless and the forgotten.

Our lawsuits have toppled institutional racism and stamped out remnants of Jim Crow segregation; destroyed some of the nation’s most violent white supremacist groups; and protected the civil rights of children, women, the disabled, immigrants and migrant workers, the LGBTQ community, prisoners, and many others who faced discrimination, abuse or exploitation.""""
The laughingstock group that you chose for a source (Southern Poverty Law Center) are themselves a hate group, and are in no position to judge anyone. Liberals are so clueless.
"Uncle Tom" is a racist term Joe B suburban white person.

Um, no, it's what black folks call the suckups.

Then that makes you a white suburban race traitor? If you're white and vote Democrat you vote against your own race.

Not at all. I realize that the GOP doesn't care about working class whites any more than they care about people of color. That they've tricked you into thinking so just makes you kind of gullible... especially since you've been falling for it for 50 years.


How is it that abortion never gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts?
You are a racist. I am not. You practice aversive racism. Qualifications for office are not mentioned by whites like you until a person of color is considered for a high position. And where your ignorance shows is in you calling me a racist for saying "whites like you." Whites like you is a designation for a subset of whites that hold a particular view. It does not place that view as an inherent trait in the entire white race. So yes, any sane person can see who is the racist here. But among the white racists here the definition of racism has nothing to do with what racism actually is, but rather a disingenuous definition created in order to derail conversation and tone police.
Yes you ARE a racist, and everyone in this forum knows it. You admitted it. You admitted to be a supporter of race-based Affirmative Action (#1 racism in America)
I think I know what visual traits blacks have better than you. And you are wrong. She is part black and part Indian. And she could be the next vice president. I understand how a white person like yourself want to deny that a person who is more qualified and successful that you will ever be can be black, but Harris is black.

And as long as you support trump don't talk about people having sex with married people.
The key thing about Harlot Harris is that she USED sex with a married man, to get political advantages (+ a brand new BMW). She is an opportunist manipulator. After she got what she wanted from Willie Brown, she dropped him like a hot potato.

And Trump was never guilty of the despicable things that Tulsi Gabbard brought to light in the Democrat debate.
Black Lives Matter Is Not a Hate Group

Taking seriously what the Southern Poverty Law Center says about who is or is not a “hate group”


If you'd had any credibility to begin with, which you didn't, you would have shot most of it by citing the SPLC as any authority on anything.
She is not black. She is Indian.

Half-Indian. Her mother is from India. Her father, from all the pictures I've seen of him, appears to be white, though I wouldn't rule out a black ancestor or two a few generations back. Looks like he might have a little bit of black in him, but definitely mostly white.

Kamala has a sister that looks at least part-Indian, but Kamala herself doesn't look like anything but white. I have to wonder if she's adopted, as I'd have to think that she'd otherwise have to show at least a bit of visible Indian from her mother.
Half-Indian. Her mother is from India. Her father, from all the pictures I've seen of him, appears to be white, though I wouldn't rule out a black ancestor or two a few generations back. Looks like he might have a little bit of black in him, but definitely mostly white.

Kamala has a sister that looks at least part-Indian, but Kamala herself doesn't look like anything but white. I have to wonder if she's adopted, as I'd have to think that she'd otherwise have to show at least a bit of visible Indian from her mother.
Harris looks very white, compared with people from India, who usually tend to be as dark as black people.


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She is not black. She is Indian.

Half-Indian. Her mother is from India. Her father, from all the pictures I've seen of him, appears to be white, though I wouldn't rule out a black ancestor or two a few generations back. Looks like he might have a little bit of black in him, but definitely mostly white.

Kamala has a sister that looks at least part-Indian, but Kamala herself doesn't look like anything but white. I have to wonder if she's adopted, as I'd have to think that she'd otherwise have to show at least a bit of visible Indian from her mother.
She is definitely not black.
Half-Indian. Her mother is from India. Her father, from all the pictures I've seen of him, appears to be white, though I wouldn't rule out a black ancestor or two a few generations back. Looks like he might have a little bit of black in him, but definitely mostly white.

Uh, Mormon Bob, here are her parents.


That dude is not white.

I do not defend that behavior on his part, either.

Well, it's nice that you can be so selective. You condemn her relationship with a man who is separated, but you don't think a man who cheated on THREE wives and had sex with porn stars is that big of a deal.

I love Christian/Mormon Hypocrisy. That shit never gets old.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.

I have to disagree........it isn't a matter of cowardice......he and the other members of the democrat party leadership want black lives matter to burn, loot, beat and murder Americans because they want them to intimidate people into silence and submission. This is the tactic of left wing totalitarians when they think they can get away with it......
"Uncle Tom" is a racist term Joe B suburban white person.

Um, no, it's what black folks call the suckups.

Then that makes you a white suburban race traitor? If you're white and vote Democrat you vote against your own race.

Not at all. I realize that the GOP doesn't care about working class whites any more than they care about people of color. That they've tricked you into thinking so just makes you kind of gullible... especially since you've been falling for it for 50 years.


How is it that abortion never gets banned, but the rich always get their tax cuts?
GOP cares more about working class than traitorous Democrat globalist from that "Class of 74" including Biden, Kerry, Dodd, Lieberman, and Kerry of Nebraska(you can throw Bill Clinton of Arkansas in for good measure). Like you, these people never worked a day of their life in a factory, mine or steel mill. They had no understanding of blue collar workers and gladly sacrificed U.S. manufacturing jobs to other nations in their efforts at a Condorcet one world government. I am an FDR Democrat and believe that government should work for the good of the people and develop long term program's almost never. Short term relief and job's programs are fine in a crisis. But must disappear when free market has a recovery. Government should never push communist style egalitarianism into our culture and society. That's not what government in a free market democratic republic is supposed to be about. So when violent racist domestic terrorist groups like BLM raise their ugly head's they must be crushed with lethal force as they are a threat to Western democracies and most likely financed by our enemies Russia and China. Who you obviously support. So that it why your arguments are an exercise in hate for the United States of America. Your Marxist effort to tie tax cuts to infanticide are simply...well...sick and ignorant. Perhaps I can contact Nick Sandman and send him to you in order to handle my light work.
Half-Indian. Her mother is from India. Her father, from all the pictures I've seen of him, appears to be white, though I wouldn't rule out a black ancestor or two a few generations back. Looks like he might have a little bit of black in him, but definitely mostly white.

Uh, Mormon Bob, here are her parents.

View attachment 378541
That dude is not white.

I do not defend that behavior on his part, either.

Well, it's nice that you can be so selective. You condemn her relationship with a man who is separated, but you don't think a man who cheated on THREE wives and had sex with porn stars is that big of a deal.

I love Christian/Mormon Hypocrisy. That shit never gets old.
So that makes her 75% Indian/Asian 25% Black and 25% White. So she is NOT black. But she is a supporter of BLM domestic terrorist and refuses to renounce them.
I have to disagree........it isn't a matter of cowardice......he and the other members of the democrat party leadership want black lives matter to burn, loot, beat and murder Americans because they want them to intimidate people into silence and submission. This is the tactic of left wing totalitarians when they think they can get away with it......

Hey, Dick Tiny, have you shot a BLM protester yet? I mean, this is your moment, you've been telling us how you needs you your guns for exactly this moment. Here you are.

No? Then it must not be that big of a deal. Because most of the protests are peaceful.
GOP cares more about working class than traitorous Democrat globalist from that "Class of 74" including Biden, Kerry, Dodd, Lieberman, and Kerry of Nebraska(you can throw Bill Clinton of Arkansas in for good measure). Like you, these people never worked a day of their life in a factory, mine or steel mill. They had no understanding of blue collar workers and gladly sacrificed U.S. manufacturing jobs to other nations in their efforts at a Condorcet one world government.

You're a little confused, buddy. Those jobs weren't lost to trade agreements, they were lost to automation. I've worked in factories, the thing is, white folks don't really want to work there. Passing on my way to the office every day, I'd walk past the assembly lines, and guess what. Mostly people of color. Imagine that.

I am an FDR Democrat and believe that government should work for the good of the people and develop long term program's almost never.

Then you aren't an FDR Democrat. FDR wanted long term programs. In his last Inaugural address in 1945, he called for universal health care and every American to have a job paying a living wage.

Government should never push communist style egalitarianism into our culture and society. That's not what government in a free market democratic republic is supposed to be about. So when violent racist domestic terrorist groups like BLM raise their ugly head's they must be crushed with lethal force as they are a threat to Western democracies and most likely financed by our enemies Russia and China.

Uh, buddy, most Western Democracies have the kinds of programs that BLM is calling for. Only the US is the retard in the room that thinks that we should have children go to bed at night while the rich ride their dressage horsies.
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