Why Doesn't Biden Condemn BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group? Because he has no Courage.

Black Lives Matter is not what IM2 thinks it is.
It is a bonafide Marxist organization and ironically, Black Lives is not it's priority at all

The Agenda of Black Lives Matter Is Far Different From the Slogan
The Agenda of Black Lives Matter Is Far Different From the Slogan

1). Visit the Black Lives Matter website, and the first frame you get is a large crowd with fists raised and the slogan “Now We Transform.”

2). This agenda isn’t what most people signed up for when they bought their Spanx or registered for Airbnb.

3). The goals of the Black Lives Matter organization go far beyond what most people think.

Many see the slogan Black Lives Matter as a plea to secure the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans, especially historically wronged African Americans. They add the BLM hashtag to their social-media profiles, carry BLM signs at protests, and make financial donations.

Tragically, when they do donate, they are likely to bankroll a number of radical organizations, founded by committed Marxists whose goals aren’t to make the American Dream a reality for everyone—but to transform America completely.

This might be unknown to some of the world’s best-known companies, which have jumped on the BLM bandwagon. Brands like Airbnb and Spanx have promised direct donations.

True, others like Nike and Netflix have shrewdly channeled their donations elsewhere, like the NAACP and other organizations that have led the struggle for civil rights for decades. These companies are likely aware of BLM’s extreme agenda and recoil from bankrolling destructive ideas. But it requires sleuthing to learn this.
It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
I haven't seen a peaceful protest yet. Despite the media's whitewashing, every one of them has been deranged dirtbags smashing windows, attacking people, lighting fires, hitting police with lasers, looting, etc. And if there ever were any peaceful protests, for what ? One incident of police brutality ? (out of millions of police encounters). The whole thing is a political ruse, set up by Democrats.

As for conspiracies to commit crimes, I know Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to using the word conspiracy (it must be an addiction for them), but the crimes have been committed non-stop for 2 months in Portland, and about the same in New York and other places, so who cares about "conspiracy" ?

And if it "appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.", that would be because that is how the leftist media is portraying it, and how they want you to think that it is. Actually, BLM is a tool of the Democrat Party, using the race card to push it's radical leftist agenda, as cited in the BLM website, obviously written by elite leftists (probably white) who couldn't care less about black lives.

How anybody can come in here and say BLM leaders have not been identified is beyond me, They are ALL identified, the founders have identified themselves as Marxists, and some them appear on TV news shows, like Hank Newsome, head of the New York BLM chapter, who said >> if BLM protesters didn’t get what they wanted, “They will burn down the system.” This guy is obviously not too bright, and doesn't have much of a command of politics.

Some of the stuff I read in this forum is too incredible for description, but if people restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, they will constantly be information deprived and vastly ignorant.

You are describing the dysfunctional liberal culture that has gripped America in the last 40 years
abortion is a liberal cause, as is the gay marriage and transgender bullcrap
abortion is a liberal cause, as is the gay marriage and transgender bullcrap
It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
I haven't seen a peaceful protest yet. Despite the media's whitewashing, every one of them has been deranged dirtbags smashing windows, attacking people, lighting fires, hitting police with lasers, looting, etc. And if there ever were any peaceful protests, for what ? One incident of police brutality ? (out of millions of police encounters). The whole thing is a political ruse, set up by Democrats.

As for conspiracies to commit crimes, I know Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to using the word conspiracy (it must be an addiction for them), but the crimes have been committed non-stop for 2 months in Portland, and about the same in New York and other places, so who cares about "conspiracy" ?

And if it "appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.", that would be because that is how the leftist media is portraying it, and how they want you to think that it is. Actually, BLM is a tool of the Democrat Party, using the race card to push it's radical leftist agenda, as cited in the BLM website, obviously written by elite leftists (probably white) who couldn't care less about black lives.

How anybody can come in here and say BLM leaders have not been identified is beyond me, They are ALL identified, the founders have identified themselves as Marxists, and some them appear on TV news shows, like Hank Newsome, head of the New York BLM chapter, who said >> if BLM protesters didn’t get what they wanted, “They will burn down the system.” This guy is obviously not too bright, and doesn't have much of a command of politics.

Some of the stuff I read in this forum is too incredible for description, but if people restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, they will constantly be information deprived and vastly ignorant.

The vast majority of protests have been peaceful. Protesters even try to stop whatever people are unruly. There is quite a record of police brutality, not just one incident.
involving one person.

What do you mean "who cares about conspiracy"? You are asserting that BLM is a "terrorist organization," but any "organization" by definition means one or more people in contact with each other and a "terrorist organization" would require that they are planning the commission of a crime. Disparaging the use of the term doesn't change the reality of it. Where is your evidence of any agreement between officials of the Democratic Party and anyone in BLM?

Yes. A handful of people have associated themselves with BLM and said something inflammatory, but what makes them any different than, say, members of white militia gangs and others who make threats, even show up with guns. You ignore the fact that many thousands of people of all backgrounds have marched peaceably in support of the BLM cause.

What has the "liberal media" omitted? Where do you get your information from? Breitbart Gateway Pundit? Newsmax? Fox? Stormfront? 4Chan? These media outlets push a definite agenda, and never publish corrections or apologies when they get something wrong.
A third grader could and would have been better at handling it.... than Trump.

Admit it!!! :D
How about if YOU ADMIT that he's done a great job by the MANY things he's done to lower the mortality rate, which is exactly what he has done, with that rate dropping from over 17,000/week in April, to just barely more than 1,000 week ending August 15.

It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
I haven't seen a peaceful protest yet. Despite the media's whitewashing, every one of them has been deranged dirtbags smashing windows, attacking people, lighting fires, hitting police with lasers, looting, etc. And if there ever were any peaceful protests, for what ? One incident of police brutality ? (out of millions of police encounters). The whole thing is a political ruse, set up by Democrats.

As for conspiracies to commit crimes, I know Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to using the word conspiracy (it must be an addiction for them), but the crimes have been committed non-stop for 2 months in Portland, and about the same in New York and other places, so who cares about "conspiracy" ?

And if it "appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.", that would be because that is how the leftist media is portraying it, and how they want you to think that it is. Actually, BLM is a tool of the Democrat Party, using the race card to push it's radical leftist agenda, as cited in the BLM website, obviously written by elite leftists (probably white) who couldn't care less about black lives.

How anybody can come in here and say BLM leaders have not been identified is beyond me, They are ALL identified, the founders have identified themselves as Marxists, and some them appear on TV news shows, like Hank Newsome, head of the New York BLM chapter, who said >> if BLM protesters didn’t get what they wanted, “They will burn down the system.” This guy is obviously not too bright, and doesn't have much of a command of politics.

Some of the stuff I read in this forum is too incredible for description, but if people restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, they will constantly be information deprived and vastly ignorant.

You are describing the dysfunctional liberal culture that has gripped America in the last 40 years
abortion is a liberal cause, as is the gay marriage and transgender bullcrap
abortion is a liberal cause, as is the gay marriage and transgender bullcrap
It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
I haven't seen a peaceful protest yet. Despite the media's whitewashing, every one of them has been deranged dirtbags smashing windows, attacking people, lighting fires, hitting police with lasers, looting, etc. And if there ever were any peaceful protests, for what ? One incident of police brutality ? (out of millions of police encounters). The whole thing is a political ruse, set up by Democrats.

As for conspiracies to commit crimes, I know Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to using the word conspiracy (it must be an addiction for them), but the crimes have been committed non-stop for 2 months in Portland, and about the same in New York and other places, so who cares about "conspiracy" ?

And if it "appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.", that would be because that is how the leftist media is portraying it, and how they want you to think that it is. Actually, BLM is a tool of the Democrat Party, using the race card to push it's radical leftist agenda, as cited in the BLM website, obviously written by elite leftists (probably white) who couldn't care less about black lives.

How anybody can come in here and say BLM leaders have not been identified is beyond me, They are ALL identified, the founders have identified themselves as Marxists, and some them appear on TV news shows, like Hank Newsome, head of the New York BLM chapter, who said >> if BLM protesters didn’t get what they wanted, “They will burn down the system.” This guy is obviously not too bright, and doesn't have much of a command of politics.

Some of the stuff I read in this forum is too incredible for description, but if people restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, they will constantly be information deprived and vastly ignorant.

The vast majority of protests have been peaceful. Protesters even try to stop whatever people are unruly. There is quite a record of police brutality, not just one incident.
involving one person.

What do you mean "who cares about conspiracy"? You are asserting that BLM is a "terrorist organization," but any "organization" by definition means one or more people in contact with each other and a "terrorist organization" would require that they are planning the commission of a crime. Disparaging the use of the term doesn't change the reality of it. Where is your evidence of any agreement between officials of the Democratic Party and anyone in BLM?

Yes. A handful of people have associated themselves with BLM and said something inflammatory, but what makes them any different than, say, members of white militia gangs and others who make threats, even show up with guns. You ignore the fact that many thousands of people of all backgrounds have marched peaceably in support of the BLM cause.

What has the "liberal media" omitted? Where do you get your information from? Breitbart Gateway Pundit? Newsmax? Fox? Stormfront? 4Chan? These media outlets push a definite agenda, and never publish corrections or apologies when they get something wrong.

Thanks for nothing----MOST people who considered themselves NAZIS in 1938 did not kill anyone either. There are, MAGICALLY, several people shot in the gutters of NYC ----just last nite. BLM is a terrorist
organization. I missed those masses of protestors who PREVENTED their colleagues from engaging in violence. As the mobs vandalized and pillaged shops, I MISSED the scores of the other protestors who struggled to prevent the FILTH you trivialize
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Because they aren't a terrorist group.

They are rapists, pillagers, looters, murderers. They're down there on the same level as pedophiles.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
The vast majority of protests have been peaceful.
Thats like saying most nazis did not work at the death camps

but you will say thats over the top since the lib rodents protesting night after night claim to be anti fascists

maybe so, but they are also liars who claim the protests are about black mistreatment by the cops

these are social misfits who are just pissed at life in general
Twitter posts, don't count as links or sources of legitimate news....!!

-senator Brown had been estranged from his wife for 13 years before Harris dated him.

-she was already a prosecutor before she met him.

-those two great jobs you say she got from Brown were 6 month temporary commissioned study groups, not jobs.

-she took a leave of absence from her prosecutor job, to be on them, then when the studies were over, she returned to her prosecutor job....

-8 years after she and Brown stopped dating, 8 years of being a Prosecutor, she then ran for AG, and won her election...because the people of Calif, voted for her.
You already posted these pathetic attempts at vindication of Harlot Harris, and I already refuted them You want to get refuted again ? Maybe you're a maschocist ? OK. I'll smack you down again, if you insist.

1. Having "dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife" does not contradict what I said that she was dating a married man. As Bob Blaylock correctly posted >> "“Separated” is still married." No one knows the personal details of Brown's separation, and I haven't seen words posted from Blanche, Brown's wife in 1994/95, when he was dating Kamala Harris.

2. Having been a "prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him", doesn't have a thing to do with what i posted relating to the things she was able to do AFTER she met him. Simply irrelevant. So what if she was already a prosecutor. Maybe she played the guitar too. Maybe the mandolin. Maybe she did needlework.. Tennis anyone ?

3. I did not say she got "two great jobs". (your words not mine) I said "Brown appointed Harris to two political positions" And working her way up in the "political" world is what we're talking about, not washing cars. Get it ?

4. Irrelevant about her leave of absence from her prosecutor job, except that oit shows she was doing something she really WANTED to do (get political leverage), and it all came from Bosom Buddy Brown. You're helping to establish my points. Thanks.

5. Yes, they voted for her, and in that election, her campaign was aided by Willie Brown, with the maximum donation allowed by law given to her by Willie Brown, + a Brown consultant working on her behalf with fundraising which raised $400,000, way more than her 2 rivals Hallinan and Fazio.

All you just did was to repost a post that was thoroughly refuted, and now has been refuted for the second time. If you ought you avoid that refuting by simply posting your original post (# ) again, and it would look like that was the truth (with no refute) you miscalculated). I don't care if you re-post that :lame2:brain post 100 times in this forum, I'll see to it that it is shot down again, and again, and again. You wanna play that game, I'll play it with you.

Kamala Harris Dated Willie Brown Decades Ago and Her Critics Claim It Matters
Renewed attention on the relationship is feeding people opposed to her 2020 campaign

Kamala Harris & Willie Brown: Her Relationship With Former San Francisco Mayor Explained
Opponents have dogged Kamala Harris for years over her relationship with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

Extramarital affair with Kamala Harris? Former San Francisco mayor, 84, admits it happened
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown addressed his past extramarital relationship with U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris in his weekly column Saturday, saying he may have boosted the presidential hopeful's career.

Former S.F. Mayor Willie Brown writes about dating Kamala Harris, appointing her to posts
In her 2003 run for San Francisco district attorney, Kamala Harris called Willie Brown an "albatross hanging around my neck."

Willie Brown Admits He Boosted Kamala Harris's Career
Former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown broke his silence on his relationship with Democratic senator Kamala Harris on Saturday.

The San Francisco ghosts in Kamala Harris's past
Few outside of California know or care who Willie Brown is. But that may be about to change.

Former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown responded to scrutiny over his past relationship with Kamala Harris and the role he played in her career
Sen. Kamala Harris's past relationship with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown has once again come under scrutiny after Harris announced her plan to run for president.


Confirmed: Kamala Harris Launched Her Political Career in Bedroom As Mistress of Married Mayor Willie Brown
For the record: We completely expect the tech giants to censor and shadow-ban this report as they have to our previous reports on Kamala Harris. But this is truthful information the public deserves to read. Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted this week to an extramarital affair with...

And if you were smart, you wouldn't post at all on this subject. You'd b better off to lay low on this issue. Your posts are irrelevant, and don't change a thing about what I'm posting. All they do is give me more and more chance to post the FACTS and TRUTH about lowlife Harlot Harris, and her willingness to do just about anything to attain power for herself.

As for your comment about my inclusion of tweets, GEE, don't I so badly need those tweets ?...when I've got no less than 8 source links from major media outlets/newspapers.


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I believe that there are some bamboozled people---consisting of both whites and blacks of all ages who
BELIEVE that the protests are all about police brutality.
I came of age in the 60s during the era of PROTESTS--all over the place. Just the words "PROTEST" and
"DEMONSTRATION" attracted thousands of clueless
people----sometimes (albeit rarely) even me.. Over time----(just a few years) I came to understand that the protests were MOSTLY (not all) BS----and sometimes VERY DESTRUCTIVE AND DANGEROUS and that the people who did know----the instigators ---were mostly CRIMINALS and the protesters were there to socialize and FEEL a part of the gang -----
just like any other street gang "feeling"
The vast majority of protests have been peaceful. Protesters even try to stop whatever people are unruly. There is quite a record of police brutality, not just one incident.
involving one person.

What do you mean "who cares about conspiracy"? You are asserting that BLM is a "terrorist organization," but any "organization" by definition means one or more people in contact with each other and a "terrorist organization" would require that they are planning the commission of a crime. Disparaging the use of the term doesn't change the reality of it. Where is your evidence of any agreement between officials of the Democratic Party and anyone in BLM?

Yes. A handful of people have associated themselves with BLM and said something inflammatory, but what makes them any different than, say, members of white militia gangs and others who make threats, even show up with guns. You ignore the fact that many thousands of people of all backgrounds have marched peaceably in support of the BLM cause.

What has the "liberal media" omitted? Where do you get your information from? Breitbart Gateway Pundit? Newsmax? Fox? Stormfront? 4Chan? These media outlets push a definite agenda, and never publish corrections or apologies when they get something wrong.
FALSE!!!! And it's the same BULLSHIT that the leftist media pushes. How :lame2:brain to keep pushing this "peaceful protest" sillieness, when every day we see violent criminality from these Democrat engineered and Democrat mayor allowed lunatics.

I get my information from Newsmax, Breitbart, Gateway pundit, OAN Encore, the First, America's Voice, the Blaze...and if you dis too you wouldn't be talking like the victim of lineral OMISSION media that you are. You wanna find out what the liberal media has omitted ? Well, that would take years to accomplish, but I can give you a quick easy peek at it by letting you take my Quizzes, especially designed for information-deprived liberal victims. Let me know if you're game.

And you think that Antifa and BLM have NOT planned all the CRIME riots arson, looting, traffic blocking that they have engaged in for 5 years n0w ? do you think we are all mindless here and know nothing at all ? You are a JOKE.

And what makes BLM "any different than, say, members of white militia gangs and others who make threats, even show up with guns.", is that BLM is the Democratic Party, lock, stock and barrel. Guess you're OMISSION media left that out too, huh ?

Donations to Black Lives Matter Go to 'ActBlue' - The Activist Arm of the Democrat Party
"Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country."


Black Lives Matter Does the Democrats' Dirty Work; Here's What a BLM 'Tough Guy' Told Fox News
BLM Leader: "I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary."

The criminals doing the looting and fires have been condemned...They should and are being arrested.

The black lives matter peaceful protesters, have not been condemned, because those millions of marchers across the nation, did no wrong.

Surely you can understand that trying to blame the whole groups of BLM peaceful protesters, for actions of the rioters and thugs hijacking their movement, is not right.
Many leftist looters, rioters, arsonists, are NOT being arrested, as in Democrat strongholds, Democrat mayors continue to side with the criminals, and have their cops standing down full or partially.

Where thugs are being arrested, equally complicit Democrat prosecutors are refusing to prosecute, and the punks are being let go within hours of their arrest, or the very next day, only to return right back to the street and resume their lawlessness. This has been going on for months now.

The criminals doing the looting and fires have been condemned...They should and are being arrested.

The black lives matter peaceful protesters, have not been condemned, because those millions of marchers across the nation, did no wrong.

Surely you can understand that trying to blame the whole groups of BLM peaceful protesters, for actions of the rioters and thugs hijacking their movement, is not right.
Many leftist looters, rioters, arsonists, are NOT being arrested, as in Democrat strongholds, Democrat mayors continue to side with the criminals, and have their cops standing down full or partially.

Where thugs are being arrested, equally complicit Democrat prosecutors are refusing to prosecute, and the punks are being let go within hours of their arrest, or the very next day, only to return right back to the street and resume their lawlessness. This has been going on for months now.

Democrats are trying to legitimize BLM despite the fact they are a racist terrorist group.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Because they aren't a terrorist group.
Tell that to the people who’s businesses they torched.
I believe that there are some bamboozled people---consisting of both whites and blacks of all ages who
BELIEVE that the protests are all about police brutality.
I came of age in the 60s during the era of PROTESTS--all over the place. Just the words "PROTEST" and
"DEMONSTRATION" attracted thousands of clueless
people----sometimes (albeit rarely) even me.. Over time----(just a few years) I came to understand that the protests were MOSTLY (not all) BS----and sometimes VERY DESTRUCTIVE AND DANGEROUS and that the people who did know----the instigators ---were mostly CRIMINALS and the protesters were there to socialize and FEEL a part of the gang -----
just like any other street gang "feeling"
We have a right to "peaceably assemble." These people are not protesters, they are violent agitators and domestic terrorist.
It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
I haven't seen a peaceful protest yet. Despite the media's whitewashing, every one of them has been deranged dirtbags smashing windows, attacking people, lighting fires, hitting police with lasers, looting, etc. And if there ever were any peaceful protests, for what ? One incident of police brutality ? (out of millions of police encounters). The whole thing is a political ruse, set up by Democrats.

As for conspiracies to commit crimes, I know Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to using the word conspiracy (it must be an addiction for them), but the crimes have been committed non-stop for 2 months in Portland, and about the same in New York and other places, so who cares about "conspiracy" ?

And if it "appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.", that would be because that is how the leftist media is portraying it, and how they want you to think that it is. Actually, BLM is a tool of the Democrat Party, using the race card to push it's radical leftist agenda, as cited in the BLM website, obviously written by elite leftists (probably white) who couldn't care less about black lives.

How anybody can come in here and say BLM leaders have not been identified is beyond me, They are ALL identified, the founders have identified themselves as Marxists, and some them appear on TV news shows, like Hank Newsome, head of the New York BLM chapter, who said >> if BLM protesters didn’t get what they wanted, “They will burn down the system.” This guy is obviously not too bright, and doesn't have much of a command of politics.

Some of the stuff I read in this forum is too incredible for description, but if people restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, they will constantly be information deprived and vastly ignorant.

You are describing the dysfunctional liberal culture that has gripped America in the last 40 years
abortion is a liberal cause, as is the gay marriage and transgender bullcrap
abortion is a liberal cause, as is the gay marriage and transgender bullcrap
It could be because BLM is not a terrorist organization. The vast amount of people who have marched, both here and in other countries, have just protested peacefully. Moreover, there is no evidence that there has been any conspiracy to commit a crime, nor have any "leaders" or "members" of this supposed organization been identified. It appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.
I haven't seen a peaceful protest yet. Despite the media's whitewashing, every one of them has been deranged dirtbags smashing windows, attacking people, lighting fires, hitting police with lasers, looting, etc. And if there ever were any peaceful protests, for what ? One incident of police brutality ? (out of millions of police encounters). The whole thing is a political ruse, set up by Democrats.

As for conspiracies to commit crimes, I know Democrats can't help themselves when it comes to using the word conspiracy (it must be an addiction for them), but the crimes have been committed non-stop for 2 months in Portland, and about the same in New York and other places, so who cares about "conspiracy" ?

And if it "appears that BLM is just a loosely-knit movement of people who have a cause in common and feel inspired to attend a march.", that would be because that is how the leftist media is portraying it, and how they want you to think that it is. Actually, BLM is a tool of the Democrat Party, using the race card to push it's radical leftist agenda, as cited in the BLM website, obviously written by elite leftists (probably white) who couldn't care less about black lives.

How anybody can come in here and say BLM leaders have not been identified is beyond me, They are ALL identified, the founders have identified themselves as Marxists, and some them appear on TV news shows, like Hank Newsome, head of the New York BLM chapter, who said >> if BLM protesters didn’t get what they wanted, “They will burn down the system.” This guy is obviously not too bright, and doesn't have much of a command of politics.

Some of the stuff I read in this forum is too incredible for description, but if people restrict themselves to liberal OMISSION media, they will constantly be information deprived and vastly ignorant.

The vast majority of protests have been peaceful. Protesters even try to stop whatever people are unruly. There is quite a record of police brutality, not just one incident.
involving one person.

What do you mean "who cares about conspiracy"? You are asserting that BLM is a "terrorist organization," but any "organization" by definition means one or more people in contact with each other and a "terrorist organization" would require that they are planning the commission of a crime. Disparaging the use of the term doesn't change the reality of it. Where is your evidence of any agreement between officials of the Democratic Party and anyone in BLM?

Yes. A handful of people have associated themselves with BLM and said something inflammatory, but what makes them any different than, say, members of white militia gangs and others who make threats, even show up with guns. You ignore the fact that many thousands of people of all backgrounds have marched peaceably in support of the BLM cause.

What has the "liberal media" omitted? Where do you get your information from? Breitbart Gateway Pundit? Newsmax? Fox? Stormfront? 4Chan? These media outlets push a definite agenda, and never publish corrections or apologies when they get something wrong.
The vast majority have been violent riots. The leaders of BLM have stated they are Marxist agitators. To state anything else about BLM cop killers is just a lie.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
He is too busy bailing them out of jail.
Kamala Harris Will be an albatross around senile Joe's neck.
I'm not going to defend Trump's behavior in this area. I'll come out and admit that Trump has engaged in behavior that I consider morally-repugnant, and for all else that he has done well, I do very much wish he had much better moral character than he does

But as long as he rolls back abortion rights and gay rights, you are totally okay with it. That's the point, Bob.

And Willie Brown's marriage did not end decades ago. It is, in fact, still in force, and he still has the same legal and moral obligations that any married man has. His violation of his marriage is no more defensible than Mr. Trump's violations of his marriages.

They haven't been husband and wife for 39 years, buddy. There is a major difference, in that the women Trump cheated on were still involved with him when he saw other women.

What makes Willie Brown's immoral behavior relevant at all is that of not for it, Kamala Harris would have no political career; she'd just be some obscure, mediocre ambulance chaser of whom few of us would have ever heard.

Not really. She was already a prosecutor in the SF DA office.... She ran for the position in her own right and won long after she and Brown parted ways. Now, I realize, belonging to a misogynist cult, that you think women shouldn't have sex lives they enjoy or pursue careers... but that's kind of on you.

And in every political position she's held, she has consistently demonstrated a profound lack of competence or integrity, a profound unsuitability for that position.

Again, hearing a Trump supporter whine about "Competence" is almost as hilarious as you whining about "Marital Fidelity".

And you Democraps want to put her a very unreliable heartbeat away from this nation's highest political office. This is truly insane, and truly a powerful reflection of how degraded and degenerate the Democrapic party has become.

Okay- Once again, your side nominated Sarah Palin, and she was quite possibly retarded. You put Dan Quayle one heartbeat away, as well as Spiro Agnew.

Naw, man, Degenerate is putting a racist, misogynistic, corrupt game show host in the White House, when you had 10 guys who were qualified to choose from.
Joe B first concern on his post...allow for more infanticide. Typical egotistical social control Marxist.
No, only those who believe that a black person, because of his race, is obligated to behave a certain way, and support certain positions, would use that hateful term toward a black person who behaves and supports differently. In other words, a @racist.

See also: “Acting white”, “Oreo”

Wrong. And whites like you need to shut the fuck up. You guys do the same thing. You bash liberal whites and call whites who refuse to be racists all kinds of names. Scum like you only defend blacks that say what you believe about blacks. We call them toms because they are helping keep racism against us alive by their repetition of the beliefs of white racists.

There are black republicans who don't do that. But when they do, they get done like Colin Powell.
Biden is a narcissist and egotistical Democrat and believes he knows black people better than black people.

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