Why Doesn't Biden Condemn BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group? Because he has no Courage.

He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
He doesn't do it for precisely the same reason Trump lied about not knowing who David Duke is.

They know their base, and they know they can't afford to lose important parts of them.

This feigned outrage is a little transparent.
David Duke never caused organized riots in the streets of our cities. He never advocated the murder of law enforcement officers. He never had the MSM to promote his agenda. Biden is a coward.
He doesn't do it for precisely the same reason Trump lied about not knowing who David Duke is.

They know their base, and they know they can't afford to lose important parts of them.

This feigned outrage is a little transparent.
Duke is not Trump's base. Just because he likes Trump, that doesn't mean Trump necessarily likes him. Dylan Roof is a Carolina Panthers fan. So does that make all the Carolina Panthers management and players all racists ? Your analogy is false.

BLM is a tool of the DNC. Period.
I know, I know, it's "different".

She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Here we go again trying to blame the President of the United States for a communist Chinese virus. It's the liberals new race card when losing an argument.
Liar liar pants on fire!

She dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife.

She was a prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him.

She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown

8 years after Brown and Harris split she ran for AG, and won her election, by the citizens of California, VOTING for her.

Stop your demented, sexist, bull shit, that she only succeeded, cuz she F'd her way to the top....
No, I won't stop my observing and reporting, just because you see fit, to foolishly, and falsely criticize my posting. Here's the true, factual scoop on Harlot Harris. :biggrin:

1. Having "dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife" does not contradict what I said that she was dating a married man. As Bob Blaylock correctly posted >> "“Separated” is still married." No one knows the personal details of Brown's separation, and I haven't seen words posted from Blanche, Brown's wife in 1994/95, when he was dating Kamala Harris.

2. Having been a "prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him", doesn't have a thing to do with what i posted relating to the things she was able to do AFTER she met him. Simply irrelevant.

3. Your statement that "She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown" adds credence to my posting that Brown had political power which Harris was able to benefit from, (and did).

4. Yes, they voted for her, and in that election, her campaign was aided by Willie Brown, with the maximum donation allowed by law given to her by Willie Brown, + a Brown consultant working on her behalf with fundraising which raised $400,000, way more than her 2 rivals Hallinan and Fazio.

Nothing your post said refuted my post one iota. Now for the relevant FACTS >>

In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed Harris to two political positions. The first was a six-month appointment to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board; the second was a role on the Medical Assistance Commission, a body tasked with negotiating contracts to control Medi-Cal costs. At the time, Brown had a reputation for filling many openings with his personal associates and inner circle.

In a piece written in the San Francisco Chronicle, Brown stated >> “I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco,”

According to USA Today, "Brown gave Harris a BMW and appointed her “to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the Medical Assistance Commission – positions that paid her more than $400,000 over five years.” He said in his column that he had helped the careers of other politicians too."
Referring to the 2003 AG race, USA Today reports " Although Brown supported Harris in her successful 2003 run for San Francisco district attorney, she tried to distance herself from him in that race."

And she's still now trying to distance herself from Brown, who is still talking and writing about her, in 2020.

Tweets about Kamala's dirty affair, are raging in the Twitter world >>
Floozy Kamala Harris was banging her married boss Willie Brown, then-mayor of San Francisco, who admits he jump started her political career, FYI. #KamalaHarris2020
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 28, 2019

Liar liar pants on fire!

She dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife.

She was a prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him.

She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown

8 years after Brown and Harris split she ran for AG, and won her election, by the citizens of California, VOTING for her.

Stop your demented, sexist, bull shit, that she only succeeded, cuz she F'd her way to the top....
No, I won't stop my observing and reporting, just because you see fit, to foolishly, and falsely criticize my posting. Here's the true, factual scoop on Harlot Harris. :biggrin:

1. Having "dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife" does not contradict what I said that she was dating a married man. As Bob Blaylock correctly posted >> "“Separated” is still married." No one knows the personal details of Brown's separation, and I haven't seen words posted from Blanche, Brown's wife in 1994/95, when he was dating Kamala Harris.

2. Having been a "prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him", doesn't have a thing to do with what i posted relating to the things she was able to do AFTER she met him. Simply irrelevant.

3. Your statement that "She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown" adds credence to my posting that Brown had political power which Harris was able to benefit from, (and did).

4. Yes, they voted for her, and in that election, her campaign was aided by Willie Brown, with the maximum donation allowed by law given to her by Willie Brown, + a Brown consultant working on her behalf with fundraising which raised $400,000, way more than her 2 rivals Hallinan and Fazio.

Nothing your post said refuted my post one iota. Now for the relevant FACTS >>

In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed Harris to two political positions. The first was a six-month appointment to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board; the second was a role on the Medical Assistance Commission, a body tasked with negotiating contracts to control Medi-Cal costs. At the time, Brown had a reputation for filling many openings with his personal associates and inner circle.

In a piece written in the San Francisco Chronicle, Brown stated >> “I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco,”

According to USA Today, "Brown gave Harris a BMW and appointed her “to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and then to the Medical Assistance Commission – positions that paid her more than $400,000 over five years.” He said in his column that he had helped the careers of other politicians too."
Referring to the 2003 AG race, USA Today reports " Although Brown supported Harris in her successful 2003 run for San Francisco district attorney, she tried to distance herself from him in that race."

And she's still now trying to distance herself from Brown, who is still talking and writing about her, in 2020.

Tweets about Kamala's dirty affair, are raging in the Twitter world >>
Floozy Kamala Harris was banging her married boss Willie Brown, then-mayor of San Francisco, who admits he jump started her political career, FYI. #KamalaHarris2020
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) January 28, 2019


Go ahead little man, get your rocks off from your white twitter trash pasties, of nonsense.
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David Duke never caused organized riots in the streets of our cities. He never advocated the murder of law enforcement officers. He never had the MSM to promote his agenda. Biden is a coward.
All 4 of those sentences are correct. And Duke also didn't call for >> "Burn the system down.", as did Hawk Newsome (BLM)
Go ahead little man, get your rocks off from your white twitter trash pastes, of nonsense.

Not much retort, for a fact-filled post with 8 source links. You're so embarrassed by it, you wouldn't even let it show up in the thread.

And how did "white" get into this ? Feel a need to show off your racism ?
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.

Another pathetic uncle tom telling white people what they want to hear is "courage"?

BLM are our fellow citizens, they are damned angry about something and they have every right to be.
BLM is a violent domestic terrorist organization who's leaders have public stated they are "trained Marxist" and promote civil disorder. They have nothing to be mad about. They live in the greatest nation on earth with the most economic opportunity the world has ever seen. They are just lazy crybabies. I have a friend who works in Nigeria. The Nigerian people don't understand what the fuck blacks in the United States of America have to bitch about. Blacks in America got the world by the ass. Free food, free housing, free education, yet groups like BLM rampage through the streets and burn black owned businesses. Biden is a coward for not condemning them.
She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Here we go again trying to blame the President of the United States for a communist Chinese virus. It's the liberals new race card when losing an argument.
A third grader could and would have been better at handling it.... than Trump.

Admit it!!! :D
She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Here we go again trying to blame the President of the United States for a communist Chinese virus. It's the liberals new race card when losing an argument.
A third grader could and would have been better at handling it.... than Trump.

Admit it!!! :D
Here we go with another attempt to hijack a thread with Corona virus lie. The thread is about Biden's cowardice in not condemning a racist terrorist group.
Go ahead little man, get your rocks off from your white twitter trash pastes, of nonsense.

Not much retort, for a fact-filled post with 8 source links. You're so embarrassed by it, you wouldn't even let it show up in the thread.

And how did "white" get into this ? Feel a need to show off your racism ?

Twitter posts, don't count as links or sources of legitimate news....!!

-senator Brown had been estranged from his wife for 13 years before Harris dated him.

-she was already a prosecutor before she met him.

-those two great jobs you say she got from Brown were 6 month temporary commissioned study groups, not jobs.

-she took a leave of absence from her prosecutor job, to be on them, then when the studies were over, she returned to her prosecutor job....

-8 years after she and Brown stopped dating, 8 years of being a Prosecutor, she then ran for AG, and won her election...because the people of Calif, voted for her.
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Go ahead little man, get your rocks off from your white twitter trash pastes, of nonsense.

Not much retort, for a fact-filled post with 8 source links. You're so embarrassed by it, you wouldn't even let it show up in the thread.

And how did "white" get into this ? Feel a need to show off your racism ?

Twitter posts, don't count as links or sources of legitimate news....!!

-senator Brown had been estranged from his wife for 13 years before Harris dated him.

-she was already a prosecutor before she met him.

-those two great jobs you say she got from Brown were 6 month temporary commissioned study groups, not jobs.

-she took a leave of absence from her prosecutor job, to be on them, then when the studies were over, she returned to her prosecutor job....
Willie Brown was a phony and and an idiot. Having a relationship with him show's poor judgement and makes her unworthy of being a heartbeat (or in Biden's case a functional braincell) away from the Presidency.
She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Here we go again trying to blame the President of the United States for a communist Chinese virus. It's the liberals new race card when losing an argument.
A third grader could and would have been better at handling it.... than Trump.

Admit it!!! :D
Here we go with another attempt to hijack a thread with Corona virus lie. The thread is about Biden's cowardice in not condemning a racist terrorist group.
The criminals doing the looting and fires have been condemned...They should and are being arrested.

The black lives matter peaceful protesters, have not been condemned, because those millions of marchers across the nation, did no wrong.

Surely you can understand that trying to blame the whole groups of BLM peaceful protesters, for actions of the rioters and thugs hijacking their movement, is not right.
Go ahead little man, get your rocks off from your white twitter trash pastes, of nonsense.

Not much retort, for a fact-filled post with 8 source links. You're so embarrassed by it, you wouldn't even let it show up in the thread.

And how did "white" get into this ? Feel a need to show off your racism ?

Twitter posts, don't count as links or sources of legitimate news....!!

-senator Brown had been estranged from his wife for 13 years before Harris dated him.

-she was already a prosecutor before she met him.

-those two great jobs you say she got from Brown were 6 month temporary commissioned study groups, not jobs.

-she took a leave of absence from her prosecutor job, to be on them, then when the studies were over, she returned to her prosecutor job....
Willie Brown was a phony and and an idiot. Having a relationship with him show's poor judgement and makes her unworthy of being a heartbeat (or in Biden's case a functional braincell) away from the Presidency.
:lol::lol: ridiculous!!!
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Quid Pro Quo Joe isn't in control of his own bowels .....

Not to mention any political stance.
She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Here we go again trying to blame the President of the United States for a communist Chinese virus. It's the liberals new race card when losing an argument.
A third grader could and would have been better at handling it.... than Trump.

Admit it!!! :D
Here we go with another attempt to hijack a thread with Corona virus lie. The thread is about Biden's cowardice in not condemning a racist terrorist group.
The criminals doing the looting and fires have been condemned...They should and are being arrested.

The black lives matter peaceful protesters, have not been condemned, because those millions of marchers across the nation, did no wrong.

Surely you can understand that trying to blame the whole groups of BLM peaceful protesters, for actions of the rioters and thugs hijacking their movement, is not right.
Bullshit.... no condemnation of the rioters has ever been put forth by the demorats! The "peaceful BLM protesters" have not condemned the rioters so they are just as guilty
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She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Here we go again trying to blame the President of the United States for a communist Chinese virus. It's the liberals new race card when losing an argument.
A third grader could and would have been better at handling it.... than Trump.

Admit it!!! :D
Here we go with another attempt to hijack a thread with Corona virus lie. The thread is about Biden's cowardice in not condemning a racist terrorist group.
The criminals doing the looting and fires have been condemned...They should and are being arrested.

The black lives matter peaceful protesters, have not been condemned, because those millions of marchers across the nation, did no wrong.

Surely you can understand that trying to blame the whole groups of BLM peaceful protesters, for actions of the rioters and thugs hijacking their movement, is not right.
Bullshit.... no condemnation of the rioters has ever been put forth by the demorats! The "peaceful BLM protesters" have not condemned the rioters so they are just as guilty
View attachment 378133
If you stay in your bubble, then you know nothing other than what your media bubble, tells you.... venture out, some time... get a breath, of fresh air!

More links to come....

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He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
Amen. Biden blows with the wind. He'll straddle every fence and only do what his party approves of. He has no executive ability whatsoever. He'll never cut it. Viva Trump. MAGA
She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.

Naw, Mormon Bob, incompetent is letting 178,000 people die on your watch because you threw out the last guy's Pandemic Response Plan and disbanded his Pandemic Response team.

Corrupt is getting impeached by using federal funds to try to get a foreign government to dirty up your opponent.
Here we go again trying to blame the President of the United States for a communist Chinese virus. It's the liberals new race card when losing an argument.
A third grader could and would have been better at handling it.... than Trump.

Admit it!!! :D
Here we go with another attempt to hijack a thread with Corona virus lie. The thread is about Biden's cowardice in not condemning a racist terrorist group.
The criminals doing the looting and fires have been condemned...They should and are being arrested.

The black lives matter peaceful protesters, have not been condemned, because those millions of marchers across the nation, did no wrong.

Surely you can understand that trying to blame the whole groups of BLM peaceful protesters, for actions of the rioters and thugs hijacking their movement, is not right.
Bullshit.... no condemnation of the rioters has ever been put forth by the demorats! The "peaceful BLM protesters" have not condemned the rioters so they are just as guilty
View attachment 378133
If you stay in your bubble, then you know nothing other than what your media bubble, tells you.... venture out, some time... get a breath, of fresh air!

More links to come....

Sorry I do not read Black Lies Matter propaganda
"He has no courage or leadership ability. Biden picked a "woman of color" because he was pressured to do so. He did not have the backbone to pick the "best" candidate for the position."

Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.

Maybe you can explain why you're party didnt nominate a women of color,Harris, to run for president and picked an old rich white guy instead?

We'll wait for your answer.

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