Why Doesn't Biden Condemn BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group? Because he has no Courage.

1. Having "dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife" does not contradict what I said that she was dating a married man. As Bob Blaylock correctly posted >> "“Separated” is still married." No one knows the personal details of Brown's separation, and I haven't seen words posted from Blanche, Brown's wife in 1994/95, when he was dating Kamala Harris.

Trump was seeing Marla Maples when he was still married to Ivanka, he was seeing Melania when he was still married to Marla, and he was doing Stormy Daniels when Melania was home with the new baby. You really don't have a lot of business criticizing Willie Brown here.

2. Having been a "prosecutor BEFORE she ever met him", doesn't have a thing to do with what i posted relating to the things she was able to do AFTER she met him. Simply irrelevant.

She was appointed to a couple of boards. After she was done with those boards, she went back to being a prosecutor, and then ran for DA herself. Sounds like she's accomplished most of that on her own.

3. Your statement that "She dated him for 1 year, when he was a State senator, and they broke up BEFORE Willie Brown became Mayor Brown" adds credence to my posting that Brown had political power which Harris was able to benefit from, (and did).

Or that she had talent the people of california benefited from. The fact that she did a pretty good job on these commissions tells me that it was good call. He recognized talent when he saw it.

4. Yes, they voted for her, and in that election, her campaign was aided by Willie Brown, with the maximum donation allowed by law given to her by Willie Brown, + a Brown consultant working on her behalf with fundraising which raised $400,000, way more than her 2 rivals Hallinan and Fazio.

That's how politics works, buddy.

In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed Harris to two political positions. The first was a six-month appointment to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board; the second was a role on the Medical Assistance Commission, a body tasked with negotiating contracts to control Medi-Cal costs. At the time, Brown had a reputation for filling many openings with his personal associates and inner circle.

These are hardly prestigious positions, they actually sound like a lot of work, which again, she did well.

But you guys keep up with the misogyny and racism, it's going to do you well.
1. Having "dated Willie Brown, 13 years after he separated from his wife" does not contradict what I said that she was dating a married man. As Bob Blaylock correctly posted >> "“Separated” is still married." No one knows the personal details of Brown's separation, and I haven't seen words posted from Blanche, Brown's wife in 1994/95, when he was dating Kamala Harris.

In fact, as far as I am able to determine, it seems that Willie Brown is still married to the same woman to whom he was married since well before Kamala Harris was even born; he was married to her while he was having an adulterous affair with Kamala Harris; and he is married to her to this day.
And, as usual, one of those on this forum who is most fond of falsely accusing others of racism just cannot help demonstrating himself to be a far worse racist than he is accusing others of being.

Buddy, most black people would call that Uncle Tom an Uncle Tom.

When these guys get in front of black audiences and try to sell this crap, I'll be impressed.
In fact, as far as I am able to determine, it seems that Willie Brown is still married to the same woman to whom he was married since well before Kamala Harris was even born; he was married to her while he was having an adulterous affair with Kamala Harris; and he is married to her to this day.

And so what?

Uh, you support Trump, a guy who cheated on all three of his wives... Suddenly becoming incensed about a marriage that ended decades ago in all but name seems a tad hypocritical.
Buddy, most black people would call that Uncle Tom an Uncle Tom.

No, only those who believe that a black person, because of his race, is obligated to behave a certain way, and support certain positions, would use that hateful term toward a black person who behaves and supports differently. In other words, a racist.

See also: “Acting white”, “Oreo”
No, only those who believe that a black person, because of his race, is obligated to behave a certain way, and support certain positions, would use that hateful term toward a black person who behaves and supports differently. In other words, a @racist.

See also: “Acting white”, “Oreo”

There's also Steppenfetchit, Uncle Remus, etc.

The reality- even when I voted Republican, I found black conservatives kind of off putting, like they were trying to get on my good side. (Helpful Hint, I don't have a good side.)

The problem with the Uncle Toms is they want to think they are "better" than those other blacks... that's what makes them kind of pathetic. Like this guy.

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Harris was AG of the second largest justice department in America and was serving in the U.S senate. She is qualified. More qualified than the current president. You racists didn't consider qualifications when trump picked a man because he was white and evangelical. You racists here assume being white gives means a person is inherently qualified while people of color must prove they are. That's racist.

She has proven herself to be incompetent and corrupt, and would be no less so even if she wasn't fraudulently claiming to be black.
Except she is black. And she hasn't proven herself to be anything you said.
And so what?

Uh, you support Trump, a guy who cheated on all three of his wives... Suddenly becoming incensed about a marriage that ended decades ago in all but name seems a tad hypocritical.

I'm not going to defend Trump's behavior in this area. I'll come out and admit that Trump has engaged in behavior that I consider morally-repugnant, and for all else that he has done well, I do very much wish he had much better moral character than he does

And Willie Brown's marriage did not end decades ago. It is, in fact, still in force, and he still has the same legal and moral obligations that any married man has. His violation of his marriage is no more defensible than Mr. Trump's violations of his marriages.

What makes Willie Brown's immoral behavior relevant at all is that of not for it, Kamala Harris would have no political career; she'd just be some obscure, mediocre ambulance chaser of whom few of us would have ever heard. Only by pursuing an immoral, adulterous sexual affair with a married man who was already in a position of political power, was she able to get anywhere politically herself. She got where she is, not through any ability of her own, by but sucking Brown's Willie. And in every political position she's held, she has consistently demonstrated a profound lack of competence or integrity, a profound unsuitability for that position. And you Democraps want to put her a very unreliable heartbeat away from this nation's highest political office. This is truly insane, and truly a powerful reflection of how degraded and degenerate the Democrapic party has become. Not only has she been chosen for this position, based not in the least on any qualifications or ability on her part, but on her sex and fraudulently-claimed race; but she has been chosen, with this choice being made by those who know damn well how unqualified and unsuitable she is for the position.
If you see some dual citizens or wegroz breaking into a business. Drop them on the spot, go home and bake a pizza. Use a shotgun. No ballistics.
No, only those who believe that a black person, because of his race, is obligated to behave a certain way, and support certain positions, would use that hateful term toward a black person who behaves and supports differently. In other words, a @racist.

See also: “Acting white”, “Oreo”

Wrong. And whites like you need to shut the fuck up. You guys do the same thing. You bash liberal whites and call whites who refuse to be racists all kinds of names. Scum like you only defend blacks that say what you believe about blacks. We call them toms because they are helping keep racism against us alive by their repetition of the beliefs of white racists.

There are black republicans who don't do that. But when they do, they get done like Colin Powell.
They were divorced.

Really? All the information that I can find has it that although they “separated” in the 1980s, they are still, to this day, married.

Except she is black.

Anyone can clearly see that she is not. There are some Caucasians that can, and have successfully passed as black. Shaun King and Rachel Dolezal come immediately to mind.

Even if she tried, Kamala Harris could not pass for black. She looks very definitely, unequivocally Caucasian. More so than other races of humanity, the black race has some very distinctive visual traits, which Kamala Harris clearly does not have.
I'm not going to defend Trump's behavior in this area. I'll come out and admit that Trump has engaged in behavior that I consider morally-repugnant, and for all else that he has done well, I do very much wish he had much better moral character than he does

But as long as he rolls back abortion rights and gay rights, you are totally okay with it. That's the point, Bob.

And Willie Brown's marriage did not end decades ago. It is, in fact, still in force, and he still has the same legal and moral obligations that any married man has. His violation of his marriage is no more defensible than Mr. Trump's violations of his marriages.

They haven't been husband and wife for 39 years, buddy. There is a major difference, in that the women Trump cheated on were still involved with him when he saw other women.

What makes Willie Brown's immoral behavior relevant at all is that of not for it, Kamala Harris would have no political career; she'd just be some obscure, mediocre ambulance chaser of whom few of us would have ever heard.

Not really. She was already a prosecutor in the SF DA office.... She ran for the position in her own right and won long after she and Brown parted ways. Now, I realize, belonging to a misogynist cult, that you think women shouldn't have sex lives they enjoy or pursue careers... but that's kind of on you.

And in every political position she's held, she has consistently demonstrated a profound lack of competence or integrity, a profound unsuitability for that position.

Again, hearing a Trump supporter whine about "Competence" is almost as hilarious as you whining about "Marital Fidelity".

And you Democraps want to put her a very unreliable heartbeat away from this nation's highest political office. This is truly insane, and truly a powerful reflection of how degraded and degenerate the Democrapic party has become.

Okay- Once again, your side nominated Sarah Palin, and she was quite possibly retarded. You put Dan Quayle one heartbeat away, as well as Spiro Agnew.

Naw, man, Degenerate is putting a racist, misogynistic, corrupt game show host in the White House, when you had 10 guys who were qualified to choose from.
what happened to the OP and the lack of discussion on the rampant crime and murder right now being enacted by the BLM thugs?------people dead in my neighborhood LAST NITE----over to you, JOE
Wrong. And whites like you need to shut the fuck up.

So, who is going to make me “shut the fuck up”?

I certainly have as much right to speak the truth, as you have to spew the lies and bullshit that you spew.

It's funny, of course, that in hurling false accusations of racism at others, you cannot help but wave your own blatant racism around as if it were a proud banner, and yet paradoxically believe that nobody else sees it. In attacking my point, you're only succeeding in proving it.

I think this much is clear: I absolutely do not believe that anyone's right to hold and express whatever belief he will is in any way tied to the color of his skin. You, very clearly think and say otherwise, and condemn me as a “racist” for disagreeing.

I think any sane person can clearly see which of the two of us is a racist, and which of us is not.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
He is too busy bailing them out of jail.
He will condemn "violence" in a generic sense, but doesn't have the testicles to precisely call out BLM by name. Cowardice. Arizona State Representative is a man of integrity.
because BEIJING joe sponsers this type of behavior

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