Why doesn’t the GOP just replace the SC nominee for with someone just as conservative?

I will never be accused of rape. I was not raised poorly like Kavanaugh was. In my household, no meant no.

Here's the problem. That doesn't matter. If any woman anywhere accuses you, you are Guilty Until Proven Innocent according to the New Rules you support.
She would need to pass a polygraph, be vetted for months, and find people in my life that say it’s in line with my behavior at the time they claim it happened. None of those will ever happen.
Then why in your mind is kavanaugh guilty when none of what you says needs to happen has happened?
Those things did happen. That’s why I wrote so specifically.
No they haven't. Again you lie like a rug.
I’m not going to hold your hand through this. If you want to remain ignorant, fine.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.

Because anyone else he nominates will get the same treatment.

Because this whole thing is a setup, a political shaft job.
Here's the problem. That doesn't matter. If any woman anywhere accuses you, you are Guilty Until Proven Innocent according to the New Rules you support.
She would need to pass a polygraph, be vetted for months, and find people in my life that say it’s in line with my behavior at the time they claim it happened. None of those will ever happen.
Then why in your mind is kavanaugh guilty when none of what you says needs to happen has happened?
Those things did happen. That’s why I wrote so specifically.
No they haven't. Again you lie like a rug.
I’m not going to hold your hand through this. If you want to remain ignorant, fine.
That's rich coming from a lying scumbag like you. Every post you have had on this subject has been proven misleading, incorrect and simply ignorant. You live in a self obsessed world of delusion. You think just because you post something people will believe it. None one on here is as dumb and full of shit as you.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
For one, because then they would have to start the whole process of nominating/confirming all over again and they want someone to take Kennedy’s seat before the election. For another, there’s no proof corroborating the accusations levied against Kavanaugh.

Plus Kennedy retired at the end of the last SC session, giving them time to nominate and approve another SC justice before the start of the new session.

Has this never been done before?
Kavanaugh is about as close to a kennedy as anyone. When the Rs keep the senate, they should nominate the most conservative justice and confirm him if kavanaugh isn't confirmed. Frankly, if the Rs are this spineless and letting the dems thump them on the head at every turn, they deserve to be smashed in the election.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.

Because anyone else he nominates will get the same treatment.

Because this whole thing is a setup, a political shaft job.
Drumpf has nominated other people and none were accused of being a rapist.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.

Because anyone else he nominates will get the same treatment.

Because this whole thing is a setup, a political shaft job.
Drumpf has nominated other people and none were accused of being a rapist.
Whats your point?
She would need to pass a polygraph, be vetted for months, and find people in my life that say it’s in line with my behavior at the time they claim it happened. None of those will ever happen.
Then why in your mind is kavanaugh guilty when none of what you says needs to happen has happened?
Those things did happen. That’s why I wrote so specifically.
No they haven't. Again you lie like a rug.
I’m not going to hold your hand through this. If you want to remain ignorant, fine.
That's rich coming from a lying scumbag like you. Every post you have had on this subject has been proven misleading, incorrect and simply ignorant. You live in a self obsessed world of delusion. You think just because you post something people will believe it. None one on here is as dumb and full of shit as you.
Fine. You can begin your path out of crippling ignorance by googling “Dr. Ford” and “polygraph.” If you’re one of the retards boycotting google then you can use DuckDuckGo
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.

Because anyone else he nominates will get the same treatment.

Because this whole thing is a setup, a political shaft job.
Drumpf has nominated other people and none were accused of being a rapist.

The Progressive left has decided the SC is the hill to die on.

and he isn't accused of being a rapist.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
If they withdraw the nomination before allowing Kavanaugh a chance to defend himself from political smear attacks, who is going to accept a nomination in the future knowing they will be falsely attacked by mentally unstable democrats?
Justice Thomas survived the vetting, even though he should not have....

the same thing 30 years later, is probably going to happen to Kavanaugh.... only even worse for Dr. Ford, no investigation by the FBI investigators trained for this, no witnesses allowed at the hearing...

believe the man, shun the hysterical, confused, mistaken, woman whore.... :thup:

we got it....

nothing has changed among the Republicans in congress. :rolleyes:
When Clarence Thomas was accused of sexual harassment during his nomination process, President Bush assigned the FBI to investigate his nominee in a matter of days. He did not hesitate.
it turns out, the Republicans were made aware of the 2nd accuser of the lewd actions that came out in the New Yorker yesterday, knew this last week....

instead of calling for an investigation by the FBI, the crooked Republicans decided to rush though to a vote, before these 2nd allegations came out....

that's why they were pushing for Dr.Ford to testify immediately without giving her the courtesy, and time she needed to prepare...

and why there is no FBI interviews being done.
Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, let's start the investigation(s) today.

Maybe YOU can tell us: start the investigation WHERE? HOW? Exactly WHAT has Ford given anyone to tell an investigator where to start? What magic is it people like you think investigators have to make something out of this farrago of vague shadows she's offered?
Do you think the FBI always has everything laid out for them nice and neat when they get started? Did they know the who/what/when/where/why of the Russian interference in our election the day they began?
They can figure it out and if it is NOT POSSIBLE for them to come up with anything one way or the other, that is also important to know for the record. It is not up to you to prejudge based on what we've read in the newspaper.

"Laid out nice and neat"? All I suggested is that they need some sort of lead to investigate. Now if you're done building me straw men about what they DON'T need, perhaps you could stop dodging the question and answer it. Do not give me "They can figure something out". That's exactly what I just got done saying: you think there's some mysterious magic that the FBI has that ordinary people cannot imagine. Possibly little fairies flit by and bring them notes full of sparkly dust, or they consult the Oracle of Delphi.

The truth is, they do what cops and private investigators everywhere do: they take the victim's statement, and then they follow up on the information provided. And if no information is provided, they say, "I'm sorry, there's nothing to go on here." FBI agents are just humans; they're not Time Cops, hopping in their time machine to go back and follow Brett Kavanaugh around 1982 to find out where he went and what he did.
I'd prefer they be the ones to determine that, Cecilie, instead of you.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.

If the Democrats are allowed to 'Herman Cain' Kavanaugh, if the GOP pull Kavanaugh, the Democrats confirm this tactic works, and the GOP will never get a Conservative judge appointed to the USSC again, despite having a majority House, Senate, and WH.

This is not just about KAVANAUGH....wake up.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
Buckle to the anti American leftists then it will set a precedent and not a good one. If he is voted down then fine....the voters will see that and replace those 2 pieces of shit and Trump can nominate an even more right candidate.
it turns out, the Republicans were made aware of the 2nd accuser of the lewd actions that came out in the New Yorker yesterday, knew this last week....

instead of calling for an investigation by the FBI, the crooked Republicans decided to rush though to a vote, before these 2nd allegations came out....

that's why they were pushing for Dr.Ford to testify immediately without giving her the courtesy, and time she needed to prepare...

and why there is no FBI interviews being done.
Well, now that the cat's out of the bag, let's start the investigation(s) today.

Maybe YOU can tell us: start the investigation WHERE? HOW? Exactly WHAT has Ford given anyone to tell an investigator where to start? What magic is it people like you think investigators have to make something out of this farrago of vague shadows she's offered?
Do you think the FBI always has everything laid out for them nice and neat when they get started? Did they know the who/what/when/where/why of the Russian interference in our election the day they began?
They can figure it out and if it is NOT POSSIBLE for them to come up with anything one way or the other, that is also important to know for the record. It is not up to you to prejudge based on what we've read in the newspaper.

"Laid out nice and neat"? All I suggested is that they need some sort of lead to investigate. Now if you're done building me straw men about what they DON'T need, perhaps you could stop dodging the question and answer it. Do not give me "They can figure something out". That's exactly what I just got done saying: you think there's some mysterious magic that the FBI has that ordinary people cannot imagine. Possibly little fairies flit by and bring them notes full of sparkly dust, or they consult the Oracle of Delphi.

The truth is, they do what cops and private investigators everywhere do: they take the victim's statement, and then they follow up on the information provided. And if no information is provided, they say, "I'm sorry, there's nothing to go on here." FBI agents are just humans; they're not Time Cops, hopping in their time machine to go back and follow Brett Kavanaugh around 1982 to find out where he went and what he did.
I'd prefer they be the ones to determine that, Cecilie, instead of you.

I just heard, "I hate that you're correct, and I'm too dishonest to admit it."

The FBI already HAS made that determination. Did someone forget to tell you?
Then why in your mind is kavanaugh guilty when none of what you says needs to happen has happened?
Those things did happen. That’s why I wrote so specifically.
No they haven't. Again you lie like a rug.
I’m not going to hold your hand through this. If you want to remain ignorant, fine.
That's rich coming from a lying scumbag like you. Every post you have had on this subject has been proven misleading, incorrect and simply ignorant. You live in a self obsessed world of delusion. You think just because you post something people will believe it. None one on here is as dumb and full of shit as you.
Fine. You can begin your path out of crippling ignorance by googling “Dr. Ford” and “polygraph.” If you’re one of the retards boycotting google then you can use DuckDuckGo
Ill give you that. You were right on one thing. You must be proud.
This is how batshit crazy the GOP is. They would rather “own the libs” than stick to any kind of moral principle and just replace him with some other right wing nut job.

I’m all for it though. The two moderate republican female senators will likely vote no when the confirmation comes thus putting the GOP into further turmoil. Yay for that.
If they withdraw the nomination before allowing Kavanaugh a chance to defend himself from political smear attacks, who is going to accept a nomination in the future knowing they will be falsely attacked by mentally unstable democrats?
Justice Thomas survived the vetting, even though he should not have....

the same thing 30 years later, is probably going to happen to Kavanaugh.... only even worse for Dr. Ford, no investigation by the FBI investigators trained for this, no witnesses allowed at the hearing...

believe the man, shun the hysterical, confused, mistaken, woman whore.... :thup:

we got it....

nothing has changed among the Republicans in congress. :rolleyes:
Why should he not have survived. We don't believe ford because she cant produce anything credible.

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