Why doesnt the left talk about the good from their candidates?

Do I? Do you not see me demonizing everyone?
Hillary lies more than any politican that I have paid attention too. Don't give me that "just accept it" bullshit. "just accept it" has fucked up our country enough.
Hillary doesn't lie more than anyone. Maybe the newcomers.

Fiorina levies out-of-date charge on women job losses under Obama

At debate, Ben Carson says he has no connection to Mannatech

Donald Trump didn't realize his own website called Marco Rubio 'Mark Zuckerberg's personal senator'
Hildabeast has lied to the family's of 4 dead citizens to this day, what a peach??
Bush lied to over 3000 dead men's families. Republicans are still lying to those families.

Soldier Speaks Up A Decade After Pat Tillman's Friendly-Fire Death
I think your confused, Muslims killed those 3000, and bush is and was a progressive... Get your story strait.
See how fucking fucked up and distorted a right wingers perception is? If Bush was a progressive, my dicks a chocolate bar and you are a fatty who loves chocolate. LOL.

Bush was a progressive. LOL. Maybe in Libertarian Land he was.
Do you even know what a progressive is??
Here's a little hint: come closer..... They always spend more than they have, and it's always someone else's money.

They really hate it when other people's money runs out, then they just pay debt with more debt and call it good economics... Too bad for them, the joke is on them.

Sorry I had to break it to ya...
How is asking how the Democrats expect to pay for all the free shit they're offering idiocy?

And no, he didn't answer.

Paying for free college and free healthcare is easy

Raise wages that will result in increased tax revenue and increased buying power in local communities. Businesses will make more money which will compensate for paying more in wages

A rising economic tide will raise all boats

Raising wages will raise prices and not do a damn thing to improve the economy.

As a matter of fact it will do more harm to those that you seem to think it will help.
All wage increases pay for themselves

If that were true you would see wages rising across the board all the damn time.
Of course it's true...

1 You take the wage increase.
2 Run it through a Dynamic Scoring Machine
3. The Dynamic Scoring will show that the wage increase will pay for itself through increased prosperity for all Americans
4 Increased prosperity and wages yield higher tax income
5. Higher tax income is used to provide free college and healthcare
In the land of oz... Maybe
Paying for free college and free healthcare is easy

Raise wages that will result in increased tax revenue and increased buying power in local communities. Businesses will make more money which will compensate for paying more in wages

A rising economic tide will raise all boats

Raising wages will raise prices and not do a damn thing to improve the economy.

As a matter of fact it will do more harm to those that you seem to think it will help.
All wage increases pay for themselves

If that were true you would see wages rising across the board all the damn time.
Of course it's true...

1 You take the wage increase.
2 Run it through a Dynamic Scoring Machine
3. The Dynamic Scoring will show that the wage increase will pay for itself through increased prosperity for all Americans
4 Increased prosperity and wages yield higher tax income
5. Higher tax income is used to provide free college and healthcare
In the land of oz... Maybe

You obviously have no concept of the economics of Dynamic Scoring
Raising wages will raise prices and not do a damn thing to improve the economy.

As a matter of fact it will do more harm to those that you seem to think it will help.
All wage increases pay for themselves

If that were true you would see wages rising across the board all the damn time.
Of course it's true...

1 You take the wage increase.
2 Run it through a Dynamic Scoring Machine
3. The Dynamic Scoring will show that the wage increase will pay for itself through increased prosperity for all Americans
4 Increased prosperity and wages yield higher tax income
5. Higher tax income is used to provide free college and healthcare
In the land of oz... Maybe

You obviously have no concept of the economics of Dynamic Scoring
It's really easy... It's in the red or in the black.

If In the red it's already failed...
Why not just earn money for healthcare and pay for schooling, much easier that way.

No debt needed that way...
All wage increases pay for themselves

If that were true you would see wages rising across the board all the damn time.
Of course it's true...

1 You take the wage increase.
2 Run it through a Dynamic Scoring Machine
3. The Dynamic Scoring will show that the wage increase will pay for itself through increased prosperity for all Americans
4 Increased prosperity and wages yield higher tax income
5. Higher tax income is used to provide free college and healthcare
In the land of oz... Maybe

You obviously have no concept of the economics of Dynamic Scoring
It's really easy... It's in the red or in the black.

If In the red it's already failed...
Why bother with that shit if you got....Dynamic Scoring
If that were true you would see wages rising across the board all the damn time.
Of course it's true...

1 You take the wage increase.
2 Run it through a Dynamic Scoring Machine
3. The Dynamic Scoring will show that the wage increase will pay for itself through increased prosperity for all Americans
4 Increased prosperity and wages yield higher tax income
5. Higher tax income is used to provide free college and healthcare
In the land of oz... Maybe

You obviously have no concept of the economics of Dynamic Scoring
It's really easy... It's in the red or in the black.

If In the red it's already failed...
Why bother with that shit if you got....Dynamic Scoring
Dynamic scoring = a guess, most likey a wrong one.
Democrats offer solutions

Repubs/cons offer hate & fear

We like watching Repubs "step in it" like they did during the last Repub Primaries

What can I say, people like watching train wrecks :dunno:
Last edited:
Democrats want to maintain our nation and invest in it. That is a plus for the democratic candidates. Republicans just bitch and want to cut everything.
Democrats want to maintain our nation and invest in it. That is a plus for the democratic candidates. Republicans just bitch and want to cut everything.
There is nothing too invest... The country is broke.
They own the DNC too so good luck not voting in a corporate sellout. Bernie would be good but can a socialist win? So we gotta go with Hillary.

Name a GOP candidate I'll show you where they have been caught in a lie. Stop holding Democrats up to a higher standard than you do Republicans.

Do I? Do you not see me demonizing everyone?
Hillary lies more than any politican that I have paid attention too. Don't give me that "just accept it" bullshit. "just accept it" has fucked up our country enough.
Hillary doesn't lie more than anyone. Maybe the newcomers.

Fiorina levies out-of-date charge on women job losses under Obama

At debate, Ben Carson says he has no connection to Mannatech

Donald Trump didn't realize his own website called Marco Rubio 'Mark Zuckerberg's personal senator'
Hildabeast has lied to the family's of 4 dead citizens to this day, what a peach??
Bush lied to over 3000 dead men's families. Republicans are still lying to those families.

Soldier Speaks Up A Decade After Pat Tillman's Friendly-Fire Death
I think your confused, Muslims killed those 3000, and bush is and was a progressive... Get your story strait.
Tax cuts for the right, deficits, not knowing anything of value, destabilizing the Middle East and that makes Bush a progressive????


I get it.

Democrats want to maintain our nation and invest in it. That is a plus for the democratic candidates. Republicans just bitch and want to cut everything.
There is nothing too invest... The country is broke.
If we can rebuild the military and fund wars then it isn't broke. We just need to stop following Republican's disastrous policies.
You don't rebuild wealth by letting your infrastructure fall into rivers and your children to be stupid. These two things are the difference between a first and third world country.

Loserterians like the one above wants us to be a third world country.

Also, please stop sending us to war against half the fucking world if we're so fucking broke.
Democrats want to maintain our nation and invest in it. That is a plus for the democratic candidates. Republicans just bitch and want to cut everything.
There is nothing too invest... The country is broke.
If we can rebuild the military and fund wars then it isn't broke. We just need to stop following Republican's disastrous policies.
Na, just quite spending more than we have... Although it's too late to do anything about it now.

The point of no return has come and passed a long time ago...
You don't rebuild wealth by letting your infrastructure fall into rivers and your children to be stupid. These two things are the difference between a first and third world country.

Loserterians like the one above wants us to be a third world country.

Also, please stop sending us to war against half the fucking world if we're so fucking broke.
Entitlements broke the country long ago...

Embrace the suck
Democrats offer solutions

Repubs/cons offer hate & fear

We like watching Repubs "step in it" like they did during the last Repub Primaries

What can I say, people like watching train wrecks :dunno:
Same way or reason I like watching fox and listening to rush

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