Why doesnt the left talk about the good from their candidates?

Of course it's true...

1 You take the wage increase.
2 Run it through a Dynamic Scoring Machine
3. The Dynamic Scoring will show that the wage increase will pay for itself through increased prosperity for all Americans
4 Increased prosperity and wages yield higher tax income
5. Higher tax income is used to provide free college and healthcare
In the land of oz... Maybe

You obviously have no concept of the economics of Dynamic Scoring
It's really easy... It's in the red or in the black.

If In the red it's already failed...
Why bother with that shit if you got....Dynamic Scoring
Dynamic scoring = a guess, most likey a wrong one.

Dynamic scoring is cool stuff

Republicans can reduce the tax rate on the super wealthy from 39 to 15 percent and make up the $1.5 trillion in last revenue through dynamic scoring

If Republicans can wipe out $1.5 trillion, I guess I can use Dynamic Scoring to pay for free college and healthcare
In the land of oz... Maybe

You obviously have no concept of the economics of Dynamic Scoring
It's really easy... It's in the red or in the black.

If In the red it's already failed...
Why bother with that shit if you got....Dynamic Scoring
Dynamic scoring = a guess, most likey a wrong one.

Dynamic scoring is cool stuff

Republicans can reduce the tax rate on the super wealthy from 39 to 15 percent and make up the $1.5 trillion in last revenue through dynamic scoring

If Republicans can wipe out $1.5 trillion, I guess I can use Dynamic Scoring to pay for free college and healthcare
Still, its just a guess...
How is asking how the Democrats expect to pay for all the free shit they're offering idiocy?

And no, he didn't answer.

Paying for free college and free healthcare is easy

Raise wages that will result in increased tax revenue and increased buying power in local communities. Businesses will make more money which will compensate for paying more in wages

A rising economic tide will raise all boats

Raising wages will raise prices and not do a damn thing to improve the economy.

As a matter of fact it will do more harm to those that you seem to think it will help.
All wage increases pay for themselves

Are you saying someone that now makes $7.50/hour having their wage doubled to $15/hour is going to provide twice the output? Many of them in low skilled jobs don't put forth enough output to warrant $7.25. They get it because they have to be paid that much.
What is the matter with conservatives and simple economics?

I use something I call "dynamic scoring" which shows that whatever you raise wages they will pay for themselves through increased prosperity for all.

Are you claiming dynamic scoring will double my prosperity is someone low skilled person is handed a wage they aren't worth? Unless you can PROVE it not just show some concept claiming it will, the only one having their prosperity raised is the one being handed double their wage.
In the land of oz... Maybe

You obviously have no concept of the economics of Dynamic Scoring
It's really easy... It's in the red or in the black.

If In the red it's already failed...
Why bother with that shit if you got....Dynamic Scoring
Dynamic scoring = a guess, most likey a wrong one.

Dynamic scoring is cool stuff

Republicans can reduce the tax rate on the super wealthy from 39 to 15 percent and make up the $1.5 trillion in last revenue through dynamic scoring

If Republicans can wipe out $1.5 trillion, I guess I can use Dynamic Scoring to pay for free college and healthcare

When are you idiots on the left going to understand NOTHING is free. Someone pays.
Look, if you are not a confident, lean, and motivated American, then you are a liberal leftist who think its OK to have a lack of desire to succeed

Liberals do NOT equate to personal accountability. Thus they need big brothers oversight.

In other words, they fail to carry on the daily routine of their lives without 'normal' supervision from big brother

In this case, not everyone wants a free lunch.

How is government providing assistance to those who need help "free stuff"?

Charity was never intended to be a function of government, and taking by force legal gain from one to give to another is theft by any definition.

Taxation is in the Constitution

For purposes enumerated by the Constitution. Robbing Peter to buy Paul's vote is not a constitutionally mandated role of the federal government.
Paying for free college and free healthcare is easy

Raise wages that will result in increased tax revenue and increased buying power in local communities. Businesses will make more money which will compensate for paying more in wages

A rising economic tide will raise all boats

Raising wages will raise prices and not do a damn thing to improve the economy.

As a matter of fact it will do more harm to those that you seem to think it will help.
All wage increases pay for themselves

Are you saying someone that now makes $7.50/hour having their wage doubled to $15/hour is going to provide twice the output? Many of them in low skilled jobs don't put forth enough output to warrant $7.25. They get it because they have to be paid that much.
What is the matter with conservatives and simple economics?

I use something I call "dynamic scoring" which shows that whatever you raise wages they will pay for themselves through increased prosperity for all.

Are you claiming dynamic scoring will double my prosperity is someone low skilled person is handed a wage they aren't worth? Unless you can PROVE it not just show some concept claiming it will, the only one having their prosperity raised is the one being handed double their wage.

Simple economics. You pay workers more. Workers use their increased buying power to buy more goods and services. More buying power creates a surging economy and more profit for the business owner. Everyone knows all wage increases pay for themselves ....its called Dynamic Scoring
Look, if you are not a confident, lean, and motivated American, then you are a liberal leftist who think its OK to have a lack of desire to succeed

Liberals do NOT equate to personal accountability. Thus they need big brothers oversight.

In other words, they fail to carry on the daily routine of their lives without 'normal' supervision from big brother

In this case, not everyone wants a free lunch.


Conservatives love to say this kind of crap that holds no water.

Then they whine to the government to make Hollywood do what jeezus would do. Those pesky liberals who make billions of dollars every year.

Add to this the red states are the ones that accept most government money and welfare.
Raising wages will raise prices and not do a damn thing to improve the economy.

As a matter of fact it will do more harm to those that you seem to think it will help.
All wage increases pay for themselves

Are you saying someone that now makes $7.50/hour having their wage doubled to $15/hour is going to provide twice the output? Many of them in low skilled jobs don't put forth enough output to warrant $7.25. They get it because they have to be paid that much.
What is the matter with conservatives and simple economics?

I use something I call "dynamic scoring" which shows that whatever you raise wages they will pay for themselves through increased prosperity for all.

Are you claiming dynamic scoring will double my prosperity is someone low skilled person is handed a wage they aren't worth? Unless you can PROVE it not just show some concept claiming it will, the only one having their prosperity raised is the one being handed double their wage.

Simple economics. You pay workers more. Workers use their increased buying power to buy more goods and services. More buying power creates a surging economy and more profit for the business owner. Everyone knows all wage increases pay for themselves ....its called Dynamic Scoring

If their wages double, does my prosperity? You have no proof of it.
Look, if you are not a confident, lean, and motivated American, then you are a liberal leftist who think its OK to have a lack of desire to succeed

Liberals do NOT equate to personal accountability. Thus they need big brothers oversight.

In other words, they fail to carry on the daily routine of their lives without 'normal' supervision from big brother

In this case, not everyone wants a free lunch.


Conservatives love to say this kind of crap that holds no water.

Then they whine to the government to make Hollywood do what jeezus would do. Those pesky liberals who make billions of dollars every year.

Add to this the red states are the ones that accept most government money and welfare.

In my State, the only blue area, is the poorest by far and collects 3x as much in handouts as any of the other red districts in comparison. That means the blue area is making the red state look bad. How you view it depends on whether you understand proportions. You don't.
All wage increases pay for themselves

Are you saying someone that now makes $7.50/hour having their wage doubled to $15/hour is going to provide twice the output? Many of them in low skilled jobs don't put forth enough output to warrant $7.25. They get it because they have to be paid that much.
What is the matter with conservatives and simple economics?

I use something I call "dynamic scoring" which shows that whatever you raise wages they will pay for themselves through increased prosperity for all.

Are you claiming dynamic scoring will double my prosperity is someone low skilled person is handed a wage they aren't worth? Unless you can PROVE it not just show some concept claiming it will, the only one having their prosperity raised is the one being handed double their wage.

Simple economics. You pay workers more. Workers use their increased buying power to buy more goods and services. More buying power creates a surging economy and more profit for the business owner. Everyone knows all wage increases pay for themselves ....its called Dynamic Scoring

If their wages double, does my prosperity? You have no proof of it.

You are so naive when it comes to the wonders of Dynamic Scoring

Dynamic Scoring can wipe out trillions of dollars in debt from tax cuts, of course it can wipe out a few hundred billion from wage increases

Simple math
Are you saying someone that now makes $7.50/hour having their wage doubled to $15/hour is going to provide twice the output? Many of them in low skilled jobs don't put forth enough output to warrant $7.25. They get it because they have to be paid that much.
What is the matter with conservatives and simple economics?

I use something I call "dynamic scoring" which shows that whatever you raise wages they will pay for themselves through increased prosperity for all.

Are you claiming dynamic scoring will double my prosperity is someone low skilled person is handed a wage they aren't worth? Unless you can PROVE it not just show some concept claiming it will, the only one having their prosperity raised is the one being handed double their wage.

Simple economics. You pay workers more. Workers use their increased buying power to buy more goods and services. More buying power creates a surging economy and more profit for the business owner. Everyone knows all wage increases pay for themselves ....its called Dynamic Scoring

If their wages double, does my prosperity? You have no proof of it.

You are so naive when it comes to the wonders of Dynamic Scoring

Dynamic Scoring can wipe out trillions of dollars in debt from tax cuts, of course it can wipe out a few hundred billion from wage increases

Simple math

Still won't claim it will double my prosperity? That's because it won't. You aren't concerned whether or not those of us on the upper end benefit as long as those on the lower end get something for nothing and provide a vote to those you support.

Does your fuzzy math say anything about those making twice as much doing twice as much? It says nothing about them doing more just being handed more.
What kind of an idiot would pay a fry flipper $15.00 per hour?

What you have is loads of unskilled illegal aliens who have taken starter jobs away from American teenagers and are now demanding that those jobs be recognized as career moves so they can make $31,000 per year flipping a fucking fry basket.

Automation is inevitable.
How is asking how the Democrats expect to pay for all the free shit they're offering idiocy?

And no, he didn't answer.

Paying for free college and free healthcare is easy

Raise wages that will result in increased tax revenue and increased buying power in local communities. Businesses will make more money which will compensate for paying more in wages

A rising economic tide will raise all boats

Raising wages will raise prices and not do a damn thing to improve the economy.

As a matter of fact it will do more harm to those that you seem to think it will help.
All wage increases pay for themselves

If that were true you would see wages rising across the board all the damn time.
Of course it's true...

1 You take the wage increase.
2 Run it through a Dynamic Scoring Machine
3. The Dynamic Scoring will show that the wage increase will pay for itself through increased prosperity for all Americans
4 Increased prosperity and wages yield higher tax income
5. Higher tax income is used to provide free college and healthcare

The main problem with dynamic scoring is it’s extremely difficult to do it with real accuracy. To make a fair estimate with dynamic scoring, you have to make big assumptions about a policy and its relationship to the broader economy. And given countless moving parts in a modern economy, it’s hard to do this without adding bias, ideological or otherwise.
What kind of an idiot would pay a fry flipper $15.00 per hour?

What you have is loads of unskilled illegal aliens who have taken starter jobs away from American teenagers and are now demanding that those jobs be recognized as career moves so they can make $31,000 per year flipping a fucking fry basket.

Automation is inevitable.

What kind of an idiot would allow multi-billionaires to pay only 15% taxes?
Look, if you are not a confident, lean, and motivated American, then you are a liberal leftist who think its OK to have a lack of desire to succeed

Liberals do NOT equate to personal accountability. Thus they need big brothers oversight.

In other words, they fail to carry on the daily routine of their lives without 'normal' supervision from big brother

In this case, not everyone wants a free lunch.


Conservatives love to say this kind of crap that holds no water.

Then they whine to the government to make Hollywood do what jeezus would do. Those pesky liberals who make billions of dollars every year.

Add to this the red states are the ones that accept most government money and welfare.

In my State, the only blue area, is the poorest by far and collects 3x as much in handouts as any of the other red districts in comparison. That means the blue area is making the red state look bad. How you view it depends on whether you understand proportions. You don't.

The ever never-ending pursuit of conservatives, 'I know someone who did this so it destroys everything you said because one instance on a local level is more important than anything else known to man'.

Sorry it isn't. You ignore fact because it hurts your head to face it. Fair enough.
What is the matter with conservatives and simple economics?

I use something I call "dynamic scoring" which shows that whatever you raise wages they will pay for themselves through increased prosperity for all.

Are you claiming dynamic scoring will double my prosperity is someone low skilled person is handed a wage they aren't worth? Unless you can PROVE it not just show some concept claiming it will, the only one having their prosperity raised is the one being handed double their wage.

Simple economics. You pay workers more. Workers use their increased buying power to buy more goods and services. More buying power creates a surging economy and more profit for the business owner. Everyone knows all wage increases pay for themselves ....its called Dynamic Scoring

If their wages double, does my prosperity? You have no proof of it.

You are so naive when it comes to the wonders of Dynamic Scoring

Dynamic Scoring can wipe out trillions of dollars in debt from tax cuts, of course it can wipe out a few hundred billion from wage increases

Simple math

Still won't claim it will double my prosperity? That's because it won't. You aren't concerned whether or not those of us on the upper end benefit as long as those on the lower end get something for nothing and provide a vote to those you support.

Does your fuzzy math say anything about those making twice as much doing twice as much? It says nothing about them doing more just being handed more.

It is simple Dynamic Scoring applied to wage increases

Add $100 billion in increased wages and $100 billion streams into the economy. $100 billion creates an economic surge resulting in increased prosperity for all business owners

All wage increases pay for themselves
[QUOTE="rightwinger, post: 12686699, member: 20321"]What kind of an idiot would allow multi-billionaires to pay only 15% taxes?[/QUOTE]

the idiot kind who support the likes of G. Soros and his billionaire buddies.., is that fact penetrating your thick skull?? :up: ...... :lmao:

oooh, BTW :up_yours:

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