Why Donald Trump Is Surging? It's White Power!

Hillary is choking...literally.

Creator of the Birther Mocement.
Stealing from the elderly/poor
Horrible Health

Americans are seeing at all...and just like in 2008 she's losing it.
Let Steve McGarrett, American Patriot of White European heritage explain. You see, it's a combination of him, Hillary, his message, and us.

Him: Americans are coming to know and appreciate Donald Trump and how good a President he would be. A president of all the people. Hillary considers many/most White men "deplorables." Trump is a natural leader and a natural winner. His great physical health and stamina. How could all that be anything but good for America.

Hillary: Americans are coming to know and see through the lies of Hillary. She's physically and morally unfit for the presidency. America needs a physically strong leader. That's not Hillary.

His Message: Immigration, the borders, jobs, industry, second amendment, NAFTA/TPP, law and order, peace through strength, few wars, even childcare, and so on. All of his stances and plans resonate with the silent majority, White Americans.

Us: White Nationalism and its progeny (the Alt Right) and the internet -- Truth/White Truth -- are spreading -- awakening the White Sleeping Giant. And the Awakened White Giant will vote. Concurrently, political correctness and the mainstream media are both being destroyed -- by Donald Trump and by the White dominated Internet (the new mainstream media).

There's nothing in the declaration of Independence that says "WHITE" our founding docs were written for anyone who desires to think of themselves as, and become Americans. Rules of law yes, White truth? your no better than the Afro- Centrists. People are voting for Trump because Hillary is un-electable. Trump is nothing more than a democrat who is strong on a few conservative issues

See the 1790 Naturalization Act, the very first legislation by the first Congress. Only Whites of European heritage were permitted to become citizens. It should still be that way.

you are kinda disgusting
I dont think Hillary ever had a lead on Trump. we all know most polls have oversampled rats by 10-15%. If Hillary gets more than 35% on the 8th, then we can all be suspicious.
Polling services build their sample to match a certain population. Some polls target likely voters while other polls target registered voters and still other polls will use algorithms that target the most likely voters so the percentages of Democrats, Republicans, and Independents will vary from poll to poll along with race and age. Also, the method used to build a sample may vary with different states as voting patterns vary. To make it a little more confusing a polling serve may change it's sample as the election nears. So the "oversampling" claim is really nonsense.

Sampling only the most likely to vote should be very accurate if the turnout is low but if there is an exceptional large turnout, then a sample of just registered voters may give better results.
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This thread should be a lesson to anyone considering voting for Johnson.
what Kaine did is set up Trump for the fact checkers who will see if Trump did in fact say what Kaine attributed to Trump...that way Trump is slimed twice...Once when Kaine said it and then again when the Fact checkers go "Yes Trump did say that " ...and the demented Albino Pence sat there in denial....
lol, half hour later, not a single RW'er on the board disagrees with you.

You are sick carbin. ----for the record----I am a registered
democrat--------very anti Hillary because Hillary is a liar and a
crook. As DEMOCRAT as I am-----I DO NOT CONSIDER
Trump to be racist in any way and certainly not a white supremacist. -------in fact I consider Hillary ----prone to

Yeah right, a registered Democrat.
I'm a moderate Independent, I don't trust Hillary and never voted for Bill either.
But, Trump is the most unqualified person to ever run for president from one of the major parties. Plus, he is way, way too thin skinned, he is a pathological liar and he's all about himself.
Thusly, I am proudly NOT voting for either major party's presidential candidate. Both parties must have a very low opinion of the voting public based on the candidates they are offering. To me, that is an insult and thinking people should reject their candidates and stop blindly goose-stepping to the GOP and Dems!
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Let Steve McGarrett, American Patriot of White European heritage explain. You see, it's a combination of him, Hillary, his message, and us.

Him: Americans are coming to know and appreciate Donald Trump and how good a President he would be. A president of all the people. Hillary considers many/most White men "deplorables." Trump is a natural leader and a natural winner. His great physical health and stamina. How could all that be anything but good for America.

Hillary: Americans are coming to know and see through the lies of Hillary. She's physically and morally unfit for the presidency. America needs a physically strong leader. That's not Hillary.

His Message: Immigration, the borders, jobs, industry, second amendment, NAFTA/TPP, law and order, peace through strength, few wars, even childcare, and so on. All of his stances and plans resonate with the silent majority, White Americans.

Us: White Nationalism and its progeny (the Alt Right) and the internet -- Truth/White Truth -- are spreading -- awakening the White Sleeping Giant. And the Awakened White Giant will vote. Concurrently, political correctness and the mainstream media are both being destroyed -- by Donald Trump and by the White dominated Internet (the new mainstream media).

If Trump wins, it's going to be because Blacks and Latinos stepped away from the Democrat reservation, which I believe they will do. Not all black people and latinos are the sensationalized bad examples you see on Youtube.
It's time to grow up and move beyond this Race orientated non-sense and realize people can share the same good
ideals regardless of their race. Granted their minds aren't poisoned first. You make sense about some things but then sometimes I think your the mirrored Image of Asclepias, I think you both must wake up in the morning , look in the mirror and thank god for your skin color every day.
Let Steve McGarrett, American Patriot of White European heritage explain. You see, it's a combination of him, Hillary, his message, and us.

Him: Americans are coming to know and appreciate Donald Trump and how good a President he would be. A president of all the people. Hillary considers many/most White men "deplorables." Trump is a natural leader and a natural winner. His great physical health and stamina. How could all that be anything but good for America.

Hillary: Americans are coming to know and see through the lies of Hillary. She's physically and morally unfit for the presidency. America needs a physically strong leader. That's not Hillary.

His Message: Immigration, the borders, jobs, industry, second amendment, NAFTA/TPP, law and order, peace through strength, few wars, even childcare, and so on. All of his stances and plans resonate with the silent majority, White Americans.

Us: White Nationalism and its progeny (the Alt Right) and the internet -- Truth/White Truth -- are spreading -- awakening the White Sleeping Giant. And the Awakened White Giant will vote. Concurrently, political correctness and the mainstream media are both being destroyed -- by Donald Trump and by the White dominated Internet (the new mainstream media).

Yawn....If Hillary considered white people as deplorable, then why did she marry a white man?? Your little rant is moderately entertaining from a drama standpoint, but it's just that, a rant.

That is as relevant as asking why she was born white.
Let Steve McGarrett, American Patriot of White European heritage explain. You see, it's a combination of him, Hillary, his message, and us.

Him: Americans are coming to know and appreciate Donald Trump and how good a President he would be. A president of all the people. Hillary considers many/most White men "deplorables." Trump is a natural leader and a natural winner. His great physical health and stamina. How could all that be anything but good for America.

Hillary: Americans are coming to know and see through the lies of Hillary. She's physically and morally unfit for the presidency. America needs a physically strong leader. That's not Hillary.

His Message: Immigration, the borders, jobs, industry, second amendment, NAFTA/TPP, law and order, peace through strength, few wars, even childcare, and so on. All of his stances and plans resonate with the silent majority, White Americans.

Us: White Nationalism and its progeny (the Alt Right) and the internet -- Truth/White Truth -- are spreading -- awakening the White Sleeping Giant. And the Awakened White Giant will vote. Concurrently, political correctness and the mainstream media are both being destroyed -- by Donald Trump and by the White dominated Internet (the new mainstream media).

LOL What a complete idiot Stevey MarGarrett is.

RCP Poll Average 48.1 44.2 Clinton +3.9
4-Way RCP Average 43.9 40.1 Clinton +3.8
Favorability Ratings -10.3 -19.6 Clinton +9.3
Live Betting Odds 76.0 24.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 205 165 Clinton +40
No Toss Up States 322 216
Clinton Trump Spread
Wisconsin 43.0 38.0 Clinton +5.0
Minnesota 44.3 40.0 Clinton +4.3
Iowa 37.8 42.8 Trump +5.0
Virginia 44.0 37.0 Clinton +7.0
New Hampshire 42.7 36.7 Clinton +6.0
Maine 40.8 37.0 Clinton +3.8
Arizona 38.2 40.4 Trump +2.2
Electoral Map | No Toss Ups | Senate Map | Latest Polls

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IS AN IDIOT for sure....

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