Why Donald Trump Will Humiliate Hillary Clinton In November

Too much of a coward to debate people who can kick your ass?

I have yet to see one of you actually address what he said.


Let's start here:

"1. Donald Trump has rewritten the book on how to win elections. He is Bobby Fischer to the Democrats Boris Spasky, the GOP General Patton to the Democrats General Rommel. The Democrats STILL dont grasp how this complete political novice won the GOP primary and that 'why' is going to get them slaughtered like stupid swine in the general election."

He's winning a primary.

Christine O'Donnell rewrote the book on how to win a primary.

Where is she now?

Snuffling the forest floors for eye of newt and toe of frog....

Trump appeals mostly to white, working class blue collar men with high school educations who are scared of Mexicans and blacks. And women. And things that go bump in the night. Do you qualify for one or all of the above?

I'm not scared of a god damned thing, and you are an idiot, which is why you did not address my points..
There are many varied reasons, and I will start with the simplest first.

1. Donald Trump has rewritten the book on how to win elections. He is Bobby Fischer to the Democrats Boris Spasky, the GOP General Patton to the Democrats General Rommel. The Democrats STILL dont grasp how this complete political novice won the GOP primary and that 'why' is going to get them slaughtered like stupid swine in the general election.

2. Hillary Clintons negative rating is growing with an increase of about percent each month, while Trumps is declining from a 70% unfavorable in March 30, to a 63% end of April, and they will cross well before the November vote, about a 58% unfavorable for Clinton and a 48% or so for Trump by November.

3. Trump will win Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Michigan, and will challenge Clinton in all the blue states as well, particularly New York and California. Clinton will have to defend her entire base while Trump will practically not have to campaign in most of the off coast West and all the South except Florida, Virginia and North Carolina. He will put these states back in the GOP column because he is not a Free Trade zealot like McCain and Romney and Hillary are. If Hillary gets indicted it will be a landslide.

4. In elections with both parties having contested primaries, with the exception of Bush 41 who was seen as the continuance of Reagan and practically ran as an incumbent and was thus an outlier, the party with the higher increase in primary turnout as a percentage won in the general election. Three elections fit that description (other than 1988, for reasons given) 1980, 2000, and 2008, the party with the highest increase in primary turnout won. Again, the 1988 election did not have significant GOP turnout because Bush 41 ran practically unopposed. The primaries for this year have had a 26% reduction in Democratic turn out and Republicans have seen a 50% increase in voter turnout, and it has been especially strong among open primary states.

The writing on the wall is plain and it says "President Donald Trump".
Bobby Fischer was more consistent.
too bad he is not getting it LOL

I dont think Trump is all too worried about the mental midget demographic you represent.
Yeah, the libtard's understanding of what conservatives believe in does sound pretty fucking retarded.

You're responsible for the exaggerated version of everything every conservative has ever said. You didn't know that?

Of course, even though I am not a conservative by American standards....it's kind of like family.

What one does kind of rubs off on you too.
Do you know what the first thing Hillary Clinton does every morning after waking up?

She shaves her pussy.....then she dresses him and sends him off to work!

There are many varied reasons, and I will start with the simplest first.

1. Donald Trump has rewritten the book on how to win elections. He is Bobby Fischer to the Democrats Boris Spasky, the GOP General Patton to the Democrats General Rommel. The Democrats STILL dont grasp how this complete political novice won the GOP primary and that 'why' is going to get them slaughtered like stupid swine in the general election.

2. Hillary Clintons negative rating is growing with an increase of about percent each month, while Trumps is declining from a 70% unfavorable in March 30, to a 63% end of April, and they will cross well before the November vote, about a 58% unfavorable for Clinton and a 48% or so for Trump by November.

3. Trump will win Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Michigan, and will challenge Clinton in all the blue states as well, particularly New York and California. Clinton will have to defend her entire base while Trump will practically not have to campaign in most of the off coast West and all the South except Florida, Virginia and North Carolina. He will put these states back in the GOP column because he is not a Free Trade zealot like McCain and Romney and Hillary are. If Hillary gets indicted it will be a landslide.

4. In elections with both parties having contested primaries, with the exception of Bush 41 who was seen as the continuance of Reagan and practically ran as an incumbent and was thus an outlier, the party with the higher increase in primary turnout as a percentage won in the general election. Three elections fit that description (other than 1988, for reasons given) 1980, 2000, and 2008, the party with the highest increase in primary turnout won. Again, the 1988 election did not have significant GOP turnout because Bush 41 ran practically unopposed. The primaries for this year have had a 26% reduction in Democratic turn out and Republicans have seen a 50% increase in voter turnout, and it has been especially strong among open primary states.

The writing on the wall is plain and it says "President Donald Trump".
And just where are you guys going to get enough uneducated bitter crackas ? without some minority support your party is toast

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