Why don't Democrats openly endorse socialism?

It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

We already have plenty of socialist policies in place in the U.S., dingus.

And, both Democrats and Republicans love them.
Trump is fixing that....

By promising not to touch Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

How do you personally define socialism?
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.

IOW you have no idea what socialism is. Big surprise.
It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

We already have plenty of socialist policies in place in the U.S., dingus.

And, both Democrats and Republicans love them.
Trump is fixing that....

By promising not to touch Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

We shall overcome.....
It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

How do you personally define socialism?
Socialism to me is the pictures below. No matter who ends up in control of Socialist Government it always ends in disaster.
Cuba Before........Cuba after Socialism
View attachment 114981 View attachment 114982

Name one lefty who supported Cuban form of governing.
Some Democrats already do endorse it.
Yep, and they became much more open with it when Bernie was running.

The question is whether it's traditional socialism or a Euro-social democracy that we're talking about. More of them support the latter.

Bernie is as much a socialist as he is a monkey...unless you think Sweden has a socialist economy of course.
Congratulations, you're correct for a change. Democrats are as much socialists as they are monkeys.

Congratulations you just called Democrats monkeys, while not addressing my actual argument in any shape or form.

Good job idiot.
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism..

Well if it isn't defined then it could be ANYTHING and that way you can keep ranting about it while giving it any meaning you want to.

Neat little arrangement you've constructed in your head - should be text book stuff for nutter derangement 101.
It's always funny when RWnuts rail against socialism, but when you call them out for supporting socialist programs,
they simply deny that those program are socialist.
Who doesn't love socialism?

Venezuela is down to its last $10 billion

Venezuelans loves socialism...but their dirty buttholes and devoured pets do NOT love socialism.


Because their ultimate goal is Maoist style communism. ...... :cool:

Sure, but to get there they first have to go through liberalism, radicalism, socialism and then they can get to communism.
First the liberals have to take away OUR 2nd amendment rights. As long as we have that one, they know we wont allow them to end up Communist or Fascist

View attachment 114976
The picture you posted is so sad... :(
Esther, You being from Vietnam, would know how your country was very much Socialist during the war between the north and south, and how both countries suffered because of the North. Yet today, it looks like Vietnam is moving more towards a Capitalist Society where people can achieve success, and personal satisfaction. Am I wrong?

Four decades after the victory of Communist forces, the soul of this city, still known locally as Saigon, seems firmly planted in the present. For the young and increasingly affluent, Saigon is a city that does not want to look back, loves having fun and perhaps most of all is voraciously capitalistic.
Because their ultimate goal is Maoist style communism. ...... :cool:

Sure, but to get there they first have to go through liberalism, radicalism, socialism and then they can get to communism.
First the liberals have to take away OUR 2nd amendment rights. As long as we have that one, they know we wont allow them to end up Communist or Fascist

View attachment 114976
The picture you posted is so sad... :(
Esther, You being from Vietnam, would know how your country was very much Socialist during the war between the north and south, and how both countries suffered because of the North. Yet today, it looks like Vietnam is moving more towards a Capitalist Society where people can achieve success, and personal satisfaction. Am I wrong?

Four decades after the victory of Communist forces, the soul of this city, still known locally as Saigon, seems firmly planted in the present. For the young and increasingly affluent, Saigon is a city that does not want to look back, loves having fun and perhaps most of all is voraciously capitalistic.
You're right my country is not Socialist anymore. But we have lots of problems here. Find a job is like winning a lottery and when they hire you they can fire you wherever they want :sad:
My grandpas told me 40 years ago just after the war the situation was better for the people.
Lucky for us our politicians don't want to privatize our health care system (at least for now :shock:)
It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

We already have plenty of socialist policies in place in the U.S., dingus.

And, both Democrats and Republicans love them.
Trump is fixing that....

By promising not to touch Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

Why is it the liberals, always say the Republicans want to take away Medicare and Social Security? Because liberals know that people who earned money and were FORCED into paying those "NOT ENTITLEMENTS BUT CONTRIBUTIONS" those liberals stole from those benefits and bought votes by created more welfare programs. Instead of telling the work force that SS and Medicare are going bankrupt, lets see what happens when the government says that WELFARE and MEDICAID is going bankrupt and will not be paid out, what will happen to those liberals.....

Liberals know that it scares the crap out of WORKING people if their investments cant be paid out. Liberals know that people who are on welfare, lose their benefits, don't really give a shit, because they haven't contributed anything to earn those benefits. I hate all fucking worthless liberals...

Socialism is just Commie lite

Less oppressive, but still collectivist...... :cool:
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism..

Well if it isn't defined then it could be ANYTHING and that way you can keep ranting about it and never be wrong.

He's ranting against
Can anyone of you RW'ers even name a socialist program in the US?
Will a democrat fascist one like Obamacare do?

Do you have a grownup version of that post that I could respond to?
It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

Because when you say "Communism" it elicits a knee-jerk reaction from Americans.

People have witnessed the failure of Communism time and time again.

Therefore they have to call it something different in order to have any support whatsoever.

Can anyone of you RW'ers even name a socialist program in the US?

Obamacare, and this monstrosity: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule | HUD USER

Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods
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It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

Because when you say "Communism" it elicits a knee-jerk reaction from Americans.

People have witnessed the failure of Communism time and time again.

Therefore they have to call it something different in order to have any support whatsoever.

So name a socialist program in this country.
It seems to me that Democrats want socialism but are afraid to say they want socialism. Why is that? Is it because they are embarrassed to be socialists? Is it because they can't make an affirmative argument for socialism? Or is it because they know it is wrong to steal other people's money and they don't want to go on record as being thieves?

Can some of you more socially minded fellows explain what your hold up is on socialism?

Because when you say "Communism" it elicits a knee-jerk reaction from Americans.

People have witnessed the failure of Communism time and time again.

Therefore they have to call it something different in order to have any support whatsoever.

So name a socialist program in this country.

Obamacare, and this monstrosity: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule | HUD USER

Obama administration using housing department in effort to diversify neighborhoods
America had socialism as soon as the ink dried on the Constitution, whatever socialism is. In 1935 I guess we even became a communist nation, as Republicans predicted time after time, all America had to do was pass Social Security, and bingo communist.

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