Why don't people understand that this argument is already lost?

Single parenthood is a poverty trap, and liberalism has worsened the problem. The illegitimacy rate among blacks is approaching 80 percent. That's a very uncomfortable fact liberals don't want to face, much less address. Their policies have catastrophically failed the black community.

It's time to face facts, and start putting personal responsibility front and center again.

The black community has been decimated by the over-policing of the black community, and minimum sentencing. Look at the rates of incarceration for black and Hispanic males, versus other demographics. It's no wonder the black community has a problem keeping families together.

Yeah, conservatives really do need to start facing facts about who gets abortions in the US and why, and stop blaming black women, because while blacks do get a higher percentage of abortions than whites, they also are disproportionately poorer than white. And it still doesn't negate the fact that most women getting abortions are married, white and poor.
Please explain how over-policing leads to a surge to an 80 percent illegitimacy birth rate. This should be fun.

Yes, blacks have been over-policed, but were blacks NOT over-policed in the past? I don't think so! It was MUCH worse in the past. Therefore, there is no correlation between "over-policing" and this spike in illegitimacy, and you are just tossing out red herrings.

As for the incarceration rate, it directly correlates to poverty. Solve poverty, you solve a lot of crime.

Liberal policies have created poverty traps.
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How about everyone pay for their own shit, it makes life much easier.

Wouldn't that be great?

However, you can't go from poverty to paying for your own shit in one step. There is a transitional phase which requires external assistance.
Living without sex may be an option for you, but for poor married women, it is not necessarily an option, and the costs of obtaining a birth control prescription, and the tests mandated by law prior to the issuance of the prescription - all mandated by Republican administrations in various states, is specifically designed to discourage young single women with low incomes from obtaining effective birth control.

That's a whole truckload of bullshit. Birth control is given away for free at women's health clinics and at state welfare health clinics.

Birth control is widely and easily available. The problem is that these women are not taking advantage of it. And let's be honest. Most of these women of which you speak are black. If you think it is just too fucking much trouble for these hapless people to make an appointment for free birth control, then you are guilty of the "soft bigotry of low expectations". I have much more confidence in them than that.

What's lacking is any sense of personal responsibility. Many of those women of which you speak have children of several fathers.

Single parenthood is a poverty trap, and liberalism has worsened the problem. The illegitimacy rate among blacks is approaching 80 percent. That's a very uncomfortable fact liberals don't want to face, much less address. Their policies have catastrophically failed the black community. Blacks are in a self-destructive death spiral because of this shit.

It's time to face facts, and start putting personal responsibility front and center again. Stop with this perpetual victim bullshit.
How about everyone pay for their own shit, it makes life much easier.
Not everyone can pay for their own shit. What should happen to them? Should they be allowed to die because they can't afford to live?

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