Why Don't The Democrats Simply Show a Little Backbone -

Democrats didn’t seem to care when Obama was stabbing our allies in the back. I’m finding your faux outrage misplaced now.
Seriously, what are you talking about? Trump is going around talking to our friends like a dick and praising despots to the heavens. I have no doubts you would have shit a brick had Obama done any of these things.
Well he did. Where was your outrage then?
I suppose it's a matter of opinion but in this case it is the opinion of a bunch of foreigners that matters. The world has already passed judgement on Trump and he has been found lacking in the qualities needed as a world leader. Going simply by what world leaders have said recently your man is a horrible failure on the world stage. Obama left office with a level of respect Trump will never know.
That’s not saying much. Many countries lost respect for Obama. Israel and Egypt just being two.
Israel needed to be reminded that they exist entirely because of our commitment to them and that they have no right to drag us into conflict. After much belly aching they stopped trying to start a war with Iran that we would have to fight. They now know that they do not control US middle east policy.

Egypt is a mess but I cannot imagine a republican doing any better. With the way they are fond of issuing ultimatums and threats it is quite possible Egypt would be in far worse shape.

In any case the republican approach to diplomacy is ill-suited for dealing with chaotic situations and quite often makes things worse.

The Middle East found him all blather with no substance and found him responsible for a lot of the “mess”.

“The Middle East unraveling of the past decade is due in no small part to America not listening to her allies in the region. Never mind President Donald Trump’s Muslim-bashing rhetoric, he may just be a better partner.”

Why the Middle East Hated Obama But Loves Trump
Me Billy. Me ANGRY!!

Haha. Yikes. Sorry Billy.

Do I LOOK Angry?

I might point out that it is the chickenshit McConnell that is holding things up just as the asshole has for several years now as he and the rest of the republicans do not know how to govern. All they can do is put out lies like the caravan is coming to kill us all. The republican hate Trump but are scared of his bace. So how about some republicans getting a backbone and try to govern. My god they had all three bodies of power and still could not have the guts to pass legislation except for the tax bullshit they passed to add to the deficit.. Your man trump is doing his best to drive the economy into the ground and it seems to be working. Not in a good way. Besides I might point out that the majority of Americans do not like the trump policies. But It is the leadership of the republican party that s hurting the country the most. Had republican leadership as in Bonerhead would have brought the immigration bill to the floor for a vote we would not be having the problems with our southern border that we have now because of the chickenshit Donald afraid of all those women and children are coming to get him. No it is time for the republicans if they are any left that need to grow a backbone and tell the Donald to shove it where the light doesn't shine and he does most of his speaking. He says he governs by his gut. Sorry Donald but the end result of your gut is down and out as shit then you smell the fumes and think it is a great idea and the way to govern. The rest of us know what that really smells like.
I might point out that it is the chickenshit McConnell that is holding things up just as the asshole has for several years now as he and the rest of the republicans do not know how to govern. All they can do is put out lies like the caravan is coming to kill us all. The republican hate Trump but are scared of his bace. So how about some republicans getting a backbone and try to govern. My god they had all three bodies of power and still could not have the guts to pass legislation except for the tax bullshit they passed to add to the deficit.. Your man trump is doing his best to drive the economy into the ground and it seems to be working. Not in a good way. Besides I might point out that the majority of Americans do not like the trump policies. But It is the leadership of the republican party that s hurting the country the most. Had republican leadership as in Bonerhead would have brought the immigration bill to the floor for a vote we would not be having the problems with our southern border that we have now because of the chickenshit Donald afraid of all those women and children are coming to get him. No it is time for the republicans if they are any left that need to grow a backbone and tell the Donald to shove it where the light doesn't shine and he does most of his speaking. He says he governs by his gut. Sorry Donald but the end result of your gut is down and out as shit then you smell the fumes and think it is a great idea and the way to govern. The rest of us know what that really smells like.

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