Why Don’t They March Against BLACK Supremacy ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The numbers of white supremacists in America, are very low. This is the extremely rare and relatively impotent group that the Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center sends out scare talk messages about, in order to collect donations$$$, from nervous liberals.

SPLC makes themselves a nifty living doing this, and liberals all over America continued to be suckered by these well-organized scammers. So, SPLC has liberals tied up in knots about the almost non-existent white supremacists, who likely number less than .01 % of the population. And practically nobody in America is being affected by this numerically drop-in-the-bucket bunch of white supremacists.

But every white person in America IS being affected (racially discriminated against) by black supremacy, which primarily resides in the practice of Affirmative Action. This affects (harms) 233 million Americans (74% of the population), for their entire lives. And while AA may sound like just one thing, it is actually very many things >> Ex. Job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc, etc. These are all done by race, in clear violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bars racial discrimination.

So, by protesting white supremacy, and ignoring the far larger black supremacy, SPLC, NAACP, et al, and their duped protesters, wear the shame of their hypocrisy. They accept racial supremacy, as long as blacks are the beneficiares, and whites are the victims.

Maybe it’s time for conservatives to get a handle on TV news broadcasting, and then do their own protest marches against black supremacy. These protests could call for the total abolition of race-based AA (currently banned in only 8 states), create a Congressional White Caucus, a White Lives Matter, group, and an NAAWP. It’s time ? Actually, long overdue, for what should have been 50 years ago.
10 days of marching. Who wants to guess most of them drop out ? Hot in August you know.
The numbers of white supremacists in America, are very low. This is the extremely rare and relatively impotent group that the Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center sends out scare talk messages about, in order to collect donations$$$, from nervous liberals.

SPLC makes themselves a nifty living doing this, and liberals all over America continued to be suckered by these well-organized scammers. So, SPLC has liberals tied up in knots about the almost non-existent white supremacists, who likely number less than .01 % of the population. And practically nobody in America is being affected by this numerically drop-in-the-bucket bunch of white supremacists.

But every white person in America IS being affected (racially discriminated against) by black supremacy, which primarily resides in the practice of Affirmative Action. This affects (harms) 233 million Americans (74% of the population), for their entire lives. And while AA may sound like just one thing, it is actually very many things >> Ex. Job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc, etc. These are all done by race, in clear violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bars racial discrimination.

So, by protesting white supremacy, and ignoring the far larger black supremacy, SPLC, NAACP, et al, and their duped protesters, wear the shame of their hypocrisy. They accept racial supremacy, as long as blacks are the beneficiares, and whites are the victims.

Maybe it’s time for conservatives to get a handle on TV news broadcasting, and then do their own protest marches against black supremacy. These protests could call for the total abolition of race-based AA (currently banned in only 8 states), create a Congressional White Caucus, a White Lives Matter, group, and an NAAWP. It’s time ? Actually, long overdue, for what should have been 50 years ago.

Yeah....one little problem with your theory though. The biggest beneficiary of AA through the years has been white women. If white men have lost anything over the years, economically, its been lost to the white women. However, it does not matter because it stays in the same white household.
The numbers of white supremacists in America, are very low. This is the extremely rare and relatively impotent group that the Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center sends out scare talk messages about, in order to collect donations$$$, from nervous liberals.

SPLC makes themselves a nifty living doing this, and liberals all over America continued to be suckered by these well-organized scammers. So, SPLC has liberals tied up in knots about the almost non-existent white supremacists, who likely number less than .01 % of the population. And practically nobody in America is being affected by this numerically drop-in-the-bucket bunch of white supremacists.

But every white person in America IS being affected (racially discriminated against) by black supremacy, which primarily resides in the practice of Affirmative Action. This affects (harms) 233 million Americans (74% of the population), for their entire lives. And while AA may sound like just one thing, it is actually very many things >> Ex. Job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc, etc. These are all done by race, in clear violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bars racial discrimination.

So, by protesting white supremacy, and ignoring the far larger black supremacy, SPLC, NAACP, et al, and their duped protesters, wear the shame of their hypocrisy. They accept racial supremacy, as long as blacks are the beneficiares, and whites are the victims.

Maybe it’s time for conservatives to get a handle on TV news broadcasting, and then do their own protest marches against black supremacy. These protests could call for the total abolition of race-based AA (currently banned in only 8 states), create a Congressional White Caucus, a White Lives Matter, group, and an NAAWP. It’s time ? Actually, long overdue, for what should have been 50 years ago.

Dude. You are "off the rails". SMH.
Yeah....one little problem with your theory though. The biggest beneficiary of AA through the years has been white women. If white men have lost anything over the years, economically, its been lost to the white women. However, it does not matter because it stays in the same white household.
You thought you had something there ? I've been refuting that line (1000 times) for 12 years now.

That's a myth and a ridiculous one. There are many times more white female victims of affirmative action than ones helped by it. The number helped by it is very small. The number harmed by it is enormous. That's because, the white female victims includes not only those who were denied opportunities because they were white (Ex. like 7 white women in my graduate school in 1977), but it also includes the Millions of white wives and daughters of white men who were victimized.
Dude. You are "off the rails". SMH.
Not "the' rails. Just YOUR (denial) rails (and I better be) :biggrin:

You seem to think that hate in America is only a white vs black issue.

The white supremacists that you say are a "drop in the bucket", don't just hate blacks.

They hate Jews, Gays, Muslims, Mexicans and pretty much anyone who does not "look like them".

Which of the estimated 900 white supremacist groups in America do YOU belong to?

You seem to think that hate in America is only a white vs black issue.

The white supremacists that you say are a "drop in the bucket", don't just hate blacks.

They hate Jews, Gays, Muslims, Mexicans and pretty much anyone who does not "look like them".

Which of the estimated 900 white supremacist groups in America do YOU belong to?
1. Why do you ask that ? Are you equating opposition to affirmative action with white supremacy, or are you just part of the overall left movement currently going with that straw man notion ?>> to call anyone who opposes them a "white supremacist"

2. Since you support AA racial discrimination against whites, what is your defense against my charge that you are a BLACK supremacist ? Defend yourself, or agree by default.
You seem to think that hate in America is only a white vs black issue.

The white supremacists that you say are a "drop in the bucket", don't just hate blacks.

They hate Jews, Gays, Muslims, Mexicans and pretty much anyone who does not "look like them".

Which of the estimated 900 white supremacist groups in America do YOU belong to?
1. Why do you ask that ? Are you equating opposition to affirmative action with white supremacy, or are you just part of the overall left movement currently going with that straw man notion ?>> to call anyone who opposes them a "white supremacist"

2. Since you support AA racial discrimination against whites, what is your defense against my charge that you are a BLACK supremacist ? Defend yourself, or agree by default.

There is nothing for me to defend. It is YOU who alleges that EVERY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA is affected by AA. Thst is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE, and is a flat out lie.

And for the record, I am more than happy to see the most rewarded beneficiaries of AA (females) many of them white, enjoying success.

Ive had my career and am retired and can do pretty much what I want to when I want to.

I do not believe that I am better than anyone with race being the determinant.

What about you?

It must suck being a perpetual "victim".
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There is nothing for me to defend. It is YOU who alleges that EVERY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA is affected by AA. Thst is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE, and is a flat out lie.

And for the record, I am more than happy to see the most rewarded beneficiaries of AA (females) many of them white, enjoying success.

Ive had my career and am retired and can do pretty much what I want to when I want to.

I do not believe that I am better than anyone with race being the determinant.

What about you?

It must suck being a perpetual "victim".
1. YES THERE IS> to defend your racist approval of race-based AA discrimination against whites. The largest, racial discrimination, against (by far) the largest number of people, in America (and it's been going on for over 50 years) But you know you CAN'T defend it, because it is racial discrimination - immoral and illegal..

2. Of course "EVERY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA is affected by AA" simply by the existence of AA, and the knowledge that an institution exists that is discriminatory against them. ALL whites are affected just by the idea of this abomination. And your acceptance of it, puts you right underneath a rock.

3. You can quit with the white female line now,. You know I smashed it a few days ago.

4. Yes it DOES suck being a perpetual victim. But people who live under rocks, don't care.
There is nothing for me to defend. It is YOU who alleges that EVERY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA is affected by AA. Thst is mathematically IMPOSSIBLE, and is a flat out lie.

And for the record, I am more than happy to see the most rewarded beneficiaries of AA (females) many of them white, enjoying success.

Ive had my career and am retired and can do pretty much what I want to when I want to.

I do not believe that I am better than anyone with race being the determinant.

What about you?

It must suck being a perpetual "victim".
1. YES THERE IS> to defend your racist approval of race-based AA discrimination against whites. The largest, racial discrimination, against (by far) the largest number of people, in America (and it's been going on for over 50 years) But you know you CAN'T defend it, because it is racial discrimination - immoral and illegal..

2. Of course "EVERY WHITE PERSON IN AMERICA is affected by AA" simply by the existence of AA, and the knowledge that an institution exists that is discriminatory against them. ALL whites are affected just by the idea of this abomination. And your acceptance of it, puts you right underneath a rock.

3. You can quit with the white female line now,. You know I smashed it a few days ago.

4. Yes it DOES suck being a perpetual victim. But people who live under rocks, don't care.

You have not "smashed" anything.

Your "opinion" is not fact nor is it supported by logic.

How in the hell can an "entire race of people" be adversely affected by a law that was initially put into place to ensure fair hiring practices for all and actually has benefitted some of the same people that you allege it has harmed?

In case you did not know it, AA is an initiative that also protects veterans as well as the disabled, so that fact alone invalidates your whining about "all white people being victimized by AA.

It is NOT a "blacks only benefit" policy, and you are a racist jerkoff for saying so.

Until you post any credible statistics
(not some made up numbers which you are known for) which support your "poor me" rant, you will continue to be dismissed as the crazed individual that you are.

Just STFU, and educate yourself.

P. S.

You are correct on one account.....no I do not give a flip flop about self described victims. America is a land of great opportunity!

Affirmative Action
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The numbers of white supremacists in America, are very low. This is the extremely rare and relatively impotent group that the Southern Poverty Laughingstock Center sends out scare talk messages about, in order to collect donations$$$, from nervous liberals.

SPLC makes themselves a nifty living doing this, and liberals all over America continued to be suckered by these well-organized scammers. So, SPLC has liberals tied up in knots about the almost non-existent white supremacists, who likely number less than .01 % of the population. And practically nobody in America is being affected by this numerically drop-in-the-bucket bunch of white supremacists.

But every white person in America IS being affected (racially discriminated against) by black supremacy, which primarily resides in the practice of Affirmative Action. This affects (harms) 233 million Americans (74% of the population), for their entire lives. And while AA may sound like just one thing, it is actually very many things >> Ex. Job hiring, job promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, etc, etc. These are all done by race, in clear violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bars racial discrimination.

So, by protesting white supremacy, and ignoring the far larger black supremacy, SPLC, NAACP, et al, and their duped protesters, wear the shame of their hypocrisy. They accept racial supremacy, as long as blacks are the beneficiares, and whites are the victims.

Maybe it’s time for conservatives to get a handle on TV news broadcasting, and then do their own protest marches against black supremacy. These protests could call for the total abolition of race-based AA (currently banned in only 8 states), create a Congressional White Caucus, a White Lives Matter, group, and an NAAWP. It’s time ? Actually, long overdue, for what should have been 50 years ago.
Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do ?

For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

I’m not talking about people harming people.

A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism, that is an one individual acting as one individual and there is no system in place that will support his right to harm you.

However, white policeman murder black people on a often and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison).

And as can be seen from this clip, cops know it too.

A black person in an authority position can discriminate against a white person but this kind rarely happens because

A) Black people are still statistically rare relative to whites in authority
B) In most cases, there are authorities above those black people who are white, and who would not stand for such actions
E) Even in cases where a black person sits atop a power structure (as with President Obama), he was not truly free to do anything to oppress or marginalize white people (even were he so inclined), given his own need to attract white support in order to win election or pass any of his policy agenda.

There are no institutional structures in the U.S. in which black people exercise final and controlling authority: not in the school systems, labor market, justice system, housing markets, financial markets, or media.

As such, the ability of black folks to oppress white people does not exist.

White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence (education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war)

Black can't be racist. We do not have a system that allows us to mistreat people based on color.
Black can't be racist. We do not have a system that allows us to mistreat people based on color.

racism (rāˈsĭzˌəm)

  • n.
    The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
  • n.
    Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
all the other races can have their race groups and associations--but whites can't..that would be racist!!!???
in the news the blacks are black activist/patriots/etc while whites are haters/supremacists/etc
all the other races can have their race groups and associations--but whites can't..that would be racist!!!???
in the news the blacks are black activist/patriots/etc while whites are haters/supremacists/etc

White people are considered by the cultural marxist elite who control western civilization as racist by default unless they actively work to undermine the interests of their own people. Any hint of in-group pride, preference or advocacy is all it takes to get you labeled a racist or a nazi. Science, statistics and historical facts don't matter, the cult of multiculturalism has it's tendrils embedded so deep into the American psyche so there's an automatic kneejerk repulsion to the idea that white people have rights. Systematic racism against non-whites is a myth, the opposite is true. A quick google search of the phrase 'white people' and especially 'white male' should provide all the evidence you need of the normalization of anti-white bigotry, sexism and hate.

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