Why don't you have any black friends?

at the current growth rate of Spanish speaking citizens, it may well become the nations primary language.

Don't worry, not gonna happen.

Hmm, not so fast


Future of the languages? | Antimoon Forum

Well, according to this article, there are several interesting points:

- In 2050, Spanish language will be most spoken than English, and perhaps more important (David Graddol).

-Some experts say that Spanish-speakers in 2030 will be 7,5% of World population, some 535 million people. (French 1,4%, Russian 2,2%, 1,2% German), (Britannica World Data, Chicago).

- In 2050, perhaps 25% of World population will speak Spanish in some degree (Unesco report).

- in 2050, there will be 100 million of speaker in USA (Instituto Cervantes).
And all of that aside, they are still getting through the borders, and are STILL growing at a rate that will make them the majority in this country in a relatively short increment of time. That is a fact that will not change. .

It is a fact that has already changed. Net immigration (legal and illegal) from Latin America is now in negative numbers. Not only that, but fertility rates among Latino immigrants and Latino Americans are falling and falling fast.
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at the current growth rate of Spanish speaking citizens, it may well become the nations primary language.

Don't worry, not gonna happen.

Hmm, not so fast


Future of the languages? | Antimoon Forum

Well, according to this article, there are several interesting points:

- In 2050, Spanish language will be most spoken than English, and perhaps more important (David Graddol).

-Some experts say that Spanish-speakers in 2030 will be 7,5% of World population, some 535 million people. (French 1,4%, Russian 2,2%, 1,2% German), (Britannica World Data, Chicago).

- In 2050, perhaps 25% of World population will speak Spanish in some degree (Unesco report).

- in 2050, there will be 100 million of speaker in USA (Instituto Cervantes).

That information is about Spanish speakers worldwide. There are a lot of countries where Spanish is the primary language. However, for Latino immigrants to the US, by the 2nd generation 92% speak English very well, and by the 3rd generation English is the dominant language spoken even at home (pretty much like other immigrant groups throughout US history - a little bit slower due to Spanish-speaking enclaves that skew the averages).
at the current growth rate of Spanish speaking citizens, it may well become the nations primary language.

Don't worry, not gonna happen.

Actually, it doesn't worry me, i have spoken Spanish fluently since I was in middle school. Truth be told as I have watched the demographc transition in California, and have been to other states enough to see indicators of imminent change, trough the influx of Hispanics into America, I don't see how it won't happen. Probably not in my lifetime, but certainly in the lifetime of those who are under the age of 35.
at the current growth rate of Spanish speaking citizens, it may well become the nations primary language.

Don't worry, not gonna happen.

Actually, it doesn't worry me, i have spoken Spanish fluently since I was in middle school. Truth be told as I have watched the demographc transition in California, and have been to other states enough to see indicators of imminent change, trough the influx of Hispanics into America, I don't see how it won't happen. Probably not in my lifetime, but certainly in the lifetime of those who are under the age of 35.

It won't happen because, as I've said, Spanish-speaking immigrants are assimilating to English as other immigrant groups before them have.

IV. Language Use among Latinos | Pew Hispanic Center

Congress Wants Immigrants to Learn English. But They're Doing it Already. - ABC News

Second-Generation Americans | Pew Social & Demographic Trends

Hispanic immigrants are assimilating just as quickly as earlier groups
Why don't I have any black friends? I assume it's because there aren't any black people who like to do what I like to do? I have black aquaintences, black co-workers with whom I can talk to, but none that are friends. I don't look for skin color when chosing friends.

Now, if you say "non-white" and actually meany all people who aren't white, then I have many non-white friends. I probably have more hispanic friends than white friends.
Why would a black person want to be friends with an asshole like me?
Recently, a Reuters poll came out showing that 40% of white Americans have zero nonwhite friends, and only 20% of white Americans have five or more nonwhite friends. People seemed shocked that the numbers were so bad.

The Reuters survey itself is misleading, lumping all minorities together under the vague heading of "nonwhite." Depending on what part of the country you live in (e.g, anywhere but Minnesota or Wyoming), it's not uncommon to have Asian or Hispanic friends.

The reason why "How many black friends do you have?" is such a terrible question is because it shows how we typically talk when we talk about race. Even when we try to talk about race in a constructive way, we usually make black people the object of the sentence, rarely the subject.

Black friends are the things to be acquired to prove one is not racist. The way the question is asked accords black people no agency, nor does it reveal anything about the real character of the white person being queried.

Opinion: Why don't whites have black friends? - CNN.com

I guess I don't fit.

Here is a cross section of my friends.

Best Friend. Black
Close Friend. Iraqi
Close family friends. Indian.
Close family friends. Native American.

I must have missed the memo.
Just as the Native Americans adapted to the arrival of the Europeans, this will be another process of evolutionary adaptation.

Most Europeans were intelligent, hard/smart-working, healthy, mentally/emotionally stable, law-abiding, self-sufficient, ambitious, patriotic etc. The brown sh*t we have infesting here are stupid, dirty, diseased, broke, drunk, welfare hags, criminals, terrorists and breed like rats...

Unkotare said:
Net immigration from Latin America is now in negative numbers... fertility rates among Latinos are falling...Spanish-speaking immigrants are assimilating to English...Hispanic immigrants are assimilating just as quickly as earlier groups

BullFCKINGSh*t! They are flooding our borders as Hussein welcomes them with welfare in exchange for votes. They REFUSE to learn/speak English and DEMAND we fck up our schools by wasting precious time/resources teaching them. They are drunk, lazy, stupid, diseased, dirty, breed like rats, godless democrats. UGH!!

Just as the Native Americans adapted to the arrival of the Europeans, this will be another process of evolutionary adaptation.

Most Europeans were intelligent, hard/smart-working, healthy, mentally/emotionally stable, law-abiding, self-sufficient, ambitious, patriotic etc. ]

Yeah, maybe not, you ignorant fool. Actually learn something about history before shooting your fool mouth off.
Unkotare said:
Net immigration from Latin America is now in negative numbers... fertility rates among Latinos are falling...Spanish-speaking immigrants are assimilating to English...Hispanic immigrants are assimilating just as quickly as earlier groups

BullFCKINGSh*t! They are flooding our borders as Hussein welcomes them with welfare in exchange for votes. They REFUSE to learn/speak English and DEMAND we fck up our schools by wasting precious time/resources teaching them. They are drunk, lazy, stupid, diseased, dirty, breed like rats,

I have presented FACTS, and you have treated us to your asinine little emotional display.
Just as the Native Americans adapted to the arrival of the Europeans, this will be another process of evolutionary adaptation.

Most Europeans were intelligent, hard/smart-working, healthy, mentally/emotionally stable, law-abiding, self-sufficient, ambitious, patriotic etc. The brown sh*t we have infesting here are stupid, dirty, diseased, broke, drunk, welfare hags, criminals, terrorists and breed like rats...

Unkotare said:
Net immigration from Latin America is now in negative numbers... fertility rates among Latinos are falling...Spanish-speaking immigrants are assimilating to English...Hispanic immigrants are assimilating just as quickly as earlier groups

BullFCKINGSh*t! They are flooding our borders as Hussein welcomes them with welfare in exchange for votes. They REFUSE to learn/speak English and DEMAND we fck up our schools by wasting precious time/resources teaching them. They are drunk, lazy, stupid, diseased, dirty, breed like rats, godless democrats. UGH!!


Feel the love!:eek:
Don't worry, not gonna happen.

Actually, it doesn't worry me, i have spoken Spanish fluently since I was in middle school. Truth be told as I have watched the demographc transition in California, and have been to other states enough to see indicators of imminent change, trough the influx of Hispanics into America, I don't see how it won't happen. Probably not in my lifetime, but certainly in the lifetime of those who are under the age of 35.

It won't happen because, as I've said, Spanish-speaking immigrants are assimilating to English as other immigrant groups before them have.

IV. Language Use among Latinos | Pew Hispanic Center

Congress Wants Immigrants to Learn English. But They're Doing it Already. - ABC News

Second-Generation Americans | Pew Social & Demographic Trends

Hispanic immigrants are assimilating just as quickly as earlier groups

Ok, thanks for these links, I will read them and see what they have to say.
And you were wrong. Kiss your own ass. You just need to pull your head back a little to do so.

I am right. Again. Always. You should just go away now. You're getting your fat, fruity sorry ass kicked in another thread. It's pretty funny to watch...

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