Why don't you have any black friends?

I said "most" you godless fcking fck. Kiss my ass.
p.s. Your room stinks.
How would you know that?

EVERYONE knows. He's one of "those". Ugh...

Even a dope like you should be able to figure this one out. Education has never been as popularly available as it is today. During periods that saw great waves of immigration to the US (1790 - 1849, 1851-1860, 1880-1920, post WWII, Post 1965) people were necessarily, on average, less likely to be educated than today and more likely to be those fleeing political or economic hardships - the less educated of course more likely to be unable to navigate such circumstances, hence the impulse to emigrate. Similarity with your particular skin tone has nothing to do with it, dope.

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