Why earn...

There is a difference between people willing to give to support a school and being forced to.

See our school was small in size and over half of the teachers were nuns that worked for the church anyway. We didn't have school busses, we didn't have union teachers, we didn't have a lunch room, we only had one classroom per class and that was the classroom you sat in all day. We didn't have air conditioning either.

We didn't have three counselors and two assistant principals. All we had was Sister Dennis. If a light bulb was out, you contacted Sister Dennis. If a child was having problems with studies, he or she went to see Sister Dennis. If two boys were fighting in the parking lot, they got sent to Sister Dennis. Sister Dennis ran the entire school.

Church contributors were not enough to run our school, so we used to have bake sales where the mothers would cook treats and sell them. We had rummage sales as well. We students used to go door to door selling whatever to raise money for the school. We never took one tax dollar or got one dollar in government help. We were self-supportive.
So if your parents are wealthy you get a decent education while if your parents are poor you get a poor education? The inevitable result of that system will be two classes, rich and poor, with little opportunity for the poor to better themselves. Those in the middle will have a hard time making rich but lots of opportunity to become poor.

A very unfair system and exactly what America is becoming.

No because middle-class and poor people can take loans out for college if they desire. Of course, they have to pay them back, but it can be done.

Plus nobody says you have to go to college full force. I've talked to college graduates that took a year here and took a year there. They worked in between those times they went to college. Of course they lived with their parents most of that time so they didn't have to pay a mortgage or rent, but most parents wouldn't have a problem supporting their children an extra couple of years.

Both my nephew and niece are middle-class kids and both graduated college. True, they will be repaying loans for quite a few years, and that goes for their parents as well. But they managed to do it with some hard work and sacrifice.
No because middle-class and poor people can take loans out for college if they desire. Of course, they have to pay them back, but it can be done.

Plus nobody says you have to go to college full force. I've talked to college graduates that took a year here and took a year there. They worked in between those times they went to college. Of course they lived with their parents most of that time so they didn't have to pay a mortgage or rent, but most parents wouldn't have a problem supporting their children an extra couple of years.

Both my nephew and niece are middle-class kids and both graduated college. True, they will be repaying loans for quite a few years, and that goes for their parents as well. But they managed to do it with some hard work and sacrifice.
Your nephew and niece had some challenges but I'd guess with their hard work and their family support they got through them. Unfortunately, not all families can afford to support their adult children, especially if there is a broken home, drug addiction, health issues, unemployment or similar financial difficulty. Do you have advice for those children or is it a case of the sins of the fathers are visited on the sons?
No because middle-class and poor people can take loans out for college if they desire. Of course, they have to pay them back, but it can be done.

Plus nobody says you have to go to college full force. I've talked to college graduates that took a year here and took a year there. They worked in between those times they went to college. Of course they lived with their parents most of that time so they didn't have to pay a mortgage or rent, but most parents wouldn't have a problem supporting their children an extra couple of years.

Both my nephew and niece are middle-class kids and both graduated college. True, they will be repaying loans for quite a few years, and that goes for their parents as well. But they managed to do it with some hard work and sacrifice.
Your nephew and niece had some challenges but I'd guess with their hard work and their family support they got through them. Unfortunately, not all families can afford to support their adult children, especially if there is a broken home, drug addiction, health issues, unemployment or similar financial difficulty. Do you have advice for those children or is it a case of the sins of the fathers are visited on the sons?

Well actually, yes it is. And also unfortunately, the apple usually doesn't fall far from the tree. If your parents are low income drug addicted criminals, chances are you don't possess the qualities to go to college no matter who pays for it. You'll be luck if you can resist the temptations your parents couldn't and just get by in life.

To the chagrin of liberals, we can't make everybody equal in this country. All you can do is the best you can with what God gave you. God has given us all advantages and disadvantages in life, and you have to learn how to accept that.

I love money, I wish I had more, and I couldn't get enough. But I was born in a middle-class working family and I am a middle-class working guy today, and I'll die a middle-class working guy unless my lottery numbers come up or have a rich uncle die that I knew nothing about that leaves me a boatload.
If your parents are low income drug addicted criminals, chances are you don't possess the qualities to go to college no matter who pays for it. You'll be luck if you can resist the temptations your parents couldn't and just get by in life.

So you're saying your economic class is determined by your genes? Interesting theory and if true it must mean that groups with higher poverty rates are genetically inferior and it is not worth providing opportunities to their children. Is that what you believe?

To the chagrin of liberals, we can't make everybody equal in this country. All you can do is the best you can with what God gave you. God has given us all advantages and disadvantages in life, and you have to learn how to accept that.

God also told us to take care of each other. If your neighbor's house is destroyed by a tornado would you shrug and say "Too bad but it's God's will"?

I love money, I wish I had more, and I couldn't get enough. But I was born in a middle-class working family and I am a middle-class working guy today, and I'll die a middle-class working guy unless my lottery numbers come up or have a rich uncle die that I knew nothing about that leaves me a boatload.
or your company moves to Vietnam or you have a health issue that your insurance won't cover...
If your parents are low income drug addicted criminals, chances are you don't possess the qualities to go to college no matter who pays for it. You'll be luck if you can resist the temptations your parents couldn't and just get by in life.

So you're saying your economic class is determined by your genes? Interesting theory and if true it must mean that groups with higher poverty rates are genetically inferior and it is not worth providing opportunities to their children. Is that what you believe?

To the chagrin of liberals, we can't make everybody equal in this country. All you can do is the best you can with what God gave you. God has given us all advantages and disadvantages in life, and you have to learn how to accept that.

God also told us to take care of each other. If your neighbor's house is destroyed by a tornado would you shrug and say "Too bad but it's God's will"?

I love money, I wish I had more, and I couldn't get enough. But I was born in a middle-class working family and I am a middle-class working guy today, and I'll die a middle-class working guy unless my lottery numbers come up or have a rich uncle die that I knew nothing about that leaves me a boatload.
or your company moves to Vietnam or you have a health issue that your insurance won't cover...
So you're saying your economic class is determined by your genes? Interesting theory and if true it must mean that groups with higher poverty rates are genetically inferior and it is not worth providing opportunities to their children. Is that what you believe?

Yes, it is what I believe.

Poor people generally create more poor people. That's why we can never solve poverty the way we are doing it now. It's no different than middle-class or upper-class people. They generally produce smarter children because of genetics.

There are exceptions of course, but that doesn't mean we should add to the 19 trillion of debt we are already in. As for opportunities, the poor have the same opportunities that I've had. Get out of school, get a job, work and make money. If you don't like the money you're making, get involved in a skill or trade. Don't have any children you can't afford. Simple.

God also told us to take care of each other. If your neighbor's house is destroyed by a tornado would you shrug and say "Too bad but it's God's will"?

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Theft is the action of taking ones belongings against their will leaving them no reasonable alternative.

Jesus taught us to take care of our fellow human beings. He did not teach us that we should forcibly give our money to government so government can determine who should be taken care of.

If you wish to contribute to a persons college education, I'm sure there are funds for that. But don't force me to because I am against it.
The worker is producing twice the productivity as 40 years ago. They're NOT earning a fair share of this because the goddamn CEO and board is taking it all.

Goddamn retarded Op piece of shit.

Then let the "worker" start his own company and pay his CEO what he likes.

In the future, a worker will produce four times what he produces today because of automation. That's why the worker is producing so much more today than 40 years ago.
So you're saying your economic class is determined by your genes? Interesting theory and if true it must mean that groups with higher poverty rates are genetically inferior and it is not worth providing opportunities to their children. Is that what you believe?

Yes, it is what I believe.

Poor people generally create more poor people. That's why we can never solve poverty the way we are doing it now. It's no different than middle-class or upper-class people. They generally produce smarter children because of genetics.

There are exceptions of course, but that doesn't mean we should add to the 19 trillion of debt we are already in. As for opportunities, the poor have the same opportunities that I've had. Get out of school, get a job, work and make money. If you don't like the money you're making, get involved in a skill or trade. Don't have any children you can't afford. Simple.

It is refreshing to see such an honest example of racism, so many people today try and hide it to be PC. I think the only thing simple here is your understanding of people, society, and science. Other than that you're doing fine.

God also told us to take care of each other. If your neighbor's house is destroyed by a tornado would you shrug and say "Too bad but it's God's will"?

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Theft is the action of taking ones belongings against their will leaving them no reasonable alternative.

Jesus taught us to take care of our fellow human beings. He did not teach us that we should forcibly give our money to government so government can determine who should be taken care of.

If you wish to contribute to a persons college education, I'm sure there are funds for that. But don't force me to because I am against it.
You could make a similar case against any government program you don't personally support. The problem with living in a democracy is that we often have to yield to the will of the majority.
Indians are eligible for an absolutely free college education and very few take advantage of it, I didn't.

Why didn't you? Just because you didn't have to pay for it?
Hatred of the federal government, no harm done by not going... In fact the one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Buddy boy, your posts demonstrate your bone ignorance. Many of my inlaws, both at Standing Rock and here in Portland have degrees, and are far better off for it. Being proud of one's ignorance is the mark of stupidity.
Indians are eligible for an absolutely free college education and very few take advantage of it, I didn't.

Why didn't you? Just because you didn't have to pay for it?
Hatred of the federal government, no harm done by not going... In fact the one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Always let hatred rule your life. Keeps you from blocking the road for rational people.
The federal government is far from flawless or for that matter even good, it deserves all hatred towards it.
Look, silly cocksuck, you are letting hatred consume your life. And for what? The federal government today is not what it was yesterday, and not what it will be tomorrow. The Native American has many reasons to dislike the history of what the government has done in the past. However, there are many people with Native American blood now in government, and they know the history are know that the solution is not to retreat into ignorance and hatred of knowledge.
Indians are eligible for an absolutely free college education and very few take advantage of it, I didn't.

Why didn't you? Just because you didn't have to pay for it?
Hatred of the federal government, no harm done by not going... In fact the one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Always let hatred rule your life. Keeps you from blocking the road for rational people.
The federal government is far from flawless or for that matter even good, it deserves all hatred towards it.
Look, silly cocksuck, you are letting hatred consume your life. And for what? The federal government today is not what it was yesterday, and not what it will be tomorrow. The Native American has many reasons to dislike the history of what the government has done in the past. However, there are many people with Native American blood now in government, and they know the history are know that the solution is not to retreat into ignorance and hatred of knowledge.
Indians have never been treated good by the federal government and it's only gotten worse… Dumbass
So you're saying your economic class is determined by your genes? Interesting theory and if true it must mean that groups with higher poverty rates are genetically inferior and it is not worth providing opportunities to their children. Is that what you believe?

Yes, it is what I believe.

Poor people generally create more poor people. That's why we can never solve poverty the way we are doing it now. It's no different than middle-class or upper-class people. They generally produce smarter children because of genetics.

There are exceptions of course, but that doesn't mean we should add to the 19 trillion of debt we are already in. As for opportunities, the poor have the same opportunities that I've had. Get out of school, get a job, work and make money. If you don't like the money you're making, get involved in a skill or trade. Don't have any children you can't afford. Simple.

It is refreshing to see such an honest example of racism, so many people today try and hide it to be PC. I think the only thing simple here is your understanding of people, society, and science. Other than that you're doing fine.

God also told us to take care of each other. If your neighbor's house is destroyed by a tornado would you shrug and say "Too bad but it's God's will"?

Forced charity is not charity at all. Forced charity is theft. Theft is the action of taking ones belongings against their will leaving them no reasonable alternative.

Jesus taught us to take care of our fellow human beings. He did not teach us that we should forcibly give our money to government so government can determine who should be taken care of.

If you wish to contribute to a persons college education, I'm sure there are funds for that. But don't force me to because I am against it.
You could make a similar case against any government program you don't personally support. The problem with living in a democracy is that we often have to yield to the will of the majority.
It is refreshing to see such an honest example of racism, so many people today try and hide it to be PC. I think the only thing simple here is your understanding of people, society, and science. Other than that you're doing fine.

I find it amazing how liberals can find race in anything.....especially when race was never mentioned.

You could make a similar case against any government program you don't personally support. The problem with living in a democracy is that we often have to yield to the will of the majority.

Well we don't live in a democracy, we live in a Republic.

When you rob Peter to pay Paul, the Paul's of your society generally have no objection.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
I find it amazing how liberals can find race in anything.....especially when race was never mentioned.
You brought up genetics.

Since Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately represented among the poor and you believe genetics is a factor in poverty you must therefore believe they are genetically inferior. Why else would they be poor.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
That is an excellent question! Personally I think a small percentage is a reasonable contribution to national security, roads, etc. Where I disagree with most is that I think that a child's fair share of their parents estate is also a small percentage. I prefer to see it as close to zero as is practical. Let them make their own way in the world, we don't need an aristocracy in this country.
I find it amazing how liberals can find race in anything.....especially when race was never mentioned.
You brought up genetics.

Since Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately represented among the poor and you believe genetics is a factor in poverty you must therefore believe they are genetically inferior. Why else would they be poor.

"What is ones fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
That is an excellent question! Personally I think a small percentage is a reasonable contribution to national security, roads, etc. Where I disagree with most is that I think that a child's fair share of their parents estate is also a small percentage. I prefer to see it as close to zero as is practical. Let them make their own way in the world, we don't need an aristocracy in this country.
You brought up genetics.

Since Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately represented among the poor and you believe genetics is a factor in poverty you must therefore believe they are genetically inferior. Why else would they be poor.

Wow, now there's a stretch. You mean instead of thinking what I meant was the parents, you thought of race instead. So in your little world, there are no poor whites?

That is an excellent question! Personally I think a small percentage is a reasonable contribution to national security, roads, etc. Where I disagree with most is that I think that a child's fair share of their parents estate is also a small percentage. I prefer to see it as close to zero as is practical. Let them make their own way in the world, we don't need an aristocracy in this country.

So government should confiscate a dead persons property?

It's a shame you don't understand how we got to where we are. Our parents, grand parents, great grand parents and so on tried to work hard to make a better life for themselves and mostly, their children. The drive to make your family as financially secure as possible is a motivator. Who would kill themselves all of their lives if they couldn't' pass it down to the next generation?

I have no children of my own, but I do have a niece and nephew. I want them to share in my hard work and have something to pass down to their children after I'm gone. This dictatorship thinking of yours where government owns everything is the failure of those societies. Perhaps you should consider Cuba to live because government does operate that way. Everybody is equal no matter how hard they work......equally poor.

The more you rely on government, the less freedom you have. The more you rely on yourself and family, the more freedom you have. For the life of me, I simply can't understand how people so fortunate enough to be born into freedom would be so willing to surrender it at a drop of a hat.
So government should confiscate a dead persons property?

It's a shame you don't understand how we got to where we are. Our parents, grand parents, great grand parents and so on tried to work hard to make a better life for themselves and mostly, their children. The drive to make your family as financially secure as possible is a motivator. Who would kill themselves all of their lives if they couldn't' pass it down to the next generation?

I have no children of my own, but I do have a niece and nephew. I want them to share in my hard work and have something to pass down to their children after I'm gone. This dictatorship thinking of yours where government owns everything is the failure of those societies. Perhaps you should consider Cuba to live because government does operate that way. Everybody is equal no matter how hard they work......equally poor.

The more you rely on government, the less freedom you have. The more you rely on yourself and family, the more freedom you have. For the life of me, I simply can't understand how people so fortunate enough to be born into freedom would be so willing to surrender it at a drop of a hat.
If I knew my estate would go to the government and not my children I would make sure there was no estate left. I'd spend or donate everything I had after ensuring I was insured against illness and death.

My favorite idea of the founding fathers was that everyone was created equal. They most likely referred to the law but I like the idea that every child has a shot of achieving 100% of what they are capable of. Therefore I like the idea of universal health care and education. Your start in life shouldn't be dependent on your parents' success or failure. If you screw up it's on you. Now that is freedom. Trump made his money after getting a "small" gift of $1,000,000 from his father. How may other children could have done as well or better and make America even richer and stronger?

The flip side is the idea the I'll take care of my family you take care of yours, an idea you yourself have expressed, and one that will lead to a society of the rich and the poor.

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