Why earn...

..."free" college can never work
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?
''Free" college has proven to be a lost cause, "earning" your way through college is every bit as important as the getting of a degree.
''Free" shit is too easily discarded...
Interesting. How was it proven?
Maybe the cost of college should be free/less if you demonstrate financial need AND sufficient intelligence to take advantage of the opportunity.

You have to understand that definitions of "Free" are different.

Free to people means it costs nothing. Free to a liberal means you get it at no cost, but somebody else has to pay for it.
Well now, Rustic certainly has some interesting opinions. Now, having taken a year of Chemisty, Physics, and Geology, as well as more than a year of Calculus, I can tell you that whether you paid for it, or were given it, if you successfully finished those courses, you worked your ass off.

All indications are that Rustic is one of those people that has had some financial success in life, and believes that has given him valid opinions on everything else in life. And he has no inkling how much his expression of that opinion brands him as a fool.
Says the control freak...
..."free" college can never work
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?

Free elementary, middle and high school seems to work?

The US spends the most per capita on education than any industrialized country in the world, yet we have mediocre results to show for it.

Our primary schools don't prepare kids for tougher college courses which is why they are trying to bring in more educated foreigners to do the jobs Americans simply can't do.

I don't think it's working very well. And why is college different than primary schooling? Because primary schooling gets you prepared for the outside world. College is an investment. An investment is where you spend money with hopes of a profit. A kid that takes the proper majors in fields where employees are badly needed will make much better money than those who didn't attend college. Again, it's an investment, and taxpayers should not be funding individual investments.

IOW, it's working very well around the world.
Indians are eligible for an absolutely free college education and very few take advantage of it, I didn't.
Progressives will never understand, handouts like free college will never have the long term effect on society their delusional little ideology thinks it will...

News from The Associated Press
Just because you didn't does not mean all didn't...
Almost all didn't/don't, that's just the facts -
Appreciation towards something given is fleeting with all parties involved.
Appreciation towards something earned is much more substantial and lasting with all parties involved.
We bring educated people here from other nations that do educate their people. The 'Conservatives' here simply cannot stand the thought of Americans they consider lower class getting an education.
...again says the control freak
..."free" college can never work
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?
''Free" college has proven to be a lost cause, "earning" your way through college is every bit as important as the getting of a degree.
''Free" shit is too easily discarded...
Interesting. How was it proven?
Maybe the cost of college should be free/less if you demonstrate financial need AND sufficient intelligence to take advantage of the opportunity.

You have to understand that definitions of "Free" are different.

Free to people means it costs nothing. Free to a liberal means you get it at no cost, but somebody else has to pay for it.
Pretty close. "Free" to me means everyone pays to build and support it but no one pays to use it. Not unlike the road in front of my house.
Indians are eligible for an absolutely free college education and very few take advantage of it, I didn't.
Progressives will never understand, handouts like free college will never have the long term effect on society their delusional little ideology thinks it will...

News from The Associated Press

Actually, if anything, your point would imply that "free stuff" doesn't lead to significant waste, because those who lack initiative won't bother to take up the offer in the first place. So yet again, being over zealous to sword fight with trannies in the boys room leaves you playing with yourself and taking dick up the ass. Congratulations, fag....
..."free" college can never work
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?

The problem is that too many people, especially old crochety people who are mindlessly set in their stubborn ways, can't escape their "success-through-suffering" approach to education. They imagine that education somehow is only possible, or valuable, as some kind of correlation to being achieved through unpleasantness.
..."free" college can never work
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?
''Free" college has proven to be a lost cause, "earning" your way through college is every bit as important as the getting of a degree.
''Free" shit is too easily discarded...
Interesting. How was it proven?
Maybe the cost of college should be free/less if you demonstrate financial need AND sufficient intelligence to take advantage of the opportunity.

You have to understand that definitions of "Free" are different.

Free to people means it costs nothing. Free to a liberal means you get it at no cost, but somebody else has to pay for it.
Pretty close. "Free" to me means everyone pays to build and support it but no one pays to use it. Not unlike the road in front of my house.

Well if you are going to make the comparison, the road in front of your house benefits all--not just you. And I don't mean in some convoluted indirect way, but in a direct way.

If you drive, you need roads for transportation. If you don't drive, you still need roads for people to drive and pick you up if you have to go someplace, or you need those roads for trucks to deliver products to the store for you to purchase. If for some reason you don't buy anything or go anywhere, you still need roads so the post office can deliver your mail.

While college may indirectly benefit society, it mostly benefits the individuals that go to college. But even if you want to make the claim of social benefits, we currently have no shortage of college students. That's why college costs so much money today. On average, they are currently operating at almost a 20% profit margin.
..."free" college can never work
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?

Free elementary, middle and high school seems to work?

The US spends the most per capita on education than any industrialized country in the world, yet we have mediocre results to show for it.

Our primary schools don't prepare kids for tougher college courses which is why they are trying to bring in more educated foreigners to do the jobs Americans simply can't do.

I don't think it's working very well. And why is college different than primary schooling? Because primary schooling gets you prepared for the outside world. College is an investment. An investment is where you spend money with hopes of a profit. A kid that takes the proper majors in fields where employees are badly needed will make much better money than those who didn't attend college. Again, it's an investment, and taxpayers should not be funding individual investments.

IOW, it's working very well around the world.

Most don't have teachers unions around the world.
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?

A college degree is NOT necessary to make a living. In fact a tech school certificate or voc/tech high school diploma can sometimes be far more useful than the college degree.....

I have an Associate Degree in CAD. Its effectively a high level tech school diploma. I left school with $2000 in school debt and now make close to $80,000 a year. My debt was paid off within 30 months. If I had gone to get a more classic design degree (4 years), I'd have come out with far higher debt and probably less employment options.....

How's that? you ask. As a CAD operator, I started my first job at $8.00 an hour and worked my way up to the $37.99 I now make. As a Designer with a 4 year degree, I wouldn't have likely wanted to start at $8.00 an hour.
While college may indirectly benefit society, it mostly benefits the individuals that go to college. But even if you want to make the claim of social benefits, we currently have no shortage of college students. That's why college costs so much money today. On average, they are currently operating at almost a 20% profit margin.
I don't disagree with anything you say about roads but...

- you could say the exact same thing about high school

- my education certainly helped me directly but I've made direct contributions to society. I've earned more money so I paid more taxes. The difference between what I make today and what I would have made had without a college degree means I paid more taxes, probably more that offsetting the subsidies I got for college. I would think everyone would agree that it is cheaper for the government to pay for a vaccine than society suffering the costs of an epidemic.
We bring educated people here from other nations that do educate their people. The 'Conservatives' here simply cannot stand the thought of Americans they consider lower class getting an education.

Interesting assumption considering education at all levels is overwhelmingly run by leftists and it is they who are pricing the middle class out of receiving a college education.
"free" elementary, middle, and high school seems to work. Why is college somehow different?

A college degree is NOT necessary to make a living. In fact a tech school certificate or voc/tech high school diploma can sometimes be far more useful than the college degree.....

I have an Associate Degree in CAD. Its effectively a high level tech school diploma. I left school with $2000 in school debt and now make close to $80,000 a year. My debt was paid off within 30 months. If I had gone to get a more classic design degree (4 years), I'd have come out with far higher debt and probably less employment options.....

How's that? you ask. As a CAD operator, I started my first job at $8.00 an hour and worked my way up to the $37.99 I now make. As a Designer with a 4 year degree, I wouldn't have likely wanted to start at $8.00 an hour.
College is not for everyone and every job, nor should it be. I'm a traditionalist though so I'd prefer my doctor to be well educated. I'd also prefer that doctor to be as smart and dedicated as possible, not just the one with the richest parents.
College is not for everyone and every job, nor should it be. I'm a traditionalist though so I'd prefer my doctor to be well educated. I'd also prefer that doctor to be as smart and dedicated as possible, not just the one with the richest parents.

Honestly, I avoid dealing with Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers and other "highly educated" people as much as possible. They're book smart and world stupid for the most part. Common sense and Traditions are rarely part of their make up either.
College is not for everyone and every job, nor should it be. I'm a traditionalist though so I'd prefer my doctor to be well educated. I'd also prefer that doctor to be as smart and dedicated as possible, not just the one with the richest parents.

Honestly, I avoid dealing with Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers and other "highly educated" people as much as possible. They're book smart and world stupid for the most part. Common sense and Traditions are rarely part of their make up either.
Dumbest generalization ever.

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Dumbest generalization ever.

I'm not claiming those in other fields are necessarily common sense geniuses, but I find those who have spent more than 4 years in a university environment have far more often lost touch will the reality of the world around them have. At least in my experience.

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