Why earn...

I actually went to a public college and lived at home so the cost of my education was very reasonable. I covered that cost by my taxes many times over.

So how much is college today, at least 20K per year? So you go to school for four years. You're going to pay extra tax of 80K back to the government?
Your math is way off:
Annual Virginia In-State Tuition at a Community College: $3,592 plus Other Fees of $290
I went to years ago so it was even cheaper so yes, I paid it back many times over.

Who paid for your education?
Church parishioners.
In other words, someone paid for your education as a child but you don't want to pay for someone else's child's education.
Right. Just look at the USMB for example, we all agree on how the world is supposed to work.

Knowing how it should work and agreeing with thst are two different things. Just because someone refuses to accept or follow what is Right doesn't mean they are unaware of what they SHOULD be doing.
Right. Just look at the USMB for example, we all agree on how the world is supposed to work.

Knowing how it should work and agreeing with thst are two different things. Just because someone refuses to accept or follow what is Right doesn't mean they are unaware of what they SHOULD be doing.
WOW!!! Sorry, I didn't realize I was conversing with God (Romans 1:20). It must be an awesome responsibility being one of the few who knows what's right. How do you live with the rest of us mortals?
My kids tell me 75% of all statistics are made up. Does that cover your "large percentage" or do you have some other source?

Problem is, your kids learned that in their college statistics class that you're paying $2000 for.
WOW!!! Sorry, I didn't realize I was conversing with God (Romans 1:20). It must be an awesome responsibility being one of the few who knows what's right. How do you live with the rest of us mortals?

You make it seem like such a big deal to be able to tell Right from Wrong. It isn't. I'm no diety. I just look to common sense and Tradition and the answers are right there to be found.
WOW!!! Sorry, I didn't realize I was conversing with God (Romans 1:20). It must be an awesome responsibility being one of the few who knows what's right. How do you live with the rest of us mortals?

You make it seem like such a big deal to be able to tell Right from Wrong. It isn't. I'm no diety. I just look to common sense and Tradition and the answers are right there to be found.
I don't know what simple, cartoon world you live in but in this world there are very few such absolutes. You may have noticed we have a lot of lawyers and judges because it is usually a big deal to be able to tell Right from Wrong.
I actually went to a public college and lived at home so the cost of my education was very reasonable. I covered that cost by my taxes many times over.

So how much is college today, at least 20K per year? So you go to school for four years. You're going to pay extra tax of 80K back to the government?
Your math is way off:
Annual Virginia In-State Tuition at a Community College: $3,592 plus Other Fees of $290
I went to years ago so it was even cheaper so yes, I paid it back many times over.

Who paid for your education?
Church parishioners.
In other words, someone paid for your education as a child but you don't want to pay for someone else's child's education.

There is a difference between people willing to give to support a school and being forced to.

See our school was small in size and over half of the teachers were nuns that worked for the church anyway. We didn't have school busses, we didn't have union teachers, we didn't have a lunch room, we only had one classroom per class and that was the classroom you sat in all day. We didn't have air conditioning either.

We didn't have three counselors and two assistant principals. All we had was Sister Dennis. If a light bulb was out, you contacted Sister Dennis. If a child was having problems with studies, he or she went to see Sister Dennis. If two boys were fighting in the parking lot, they got sent to Sister Dennis. Sister Dennis ran the entire school.

Church contributors were not enough to run our school, so we used to have bake sales where the mothers would cook treats and sell them. We had rummage sales as well. We students used to go door to door selling whatever to raise money for the school. We never took one tax dollar or got one dollar in government help. We were self-supportive.
I don't know what simple, cartoon world you live in but in this world there are very few such absolutes. You may have noticed we have a lot of lawyers and judges because it is usually a big deal to be able to tell Right from Wrong.

The world is a very simple place for the most part. Unfortunately many people refuse to accept Right and Wrong even when they know what they are, because those concepts are not popular or PC.
I'm sure if you lived near one of those prisons you would be saying we aren't spending enough. In spite of what we're spending, they still break out from time to time.

My objection is to their being privatized and, as such, they need to keep those cells filled. You can bet some of the strongest resistance to legalizing weed, for example, is coming from the corporations running those prisons.

Nobody goes to prison for smoking weed or selling small amounts of it. Most of the drug offenders in prison are there for selling the hard stuff.

Indians are eligible for an absolutely free college education and very few take advantage of it, I didn't.

Why didn't you? Just because you didn't have to pay for it?
Hatred of the federal government, no harm done by not going... In fact the one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Always let hatred rule your life. Keeps you from blocking the road for rational people.
I'm sure if you lived near one of those prisons you would be saying we aren't spending enough. In spite of what we're spending, they still break out from time to time.

My objection is to their being privatized and, as such, they need to keep those cells filled. You can bet some of the strongest resistance to legalizing weed, for example, is coming from the corporations running those prisons.

Nobody goes to prison for smoking weed or selling small amounts of it. Most of the drug offenders in prison are there for selling the hard stuff.


Not a problem. I hope you trust left-leaning Politafact.com.

Prisoner data

What the figures show is that possession itself isn’t usually enough to land someone in jail. Rather, those sentenced to prison for marijuana offenses were typically found to be committing crimes more serious than just possessing marijuana (or "smoking" it, as Sanders put it). Often, this means selling it or trafficking it.

The Justice Department estimated that 3.6 percent of state inmates in 2013 had drug possession as their most serious offense. That includes possession charges for all drugs, not just marijuana. To gauge the marijuana-only percentage, we have to go back to data that’s about a decade old.

The Justice Department periodically carries out surveys of inmates in state and federal correctional facilities, the last of which was from 2004. According to this study, only about three-tenths of 1 percent of state prison inmates were there because of marijuana possession alone, without a more serious charge.

Meanwhile, the statistics for federal inmates paint a similar picture.

The data shows that among the roughly 67,600 offenders sentenced to prison in federal criminal cases between Oct. 1, 2011 and Sept. 30, 2012, only 28 of them were incarcerated on drug-possession charges alone -- roughly four one-hundredths of 1 percent of all incarcerations. And that includes all drugs, not just marijuana.

Looked at another way, the same report found that 99.9 percent of those sentenced to federal prison for any drug-related crime during that year-long period were sent to prison for something more serious than simple possession.

Drug policy experts we contacted agree that imprisonment for marijuana possession by itself is rare.

Bernie Sanders says people are getting prison sentences for smoking marijuana
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Indians are eligible for an absolutely free college education and very few take advantage of it, I didn't.

Why didn't you? Just because you didn't have to pay for it?
Hatred of the federal government, no harm done by not going... In fact the one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Always let hatred rule your life. Keeps you from blocking the road for rational people.
The federal government is far from flawless or for that matter even good, it deserves all hatred towards it.
There is a difference between people willing to give to support a school and being forced to.

See our school was small in size and over half of the teachers were nuns that worked for the church anyway. We didn't have school busses, we didn't have union teachers, we didn't have a lunch room, we only had one classroom per class and that was the classroom you sat in all day. We didn't have air conditioning either.

We didn't have three counselors and two assistant principals. All we had was Sister Dennis. If a light bulb was out, you contacted Sister Dennis. If a child was having problems with studies, he or she went to see Sister Dennis. If two boys were fighting in the parking lot, they got sent to Sister Dennis. Sister Dennis ran the entire school.

Church contributors were not enough to run our school, so we used to have bake sales where the mothers would cook treats and sell them. We had rummage sales as well. We students used to go door to door selling whatever to raise money for the school. We never took one tax dollar or got one dollar in government help. We were self-supportive.
So if your parents are wealthy you get a decent education while if your parents are poor you get a poor education? The inevitable result of that system will be two classes, rich and poor, with little opportunity for the poor to better themselves. Those in the middle will have a hard time making rich but lots of opportunity to become poor.

A very unfair system and exactly what America is becoming.

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