Why educated people are more Liberal

I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

Educated =|= intelligent

When I see college professors claiming milk is racist, thought is rape, and gender is a choice, I'm ok with the Dems being "educated".

Yep, that's the entirety of the university experience. No one comes out of the other end better than they entered.
The childish lifestyle of scraping by on part-time jobs stunts their growth permanently (so does that starving artist nonsense). It's like a fictional situation where if someone lives on bread and water for 4 years, he'll get to eat free at expensive restaurants from then on. The permanent indigestion makes the reward not worth sacrificing for.

You've rambled for many posts now.

Every highly compensated person with highly complex careers are also highly educated.

Do you ever wonder why rich folks insist that their children get the best education money can buy?

Hint: Because they know that it's the key to a successful future.

No, not every person with highly compensated careers are highly educated. But I guess that depends on your definition.

Rich folks put their kids in college for the same reason not so rich parents do, because they have been brainwashed into thinking that one has to have a college degree to do well. Many many people who have college degrees are not doing very well.
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

'I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.'
William F. Buckley, Jr.
My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?
Republicans just aren't smart enough for college. It's that simple.
/----/ I graduated from a private college on Long Island with a BS in Business 3.76 out of 4 GPA. My wife has a Masters in Education from St Johns University. Most of our friends are professionals with advanced degrees and we are not only Republicans- we are Conservatives. This renders your rant moot.
My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?
/----/ As long as we are setting up straw man arguments, here's my entry: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
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My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?
/----/ As long as we are setting up straw man arguments, here's my entry: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
Did I say something that was incorrect?
There are plumbers and electricians that make more that managers at a lot of retail stores and they don't have degrees.

And many of them are with unions that give money hand over fist to Democrats!

Not in my State.

That may be true, there are many people that have a high school education and hove gone to run fortune 500 companies.
In 1953, when Americans had the most widespread prosperity ever, one third of the CEOs didn't have college degrees. It is significant that this was hidden away in a footnote in the bestseller, The Organization Man.

This isn't 1953 and at that time, only 40% of people had more than an eight grade education and less than 10% had any college at all.

Is that the world you want?
Intellectuals Are an Insult to Intellligence

If someone said we need to recruit a better class of policemen, would that mean he wanted to fire all the present policemen and let the criminals run wild? I don't recognize the validity of the kind of education you accept, that's all. It attracts only richkids and low-talent brownnoses.

Everything about it is dysfunctional and dishonest. For example, what would you say about a father who said, "I'm saving up money to get my son on the college football team"? Would you have any respect for college sports?
No, the way you describe conservatives is absurd and reveals that you have a closed mind, to the point that you can't even describe their positions.

Absurd? I guess you ignore all the Conservative posts on this forum?

The far right Conservative position on this forum is quite clear. It is about survival of the fittest. End of story.

The natural reaction to the desire for a cradle to grave nanny state often leads to heated rhetoric.

But policies, principles, candidates, show that is not the reality of the Conservative movement or the Republican Party.

I didn't say ALL Conservatives or the ENTIRE republican party... did I?

Would you like to make a general statement demonstrating your ability to understand the positions of the NOT radical fringe Conservatives?

Most Conservatives do not like to be taxed and the government use that money for social programs. They believe in limited government and that if any of their money is to be used to help the less fortunate, they get to choose WHO and WHERE that money goes.

You gave the key reason why Conservatives believe that in your post. "their money".

In addition to that, it's the Liberal mindset of if they support taxes to fund something it's the same as if they voluntarily gave it to the person. Liberals care so much for others they're willing to let someone else be forced to fund such things. The argument of "I'd gladly pay more taxes if it went to help the less fortunate" is a cop out, bullshit argument. It translates as "that's probably not going to happen but since I said I would I can feel good about myself".
It doesn't take but one example to make a universals claim false, boy.

Wrong again... that's called an anomaly.

Besides that, Perot was a Naval Academy graduate and did attend community college.

The naval academy is a university.

Yes, it is such a great school that a coworker had to go back to school to get a degree before he became a teacher just to teach math..

Because he probably didn't have the requisite classes to get his teaching certificate.
Do you believe that anyone with a degree can be a teacher?

I believe there are people that don't have degrees that could make better teachers than many of those that do have them.

There are people that have a high school diploma, something one would assume means they can function on a 12th grade level, that can't read or write on a 5th grade level. The piece of paper doesn't necessarily equate to being qualified.
There are plumbers and electricians that make more that managers at a lot of retail stores and they don't have degrees.

And many of them are with unions that give money hand over fist to Democrats!

Not in my State.

That may be true, there are many people that have a high school education and hove gone to run fortune 500 companies.
In 1953, when Americans had the most widespread prosperity ever, one third of the CEOs didn't have college degrees. It is significant that this was hidden away in a footnote in the bestseller, The Organization Man.

This isn't 1953 and at that time, only 40% of people had more than an eight grade education and less than 10% had any college at all.

Is that the world you want?

Apparently you missed the key part of the post to which you responded. "most widespread prosperity".

The lefties constantly talk about going back to the tax rates of the the 1950s because we had such prosperity. If you want some of it, why not all of it? Wouldn't all of it have played a role in that prosperity?
Not in my State.

That may be true, there are many people that have a high school education and hove gone to run fortune 500 companies.
In 1953, when Americans had the most widespread prosperity ever, one third of the CEOs didn't have college degrees. It is significant that this was hidden away in a footnote in the bestseller, The Organization Man.

This isn't 1953 and at that time, only 40% of people had more than an eight grade education and less than 10% had any college at all.

Is that the world you want?
An eighth grade education before the 70's was much different than an eighth grade education today. Just a fact. How many college twerps have you met along the way in administrative positions that couldn't spell any better than a second grader if even that? I have came across quite a few that supposedly had degrees but just like HS diplomas they got them without having the knowledge base to back those degrees up.

The point was, the world was a simpler place in 1953.

But we had the most widespread prosperity ever. Isn't that what lefties constantly claim they want, less widespread inequality?
My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?
/----/ As long as we are setting up straw man arguments, here's my entry: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
Did I say something that was incorrect?
/----/ As if you didn't know your straw man argument. Well here it is Spanky: " I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP." I'll answer your question Birdbrain - NEVER. It never became negative qualities for the GOP.
My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?
/----/ As long as we are setting up straw man arguments, here's my entry: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
Did I say something that was incorrect?
/----/ As if you didn't know your straw man argument. Well here it is Spanky: " I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP." I'll answer your question Birdbrain - NEVER. It never became negative qualities for the GOP.
Ah, so you've never noticed that.

Got it.

Always fascinating, the selective attention of hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends.
My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?
/----/ As long as we are setting up straw man arguments, here's my entry: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
Did I say something that was incorrect?
/----/ As if you didn't know your straw man argument. Well here it is Spanky: " I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP." I'll answer your question Birdbrain - NEVER. It never became negative qualities for the GOP.
Ah, so you've never noticed that.

Got it.

Always fascinating, the selective attention of hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends.
/----/ That is just your hate filled biased opinion. If it were true, you'd be able to post facts to back it up. You won't because you can't. Now answer my question: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?
/----/ As long as we are setting up straw man arguments, here's my entry: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
Did I say something that was incorrect?
/----/ As if you didn't know your straw man argument. Well here it is Spanky: " I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP." I'll answer your question Birdbrain - NEVER. It never became negative qualities for the GOP.
Ah, so you've never noticed that.

Got it.

Always fascinating, the selective attention of hardcore partisan ideologues on both ends.
/----/ That is just your hate filled biased opinion. If it were true, you'd be able to post facts to back it up. You won't because you can't. Now answer my question: We all acknowledge that the true agenda of the DemocRATS is to reinstate slavery, where will they draw their slaves from, Detroit or Harlem?
Oh my. You're crazed.

Okay. You're absolutely right. You really are right. Thanks for setting me straight.
The natural reaction to the desire for a cradle to grave nanny state often leads to heated rhetoric.

But policies, principles, candidates, show that is not the reality of the Conservative movement or the Republican Party.

I didn't say ALL Conservatives or the ENTIRE republican party... did I?

Would you like to make a general statement demonstrating your ability to understand the positions of the NOT radical fringe Conservatives?

Most Conservatives do not like to be taxed and the government use that money for social programs. They believe in limited government and that if any of their money is to be used to help the less fortunate, they get to choose WHO and WHERE that money goes.
That is generally a right when someone worked hard for that money to determine where they will put it into charity for others. If you want to get down to charities and the ones who have been scamming peeps take a look at clintons first and work your way out from there.

Non-sequitur. I have in fact said before on this forum that I thought the Clinton Foundation was not on the up-and-up at all times.

My problem is that Conservatives have no problem taking tax money to use it on programs they like, but when it comes to social programs they don't like, then tax money should be hands off.

As a Conservative that can only speak for himself, you kind of hit at the truth. I have no problem with federal tax money being used on programs for which the Constitution specifically says the federal government can do. When it comes to State/Local tax money being used, my determination is based ideology.

If you truly understand the concept of federalism, that will make perfect sense. If you need a more detailed explanation, I'll be glad to provide one with examples.
If Liberals are better educated then why do they need so much welfare, demand higher taxes and hate the rich so much?
NBC News 2012 exit polls show that the Dems garnered 44% of college graduate Voters while the GOP won 54% of college graduate Voters, but Obama did win 64% of high school drop-out voters lol

Public Housing - 81% D vs 12% R, Medicaid - 74% D vs 16% R, Food Stamps - 67% D vs 20% R, Unemployment Compensation - 64% D vs 25% R, Welfare/Public Assistance - 63% D vs 22% R…….

i.e. Democrat Voters are the least educated and lowest income bottom 50% of our society

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