Why educated people are more Liberal

Intelligent, well- educated people understand principles and apply them consistently. This is true for both sides of the aisle.

The uneducated of both just pick a side and play good little soldier.
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That may be true, there are many people that have a high school education and hove gone to run fortune 500 companies.
In 1953, when Americans had the most widespread prosperity ever, one third of the CEOs didn't have college degrees. It is significant that this was hidden away in a footnote in the bestseller, The Organization Man.

Is that the world you want?

(This is in reply to Post #285. My computer was so depressed by the parroted "thinking" here by the Netwits caged on both the Left and the Right that it tried to commit suicide.)

Each of your corporate Masters' authoritarian talking points you recite proves how dumbed down college graduates are, which reflects on their ability to do the jobs they stole through brownnosing.

#1 = "The more posts a poster makes, the more that proves he is stupid."

#2 Person is the subject, so change the verb to is. Unstructured grammar is evidence of unstructured thought.

#3 All that proves is that college "education" means students having their parents buy them their future jobs. The brainwashed public is prevented from realizing the overwhelming psychological advantage richkids have in living off an adult allowance.

#4 This unmotivating school playground for Preppies is the key to why the economy has gone downhill since 1953.
/----/ As to point #3 : The vocational schools that were so popular in the last century have almost gone away. Yes there are some, but not like when I grew up. Auto mechanics, carpentry and so forth were viable options to those who were not college material. You could learn a trade and make a middle class living with a modest home and base model Chevy in the driveway. Do any High Schools still offer Shop or Home Economics?

The school district where I live has what is called Career Centers. Within the District, there are several of them. Each one has students from several high schools based on geography. Most teach the same courses (Auto Body, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Mechatronics, Welding, Carpentry, etc.). Each Center has some of it's own distinct programs. For the most part, they teach the types of things you speak of. A friend's daughter finished the Cosmetology program at one of them receiving whatever certification is required in that field to do cosmetology. She went on to a university for a Business degree and now own her own shop and has several others working under her.
/---/ good for both of them. Best of luck.
/----/ You said: "college is work without pay. So is vocational training. " That makes no sense. Do you expect to get paid while getting an education? What is it you're trying to say?

Students get grades instead of a salary for writing historical papers, doing laboratory experiments, and even coming up with new ideas and inventions.
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In 1953, when Americans had the most widespread prosperity ever, one third of the CEOs didn't have college degrees. It is significant that this was hidden away in a footnote in the bestseller, The Organization Man.

Is that the world you want?

(This is in reply to Post #285. My computer was so depressed by the parroted "thinking" here by the Netwits caged on both the Left and the Right that it tried to commit suicide.)

Each of your corporate Masters' authoritarian talking points you recite proves how dumbed down college graduates are, which reflects on their ability to do the jobs they stole through brownnosing.

#1 = "The more posts a poster makes, the more that proves he is stupid."

#2 Person is the subject, so change the verb to is. Unstructured grammar is evidence of unstructured thought.

#3 All that proves is that college "education" means students having their parents buy them their future jobs. The brainwashed public is prevented from realizing the overwhelming psychological advantage richkids have in living off an adult allowance.

#4 This unmotivating school playground for Preppies is the key to why the economy has gone downhill since 1953.
/----/ As to point #3 : The vocational schools that were so popular in the last century have almost gone away. Yes there are some, but not like when I grew up. Auto mechanics, carpentry and so forth were viable options to those who were not college material. You could learn a trade and make a middle class living with a modest home and base model Chevy in the driveway. Do any High Schools still offer Shop or Home Economics?

The school district where I live has what is called Career Centers. Within the District, there are several of them. Each one has students from several high schools based on geography. Most teach the same courses (Auto Body, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Mechatronics, Welding, Carpentry, etc.). Each Center has some of it's own distinct programs. For the most part, they teach the types of things you speak of. A friend's daughter finished the Cosmetology program at one of them receiving whatever certification is required in that field to do cosmetology. She went on to a university for a Business degree and now own her own shop and has several others working under her.
/---/ good for both of them. Best of luck.

You mentioned Home Economics. I don't think they teach that as a class anymore. They offer classes called Family Life that touches on things the old Home Ec classes taught but they're more of a dumping ground for discipline problems now.
/----/ You said: "college is work without pay. So is vocational training. " That makes no sense. Do you expect to get paid while getting an education? What is it you're trying to say?

Students get grades instead of a salary for writing historical papers, doing laboratory experiments, and even coming up with new ideas and inventions.

I have a good friend that teaches and he says he can't count the number of times he's had students say "we don't get paid to be here like you do". His response to them is when you've done what I've done to be able to get paid, so will you in whatever field you choose to do. Another one he offers up is someone is being forced to pay for you to be here.
I have a good friend that teaches and he says he can't count the number of times he's had students say "we don't get paid to be here like you do". His response to them is when you've done what I've done to be able to get paid, so will you in whatever field you choose to do.

You have students, both good and bad. You have student, especially in computer science, working in industry while in school.
/----/ You said: "college is work without pay. So is vocational training. " That makes no sense. Do you expect to get paid while getting an education? What is it you're trying to say?

Students get grades instead of a salary for writing historical papers, doing laboratory experiments, and even coming up with new ideas and inventions.
/-----/. so?
This is how open minded the modern liberal is to new ideas.


Milo's ideas are far from new. Same shit, new package. Just more nonsense.

New to those campuses, and your liberal students bodies exploded into violence at the thought of hearing new ideas, adn their liberal administration refused to do their job and protect the rights of the invited guests to speak.
Because the dummies were duped into paying $200,000 in tuition for a degree worth about $40k?
I've never been able to figure out why Liberals spend so much on degrees that pay so little if they're so smart.
obama had a billion dollars spent on him to get a 400 thousand a year job
In my personal experience higher education exposes a person to more diverse ways of thinking. One becomes more cosmopolitan in outlook. With such exposure, it becomes more difficult to be swayed by fear and suspicion, two aspects driving the modern American Conservative (who is indeed not Conservative, but Nationalist and xenophobic)

Today's Conservative is a victim of a cult of personality rather than ideology. Not all,that long ago, true Conservatives were applauding, among others, Paul Ryan on the GOP ticket as he brought fiscal Conservatism to the Republican brand. Since then, the Roger Stone/Paul Manafort Wing of dirty politics driven by lies, obfuscation, fear and suspicion has hijacked the ideologiwing of the GOP.

Being exposed to people in a college setting allows one to see through these vile aspects of contemporary politics.

So, yes. People with higher education are not as susceptible to fear mongering.
lots of educated people have just as many fears as lessor educated people and can be just as susceptible to fear mongering.......look at how so many so called educated liberals are reacting to the shit being thrown around about trump........
Speaking for myself I would say my reaction to the Trump disruptions has been confirmation of my thoughts of Trump''s character and comportment and not outrage over the havoc it brings. I feel as if the Trump of the campaign and the division it brought by his words and attitudes is the Trump presidency.

I know his most avid supporters reveled in the chaos. But here's where at least the exposure to a higher education pays off. The ability to recognize that chaos is not a solution and opting for chaos is a fool's game. Had the Trump supporters been just a little more far sighted, we might not have had Trump as a front runner in the nominating process.

That would have put, most certainly, an ideologue at the head of the GOP ticket. Ideologues are more pragmatic than egomaniacs. Ideologues would be more accomplished at agenda advancement. Ideologues, though not saints as are we all, may have a few social rough spots but not the constant reminders of blatant division and winks and nods to the most despicable players in American politics today.

We need change. The "pragmatic" political class is happy with the status quo that is literally killing Middle America.

White Americans Are Dying Younger as Drug and Alcohol Abuse Rises

" Life expectancy declined slightly for white Americans in 2014, according to new federal data, a troubling sign that distress among younger and middle-age whites who are dying at ever-higher rates from drug overdoses is lowering average life spans for the white population as a whole."
My guess is that the study in the OP is correct overall, but it wouldn't make people of one ideology better or more important to the country than the other significantly.

But on a (possibly) related matter, I do very much wonder when advanced education, intellectual acuity and a general ability to speak in an articulate manner became negative qualities for the GOP.

Dubya, Palin, Trump. All are hailed for their simplistic speech patterns as "speaking from the heart" - which, by the way, obviously has nothing to do with intelligence - and there is a clear trend here.

When did this happen, and why?

It has NOT.

What has been rejected is the idea that some Authority can speak and we have to bow to their wisdom.
Well, I hold advanced degrees and what is considered the most difficult to obtain certification in my industry, and I vote libertarian, whatever party they're in.
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

Because they spent TWELVE YEARS in Liberal Universities getting incessantly hammered with liberal ideology drilled into them by their liberal professors that if they did not regurgitate it back to them with acceptance, they got a failing grade.

So, it's not that they are more "educated," just that liberal ideologies have been made synonymous with intelligence by the Left! It's all a liberal lie.

The fact is that most of the best universities are very liberal and you just don't graduate from them with good grades unless you please your liberal teacher.
I have a good friend that teaches and he says he can't count the number of times he's had students say "we don't get paid to be here like you do". His response to them is when you've done what I've done to be able to get paid, so will you in whatever field you choose to do.

You have students, both good and bad. You have student, especially in computer science, working in industry while in school.

Exactly. The good ones do what is expected of them and the bad ones do, well, read my last post.
From my experience on this forum libs are the least educated people in the country and that makes them easy to manipulate by Deep State puppeteers.

Their "education" in reality is just propaganda based on ZERO historical facts.

Educated people would not destroy over 100 y.o. statues just because somebody told them "they are bad".
they do bill themselves as the party who loses to idiots on a regular basis.......every time they lose they tell me how big of idiot the other guy is ......and they lost
I'm not taking sides here, just posting these links as some interesting reading on why those with college degrees in America, Canada, and Europe tend to be more Liberal, and why the less educated tend to be more Conservative, also, why American's believe they control their own destiny, while those in other countries would prefer the state to play a larger role in their lives.

Whatever side of the partisan fence you are on, this might make some interesting reading.

Why the Most Educated Americans Vote Democratic

How the education gap is tearing politics apart | David Runciman

5 ways Americans and Europeans are different

Because they spent TWELVE YEARS in Liberal Universities getting incessantly hammered with liberal ideology drilled into them by their liberal professors that if they did not regurgitate it back to them with acceptance, they got a failing grade.

So, it's not that they are more "educated," just that liberal ideologies have been made synonymous with intelligence by the Left! It's all a liberal lie.

The fact is that most of the best universities are very liberal and you just don't graduate from them with good grades unless you please your liberal teacher.

Liberals believe that anyone that disagrees with them is stupid or evul.

THus, their closed mind justifies to them, discriminating against conservatives because, why would they want to hire or promote someone who is, in their closed minds, stupid or evil?

Meanwhile conservatives actually do their jobs, and thus hire or promote people based on ability.

Give that set up a while and slowing the vile liberals drive conservatives from a field.

ANd then pat themselves on the back telling each other it is because conservatives are stupid.
Let me get this right (pardon the pun). Bill 718 found three left wing editorials but he isn't "taking sides". Who the hell is David Callihan? Another David, David Runciman cites an "education gap" between administrations that can't possibly exist since Trump has only been in office for about eight months. If there is a problem with education it must relate to Barry Hussein's eight freaking long years. Somebody named Richard Wike claims Europeans are different. No shit.
Education is not just about school, this is a new talking point, all colleges teach subjects to increase understanding of a subject. if you go to a church based school its because that's your area of interest. more interested in the human brain different school.
I said you don't have to get a degree to be certified. Please keep up.

In my state you don't have to be an apprentice to become certified in a vocational trade. I've held a general contractor's license for almost 30 years. While I worked in the field for several years before getting the license, it wasn't required to do so.

I NEVER said you had to get a degree. I said you have to still get an education that requires training for your specific field of vocation... which totally makes your argument wrong.

Neither did I. What you did say was that to become certified in vocational trades requires being an apprentice. That is untrue as a general statement.

Can you get accepted into Unions of Trades without apprenticeships?
It depends on which trade union. For some if you have the actual experience and can pass their test they will accept you with less time to be spent as an apprentice.
I was in the carpenters union, and I know people who got in by passing the business agent money under the table. Unions are utterly corrupt. The business agent was widely known to own about 40 acres of land just outside of Boulder Co. The cost of that would be well over a million. It's hard to justify that on a salary of $36,000/yr
I cannot say that they are all corrupt but I have also seen corruption in some of them. I wouldn't say just because someone own expensive property beside having a normal trade they are corrupt. My dad was in a trade union but he also invested in property through the years. His mom was a real estate broker. They bought and fixed houses when he wasn't working. Each time they sold one they worked their way up to a nicer place. They didn't live on borrowed money with huge mortgages. When freeways went in they bought some really nice houses that either had to be torn down or moved. We lived in some pretty snazzy houses growing up because of that.

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