Why electric cars will take over sooner than you think

You mean like we STILL DO with oil companies.

I would add many of those oil companies don't pay a penny in federal income taxes.
You should absolutely LOVE oil companies, since they are providing the fuel to generate electricity for EVs. Evs aren't going anywhere without the oil companies.

Fossil fuels don't generate electricity in my state.

We use water, wind, solar and a small nuclear facility.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005. I'm sure it's closed by now.

We started building one of the nation's largest wind farms in the 90s.

The result?

We generate more electricity than we use so we sell the excess to other states for a profit. If you live in one of those states, you're welcome for the cheap and clean energy.

We also have the second lowest electric rates in the country.

So my state doesn't need or want fossil fuels to generate electricity.
Yep, when you only get 250 miles on a good day from an electric fill up, that took 1 hour, sure, the electric car is the way to go. But if you have to go from Florida to Arizona, and it takes you 10 fill ups and it is cold outside and the days are short, you have to fill up a few more times and longer because battteries dont do well in cold weather.

The inception of the idea about a battery charged-electric vehicle is indeed ... compact, light and far more efficient nickel/metal (NiMH) accumulators. ... A brave new world is upon us, with many pioneers leading the way of developments. ...

Hey, get your jollies off on electric cars all you want, but a few facts are in order:
  1. GM isn't phasing out gas cars until 15 years from now, so they say today.
  2. A great many people rely on the USED market buying used gasoline cars up to ten years old. That means there will still be a steady demand for used gas cars at least until 2045.
  3. In a bad economy, a $4,000 used gas car will be easier to sell than a $60,000 new electric car.
  4. As time goes on and more people see the liabilities of an electric car, they will be sticking with or going back to gasoline.
  5. As gas cars become scarcer on the market, their value will soar.
  6. The electric car is a CONSUMER item and will never replace all forms of transportation.
  7. The environmental/climatic benefits of electric cars is being greatly overstated.
  8. The minute they develop a practical hydrogen fuel cell, they will drop electric battery cars like hot cakes making them valueless.
  9. Electric cars will be chock full of computer restrictions and government regulations limiting the driver and telling on him; as people realize that, they will flock back to gasoline.
  10. The electric car will never fully supplant the gas car until they literally outlaw gas cars, close all gas stations and FORCE everyone to electric.
8. There are many more infrastructure hurdles for hydrogen than there are for electric.

9. You seem to think today's gas powered cars aren't chock full of computers already, and any imagined restrictions you fear could be easily implemented with the technology we currently have.
You mean like we STILL DO with oil companies.

I would add many of those oil companies don't pay a penny in federal income taxes.
You should absolutely LOVE oil companies, since they are providing the fuel to generate electricity for EVs. Evs aren't going anywhere without the oil companies.

Fossil fuels don't generate electricity in my state.

We use water, wind, solar and a small nuclear facility.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005. I'm sure it's closed by now.

We started building one of the nation's largest wind farms in the 90s.

The result?

We generate more electricity than we use so we sell the excess to other states for a profit. If you live in one of those states, you're welcome for the cheap and clean energy.

We also have the second lowest electric rates in the country.

So my state doesn't need or want fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Yes, Washington state is lucky to have such extensive hydroelectric production.

The only State that does.
What are they going to do with all those 500 lb batteries full of haz-mat stuff when they start to break down? Send them back to China?
I've already made six figures in my lithium stock buys, and the best is yet to come. All you skeptics of the coming EV revolution are also people who doubt the existence of climate change. They also think the earth is flat. They'll die off, like the dinosaur, and progress, and change, will continue ever more.

They've already been left behind by the technological revolution and cannot handle another one.

They are also the same people who believe Barak Obama is a muslim from Kenya and Michelle is a man.

They may die off quick since they are the same people who refuse to get vaccinated or social distance or wear a mask.
Bwaaaaahhaaaaa.....You are too funny prog slave....Your masters tell you to get vaccinated you get vaccinated...If your masters tell you to buy an electric car you will buy one....Free people choose what they want to buy.....or do with their bodies....you stupid fuck...

bad bad news for all authoritarian gas-stations like KSA, Muscovy, Venezuela , what will happened to them once oil (so no crazy jets full of cash landing on the roof of the Putin´s dacha) becomes what is coal today ?

We are in the middle of the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford's first production line started turning back in 1913.
And it is likely to happen much more quickly than you imagine.
Many industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles (EVs) will very rapidly overwhelm petrol and diesel cars....

Jaguar plans to sell only electric cars from 2025, Volvo from 2030 and last week the British sportscar company Lotus said it would follow suit, selling only electric models from 2028.

General Motors says it will make only electric vehicles by 2035, Ford says all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric by 2030 and VW says 70% of its sales will be electric by 2030."

So where are you going to charge them if you need to take a trip.

It’s definitely taking off, when one sees their own model ebike, only a few years old, replaced by a seriously nice new model. They are moving all over Wisconsin. The second solar panel, for even faster charging, will be ordered tomorrow. No more going dead in low temperatures. For winter, the battery will be wrapped in a portable electric blanket, placed inside an insulated compartment, then into another insulated compartment. Don’t give your lithium battery back to the Chinese. It’s yours. Save it for future U.S. recycling facilities.
Future recharging stations will vend pre-charged battery modules, even an old lady can manipulate. You drop off the spent one, because by then batteries will have been standardized. Duh
bad bad news for all authoritarian gas-stations like KSA, Muscovy, Venezuela , what will happened to them once oil (so no crazy jets full of cash landing on the roof of the Putin´s dacha) becomes what is coal today ?

We are in the middle of the biggest revolution in motoring since Henry Ford's first production line started turning back in 1913.
And it is likely to happen much more quickly than you imagine.
Many industry observers believe we have already passed the tipping point where sales of electric vehicles (EVs) will very rapidly overwhelm petrol and diesel cars....

Jaguar plans to sell only electric cars from 2025, Volvo from 2030 and last week the British sportscar company Lotus said it would follow suit, selling only electric models from 2028.

General Motors says it will make only electric vehicles by 2035, Ford says all vehicles sold in Europe will be electric by 2030 and VW says 70% of its sales will be electric by 2030."

Yep, when you only get 250 miles on a good day from an electric fill up, that took 1 hour, sure, the electric car is the way to go. But if you have to go from Florida to Arizona, and it takes you 10 fill ups and it is cold outside and the days are short, you have to fill up a few more times and longer because battteries dont do well in cold weather. And all those coal fired power plants need to be churning out the CO2 for the demand of all that electricity during that time because what happened in Texas can happen any where else.
Lol, every where else electric is regulated and controlled. We don't have catastrophic failures due to cold. Regulations require maintenance and and fail safe. Why don't ua show us some statistics on coal electric plants being built. As usual you are full of shit.
We are at least 50 years from getting even close to getting off fossil fuels. Anyone who believes otherwise is naïve as FUCK.
You could be right, but I doubt it will be that long. There are millions of gas and diesel vehicles on the roads, and all manufacturers aren't converting to electric. The transition will take several years, but I doubt it will be 50.
Alinsky rules make the aggressor make everything into a struggle. And a victory for the aggressor when completed. The aggressor very rarely admits that their agendas have had middling success or are failures. This is politics. We all know that a different type of vehicle is coming. However if it has the limitations of concerns of some on this board then it is not going to be a nice transition.
Only a RWNJ could tie great recent advances in electric vehicle technology with some silly claim about Alinsky. Pull your head out of the conspiracy clouds, and join us in reality for once..

That aint happening.
You mean like we STILL DO with oil companies.

I would add many of those oil companies don't pay a penny in federal income taxes.
You should absolutely LOVE oil companies, since they are providing the fuel to generate electricity for EVs. Evs aren't going anywhere without the oil companies.

Fossil fuels don't generate electricity in my state.

We use water, wind, solar and a small nuclear facility.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005. I'm sure it's closed by now.

We started building one of the nation's largest wind farms in the 90s.

The result?

We generate more electricity than we use so we sell the excess to other states for a profit. If you live in one of those states, you're welcome for the cheap and clean energy.

We also have the second lowest electric rates in the country.

So my state doesn't need or want fossil fuels to generate electricity.
You mean like we STILL DO with oil companies.

I would add many of those oil companies don't pay a penny in federal income taxes.
You should absolutely LOVE oil companies, since they are providing the fuel to generate electricity for EVs. Evs aren't going anywhere without the oil companies.

Fossil fuels don't generate electricity in my state.

We use water, wind, solar and a small nuclear facility.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005. I'm sure it's closed by now.

We started building one of the nation's largest wind farms in the 90s.

The result?

We generate more electricity than we use so we sell the excess to other states for a profit. If you live in one of those states, you're welcome for the cheap and clean energy.

We also have the second lowest electric rates in the country.

So my state doesn't need or want fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Untrue anywhere in the US.
Coal is the #1 electricity producer in ALL US states and most of the world.
Many states just do not know how their electricity is produced because it is part of an out of state grid.
It is never going to be possible to use only renewable resources any place in the world except on ocean shores, near high thermal sources, or where one does not mind killing fish.
Yep, when you only get 250 miles on a good day from an electric fill up, that took 1 hour, sure, the electric car is the way to go. But if you have to go from Florida to Arizona, and it takes you 10 fill ups and it is cold outside and the days are short, you have to fill up a few more times and longer because battteries dont do well in cold weather.

The inception of the idea about a battery charged-electric vehicle is indeed ... compact, light and far more efficient nickel/metal (NiMH) accumulators. ... A brave new world is upon us, with many pioneers leading the way of developments. ...

Hey, get your jollies off on electric cars all you want, but a few facts are in order:
  1. GM isn't phasing out gas cars until 15 years from now, so they say today.
  2. A great many people rely on the USED market buying used gasoline cars up to ten years old. That means there will still be a steady demand for used gas cars at least until 2045.
  3. In a bad economy, a $4,000 used gas car will be easier to sell than a $60,000 new electric car.
  4. As time goes on and more people see the liabilities of an electric car, they will be sticking with or going back to gasoline.
  5. As gas cars become scarcer on the market, their value will soar.
  6. The electric car is a CONSUMER item and will never replace all forms of transportation.
  7. The environmental/climatic benefits of electric cars is being greatly overstated.
  8. The minute they develop a practical hydrogen fuel cell, they will drop electric battery cars like hot cakes making them valueless.
  9. Electric cars will be chock full of computer restrictions and government regulations limiting the driver and telling on him; as people realize that, they will flock back to gasoline.
  10. The electric car will never fully supplant the gas car until they literally outlaw gas cars, close all gas stations and FORCE everyone to electric.
8. There are many more infrastructure hurdles for hydrogen than there are for electric.

9. You seem to think today's gas powered cars aren't chock full of computers already, and any imagined restrictions you fear could be easily implemented with the technology we currently have.

Hydrogen certainly will be very different to refuel and will require very different fueling stations.

But as for computers and restrictions, I think he is referring to things like keeping a log of all the traffic infractions like speeding, what strip club you went to, etc.
We are at least 50 years from getting even close to getting off fossil fuels. Anyone who believes otherwise is naïve as FUCK.

Sounds like a guy on a horse in 1905...

Electric will take over, it will be cheaper, quieter and cleaner gasoline cars... Europe has a very simple fix in London it cost over $20 bring your car into the city, free if fully electric and discounts for the greener the car...

Compare Central London to rest of GB


And this has dropped significantly in the last 5 years
We are at least 50 years from getting even close to getting off fossil fuels. Anyone who believes otherwise is naïve as FUCK.

Sounds like a guy on a horse in 1905...

Electric will take over, it will be cheaper, quieter and cleaner gasoline cars... Europe has a very simple fix in London it cost over $20 bring your car into the city, free if fully electric and discounts for the greener the car...

Compare Central London to rest of GB

View attachment 498823

And this has dropped significantly in the last 5 years
Yeah, sure....in your fucking dreams.....When the electricity starts doing brown outs, will you charge your car, or use your computer, or keep your food cold? You wont be able to do it all. Renewables dont cut it..
You mean like we STILL DO with oil companies.

I would add many of those oil companies don't pay a penny in federal income taxes.
You should absolutely LOVE oil companies, since they are providing the fuel to generate electricity for EVs. Evs aren't going anywhere without the oil companies.

Fossil fuels don't generate electricity in my state.

We use water, wind, solar and a small nuclear facility.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005. I'm sure it's closed by now.

We started building one of the nation's largest wind farms in the 90s.

The result?

We generate more electricity than we use so we sell the excess to other states for a profit. If you live in one of those states, you're welcome for the cheap and clean energy.

We also have the second lowest electric rates in the country.

So my state doesn't need or want fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Untrue anywhere in the US.
Coal is the #1 electricity producer in ALL US states and most of the world.
Many states just do not know how their electricity is produced because it is part of an out of state grid.
It is never going to be possible to use only renewable resources any place in the world except on ocean shores, near high thermal sources, or where one does not mind killing fish.

Coal is number two and will be three in by next year..
You mean like we STILL DO with oil companies.

I would add many of those oil companies don't pay a penny in federal income taxes.
You should absolutely LOVE oil companies, since they are providing the fuel to generate electricity for EVs. Evs aren't going anywhere without the oil companies.

Fossil fuels don't generate electricity in my state.

We use water, wind, solar and a small nuclear facility.

We started shutting down our last coal fired plant in 2005. I'm sure it's closed by now.

We started building one of the nation's largest wind farms in the 90s.

The result?

We generate more electricity than we use so we sell the excess to other states for a profit. If you live in one of those states, you're welcome for the cheap and clean energy.

We also have the second lowest electric rates in the country.

So my state doesn't need or want fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Untrue anywhere in the US.
Coal is the #1 electricity producer in ALL US states and most of the world.
Many states just do not know how their electricity is produced because it is part of an out of state grid.
It is never going to be possible to use only renewable resources any place in the world except on ocean shores, near high thermal sources, or where one does not mind killing fish.
So, if renewable sources can't supply all our needs, then we will use coal, or gas, or dried cow dung if we have to. We will maintain a reliable energy source of one kind or another. It will just be better for us if we can do that with renewable sources sooner. Nobody wants or expects a complete conversion to renewables before that is possible. Quit whining.
Yep, when you only get 250 miles on a good day from an electric fill up, that took 1 hour, sure, the electric car is the way to go. But if you have to go from Florida to Arizona, and it takes you 10 fill ups and it is cold outside and the days are short, you have to fill up a few more times and longer because battteries dont do well in cold weather.

The inception of the idea about a battery charged-electric vehicle is indeed ... compact, light and far more efficient nickel/metal (NiMH) accumulators. ... A brave new world is upon us, with many pioneers leading the way of developments. ...

Hey, get your jollies off on electric cars all you want, but a few facts are in order:
  1. GM isn't phasing out gas cars until 15 years from now, so they say today.
  2. A great many people rely on the USED market buying used gasoline cars up to ten years old. That means there will still be a steady demand for used gas cars at least until 2045.
  3. In a bad economy, a $4,000 used gas car will be easier to sell than a $60,000 new electric car.
  4. As time goes on and more people see the liabilities of an electric car, they will be sticking with or going back to gasoline.
  5. As gas cars become scarcer on the market, their value will soar.
  6. The electric car is a CONSUMER item and will never replace all forms of transportation.
  7. The environmental/climatic benefits of electric cars is being greatly overstated.
  8. The minute they develop a practical hydrogen fuel cell, they will drop electric battery cars like hot cakes making them valueless.
  9. Electric cars will be chock full of computer restrictions and government regulations limiting the driver and telling on him; as people realize that, they will flock back to gasoline.
  10. The electric car will never fully supplant the gas car until they literally outlaw gas cars, close all gas stations and FORCE everyone to electric.
8. There are many more infrastructure hurdles for hydrogen than there are for electric.

9. You seem to think today's gas powered cars aren't chock full of computers already, and any imagined restrictions you fear could be easily implemented with the technology we currently have.

Hydrogen certainly will be very different to refuel and will require very different fueling stations.

But as for computers and restrictions, I think he is referring to things like keeping a log of all the traffic infractions like speeding, what strip club you went to, etc.
If he thinks that is all computers do in cars, he has no idea of what their main purpose is. They regulate all the aspects of combustion to get more power and less harmful exhaust. It used to be hard to find a factory V8 with 300 horsepower. Now it's common to get that from a four cylinder. Computers made that possible.

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