why even after tonight's debate the left may be stuck with Biden ..

He gave HBCUS 16 billion. And he has done far more for us than Trump. Trump lied about everything and he even declared he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels even after he was convicted for cheating to win an election because he paid her to cover up what he did.
blacks pay more for rent , food , gas , electricity , insurance ect .. under Briben .. much much more ..
Harris was not ready for prime-time 4 years ago, and has embarrassed herself or done nothing to change before the public since. I do not understand how she could get as far as she did, but she has reached the Peter Principle threshold and will not go further unless carried by Joe. I will not vote for Harris as President. It has always been a problem for me, that voting for Joe, could easily be handing the Presidency to Harris, sometime during the next 4 years.
Keep telling yoursef that. Because Harris is highly qualified.
Trump cut gov regs and red tape to speed development and production idiot .
Trump fucked up and caused needess deaths and infections. Nations that don't have the facilites we had did far, far better.
Trump fucked up and caused needess deaths and infections. Nations that don't have the facilites we had did far, far better.
10s of thousands of rioters crammed together screaming at the tops of their longs and rioting caused needless spread and infections ..
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The Kumala factor is a dilemma of biblical proportions. The pick was based on color, damn the whore baggage, and now they're completely stymied with this idiotic decision.

She's exponentially dumber than briben, although scholars would probably argue that's not even possible. What do you do with this dumb slut with a likeability factor similar to rectal cancer???

I wait patiently for their solution. :abgg2q.jpg:

kamala any dicks in here.jpg
and polls worse than Briben .. much much worse .
And you guys are trying to pass over very qualified people in order to destroy America with another Trump presidency. You want to believe lies and we can't have that.
And you guys are trying to pass over very qualified people in order to destroy America with another Trump presidency. You want to believe lies and we can't have that.
we get to choose our candidate while you will be instructed to vote for whoever your Marxist overlords instruct you to vote for if they install someone other than Briben .
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The Kumala factor is a dilemma of biblical proportions. The pick was based on color, damn the whore baggage, and now they're completely stymied with this idiotic decision.

She's exponentially dumber than briben, although scholars would probably argue that's not even possible. What do you do with this dumb slut with a likeability factor similar to rectal cancer???

I wait patiently for their solution. :abgg2q.jpg:

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Don't be white talking about somebody being picked because of color. Harris is better qualified than trump and trump was president. I tel you this, Trump would not have stood a chance with Harris in that debate.
we get to choose our candidate while you will be instructed to vote for whoever you Marxist overlords instruct you to vote for if the install someone other than Briben .
I get to choose just like you do. Your fascist leader is trump. And you want that fascism.

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