why even after tonight's debate the left may be stuck with Biden ..

I agree with the trump LIES.

Seriously, I have NOT seen Harris (VP) doing anything. Sorry.
What did you see Pence do? Vice Presidents never do much. So why are we suddenly demanding Harris to do so much? I now the answer and it's sad how this still exists in the 21st century.
What did you see Pence do? Vice Presidents never do much. So why are we suddenly demanding Harris to do so much? I now the answer and it's sad how this still exists in the 21st century.
She stated she would do "border stuff"
WTF does/did that mean.

Harris has done NOTHING.
She is the border czar, the border is a mess. Nobody will vote to give her the keys to the kingdom except idiots. What were the other VPs asked to fo and failed at? It's not a double standard, she was given a task and failed spectacularly.
Bulshit. She was not responsible for the border. Congress is. And congress failed to pass laws to reform immigration. There was a bill, but trump killed it and now tries blaming Biden for the mess. Then you wantto put it on Harris. Racism in 2024.
She stated she would do "border stuff"
WTF does/did that mean.

Harris has done NOTHING.
Fuck the border. We face no real harm from a bunch of poor people trying to come here to work. The VP can't pass laws. I think you really need to look at what has really happened there instead of repeating propaganda.
Fuck the border. We face no real harm from a bunch of poor people trying to come here to work. The VP can't pass laws. I think you really need to look at what has really happened there instead of repeating propaganda.
You misread me.
I can't explain all my thoughts to you.
You are barking up the wrong tree.
I believe in Freedom, including the passage to the USA.
Congress is at fault.
You misread me.
I can't explain all my thoughts to you.
You are barking up the wrong tree.
I believe in Freedom, including the passage to the USA.
Congress is at fault.
I see your last sentence and this is where we agree.
The DNC should have had Biden bow out gracefully long ago. All that had to happen was that he say he’s not going to seek a second term due to health issues, family issues or some combination.

Not all presidents run for a second term.

LBJ announced he would not seek a second term and wouldn’t accept his party’s nomination if offered.

Biden could do the same, but the window’s closing and there’s no way at this late stage to do it with massive damage to whoever would be nominated in his place

But he should still drop out. Or be pressured to do so BTS by the party.

He’s not mentally fit to be president, and Trump isn’t fit ethically or morally.
go ahead a step over the 1st black female VP .. it wont go over well with many blacki female voters .

There is some precedent here. There’s nothing that says if Biden drops out, then Harris automatically becomes the nominee.

It’s interesting to look back at when LBJ announced he wasn’t going run in the middle of the primaries in 1968. His veep, Humphries, did eventually get the nomination, but only because Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.

Harris would not get the nomination in the event of Biden dropping out because we all know there’s no scenario where she could defeat Trump
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Fuck the border. We face no real harm from a bunch of poor people trying to come here to work. The VP can't pass laws. I think you really need to look at what has really happened there instead of repeating propaganda.
if you are melting down this bad because your guy lost a debate imagine how bad its going to be for you if Trump wins in Nov ! get help ..
Works on the assumption that the dem rank and file won't understand the gravity of the situation.

ONly because Newsome isn't as well known. Still more than enough time to do a rollout.
Newsome is from a California political family that is one of others that control the state. That state has a few strong families. In the older world they would be Dukes and Duchesses as part of the nation. We have that in near every part of our nation. California should be so much better.
I want the Indian descendant of slave owners they call a black woman...

Everyone hates the blowjob queen
she's a worse speaker than Biden and he don't even know what fucking year it is

RFKjr could have been the candidate

but the biden gang ran him out of the democrat party

They do have Bernie Sanders however

He’s old too, but seems to still have a functioning brain
I don't see Biden side stepping down. Trump lost this debate. People watched trump lie with confidence and think he won a debate.
Trump didn’t win but a lot of people watched to see if they could vote for Joe Biden. Not you or I cuz we’ll vote for a rock over Trump but undecideds who will decide this election were made less likely to vote for Joe last night.
Trump didn’t win but a lot of people watched to see if they could vote for Joe Biden. Not you or I cuz we’ll vote for a rock over Trump but undecideds who will decide this election were made less likely to vote for Joe last night.
That's true. And it's a shame because Bidens record is great.
if you are melting down this bad because your guy lost a debate imagine how bad its going to be for you if Trump wins in Nov ! get help ..
I watch a man lie and people call him the winner. Any sane person should melt down. I am prepared if Trump wins. You are not. You think everything is going to be great. But that's not going to happen. The fact you support trump shows that it is you who needs help.
Trump didn’t win but a lot of people watched to see if they could vote for Joe Biden. Not you or I cuz we’ll vote for a rock over Trump but undecideds who will decide this election were made less likely to vote for Joe last night.
Nope .. Trump along with all realistic Americans won.. (sorry, you’re not included)
There is some precedent here. There’s nothing that says if Biden drops out, then Harris automatically becomes the nominee.

It’s interesting to look back at when LBJ announced he wasn’t going run in the middle of the primaries in 1968. His veep, Humphries, did eventually get the nomination, but only because Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.

Harris would not get the nomination in the event of Biden dropping out because we all know there’s no scenario where she could defeat Trump
Actually there is a scenario. Because she would have beat trump last night in the debate.

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