why even after tonight's debate the left may be stuck with Biden ..

Actually there is a scenario. Because she would have beat trump last night in the debate.
Biden’s legacy as a steady hand for the working class and a decent man is intact..

It is not a felony to retire because of age. He will always have the FACT that he beat Trump. We owe him gratitude simply for that,

Trump’s worst nightmare would be Biden resigning on the day Trump gets sentenced to a prison term and the Supreme Court denies immunity in a way the Jan6 trial is set for September.

Any forty something would beat an 80’year old convicted.felon serving time in prison being let out to stand trial facing charges that he attempted to overturn the results in the eection that Joe and Kamala kicked his fat white ass and drive him to the brink of insanity.
I don't see Biden side stepping down. Trump lost this debate. People watched trump lie with confidence and think he won a debate.

IM, you are in denial.

Biden asked for this debate to draw a contrast between him and Trump, but he looked sickly.

Sure, Trump said a lot of stupid shit, but Biden didn't call him on it, so the lies go uncontested.

Biden needs to step aside in favor of Newsome or someone who can take the fight to Trump.
Donald Trump is a convicted rapist, a tax cheat, a draft dodger, a serial adulterer, a compulsive liar and yet onstage none of this matters for those who hate the other side. He promises retribution if reelected, wow ain't that great. He still lies that he won the election and seriously injuring capital police was really nothing. Amazing huh. If autocracy appeals you Trump is your guy, if America appeals to you Biden is the obvious choice.

There is some precedent here. There’s nothing that says if Biden drops out, then Harris automatically becomes the nominee.

It’s interesting to look back at when LBJ announced he wasn’t going run in the middle of the primaries in 1968. His veep, Humphries, did eventually get the nomination, but only because Bobby Kennedy was assassinated.

Harris would not get the nomination in the event of Biden dropping out because we all know there’s no scenario where she could defeat Trump

The problem is that in 1968, most delegates hadn't been selected yet. So Humphrey and RFK could run in the primaries and gather them.

All the delegates have been selected. The only way forward is for Biden to withdraw, free up his delegates, and endorse Newsom to replace him.
Donald Trump is a convicted rapist, a tax cheat, a draft dodger, a serial adulterer, a compulsive liar and yet onstage none of this matters for those who hate the other side. He promises retribution if reelected, wow ain't that great. He still lies that he won the election and seriously injuring capital police was really nothing. Amazing huh. If autocracy appeals you Trump is your guy, if America appeals to you Biden is the obvious choice.

Trump will get the 47% he always gets.

But if they think Biden is going to keel over five minutes after the election, that won't matter.

They know Trump is evil, but Biden is too old for this shit.
Trump will get the 47% he always gets.

But if they think Biden is going to keel over five minutes after the election, that won't matter.

They know Trump is evil, but Biden is too old for this shit.
Eh, Democrats are evil, otherwise you wouldn’t fit in so well. 😉
Go watch the the debate.

I did.

Biden looked sickly.

He didn't challenge Trump's lies effectively about the border, about Covid, or about tariffs.

Take Tariffs. Tariffs are a tax on CONSUMERS who chose foreign-made products over American-made ones. They don't take anything away from the foreign country, they just put a burden on the consumer. Normally, I'd have no problem with this, except MANY commodities can't be acquired from American providers for love or money.

They aren't competitive in pricing or quality.

And of course, the countries affected just raise their own tariffs on American goods for the few things we still can sell. The Chinese stopped buying American Soy Beans and Pork after the Trump Tariffs.

Of course, Biden didn't take this argument to Trump last night, and it doesn't help that he left the China tariff in place because it's kind of a crowd-pleaser when both parties needlessly demonize China.
Sure, Trump said a lot of stupid shit, but Biden didn't call him on it, so the lies go uncontested.
Trump slo-pitched a dozen softballs into sweet spots but Joe whiffed them. It was not good when the future of Western Liberal Democracy and all the progress made since our founding needed Biden to blast them out of the park.

Joe is a decent man and I’m confident he and Dems will coalesce around the best way to beat the properly hated and that to democracy Donald Trump.

Keeping Criminal Trump and his criminal cabinet out of power is all that matters.

At 83 Biden is tied in the polling going into the debate and he will do what’s right to save the country from Trump and his supporters God forbid appointing two more Supreme Court judges.

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