why even after tonight's debate the left may be stuck with Biden ..

Works on the assumption that the dem rank and file won't understand the gravity of the situation.

ONly because Newsome isn't as well known. Still more than enough time to do a rollout.
The dem rank and file are fine. It's you stupid loons who are driving the station wagon of the cliff.
I have neber given a fuck what CNN thnks. Trump lied for the entire debate. Debates are about facts and the fact the moderators didn't fact check is shameful. Trump lost this debate IMO but it seems that people want to put him back in the white house. So when he gets elected, I'm going to talk a great amount of shit as he impements his policy and we lose our democracy. Maybe them you idiots wil understand.
have neber ?? is that you mushmouth ?

Newsom could not attract the independents, as independent have seen Newsom and California under Newsom. And, you have already heard my opinion on Kamala.
Your opinion on Harris is based on what? The fact you call her by her first name but don't do the same for the white men running is rather telling.
Your opinion on Harris is based on what? The fact you call her by her first name but don't do the same for the white men running is rather telling.
Talk about a uncle Tom. That bitch imprisoned more blacks on bullshit Marijuana charges than any white DA or AG ever did in Cali, and you suck her dick any time you can.

You're pathetic.
Briben lied during the entire debate moron .. you sound very very angry ! why ? and you didn't lose any rights during Trumps admin idiot ! the average American was fairing a lot better under Trump until your chicom allies had a lab leak ..
No he ddn't. Trump inherited a growing economy from Obama/Biden. That is what we were living on until the pandemic. The way Trump mishandled the pandemic counts and because of him, we had the most deaths and infections on earth. This happened with the best doctors and medical facilities on earth. I'm tired of people looking at trump lie. And I don't want to see Project 2025 happen.
Your opinion on Harris is based on what? The fact you call her by her first name but don't do the same for the white men running is rather telling.
Harris was not ready for prime-time 4 years ago, and has embarrassed herself or done nothing to change before the public since. I do not understand how she could get as far as she did, but she has reached the Peter Principle threshold and will not go further unless carried by Joe. I will not vote for Harris as President. It has always been a problem for me, that voting for Joe, could easily be handing the Presidency to Harris, sometime during the next 4 years.
Biden claimed he gave blacks "thousands of millions".
He gave HBCUS 16 billion. And he has done far more for us than Trump. Trump lied about everything and he even declared he didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels even after he was convicted for cheating to win an election because he paid her to cover up what he did.
No he ddn't. Trump inherited a growing economy from Obama/Biden. That is what we were living on until the pandemic. The way Trump mishandled the pandemic counts and because of him, we had the most deaths and infections on earth. This happened with the best doctors and medical facilities on earth. I'm tired of people looking at trump lie. And I don't want to see Project 2025 happen.
did you get the vaccine that the Trump admin fast tracked in record time because of his warp speed initiative ?

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