Why exactly are you unwilling to pay for other people's medical care?

Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years...

"So, more than half of the reduction in the number of people who are uninsured is coming from an old fashioned increase in the number of people being covered in employer health plans. You will recall that the Obamacare employer mandate was delayed during 2014 so we can hardly credit the big employer gains to that part of Obamacare. Nor, is there much evidence that the individual mandate has had a big impact on enrollment–few people signed up by the special tax deadline extension. I will suggest those employer coverage gains could just as easily have more to do with a recovering economy and employment improvement.

As Rand points out, the Obamacare insurance exchange enrollment is tepid at best—accounting for only a gain in the number of insured of 4.1 million people.

As I have pointed out before, only about 40% of those eligible for the Obamacare insurance exchanges have so far signed up with exchange enrollment far behind the original CBO enrollment estimate of the 13 million for 2015. And, the vast majority of those who have signed up are people with very low incomes who pay the lowest premiums and get the most help with their deductibles and co-pays.

The biggest Obamacare gains are coming from the Medicaid expansion. Something people get for free in the states that have expanded it under Obamacare."

Has Obamacare Really Reduced The Uninsured By 16 Million And Continued To Show Strong Growth?
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed
Very persuasive.
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed
Very persuasive.
And amusing.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed
Very persuasive.
And amusing.
In ways you can't possibly imagine.
Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed
Very persuasive.
And amusing.
In ways you can't possibly imagine.
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed
Very persuasive.
And amusing.
In ways you can't possibly imagine.
Was that before or after he took your guns?
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.

No, it isn't.
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.

No, it isn't.
Heh. "Yes, it is."
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.

No, it isn't.
Heh. "Yes, it is."
So everyone in the U.S. has insurance? (A) It's not true and (B) if it were, the Rightists would go ballistic.
Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.

No, it isn't.
Heh. "Yes, it is."
So everyone in the U.S. has insurance? (A) It's not true and (B) if it were, the Rightists would go ballistic.
"So ..... " - nope, didn't say any of that, troll.
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.

No, it isn't.
Heh. "Yes, it is."
So everyone in the U.S. has insurance? (A) It's not true and (B) if it were, the Rightists would go ballistic.
"So ..... " - nope, didn't say any of that, troll.
Well then your basic premise about the basic premise is incorrect.
It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.

No, it isn't.
Heh. "Yes, it is."
So everyone in the U.S. has insurance? (A) It's not true and (B) if it were, the Rightists would go ballistic.
"So ..... " - nope, didn't say any of that, troll.
Well then your basic premise about the basic premise is incorrect.

Piss, off troll. Stow your strawmen. Suck a tailpipe. If you can't make an intelligent argument, this is the only kind of response you'll get.
No, it isn't.
Heh. "Yes, it is."
So everyone in the U.S. has insurance? (A) It's not true and (B) if it were, the Rightists would go ballistic.
"So ..... " - nope, didn't say any of that, troll.
Well then your basic premise about the basic premise is incorrect.

Piss, off troll. Stow your strawmen. Suck a tailpipe. If you can't make an intelligent argument, this is the only kind of response you'll get.

And we were making real progress for a while, too...
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years...

"So, more than half of the reduction in the number of people who are uninsured is coming from an old fashioned increase in the number of people being covered in employer health plans. You will recall that the Obamacare employer mandate was delayed during 2014 so we can hardly credit the big employer gains to that part of Obamacare. Nor, is there much evidence that the individual mandate has had a big impact on enrollment–few people signed up by the special tax deadline extension. I will suggest those employer coverage gains could just as easily have more to do with a recovering economy and employment improvement.

As Rand points out, the Obamacare insurance exchange enrollment is tepid at best—accounting for only a gain in the number of insured of 4.1 million people.

As I have pointed out before, only about 40% of those eligible for the Obamacare insurance exchanges have so far signed up with exchange enrollment far behind the original CBO enrollment estimate of the 13 million for 2015. And, the vast majority of those who have signed up are people with very low incomes who pay the lowest premiums and get the most help with their deductibles and co-pays.

The biggest Obamacare gains are coming from the Medicaid expansion. Something people get for free in the states that have expanded it under Obamacare."

Has Obamacare Really Reduced The Uninsured By 16 Million And Continued To Show Strong Growth?
In 2006, before the recession 17.9% of Americans were uninsured. Today the figure is just over 12%. 11% of the children (age 0 to 18) had no insurance. In 2013 it had fallen to 8%. Clearly the economic recovery is not responsible for the reduction in the uninsured.

Of course, those with low income are the primary beneficiaries of Obamacare since they were the largest income group without insurance.

Higher income groups have shown little change for two reasons. A larger percent of the higher income groups had insurance before Obamacare and secondly the cost of insurance was higher because there was little or no subsidy available.
Campaign 2008: Facts on Benefits Issues | EBRI
Health Insurance Coverage of Children 0-18
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.
There're only two ways of achieving full or near full coverage, a mandatory insurance requirement or government provided universal coverage. There wasn't sufficient support in congress for government provided universal coverage.
Just because one works with the system that's in place does not mean one is stupid enough to think it's the best possible system.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.
There're only two ways of achieving full or near full coverage, a mandatory insurance requirement or government provided universal coverage. There wasn't sufficient support in congress for government provided universal coverage.

Right. The basic premise of ACA was that the purpose of health care reform wasn't to address health care inflation, but to get everyone on the sinking ship of "insurance". Insurance (in particular, too much insurance) was, and remains, the problem. It isn't the solution.
Like all those people who claim "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system."...

Lame Straw Man. No one has ever claimed "there was nothing wrong with the old health insurance system" but O-Care is a poorly conceived and poorly launched stab at fixing the problem.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

Shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans has not only had serious negative unintended consequences, it is running into resistance, rejection and cost-overruns at its most basic level.

Furthermore, early data shows many of those who have bought into it already had health insurance meaning many of those it was intended to help - the uninsured - are still uninsured.

"Nearly half of the 23 non-profit insurance plans created under Obamacare in 2011 at a cost of $2.4 billion have announced they will close by the end of the year.

Utah’s Arches Health Plan on Tuesday became the 10th health insurance co-op to announce that it was closing its doors. The move comes soon after the Obama administration’s decision on Oct. 1 to provide just 12.6 percent of the $2.87 billion that insurers were seeking to offset losses caused by unexpectedly high coverage costs."

Nearly half of Obamacare co-ops are closing
Obamacare as promised has reduced the number of uninsured, 18% to 12% over the last 2 years. The CBO estimates it will level out at about 9% in a few years.

There are a number problems with Obamacare that can be fixed and eventually will be.

5 Ways Obamacare Can (And Should) Be Fixed

It's the basic premise of ACA that needs fixing, namely that the way to goal of health care reform should be to force everyone to buy insurance.
There're only two ways of achieving full or near full coverage, a mandatory insurance requirement or government provided universal coverage. There wasn't sufficient support in congress for government provided universal coverage.

Right. The basic premise of ACA was that the purpose of health care reform wasn't to address health care inflation, but to get everyone on the sinking ship of "insurance". Insurance (in particular, too much insurance) was, and remains, the problem. It isn't the solution.
If we want comprehensive healthcare available to everyone, then I don't see any alternative to insurance, either private or government.

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