Why Gary Johnson for president?

Some of the richest and most successful people in the world today were potheads. A lot of them still are. The war on marijuana is the dumbest thing anyone's ever gone to war for.

Yeah, look at the utter mess that the world is in right now. It wouldnt bother me at all if weed was legal however, it does kill massive amounts of brain cells and does to damage to long term memory.
Oh abusing things will damage you? Better get the government to control it.

Alcohol is far more harmful than Marijuana.

Did you miss the part about weed and should be legal? Our own government abuses us far more than smoking a fatty ever could.
No I didn't miss that. Just pointing out that any significant damage to brain cells and long term memory is the result of abuse. Marijuana abuse, btw, is far less damaging than alcohol abuse.
2 reasons for me. Well, 3 actually. I am not a social conservative. I don't want a pothead in office. Some of the things he wants to remove has me turned off.
He is homely. OOPS that is 4. So sorry.
like trump or hillary has never toked up,right Kat?......
2 reasons for me. Well, 3 actually. I am not a social conservative. I don't want a pothead in office. Some of the things he wants to remove has me turned off.
He is homely. OOPS that is 4. So sorry.
like trump or hillary has never toked up,right Kat?......
If they haven't they should. It would give them some perspective.
2 reasons for me. Well, 3 actually. I am not a social conservative. I don't want a pothead in office. Some of the things he wants to remove has me turned off.
He is homely. OOPS that is 4. So sorry.
like trump or hillary has never toked up,right Kat?......

I D K. Unless they say they have I have no way to know.
Fuck no. The rich are cheating our system and all of us. It is time to tax them and fuck small government.

Infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Things that shouldn't be cut at all and for education should in fact be improved. We can do much better then tiny government that doesn't do shit.

We need leadership! The best we have right now is Hillary.
2 reasons for me. Well, 3 actually. I am not a social conservative. I don't want a pothead in office. Some of the things he wants to remove has me turned off.
He is homely. OOPS that is 4. So sorry.
like trump or hillary has never toked up,right Kat?......

I D K. Unless they say they have I have no way to know.
you dont care if they do,but this guy it matters?.....you know dam well they have,but i cant wait to hear their answers when they get asked...
Fuck no. The rich are cheating our system and all of us. It is time to tax them and fuck small government.

Infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Things that shouldn't be cut at all and for education should in fact be improved. We can do much better then tiny government that doesn't do shit.

We need leadership! The best we have right now is Hillary.
you call hillary leadership?....wait a second....
As much as I absolutely LOVE the campaign meme... "Feel The Johnson!" ;)

The reason is simple... Come November, either Trump or Clinton will be elected president. If Johnson manages to get 7% of the popular vote nationwide, it will be a shocker. We have a two party system and right now, that's Republican and Democrat. No one else, no matter how awesome they are, stands any chance of winning.

If you need a second reason... Let's just pretend for the sake of argument a Libertarian defies all the odds and actually wins the election... never going to happen, but IF it did... He would essentially be a 4-year lame duck president with NO support in Congress.
Some of the richest and most successful people in the world today were potheads. A lot of them still are. The war on marijuana is the dumbest thing anyone's ever gone to war for.

Yeah, look at the utter mess that the world is in right now. It wouldnt bother me at all if weed was legal however, it does kill massive amounts of brain cells and does to damage to long term memory.
Oh abusing things will damage you? Better get the government to control it.

Alcohol is far more harmful than Marijuana.

Did you miss the part about weed and should be legal? Our own government abuses us far more than smoking a fatty ever could.
No I didn't miss that. Just pointing out that any significant damage to brain cells and long term memory is the result of abuse. Marijuana abuse, btw, is far less damaging than alcohol abuse.

I wont agree with you totally on the abuse thing. Marijuana use is dangerous to the brain and lungs while alcohol is just as bad to the liver and kidneys. The key word being abuse. But, that said, I think marijuana should be legal just as alcohol. Neither are no more dangerous than some of the prescription drugs that the FDA pumps out.
Fuck no. The rich are cheating our system and all of us. It is time to tax them and fuck small government.

Infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Things that shouldn't be cut at all and for education should in fact be improved. We can do much better then tiny government that doesn't do shit.

We need leadership! The best we have right now is Hillary.

Trump is right about one thing: The rich have been importing cheap labor and outsourcing. These bastards deserve to pay more taxes. Sorry, but liberterianism would mean the end of our leadership in science, tech and wouldn't help improve our educational system. We need real leadership. Sadly, trump isn't it. Hillary isn't perfect but I just don't believe in killing a huge part of our economy because you think the government is corrupt.n
Some of the richest and most successful people in the world today were potheads. A lot of them still are. The war on marijuana is the dumbest thing anyone's ever gone to war for.

Yeah, look at the utter mess that the world is in right now. It wouldnt bother me at all if weed was legal however, it does kill massive amounts of brain cells and does to damage to long term memory.
Oh abusing things will damage you? Better get the government to control it.

Alcohol is far more harmful than Marijuana.

Did you miss the part about weed and should be legal? Our own government abuses us far more than smoking a fatty ever could.
No I didn't miss that. Just pointing out that any significant damage to brain cells and long term memory is the result of abuse. Marijuana abuse, btw, is far less damaging than alcohol abuse.

I wont agree with you totally on the abuse thing. Marijuana use is dangerous to the brain and lungs while alcohol is just as bad to the liver and kidneys. The key word being abuse. But, that said, I think marijuana should be legal just as alcohol. Neither are no more dangerous than some of the prescription drugs that the FDA pumps out.
Alcohol is also bad for the brain and lungs.

Now tell me what edible Marijuana is bad for?
2 reasons for me. Well, 3 actually. I am not a social conservative. I don't want a pothead in office. Some of the things he wants to remove has me turned off.
He is homely. OOPS that is 4. So sorry.
like trump or hillary has never toked up,right Kat?......

I D K. Unless they say they have I have no way to know.
you dont care if they do,but this guy it matters?.....you know dam well they have,but i cant wait to hear their answers when they get asked...

Where did I say I don't care?? I said IDK = I DON'T KNOW
Read the below and tell me why not?


OK JakeStarkey Get him on the same ticket with either Sanders or Stein,
and let's talk about third parties suing the other two major parties to pay
back taxpayers for trillions in shenanigans from war contracts and insurance
payouts. Sue for restraining orders to block either party from running a candidate
until those trillions are paid back first. And allow Libertarians and Greens "equal
representation and opportunity" to run and serve in office instead of being
discriminated and colluded against by "conspiracy to violate equal civil rights."
Pot head, former CEO of "Cannibis Sativa", what's not to like?

You do know Clinton inhaled, Bush Jr. was a drunk and most likely inhaled too, and President Obama sure as hell did inhale and is most likely still inhaling, so let admit most if not all of the Presidents of this country did drugs and drank.

Also do you believe Trump never snorted, inhaled or drank himself to the point he could not remember the night before and the same for Hillary, so let admit almost everyone has inhaled and if you are one of the few that has not, well inhale once and enjoy life!

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