Why Gary Johnson for president?

2 reasons for me. Well, 3 actually. I am not a social conservative. I don't want a pothead in office. Some of the things he wants to remove has me turned off.
He is homely. OOPS that is 4. So sorry.
I bet you believed Clinton didn't inhale too right?
Would you like to tell us the last time another party held control of either house of congress or the white house?
Was that before your time? Okay, how about this one...
Tell us the last time three parties all held significant portions of congress respectively?


That's sure a funny request for evidence. You're appeal to demonstrate the "two party system" is the widespread acceptance of the lie?

Well gee, while we're on that, can you tell me the last time a woman was President of the United States? Was it before your time? I guess we have a male system!

Even at our founding we were either Federalists or Anti-federalists.

Partisanship did not enter US politics until after the Presidency of Washington. Jefferson v Adams was the point where partisan divides set in to American politics. Even still, there was a litany of parties on the whole. one party or another might become dominant for a time, but it would fall and disperse as other parties were perpetually on the rise. The Federalists were initially strong, being favored by Washington. But they soon fell to the Democratic-Republicans. The Democrats then came around. The National Republicans came onto the scene, who then yielded to the Whigs. Then then Republicans of today.

There has never been a time in our history (with the exception of once briefly during the Civil War) where more than two parties controlled the political landscape. Yes, there are dozens of parties... only two are viable at any given time... we ARE a two party system.

This is simply false, and based on nothing more than the fact that you've swallowed the lie.
That's sure a funny request for evidence. You're appeal to demonstrate the "two party system" is the widespread acceptance of the lie?

Well gee, while we're on that, can you tell me the last time a woman was President of the United States? Was it before your time? I guess we have a male system!

Well, give me ANY evidence that we're more than a two party system? :dunno:

You can't just claim something is a lie and then not back your claim and expect people to accept your word. If I said it was a lie that only men have been president... you'd expect me to name a few women who have been president, or at least one... otherwise, the statement is false.

So tell us about the time when more than two parties were dominant in American politics? If you cannot do that, then it's not a lie that we're a two party system. Now, you might not LIKE that we're a two party system... you might WISH we weren't a two party system... you might want us to be MORE than a two party system... I understand all that. But to sit here and claim that's a lie is a bit bold for someone who has nothing to offer as evidence.
Partisanship did not enter US politics until after the Presidency of Washington. Jefferson v Adams was the point where partisan divides set in to American politics.

Apparently you are unaware of history? :dunno:

Our very founding was a fierce battle between Federalists and Anti-Federalists.
Some of the richest and most successful people in the world today were potheads. A lot of them still are. The war on marijuana is the dumbest thing anyone's ever gone to war for.

any kind of smoke damages lungs and brain cells. but you should be allowed to be stupid.
That's sure a funny request for evidence. You're appeal to demonstrate the "two party system" is the widespread acceptance of the lie?

Well gee, while we're on that, can you tell me the last time a woman was President of the United States? Was it before your time? I guess we have a male system!

Well, give me ANY evidence that we're more than a two party system? :dunno:

You can't just claim something is a lie and then not back your claim and expect people to accept your word. If I said it was a lie that only men have been president... you'd expect me to name a few women who have been president, or at least one... otherwise, the statement is false.

So tell us about the time when more than two parties were dominant in American politics? If you cannot do that, then it's not a lie that we're a two party system. Now, you might not LIKE that we're a two party system... you might WISH we weren't a two party system... you might want us to be MORE than a two party system... I understand all that. But to sit here and claim that's a lie is a bit bold for someone who has nothing to offer as evidence.
We have a predominately two party system. The two major party's hold almost all of the power in our goverment. But once in a while a third party or a write-in candidate will win a house or senate seat.

Johnson is on the ballet in all 50 states. He can win if he gets the votes. If you are not happy with Hillary or The Donald then there is another choice. This may be the strange election in which a third party will win.

This has been the year of the anti-establishment vote. If we want to send both the establishment republicans and establishment Democrats a message, put a third party candidate in as POTUS.
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We have a predominately two party system. The two major party's hold almost all of the power in our goverment. But once in a while a third party or a write-in candidate will win a house or senate seat.

Johnson is on the ballet in all 50 states. He can win if he gets the votes. If you are not happy with Hillary or The Donald then there is another choice. This may be the strange election in which a third party will win.

This has been the year of the anti-establishment vote. If we want to send both the establishment republicans and establishment Democrats a message, put a third party candidate in as POTUS.

Yes, once in a while a third party candidate has won a seat in Congress. I don't think any write-in has ever done so. When someone says "we are a two party system" it doesn't mean we have exclusively two parties and no more. There are dozens of parties, they just aren't dominant... only two ever are at any given time in history. It's just the nature of a two party system.

Johnson is not going to win the presidency. I doubt he could get more than 10% of the vote, BEST case scenario... and that's just not going to be nearly enough to win. The only significance Johnson will have in this race is the possible debate over who he pulled the most votes from, the Republican or Democrat.
Partisanship did not enter US politics until after the Presidency of Washington. Jefferson v Adams was the point where partisan divides set in to American politics.

Apparently you are unaware of history? :dunno:

Our very founding was a fierce battle between Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

It may shock you to learn this, but one does not need a political party to have similar interests/beliefs as someone else. Nor does one need a political party to oppose conflicting interests/beliefs.
I'm no Gary Johnson fan and won't be voting for him. However, he's a more serious candidate than Trump and I'm not sure why this pot meme is showing up with Johnson, his beliefs are probably more aligned with the American public than either Trump or Clinton.

btw wingnuts, Bush was an alcoholic and did coke.
I'm voting for him, then again I live in a corrupt Democrat state when they brag about multiple voting while in line right behind me
Partisanship did not enter US politics until after the Presidency of Washington. Jefferson v Adams was the point where partisan divides set in to American politics.

Apparently you are unaware of history? :dunno:

Our very founding was a fierce battle between Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

It may shock you to learn this, but one does not need a political party to have similar interests/beliefs as someone else. Nor does one need a political party to oppose conflicting interests/beliefs.

You have LOST this debate. Plain and simple... short and sweet.

You made a stupid comment that you can't support.

Now that you are twisting in the wind, you are grasping at straw man arguments in order to save face. You've literally gone from claiming we're more than a two party system to proclaiming we are a NO party system!

Our political process in America is a two party system and it always has been. There is not going to ever be a president without a political party elected. There is never going to be a congressman without a political party elected. You may WISH for that and FANTASIZE about that... but you are split from reality if you believe that is true.
Well, give me ANY evidence that we're more than a two party system? :dunno:

We are a party irrelevant system. Here's my evidence.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

I'm sorry... where in the constitution does it say political parties are not allowed or relevant?

Right next to the part that says political parties are limited to two.

I have never said that political parties are limited to two. I have repeatedly said in this thread... scroll up and read it... that we have MANY parties.... dozens! Only two are ever dominant at any given time.
Only two are ever dominate at any given time.

Because dumb fucks like you have swallowed the lie that it's a "two party" system, and thus feel obliged to ignore other parties.

If it was a two party system, then we would still be Democratic-Republicans vs Federalists. The fact that neither of those parties exist nowadays disproves your bullshit. We don't have a two party system. We have a system that operates irregardless of 100 parties or no parties. What we do have is an idiot populace where people such as yourself have bought the lie.

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