Why Gary Johnson for president?

Gary Johnson, Stein or Trump America do works with.
Hillary isn't good to be good as new America.
Stein is better woman than Hillary and Independent grats.
Read the below and tell me why not?


OK JakeStarkey Get him on the same ticket with either Sanders or Stein,
and let's talk about third parties suing the other two major parties to pay
back taxpayers for trillions in shenanigans from war contracts and insurance
payouts. Sue for restraining orders to block either party from running a candidate
until those trillions are paid back first. And allow Libertarians and Greens "equal
representation and opportunity" to run and serve in office instead of being
discriminated and colluded against by "conspiracy to violate equal civil rights."

You do know he is the Libertarian candidate for the 2016 election, don't you?

Sanders and Stein would be more likely to run together but Johnson is a Libertarian and not a socialist or Green Party member...
Read the below and tell me why not?


The thread was started by one dumb ass known as Comrade Jake Starkiev

He is the mother of all parasites
he hates self motivation
he hates initiative
he hates freedom
he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground
he hates the work ethic
he loves politicians who steal loot and plunder to satisfy their constituency
he hates AR15's or any other firearm that may stop his criminal ways
he lives in the public housing projects
ad nuseam
Read the below and tell me why not?


The thread was started by one dumb ass known as Comrade Jake Starkiev

He is the mother of all parasites
he hates self motivation
he hates initiative
he hates freedom
he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground
he hates the work ethic
he loves politicians who steal loot and plunder to satisfy their constituency
he hates AR15's or any other firearm that may stop his criminal ways
he lives in the public housing projects
ad nuseam

Oscar the Grump pokes the lid off the can. Ain't NOBODY anarchist enough for that fellow...
Pot head, former CEO of "Cannibis Sativa", what's not to like?

Think we've done that dance.. He serves for $1 a year. As basically an advocate. It's what Libertarians do. They work for issues --- not to get elected.

Like nominated an openly gay man as the FIRST Libertarian candidate in around 1976.. Back then we were called "faggot lovers".. Just 30 years ahead of "mainstream" politics in America.

Like our MId East foreign policy that was correct when Saddam Hussein was still waving his shotgun..
Read the below and tell me why not?


OK JakeStarkey Get him on the same ticket with either Sanders or Stein,
and let's talk about third parties suing the other two major parties to pay
back taxpayers for trillions in shenanigans from war contracts and insurance
payouts. Sue for restraining orders to block either party from running a candidate
until those trillions are paid back first. And allow Libertarians and Greens "equal
representation and opportunity" to run and serve in office instead of being
discriminated and colluded against by "conspiracy to violate equal civil rights."

You do know he is the Libertarian candidate for the 2016 election, don't you?

Sanders and Stein would be more likely to run together but Johnson is a Libertarian and not a socialist or Green Party member...

If the Libertarian party rules cannot allow for choosing a VP or Cabinet leader from other parties,
then maybe these candidates should powwow and consider a Tea Party ticket that would
let them run as a team or coalition. The Greens do allow for endorsing candidates from other parties
but I'm not sure if they can select a mixed ticket either.
Pot head, former CEO of "Cannibis Sativa", what's not to like?

You do know Clinton inhaled, Bush Jr. was a drunk and most likely inhaled too, and President Obama sure as hell did inhale and is most likely still inhaling, so let admit most if not all of the Presidents of this country did drugs and drank.

Also do you believe Trump never snorted, inhaled or drank himself to the point he could not remember the night before and the same for Hillary, so let admit almost everyone has inhaled and if you are one of the few that has not, well inhale once and enjoy life!
Trump never snorted, inhaled and has never drank alcohol.

I have never inhaled and would cheerfully slit the throat of anyone making me the offer. That would be enjoyable.
Read the below and tell me why not?


OK JakeStarkey Get him on the same ticket with either Sanders or Stein,
and let's talk about third parties suing the other two major parties to pay
back taxpayers for trillions in shenanigans from war contracts and insurance
payouts. Sue for restraining orders to block either party from running a candidate
until those trillions are paid back first. And allow Libertarians and Greens "equal
representation and opportunity" to run and serve in office instead of being
discriminated and colluded against by "conspiracy to violate equal civil rights."

You do know he is the Libertarian candidate for the 2016 election, don't you?

Sanders and Stein would be more likely to run together but Johnson is a Libertarian and not a socialist or Green Party member...

If the Libertarian party rules cannot allow for choosing a VP or Cabinet leader from other parties,
then maybe these candidates should powwow and consider a Tea Party ticket that would
let them run as a team or coalition. The Greens do allow for endorsing candidates from other parties
but I'm not sure if they can select a mixed ticket either.

Libertarian Party pick their own VP and it has to be a Libertarian.

Sanders will not run Tea Party nor will Stein nor will Johnson. If you want someone from the Tea Party movement you better get Cruz and even then he will be left off some states ballots.
Pot head, former CEO of "Cannibis Sativa", what's not to like?

You do know Clinton inhaled, Bush Jr. was a drunk and most likely inhaled too, and President Obama sure as hell did inhale and is most likely still inhaling, so let admit most if not all of the Presidents of this country did drugs and drank.

Also do you believe Trump never snorted, inhaled or drank himself to the point he could not remember the night before and the same for Hillary, so let admit almost everyone has inhaled and if you are one of the few that has not, well inhale once and enjoy life!
Trump claims to not smoke nor drink due to his older brother who died young supposedly due to alcoholism and drug abuse.
Read the below and tell me why not?


The thread was started by one dumb ass known as Comrade Jake Starkiev

He is the mother of all parasites
he hates self motivation
he hates initiative
he hates freedom
he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground
he hates the work ethic
he loves politicians who steal loot and plunder to satisfy their constituency
he hates AR15's or any other firearm that may stop his criminal ways
he lives in the public housing projects
ad nuseam
Well, let's kill the messenger why don't we?
Read the below and tell me why not?


OK JakeStarkey Get him on the same ticket with either Sanders or Stein,
and let's talk about third parties suing the other two major parties to pay
back taxpayers for trillions in shenanigans from war contracts and insurance
payouts. Sue for restraining orders to block either party from running a candidate
until those trillions are paid back first. And allow Libertarians and Greens "equal
representation and opportunity" to run and serve in office instead of being
discriminated and colluded against by "conspiracy to violate equal civil rights."

You do know he is the Libertarian candidate for the 2016 election, don't you?

Sanders and Stein would be more likely to run together but Johnson is a Libertarian and not a socialist or Green Party member...

If the Libertarian party rules cannot allow for choosing a VP or Cabinet leader from other parties,
then maybe these candidates should powwow and consider a Tea Party ticket that would
let them run as a team or coalition. The Greens do allow for endorsing candidates from other parties
but I'm not sure if they can select a mixed ticket either.
When GJ was gov. of NM he was a republican.
If Johnson can get his polling up to 15% then he can be in the presidential debates. With both Trump's and Clinton's favorability ratings being underwater and good debates from Johnson, the "imposible" could happen.
Last edited:
"Read the below and tell me why not?"

Creating a balanced budget’ is a meaningless rightwing meme, devoid of substance, facts, or an understanding of how a modern First World industrialized economy works.

It’s perfectly appropriate for a budget such as that of the United States to move from surplus to deficit and back to surplus again.

Indeed, in times of economic crisis, as we saw with the Great Recession, a budget deficit is desirable as government spending can offset the adverse effects of an economic downturn and facilitate economic recovery.

The notion of the budget ‘forever being “balanced”’ is naïve and sophomoric – it’s conservative code for doing away with necessary, proper, and Constitutional social programs and necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause.

‘Wants to get rid of income tax’ – unmitigated idiocy, further evidence of how naïve, sophomoric, and unrealistic libertarian dogma really is.

‘Wants term limits for senators and Congress’ – we already have term limits, they’re called elections; moreover, the people have a fundamental right to vote for whomever they want and allow that elected official to serve as long as the people see fit.

And Johnson’s record as governor of New Mexico has no bearing on what he’d do as president or accomplish as president, it fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Last, everyone is ‘pro-Second Amendment,’ supports ‘internet freedom,’ and opposes the ‘war on drugs’ – which are more meaningless memes and talking points, not actual policy positions addressing difficult, complex issues.

That’s why not.
"And Johnson’s record as governor of New Mexico has no bearing on what he’d do as president or accomplish as president, it fails as a false comparison fallacy."

So records do not matter? Is this another way of saying experience does not matter? None of the canidatates have previously been president of the united states. I would hate to be guilty of a false comparison fallacy by considering Hillary's experience as Secretary of State."
We have a two party system

This is the biggest lie that politicians have ever sold. The Democrats and GOP have been selling this like for decades, trying to keep themselves in power. And people have bought it. It's right up there with Social Security lie and the assault weapons lie.
We have a two party system

This is the biggest lie that politicians have ever sold. The Democrats and GOP have been selling this like for decades, trying to keep themselves in power. And people have bought it. It's right up there with Social Security lie and the assault weapons lie.

Would you like to tell us the last time another party held control of either house of congress or the white house?
Was that before your time? Okay, how about this one...
Tell us the last time three parties all held significant portions of congress respectively?

Now... explain to me how what I said was a lie? Even before the two parties we have now, we were STILL a two party system.... Even at our founding we were either Federalists or Anti-federalists. There has never been a time in our history (with the exception of once briefly during the Civil War) where more than two parties controlled the political landscape. Yes, there are dozens of parties... only two are viable at any given time... we ARE a two party system.
If Johnson is rated by comparison, he isn't worse than the two 'major' party offerings, and no one could be worse than Obama's predecessor, so it is understandable that people could vote for him.
The entire field of candidates still leaves much to be desired.

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