Why Glenn has never been THIS TERRIFIED for America before

Okay. Let's see you back up your words. What are my positions on:
  1. Single Payer Health Care
  2. Border/Immigration Mess
  3. Capitalism
  4. China
  5. Abortion
  6. Corporate Taxation
  7. Political Correctness
Go. Show me what a left winger I am.

You’re a moron with TDS who always has to cover for Biden and the Dems, because Orange Man is just the worst thing in the world.
So, nothing. You can't answer. As I expected.

Standard Trumpian arrogant ignorance.

The TDS is yours. You're a mindless sheep. <flick>
None of these matters because the Constitution is not really wanted to be followed by Progs. In fact, it is in the way. That is why they have removed checks and balances over the decades and are attempting to move with success at times Congressional protocol.
In other words, you just don't bother even considering the words of anyone in journalism even when right because they are all frauds and liars?

Is that your erudite, independent, sanguine analysis, professor?
Just asking a simple question that clearly triggered you.

But your defensive, pissy non-answer is an answer in itself. Damn I'm good.
Communism does not prove that socialism does not work,

"Failure does not prove that it does not work"

Fucking moron.

It proves that a dictatorship is an inappropriate government for a command economy. I prefer Scandinavian social democracy to the American system of casino capitalism, where the odds favor the house.

Are you capable of thought?

"command economy."

An economy that is centrally planned and managed MUST be under authoritarian control. You cannot command an economy if you don't command the people. Which is why democrats are waging such a vicious war on fundamental civil rights as we speak.

"Scandinavian socialism" doesn't exist. It's a myth floated by the left to excuse the failures of Communism.

If he was displeased with their work he should have fired them immediately, rather than let them finish their assignments.

See, this is the other drawback to you having never entered the working world. You have not a hint of a clue as to how reality operates.

The Trump organization didn't hire employees. Trump of course wasn't involved at all. The General contractor sub-contracted work to individual. private companies. Those private companies are OBLIGATED per contract to perform. When they don't, then they don't get paid. It's not like the time you took the McDonalds job and were fired in the first hour.

One time a lawyer told me, "If I hire a teenage girl to answer phone calls for me, and she spends her time talking to her friends so people cannot call in, I can fire her at the end of the day, but I still have to pay her for that day."

That's nice.

Sub-contractors are independent companies, you drooling retard.
Awww… did we forget to take our meds again?

Ohh, look at you lie!

See, if you just lie hard enough, reality will mold itself to the desire of you Reich.

Communism does not prove that socialism does not work, It proves that a dictatorship is an inappropriate government for a command economy. I prefer Scandinavian social democracy to the American system of casino capitalism, where the odds favor the house.

Bullshit. History proves that socialism does not work. Hitler was a socialist.
At worst socialism destroys economies and nations.
At beast it leaves them in pathetically unproductive suckass economies.
Either way only an idiot and a fool embraces it
Do you think he's as ignorant about my politics as you are?

That's okay. Rhetorical question.

We have been through this. The few polcies you explained were more in line with Republicans. You then went on to say that some issues were much more important to you than others(without explicitly telling us what they are) and then followed that up with another childish “orange-blob” type comment. You don’t like Trump, the man, and like all child-like minded adults, that overrides everything else.
Important note that I just posted in another thread:


The reason that the big power brokers on the Left hate Trump is because he stopped their Marxist takeover of America in its tracks. After 8 years of the Kenyan Marxist, they were on the verge of success. A Hillary presidency and the horrible SCOTUS she would have rounded out would have mean a total Marxist and socialist takeover.

But Trump won and they went insane, so insane that they went full Marxist and authoritarian with fake Nazi impeachment and Nazi show trials about Jan 6, colluding with big tech to silence Trump, and now night time Gestapo raids on his him to concoct fake crimes and lock him up.

Thats what is on the power brokers' minds.

But these idiot lemmings who follow them, like the stupid ignorant leftists in this thread? They are manipulated into hating Trump, they are fed lies about Trump and they swallow them like the ignorant fucks they are. midcan5 Mac1958 Penelope and these other retarded fuck are brainwashed with propaganda and they hate Trump for reasons that do not even exist.
Trump supporters are the Nazis in this country.

Well that's a pretty fucking stupid statement.

What do you base it on?

You attack voting rights.

Yes, the requirement that voters be American citizens and alive is really unfair to you Nazi fucks.

You attack free speech rights.

WHO does, Nazi?

The conservatives?


You attack women's rights. That is what Nazis do.

Actually abortion was fully practiced in Hitler's Reich, often forced. Much like you Nazicrats demand for the Reich you've created.

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