Why Glenn has never been THIS TERRIFIED for America before

Now you are pizzed at that poster. We know Obama took his share of insults. His politics and what went on behind the scenes was a reason. Republicans take many times more than that. And many follow Progs but just in a slower way. At least with the dictums of the whole party. Until Trump. Trump took many times more insults than the Republican did compared to Obama. It is simple...Trump was for a sovereign nation. Most others are for a nation blended into a larger continental government that is part of several around the world under control of globalist leaders. And many in our nation have been brainwashed to follow the globalism.
Need a tissue?
Now you are pizzed at that poster. We know Obama took his share of insults. His politics and what went on behind the scenes was a reason. Republicans take many times more than that. And many follow Progs but just in a slower way. At least with the dictums of the whole party. Until Trump. Trump took many times more insults than the Republican did compared to Obama.

It is simple...Trump was for a sovereign nation. Most others are for a nation blended into a larger continental government that is part of several around the world under control of globalist leaders. And many in our nation have been brainwashed to follow the globalism.

Hahaha. Trump is a globalist.. and a conspiracy buff. Now he's embraced Qanon.

Right, the billionaire global real estate mogul turned tv star turned president with the hot model wife. Ignorant.

And what are you, the tranny bathroom mopper at Taco Bell?
Trump inherited money. We do not know if he is rich, or terribly in debt.

TrumpTaxReturns 2.png
Now you are pizzed at that poster. We know Obama took his share of insults. His politics and what went on behind the scenes was a reason. Republicans take many times more than that. And many follow Progs but just in a slower way. At least with the dictums of the whole party. Until Trump. Trump took many times more insults than the Republican did compared to Obama. It is simple...Trump was for a sovereign nation. Most others are for a nation blended into a larger continental government that is part of several around the world under control of globalist leaders. And many in our nation have been brainwashed to follow the globalism.
Next time try to respond in English. I don't speak gibberish. :itsok:
Hahaha. Trump is a globalist.. and a conspiracy buff. Now he's embraced Qanon.

If trump is a globalist, then the game is lost for us all. Qanon I never heard of until you spouted it. And I do not pay attention to it at this point.
Next time try to respond in English. I don't speak gibberish. :itsok:
Trump...United States has borders....a common language...and a culture forged by different ethnic and cultural groups. .....Progs and RINOS....subservient to Globalist masters with social justice and every way of making us weaker used to bring it home.
If trump is a globalist, then the game is lost for us all. Qanon I never heard of until you spouted it. And I do not pay attention to it at this point.

Qanon has been active for more than 3 years. You must be a low information voter.

Trump...United States has borders....a common language...and a culture forged by different ethnic and cultural groups. .....Progs and RINOS....subservient to Globalist masters with social justice and every way of making us weaker used to bring it home.
Talking about globalist masters and Trump... does the orange douchebag still think Putin is a genius?

And, how is Putin’s cock holster doing these days? Still, scared that the FBI will pay him another visit?

Qanon says the storm is coming. Trump is solid with them now.

QAnon is an invention of CNN, Hezbollah Hannah.

Besides, what they claimed is crazy.

I mean the idea that there was some master sex broker serving up underage boys and girls to the democrat elite on a private jet, the "Lolita Express" going to some private island for massive orgies where the democrat political elite, Hollywood sickos (with barnyard animals for Bobby DeNiro!) could live out sick sexual fantasies including some made up perv religion with a sex temple?

I mean, who's going to believe that?


QAnon is an invention of CNN, Hezbollah Hannah.

Besides, what they claimed is crazy.

I mean the idea that there was some master sex broker serving up underage boys and girls to the democrat elite on a private jet, the "Lolita Express" going to some private island for massive orgies where the democrat political elite, Hollywood sickos (with barnyard animals for Bobby DeNiro!) could live out sick sexual fantasies including some made up perv religion with a sex temple?

I mean, who's going to believe that?

View attachment 697532
View attachment 697533
Damn those Democrats...Here they are with a couple of newbies they plan on breaking in.
Talking about globalist masters and Trump... does the orange douchebag still think Putin is a genius?
Do you still think lying makes you look clever?
And, how is Putin’s cock holster doing these days? Still, scared that the FBI will pay him another visit?
Do you think Adolf Biden plans to send his Gestapo to raid Ron DeSantis? I mean, he's a potential 2024 opponent too. I mean, what would Idi Amin or Kim Jong Il do?
Trump has sued people for doubting his wealth. That's what his life is about.
Trump has refused to pay vendors after they completed their work for him. If Trump hires you do do something, get the money up front in certified checks.

One time a lawyer said this to me, "If I hire a teenage girl to answer the phone for me, and she spends all day talking to her friends, so people can't call in, I can fire her at the end of the day, but I still have to pay her for that day."

Trump will hire a carpenter to do some work for him. When the carpenter is finished Trump will say the carpenter did a bad job, so he will not pay the carpenter. At that point the carpenter will have to sue Trump, and Trump will have a better lawyer.
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Damn those Democrats...Here they are with a couple of newbies they plan on breaking in.
So old, it's black and white.

Oh, and he was a democrat at that time, fucktard.

Besides, Hezbollah Hannah posted a Pravda piece that says Epstein never exists and anyone who thinks he did is a "Q-Nut."

Blue Anon has erased Jeffery Epstein from history in the same way Hillary erased him from life.
Trump has refused to pay vendors after they completed their work for him. If Trump hires you do do something, get the money up front in certified checks.

Sure he has.

I mean, you wouldn't lie to slander the object of your insanity. Especially not fresh off your Two-Minute hate...

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