Why has there been no Impeachment Inquiry vote as required?


Uh, it's happening. An impeachment inquiry is already underway. And it's already scoring points as trump is now going to release the whistle blowers complaint to Congress.
It's not really happening. Not anymore than Jerry Nadler's impeachment inquiry is meaningful. The inquiry isn't scoring points. Trump is scoring points. Neither the transcript nor the complaint have points.

Trump isn’t “scoring points”. Trump has admitted to the power abuse. The American public is sick of Trump’s sleazy tactics and lies. The more the USA sees of Trump, the less impressed they are.

They thought they elected a successful businessman, not a criminal kingpin. Instead, they got Roy Cohn’s Last Hope to destroy America.

You're playing the same broken record for three years. In other words, just shut up.

No, it's shutting up time for you Trump supporters. He's obstructed justice at every turn. And while he did so you guys supported the li. The chickens have come home to roost.

Yet no proof was found he obstructed anything. Just saying "he obstructed" doesn't mean shit, except wishful thinking. That's all you have lefties.

Plenty of proof was found. At least 10 instances. The thing that saved Trump from impeachment was DOJ policy. Just saying "no proof was found" doesn't mean shit, except wishful thinking. That's all you nutcases have.

Uh, it's happening. An impeachment inquiry is already underway. And it's already scoring points as trump is now going to release the whistle blowers complaint to Congress.
It's not really happening. Not anymore than Jerry Nadler's impeachment inquiry is meaningful. The inquiry isn't scoring points. Trump is scoring points. Neither the transcript nor the complaint have points.

Trump isn’t “scoring points”. Trump has admitted to the power abuse. The American public is sick of Trump’s sleazy tactics and lies. The more the USA sees of Trump, the less impressed they are.

They thought they elected a successful businessman, not a criminal kingpin. Instead, they got Roy Cohn’s Last Hope to destroy America.

You're playing the same broken record for three years. In other words, just shut up.

No, it's shutting up time for you Trump supporters. He's obstructed justice at every turn. And while he did so you guys supported the li. The chickens have come home to roost.

Yet no proof was found he obstructed anything. Just saying "he obstructed" doesn't mean shit, except wishful thinking. That's all you have lefties.
Pull your head out, mister!
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What are the steps involved in the impeachment of a president?

The process is started by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parliament (House of Representatives) to impeach the President, whereupon the Constitutional Court (The Senate) decides whether the President is guilty of the crime of which he is charged. If he is found guilty, he is removed from power.

Impeachment - Wikipedia

Remarks in blue are mine.

You've very ably copied and pasted a portion of text describing impeachment and removal procedures in Bulgaria. Well done!
And he got it wrong. Impeachment requires only a simple majority to pass.
The full house votes...if a 218 majority is reached, the judiciary committee begins an actual impeachment inquiry. Pelousy is still 70 votes shy on her side of the aisle....it will never happen.

Uh, it's happening. An impeachment inquiry is already underway. And it's already scoring points as trump is now going to release the whistle blowers complaint to Congress.
Wrong oh stinky pants. You need to write up articles of impeachment. You get those from The Special Counsel's Recommendations for Indictment.

Mad Moscow Mueller failed to provide the very thing you need to even put an official impeachment query in to motion.

You Ass Licking Dingle Berry Eating Morons have been running a Fake Impeachment Query since before The President was Sworn in to Office.

Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Nadler, and Adam Schiff are all lying to The American People and have been lying for 3 years.

But thank you again for the laughs and for ensuring a 2020 land slide!!!

The Constitution requires a two-thirds super majority to convict a person being impeached. The Senate enters judgment on its decision, whether that be to convict or acquit, and a copy of the judgment is filed with the Secretary of State.

What body votes on impeachment?

The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.

How the impeachment process works?

The process is started by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parliament to impeach the President, whereupon the Constitutional Court decides whether the President is guilty of the crime of which he is charged. If he is found guilty, he is removed from power.



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What are the steps involved in the impeachment of a president?

The process is started by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parliament (House of Representatives) to impeach the President, whereupon the Constitutional Court (The Senate) decides whether the President is guilty of the crime of which he is charged. If he is found guilty, he is removed from power.

Impeachment - Wikipedia

Remarks in blue are mine.

You've very ably copied and pasted a portion of text describing impeachment and removal procedures in Bulgaria. Well done!
And he got it wrong. Impeachment requires only a simple majority to pass.
Wrong oh stinky pants.
The full house votes...if a 218 majority is reached, the judiciary committee begins an actual impeachment inquiry. Pelousy is still 70 votes shy on her side of the aisle....it will never happen.

Uh, it's happening. An impeachment inquiry is already underway. And it's already scoring points as trump is now going to release the whistle blowers complaint to Congress.
Wrong oh stinky pants. You need to write up articles of impeachment. You get those from The Special Counsel's Recommendations for Indictment.

Mad Moscow Mueller failed to provide the very thing you need to even put an official impeachment query in to motion.

You Ass Licking Dingle Berry Eating Morons have been running a Fake Impeachment Query since before The President was Sworn in to Office.

But thank you again for the laughs and for ensuring a 2020 land slide!!!

The Constitution requires a two-thirds super majority to convict a person being impeached. The Senate enters judgment on its decision, whether that be to convict or acquit, and a copy of the judgment is filed with the Secretary of State.

What body votes on impeachment?
The Senate becomes jury and judge, except in the case of presidential impeachment trials when the chief justice of the United States presides. The Constitution requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate to convict, and the penalty for an impeached official is removal from office.

How the impeachment process works?
The process is started by a two-thirds majority vote of the Parliament to impeach the President, whereupon the Constitutional Court decides whether the President is guilty of the crime of which he is charged. If he is found guilty, he is removed from power.



You're terribly confused about how things work. You are confusing the impeachment process with criminal charges. The special council has no role in impeachment
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You can't have a real impeachment inquiry without a vote of the House.

Pelosi has not, as of yet, scheduled, or said she will schedule a vote.

The reason why is simple... Pelosi is pandering to the Fascist left that demand a coup. But she knows Democrat House Candidates not in Fanatical Leftist districts can't afford to be stupid enough to vote to impeach Trump without a real impeachable offense.

Pelosi has resisted for that reason ..But AOC is now the titular (pun) head of the Democrat Party.
BTW, watching Joe Pags show last night, he played a clip of Pelosi stating she's doing this because he can't win the next election, Trump. Well damn, she just admitted this is political. I wonder who will play that sound bite in the MSM? I bet none. Just amazing there is a double standard above the law shit going on, and it is right their with old Nancy!!!! maybe she should go bleach bits some servers and smack up some phones. cause we can't have anyone above the law!!

You can't have a real impeachment inquiry without a vote of the House.

Pelosi has not, as of yet, scheduled, or said she will schedule a vote.

The reason why is simple... Pelosi is pandering to the Fascist left that demand a coup. But she knows Democrat House Candidates not in Fanatical Leftist districts can't afford to be stupid enough to vote to impeach Trump without a real impeachable offense.

Pelosi has resisted for that reason ..But AOC is now the titular (pun) head of the Democrat Party.
Or.......they are still gathering information.
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You can't have a real impeachment inquiry without a vote of the House.

Pelosi has not, as of yet, scheduled, or said she will schedule a vote.

The reason why is simple... Pelosi is pandering to the Fascist left that demand a coup. But she knows Democrat House Candidates not in Fanatical Leftist districts can't afford to be stupid enough to vote to impeach Trump without a real impeachable offense.

Pelosi has resisted for that reason ..But AOC is now the titular (pun) head of the Democrat Party.
Or.......they are still gathering information.
Yah 3 Years 23 Investigations costing $100 Million so far. Now an additional 6 Investigations costing God knows what, and not because The President committed any crimes. The Mueller Report proved he didn't

BUT BECAUSE YOU LAME ASS DINGLEBERRY EATING BUTT MUNCHERS KNOW YOU CANNOT WIN. Your only chance is a COUP, and IMPEACHMENT, RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA, and yah, I can see you Aholes trying to JFK Donald J. Trump.....because you are desperate to win, and know you are a bunch of losers with no good message for The American People.

Oh, if you are SOME Leftist Elitist ahole who relies on Slave Labor to make a profit, or Russia, China, South America or The Ukraine, you got plenty of messaging there. BUT NOT FOR AMERICA!
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Pelosi understands the process for initiating impeachment proceedings

An impeachment inquiry vote is not part of it
You can't have a real impeachment inquiry without a vote of the House.

Pelosi has not, as of yet, scheduled, or said she will schedule a vote.

The reason why is simple... Pelosi is pandering to the Fascist left that demand a coup. But she knows Democrat House Candidates not in Fanatical Leftist districts can't afford to be stupid enough to vote to impeach Trump without a real impeachable offense.

Pelosi has resisted for that reason ..But AOC is now the titular (pun) head of the Democrat Party.
Or.......they are still gathering information.
Yah 3 Years 23 Investigations costing $100 Million so far. Now an additional 6 Investigations costing God knows what, and not because The President committed any crimes. The Mueller Report proved he didn't

BUT BECAUSE YOU LAME ASS DINGLEBERRY EATING BUTT MUNCHERS KNOW YOU CANNOT WIN. Your only chance is a COUP, and IMPEACHMENT, and yah, I can see you Aholes trying to JFK Donald J. Trump.....because you are desperate to win, and know you are a bunch of losers with no good message for The American People.

Oh, if you are SOME leftist Elitist ahole who relies on Slave Labor to make a profit, or Russia, China, South America or The Ukraine, you got plenty of messaging there. BUT NOT FOR AMERICA!
Pure theater, nothing has really changed. Assclown Nadler has been conducting an impeachment inquiry since the Dems took over in the House. Nervous Nancy's dramatic announcement is to appease the radical idiots like AOC. Approval of "Articles of Impeachment" will require a vote, and she doesn't want to do that because that will put the Dems who won in Trump districts on the record.

This will cost the Dems the House in 2020.
Because it all for show...... Meant to be dragged out as long a possible. Pelosi is just trying to make the radical wing of her party happy while protecting the non radical dems from having to vote
QUOTE="jc456, post: 23175611, member: 46512"]here, the real reason she is moving forward. She knows no one can beat Trump at the ballot box so she must not allow him to be re-elected. So her motives are all political and she is a hypocrite by her own words, this isn't about the constitution. this is about trump and re-election. Link here.

BREAKING: Pelosi To Announce Democrats Are Impeaching Trump: ‘Can’t’ Let Him ‘Win’ Reelection[/QUOTE]

Freudian slip I don't know, but nothing better than a swamp creature slipping with their verbiage.
Pelosi understands the process for initiating impeachment proceedings

An impeachment inquiry vote is not part of it
Oh she understands it all right. That is why she is lying to her base and The American People about it. There is no "Official Inquiry" because Robert Mueller, (Your Own Personal Messiah) failed to deliver on "Recommendations for Indictment"

That is The Special Counsels Job, and he could not find anything. You cannot even Draw up Articles of Impeachment to bring an Official Impeachment Vote to The Floor without "Recommendations for Indictment" out of the Mueller Report.

There were none. No, go back to shitting on the streets and shooting heroin in your veins on the Shitty Streets of San Fran Shitsco, Nazi Pelosi.

Dirty Lying Whore.

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The DemTards are still in Shock that they could not cheat and buy their way in to The White House.

Trump spent $225 million of his own money, and Clinton spent $1,500 Million or $1.5 Billion of the corrupt socialist elitist's money who owns her.

Clinton & Obama outspent President Trump by a 6-1 Margin, bought propaganda from Putin, had the FBI and DOJ sweep Hillary's crimes under the rug, Knowingly submitted False Affidavits in a Secret and Unconstitutional FISA Court, and spied on Candidate Trump's Campaign, Tried to Entrap and Frame Campaign Volunteers, & lead a COUP against President Trump and Still Lost!!!

Their only chance in 2020 (and they know this) Is with Fake Investigations, Fake Russian Collusion, Russian Propaganda, A Fake Scandal every month, Fake News, and Fake "Official Impeachment Inquiries". When the Corrupt Obama FBI, and Corrupt DOJ failed to entrap and frame President Trump, and Mueller (Insurance Policy) flopped, The Dems went in to Hyperventilations and have been even more bat shit crazy then ever before.

They are in suicide jihad mode. These are people that should never be allowed to have power. They are dangerous to Democracy, and are an Existential Threat to America.
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Don't be surprised when this political theater backfires. The votes aren't there, but at least our political elites will get to mug for the cameras and get hearing soundbites for campaign commercials.
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Don't be surprised when this political theater backfires. The votes aren't there, but at least our political elites will get to mug for the cameras and the hearing soundbites for campaign commercials.
post #114 she admits it's political. that's all we needed to hear. so your assessment is spot on.
It's not really happening. Not anymore than Jerry Nadler's impeachment inquiry is meaningful. The inquiry isn't scoring points. Trump is scoring points. Neither the transcript nor the complaint have points.

Trump isn’t “scoring points”. Trump has admitted to the power abuse. The American public is sick of Trump’s sleazy tactics and lies. The more the USA sees of Trump, the less impressed they are.

They thought they elected a successful businessman, not a criminal kingpin. Instead, they got Roy Cohn’s Last Hope to destroy America.

You're playing the same broken record for three years. In other words, just shut up.

No, it's shutting up time for you Trump supporters. He's obstructed justice at every turn. And while he did so you guys supported the li. The chickens have come home to roost.

Yet no proof was found he obstructed anything. Just saying "he obstructed" doesn't mean shit, except wishful thinking. That's all you have lefties.

Plenty of proof was found. At least 10 instances. The thing that saved Trump from impeachment was DOJ policy. Just saying "no proof was found" doesn't mean shit, except wishful thinking. That's all you nutcases have.

That's not truth.

If they found the proof, they would say so and regardless of DOJ policy, Congress could step in. Congress didn't step in, even after Mueller testimony, why? Because they had nothing to go on.
It's not really happening. Not anymore than Jerry Nadler's impeachment inquiry is meaningful. The inquiry isn't scoring points. Trump is scoring points. Neither the transcript nor the complaint have points.

Trump isn’t “scoring points”. Trump has admitted to the power abuse. The American public is sick of Trump’s sleazy tactics and lies. The more the USA sees of Trump, the less impressed they are.

They thought they elected a successful businessman, not a criminal kingpin. Instead, they got Roy Cohn’s Last Hope to destroy America.

You're playing the same broken record for three years. In other words, just shut up.

No, it's shutting up time for you Trump supporters. He's obstructed justice at every turn. And while he did so you guys supported the li. The chickens have come home to roost.

Yet no proof was found he obstructed anything. Just saying "he obstructed" doesn't mean shit, except wishful thinking. That's all you have lefties.
Pull your head out, mister!

Are you saying you have something? Or after three years you're still investigating?

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