Why Hasn't Louis Head Been Arrested Yet?

Yes I wrote that. Again what does that have to do with your claim? Why cant you quote what you claim I said? You just quoted that statement so you must know how to use the quote function.
So you think your statement means something other than you know how the indivudal jurors voted?
You are either obtuse or really, really stupid.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?

You've been quoted several times, you're just pulling a Clinton on us. Now we know you're not only a racist but a lying racist. You truly reveal yourself.
I know I've been quoted several times. However, not a single time has the quote reflected the claim. Do you guys know what quote means? Just asking because at least 2 of you didnt know afraid was a synonym of timid.

I didn't call you timid I called you a racist based on your own comment that 9 of the jurors were "conveniently white" and the implication that this is why no true bill was voted. Now you're running from your own bigoted comments because nobody is letting you get away with it.
You guys have a hard time reading. Where did I claim you called me timid?
So you think your statement means something other than you know how the indivudal jurors voted?
You are either obtuse or really, really stupid.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?

Stupid deflection question!!!! Bingo!!! I have Milkweed down. :D When caught in bullshit ask an idiotic question.

What a little bitch move. :) Very timid.....very, very afraid.
You cant live this down welfaregirl. I cant believe you really didnt know afraid was a synonym of timid.

What makes you think that, Milkweed?
So you think your statement means something other than you know how the indivudal jurors voted?
You are either obtuse or really, really stupid.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?

Stupid deflection question!!!! Bingo!!! I have Milkweed down. :D When caught in bullshit ask an idiotic question.

What a little bitch move. :) Very timid.....very, very afraid.
You cant live this down welfaregirl. I cant believe you really didnt know afraid was a synonym of timid.
It isn't. Timid is a predisposition to lack courage. A timid person isn't always afraid, so therefore it can't be synonymous.

Trying to be an intellectual? Meet the real thing.
Yes I wrote that. Again what does that have to do with your claim? Why cant you quote what you claim I said? You just quoted that statement so you must know how to use the quote function.
So you think your statement means something other than you know how the indivudal jurors voted?
You are either obtuse or really, really stupid.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?

You've been quoted several times, you're just pulling a Clinton on us. Now we know you're not only a racist but a lying racist. You truly reveal yourself.
I know I've been quoted several times. However, not a single time has the quote reflected the claim. Do you guys know what quote means? Just asking because at least 2 of you didnt know afraid was a synonym of timid.

I didn't call you timid I called you a racist based on your own comment that 9 of the jurors were "conveniently white" and the implication that this is why no true bill was voted. Now you're running from your own bigoted comments because nobody is letting you get away with it.

He'll deflect with an off the wall question. The countdown begins.....3...2...1. :lol:

Inciting a riot is against the law. What would the Lunatic Left be screaming if a Tea Party member was urging black people to burn their own town down?

He needs to be arrested and held accountable for urging violence. It's not acceptable no matter what your color is, something the Racist Left doesn't seem to understand.

So suddenly we've forgotten the 1st Amendment.
And people do not have to be accounted for individually for their actions.
Man, you people change your mind more often than you change underwear.


Inciting a riot is against the law. What would the Lunatic Left be screaming if a Tea Party member was urging black people to burn their own town down?

He needs to be arrested and held accountable for urging violence. It's not acceptable no matter what your color is, something the Racist Left doesn't seem to understand.

So suddenly we've forgotten the 1st Amendment.
And people do not have to be accounted for individually for their actions.
Man, you people change your mind more often than you change underwear.

1st Amendment rights do not extend to inciting violence. That is established case law. You cannot yell fire in a movie theater.

Inciting a riot is against the law. What would the Lunatic Left be screaming if a Tea Party member was urging black people to burn their own town down?

He needs to be arrested and held accountable for urging violence. It's not acceptable no matter what your color is, something the Racist Left doesn't seem to understand.

So suddenly we've forgotten the 1st Amendment.
And people do not have to be accounted for individually for their actions.
Man, you people change your mind more often than you change underwear.

Go back to school if you think the 1st Amendment is absolute and covers every kind of speech. Ask your teacher about the phrase "yelling fire in a crowded theater". Off to school with you, the adults are talking and wish not to be disturbed by children.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?

Stupid deflection question!!!! Bingo!!! I have Milkweed down. :D When caught in bullshit ask an idiotic question.

What a little bitch move. :) Very timid.....very, very afraid.
You cant live this down welfaregirl. I cant believe you really didnt know afraid was a synonym of timid.

What makes you think that, Milkweed?


No Milkweed.....timid is not a synonym.

and this.

No Milkweed....per your own link....look again. Afraid is not listed as a synonym of timid. It is not there.
Did you not write this?
Does this not mean you think you know that 9 jurors voting to no true bill were white?
Yes I wrote that. Again what does that have to do with your claim? Why cant you quote what you claim I said? You just quoted that statement so you must know how to use the quote function.
So you think your statement means something other than you know how the indivudal jurors voted?
You are either obtuse or really, really stupid.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?
Did you make that statement? You've already admitted you did, so that part of my statement is true.
DOes the statement not imply you know that the jurors voting for no true bill were white? If that wasnt what you meant, what did you mean?
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?

Stupid deflection question!!!! Bingo!!! I have Milkweed down. :D When caught in bullshit ask an idiotic question.

What a little bitch move. :) Very timid.....very, very afraid.
You cant live this down welfaregirl. I cant believe you really didnt know afraid was a synonym of timid.
It isn't. Timid is a predisposition to lack courage. A timid person isn't always afraid, so therefore it can't be synonymous.

Trying to be an intellectual? Meet the real thing.
The Thesaurus disagrees with you. I do too.

Timid Synonyms Timid Antonyms Thesaurus.com
Yes I wrote that. Again what does that have to do with your claim? Why cant you quote what you claim I said? You just quoted that statement so you must know how to use the quote function.
So you think your statement means something other than you know how the indivudal jurors voted?
You are either obtuse or really, really stupid.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?
Did you make that statement? You've already admitted you did, so that part of my statement is true.
DOes the statement not imply you know that the jurors voting for no true bill were white? If that wasnt what you meant, what did you mean?
If I just said I made the statement why are you asking me again instead of answering my question about what that had to do with your claim I said I knew how each juror voted?
It probably meant that he wished the whole town would burn to the ground. It was a spontaneous expression of grief. Like I said before, he probably wishes that Wilson was dead, too. Spontaneous expressions are born from intense emotion, not from premeditated intent.

But please, continue to demonstrate your class and intellect with calling me boneheaded.

The violence has been going on in Ferguson for weeks. Hardly can be considered spontaneous at this point. All these people have watched, and many participated in, the burning of businesses and other violence. Even after countless incidents, they still want more.

The father should be upset that his son robbed that store, then shortly after that decided to attack a cop. They also found drugs in Brown's system. We all hate when our children do bad things. But the facts are clear and the shooting was justified.
So you think your statement means something other than you know how the indivudal jurors voted?
You are either obtuse or really, really stupid.
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?
Did you make that statement? You've already admitted you did, so that part of my statement is true.
DOes the statement not imply you know that the jurors voting for no true bill were white? If that wasnt what you meant, what did you mean?
If I just said I made the statement why are you asking me again instead of answering my question about what that had to do with your claim I said I knew how each juror voted?
I explained what that had to do with it.
Did your statement not imply that you knew how every juror voted?
So does that mean you dont have a quote?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?
Did you make that statement? You've already admitted you did, so that part of my statement is true.
DOes the statement not imply you know that the jurors voting for no true bill were white? If that wasnt what you meant, what did you mean?
If I just said I made the statement why are you asking me again instead of answering my question about what that had to do with your claim I said I knew how each juror voted?
I explained what that had to do with it.
Did your statement not imply that you knew how every juror voted?
No you didnt explain. You claimed I said something I didnt say. Are you now admitting you lied?
Ive quoted your statement twice already. Are you planning on answering how you know how each juror voted or not?
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?
Did you make that statement? You've already admitted you did, so that part of my statement is true.
DOes the statement not imply you know that the jurors voting for no true bill were white? If that wasnt what you meant, what did you mean?
If I just said I made the statement why are you asking me again instead of answering my question about what that had to do with your claim I said I knew how each juror voted?
I explained what that had to do with it.
Did your statement not imply that you knew how every juror voted?
No you didnt explain. You claimed I said something I didnt say. Are you now admitting you lied?
You've already admitted to writing what I quoted you as writing. Clearly I am not the liar here.
Did your statement not imply you knew how every juror voted? A simple yes or no would do.
The father should be upset that his son robbed that store, then shortly after that decided to attack a cop. They also found drugs in Brown's system. We all hate when our children do bad things. But the facts are clear and the shooting was justified.

He robbed a store, attacked a cop and was high?

Holy crap, all I'm hearing about is how an evil white cop (emphasis on the "white") purposely slaughtered a helpless, defenseless black (emphasis on the "black") child. who was humbly and feebly begging for mercy at the feet of his attacker.

Are you sure?

This is how the racist Left gets away with being racist, by being utterly blind to their own racism even immediately after their racist comments. They don't see people, they see colors. I didn't even know the racial makeup of the jurors until the racist Asclepias brought it up, apparently thinking it was very relevant to how the jury ultimately voted. That's all they see is skin, they don't look any deeper. They are the epitome of the very bigotry they accuse conservatives of.
The statement you quoted was not what you claimed. Are you planning on supporting your claim I said I knew how each juror voted or not?
Did you make that statement? You've already admitted you did, so that part of my statement is true.
DOes the statement not imply you know that the jurors voting for no true bill were white? If that wasnt what you meant, what did you mean?
If I just said I made the statement why are you asking me again instead of answering my question about what that had to do with your claim I said I knew how each juror voted?
I explained what that had to do with it.
Did your statement not imply that you knew how every juror voted?
No you didnt explain. You claimed I said something I didnt say. Are you now admitting you lied?
You've already admitted to writing what I quoted you as writing. Clearly I am not the liar here.
Did your statement not imply you knew how every juror voted? A simple yes or no would do.
Yes you are the liar. You claimed I said I knew how the jurors voted. You didnt quote that. You quoted something that had nothing to do with your claim. Do we need to go back and check the record? As of yet you have not provided that quote. Where is it?

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