Why have people come to believe health care is a "right" when it actually isn't?

Health care IS a right and anyone who doesn't believe this is so is a selfish person.

Well in your opinion of course....

They also have the "right" to eat....

The "right" to housing....

The "right" the internet.....

"The "right" to a phone....

Fuck off and get a job.

I have a job. And I can walk into a hospital, stay for two weeks, have free food and a bed to sleep in, have a major operation, and walk out and not pay a single cent.

Jealous, much?

Can't wait to see how you explain that one at the pearly gates... How you took your fellow citizens for a "ride." How you screwed them over royally. How you celebrated and danced in their faces as you spent their hard earned money. How men and woman had to toil for months on end to earn the money you stole so joyfully, with out even a thank you.
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rw's vote to give bigger subsidies to big oil companies but they're against Americans buying cheaper and better quality health care insurance.

They're in favor of us paying for congress' health care insurance but against women buying their own birth control.

They don't want to pay for their own heath care and, instead want free care at the emergency room.

The right wants bigger and bigger military that we will never use and yet, they want to starve children, our handicapped vets, the elderly.

Why does this argument continue?

There is nothing for them to say, no way for them to rationalize their insanity. They hate our constitution and our people. Let them shut up or leave.

Preferably, both.
And you will burn in hell for your lies, crimes, and sins against humanity. Repent servant of Satan.
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Can't wait to see how you explain that one at the pearly gates... How you took your fellow citizens for a "ride." How you screwed them over royally. How you celebrated and danced in their faces as you spent their hard earned money. How men and woman had to toil for months on end to earn the money you stole so joyfully, with out even a thank you.

Why explain it? There is nothing to explain, it is what Australians are entitled to, and if anyone doesn't like it, there are other countries they can fuck off to.
Health care IS a right and anyone who doesn't believe this is so is a selfish person.

Selfish of what? Selfish of "their health?" Their income? WTH? If I don't give all my income to YOU, so you can ABORT YOUR CHILD then I'm being SELFISH?

Selfish because they don't give a shit about the lives of other people less fortunate who cannot afford health care.
This thread is stupid because healthcare is a right.

It was enshrined into law as a right by President Ronald Reagan, who made it illegal for anyone to be denied healthcare in America.
I haven't read every post ...

Have any of the rw's answered the OP and said why they think they're entitled to free health care at the emergency room instead of paying for it like the rest of us do?

I will answer- I was paying for the non-insured at the Emergency room before ACA. Now I am paying for their insurance at the cost of my premium rising 76% for $168 a month.

Any more stupid questions?


It's not an entirely stupid question. Do you think people should be guaranteed ER care, even if they can't pay?

What's the difference? They couldn't pay then, and they can't pay now. So I have to pay for them.

With that being said, I prefer the previous method as it was cheaper for me.

We the people decide what will or will not be a right when we decide what kind of society, or country, we're going to be.

Rights aren't created by the people nor by government. If they were created by the people or government, they could likewise be destroyed by the people or government.

Our rights belong to us as a Divine Gift embedded in Natural law. We the people have the responsibility to protect those rights, but we cannot create them.

For rights to be a 'divine gift' they would have to proclaimed to us by a real divinity. Since no such creature has revealed itself, rights are nothing more than the ideas and fabrications of men.

they would have to proclaimed to us by a real divinity

loose your entitlement mentality for a second

natural rights are not given by thing or a entity

they simply exist as a natural part of the world
Health care IS a right and anyone who doesn't believe this is so is a selfish person.

Selfish of what? Selfish of "their health?" Their income? WTH? If I don't give all my income to YOU, so you can ABORT YOUR CHILD then I'm being SELFISH?

Selfish because they don't give a shit about the lives of other people less fortunate who cannot afford health care.

I see so feeding my family with my income is "selfish" but you feeding your family with my income is righteous. You spending my health care funds on your health care, is basically because I'm selfish. Well it's damn obvious now just what sort of moral fortitude is required to kill children.
We the people decide what will or will not be a right when we decide what kind of society, or country, we're going to be.

What is Justice, What is Righteous, What is Truth, does not change. It's Our perspectives that change, usually either by experience or the denial of it, for better or for worse. There will always be that beyond our control, there will always be consequence to misguided behavior. One thing that cannot be legislated is "Cause and Effect". There is that which is Mankind's realm, and there is that which is Reserved to God's Realm. Just saying, Christian to Christian. Matters of Conscience cannot be force fed or dictated. Can we choose to establish Justice, and build on It's Foundation? Yes. Can we misstep? Yes.
No fool. The question is does everyone have the right to screw people over, tie them to the ground and rape them. Apparently you think so.

Forcing people to pay for your health care is not a right, its a crime. Buying health care is a right. Providing health care is a right. Getting free health care is a privilege that the poor enjoy when people give them charity. Turning receiving charity into a right by stealing money from my children is an egregious offense worthy of the electric chair, ok worthy of jail, as felony theft is a crime.

Of course health care has always been a right for part of the American population. The questions at this time are, should the right to health care be expanded to cover more of the population and what does health care coverage mean.

Ok NIMROD. If health care is a RIGHT, then why the hell do I HAVE TO PAY FOR IT?

In 1787 America created a plan for government and in that plan we through our representatives decide what rights we have, If we thinks about our rights we can see that many of our rights cost money and most have a payment plan.
There are no rights created by nature. That is the biggest crock going.

If nature created rights, then there would be a source to which we could go to that would reveal to us, definitively, what rights nature created.

The rights created by nature are basically all included in one statement: survival of the fittest.

Civilization is man's way of overcoming that basic natural right by creating systems by which those who are not the fittest have equal survival rights.

What we have now reached is a system by which the survival of the unfit is achieved by taking things from the fittest by government mandate i.e. theft.

We can debate whether this is "right" or "wrong", but those terms are in the minds of each individual as to what they mean.

The idea that we should not have to pay for healthcare is an extension of man's attempt to change the laws of nature. The idea that everyone should pay into a collective administered by the government comes from Lenin and Marx. It is the basis of socialism and communism.

If thats what the majority of americans want this country to become, then fine. But lets have an open discussion and vote on it first.

The idea of socialized health care DID NOT come from Marx or Lenin.

The first country to institute socialized health care was GERMANY UNDER Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck was an advent anti-socialist:

Otto von Bismarck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Germany had a tradition of welfare programs in Prussia and Saxony that began as early as the 1840s. In the 1880s his social insurance programs were the first in the world and became the model for other countries and the basis of the modern welfare state.[44] Bismarck introduced old age pensions, accident insurance, medical care and unemployment insurance. He won conservative support by promising to undercut the appeal of Socialists—the Socialists always voted against his proposals, fearing they would reduce the grievances of the industrial workers. His paternalistic programs won the support of German industry because its goals were to win the support of the working classes for the Empire and reduce the outflow of emigrants to America, where wages were higher but welfare did not exist. Politically, he did win over the Centre Party which represented Catholic workers, but Socialists remained hostile."

Not only did the idea of socialized health care NOT come from Marx or Lenin, it was OPPOSED by socialists.

When Otto Von Bismarck proposed compulsory health insurance in Prussia in 1883, socialist leader August Bebel consulted his friend Friedrich Engels (Karl Marx had died weeks before), who insisted that socialists should vote against it, as they did. The first welfare state on earth was created against socialist opposition.

The forgotten truth about health provision is that socialism and state welfare are old enemies, and welfare overspending is a characteristic of advanced capitalist economies.

When the two Germanies united after 1990, the social provision of the capitalist West was more than twice that of the socialist East, and the cost of unification to West Germany proved vast. Talk of socialized medicine was always misleading if socialized implies socialist, and the very word probably guarantees that confusion.
The rights created by nature are basically all included in one statement: survival of the fittest.

Civilization is man's way of overcoming that basic natural right by creating systems by which those who are not the fittest have equal survival rights.

What we have now reached is a system by which the survival of the unfit is achieved by taking things from the fittest by government mandate i.e. theft.

We can debate whether this is "right" or "wrong", but those terms are in the minds of each individual as to what they mean.

The idea that we should not have to pay for healthcare is an extension of man's attempt to change the laws of nature. The idea that everyone should pay into a collective administered by the government comes from Lenin and Marx. It is the basis of socialism and communism.

If thats what the majority of americans want this country to become, then fine. But lets have an open discussion and vote on it first.

The idea of socialized health care DID NOT come from Marx or Lenin.

The first country to institute socialized health care was GERMANY UNDER Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck was an advent anti-socialist:

Otto von Bismarck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Germany had a tradition of welfare programs in Prussia and Saxony that began as early as the 1840s. In the 1880s his social insurance programs were the first in the world and became the model for other countries and the basis of the modern welfare state.[44] Bismarck introduced old age pensions, accident insurance, medical care and unemployment insurance. He won conservative support by promising to undercut the appeal of Socialists—the Socialists always voted against his proposals, fearing they would reduce the grievances of the industrial workers. His paternalistic programs won the support of German industry because its goals were to win the support of the working classes for the Empire and reduce the outflow of emigrants to America, where wages were higher but welfare did not exist. Politically, he did win over the Centre Party which represented Catholic workers, but Socialists remained hostile."

From Bismark came Hitler. From Obama comes ?????????

If we fail to learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

From Bismark came Winston Churchill.

In 1908, when Asquith became prime minister, there were almost no models of state welfare anywhere on earth. The exception was Bismarck’s Prussia, which had instituted compulsory health insurance in 1883.

By the new century Prussia was setting an example. Lloyd George and Churchill, as members of Asquith’s cabinet, went there to watch state welfare in action; Churchill, the more studious of the two, read published reports. In 1909 he collected his speeches in Liberalism and the Social Problem, where he made a case for seeing state welfare as an essential prop to a free economy.
rw's vote to give bigger subsidies to big oil companies but they're against Americans buying cheaper and better quality health care insurance.

They're in favor of us paying for congress' health care insurance but against women buying their own birth control.

They don't want to pay for their own heath care and, instead want free care at the emergency room.

The right wants bigger and bigger military that we will never use and yet, they want to starve children, our handicapped vets, the elderly.

Why does this argument continue?

There is nothing for them to say, no way for them to rationalize their insanity. They hate our constitution and our people. Let them shut up or leave.

Preferably, both.
And you will burn in hell for your lies, crimes, and sins against humanity. Repent servant of Satan.

This thread is stupid because healthcare is a right.

It was enshrined into law as a right by President Ronald Reagan, who made it illegal for anyone to be denied healthcare in America.

shhhh ....................

They don't know that.
This thread is stupid because healthcare is a right.

It was enshrined into law as a right by President Ronald Reagan, who made it illegal for anyone to be denied healthcare in America.

shhhh ....................

They don't know that.

Libertarians do. Sorta like ACA is based on a Republican law. But it makes us wonder, why do Democrats keep doubling down on bad Republican ideas?
Health care IS a right and anyone who doesn't believe this is so is a selfish person.

Well in your opinion of course....

They also have the "right" to eat....

The "right" to housing....

The "right" the internet.....

"The "right" to a phone....

Fuck off and get a job.

I have a job. And I can walk into a hospital, stay for two weeks, have free food and a bed to sleep in, have a major operation, and walk out and not pay a single cent.

Jealous, much?

Nope, I have ALL of those things listed...the thing is that I pay for rhem myself...I don't beg ole uncle Bammy for anything.
^we don't beg anyone for anything either. We pay taxes and we help each other out, and if you don't like it, you can piss off.
What wingnuts forget is that the 'Bill of Rights', which includes their precious second amendment, consists of amendments each of which were adopted as part of the Constitution thru the democratic process. It is only thru this process that we have these rights.

The Bill of Rights were adopted to codify rights which the founders believed already existed and should never be questioned.

You are both wrong. The bill of rights is a set of declaratory and restrictive clauses on the government, to prevent misconstruction or abuse of the government powers that were provided to the government through the constitution.

In that case, I was right. They wanted to ensure those rights would not be abused.
How could nature create rights? Nature gave man the power of reason to use to work out his own system of governance. God given rights are a concoction invented by the likes of John Locke, and picked up by the likes of Thomas Jefferson,

to counter the opposing argument of the times,

that the absolute power of the king was the God given right...

...the divine right.

That is the only reason we talk about rights in this context.

You, by your existence, possess natural rights. You live, and therefore have a right to life. No one can murder you without violating your rights. Of that is not the case, then your very existence is, as I said, conditional on the graciousness of others.

What if I were killed and eaten by a bear?

Then, the bear violated your right to life, while exercising his right to consider you prey.

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