Why Have the Ds Destroyed Themselves?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
They have the oldest state populations except for FL and AZ.

They have both the highest taxes and highest regulatory burden. (there should be one or two exceptions but I don't know of any.)

The biggest homeless/ poverty problems and therefore poor sanitation.

They invite criminals to migrate to their states and vote while in jail including illegal immigrants.

The poor debate performance by D politicians is more bad news but with coronavirus, flu and other diseases the anti-vac/anti-fa nut jobs death rates will go through the roof in the blue wall probably before the election.

Why have these suicidal policies been pursued?
They have the oldest state populations except for FL and AZ.

They have both the highest taxes and highest regulatory burden. (there should be one or two exceptions but I don't know of any.)

The biggest homeless/ poverty problems and therefore poor sanitation.

They invite criminals to migrate to their states and vote while in jail including illegal immigrants.

The poor debate performance by D politicians is more bad news but with coronavirus, flu and other diseases the anti-vac/anti-fa nut jobs death rates will go through the roof in the blue wall probably before the election.

Why have these suicidal policies been pursued?
The goal is to make the USA a third world shithole so the people have no where to turn except for government dependence.
When you are in an insane asylum...like the Democratic Party for example...inside bubbles like the New York Media...where the Sane and Rational are excluded...you come to believe that not only you, but all the other patients...are the sane ones.

If everybody you know is wearing a Pussy Hat; you feel fucked up without a Pussy Hat.

It's a psychopathological phenomena, somewhat like that mythical Emperor who was wearing no clothes...and thought everybody who was laughing at him was crazy.
They have the oldest state populations except for FL and AZ.

They have both the highest taxes and highest regulatory burden. (there should be one or two exceptions but I don't know of any.)

The biggest homeless/ poverty problems and therefore poor sanitation.

They invite criminals to migrate to their states and vote while in jail including illegal immigrants.

The poor debate performance by D politicians is more bad news but with coronavirus, flu and other diseases the anti-vac/anti-fa nut jobs death rates will go through the roof in the blue wall probably before the election.

Why have these suicidal policies been pursued?

A reading of the history of the French Revolution could provide many of the answers you seek. But the bottom line is that extreme far left or radical revolutionary movements tend to reach a certain apogee and then fall back to Earth and crash hard, often taking the rest of a civilization down with it. The far left "woke" or postmodern or pseudo-communist ideological movement which has unfolded here in America for the last seven or so decades has reached just such a point. I mean come on, they advocate for mass infanticide and the mutilation of children solely for gaining political power. As always happens the radicals among us will be brought to justice; wiped out—put down. The only question remaining is how much damage their final death throes do to the rest of America.
The dems both elected and voting dems thought they had the nation in the palm of their hands when Obama won his second term....we were all socialist now...remember?...they thought the nation couldn't get any greater...and they believed we all felt the same way...then Trump came out with his slogan....Make America Great Again....and the dems lost it....they couldn't break his momentum...and it drove them nuts....

The dem voters thought they were on the edge of nirvana with free everything and no need to work anymore....sit home and paint pictures or learn a new craft....they were sure they were going to be taken care of.....and then reality stepped in and blew their minds out with anger....like two year old's they started a RESIST movement that backfired on them...

and now here they are...about to lose hold of power in America for at least a generation or two......childish behavior has consequences....and so do elections....
When you are in an insane asylum...like the Democratic Party for example...inside bubbles like the New York Media...where the Sane and Rational are excluded...you come to believe that not only you, but all the other patients...are the sane ones.

If everybody you know is wearing a Pussy Hat; you feel fucked up without a Pussy Hat.

It's a psychopathological phenomena, somewhat like that mythical Emperor who was wearing no clothes...and thought everybody who was laughing at him was crazy.

It's funny because they accuse Trump supporters of the same thing. The hypocrisy and projection is breathtaking.
Wearing a pussy hat shows that you're cowed by extreme feminists and peer pressure, you'd rather be part of the herd to feel safe. It's like Redditt with all the upvoting/downvoting. Collectivism.
Wearing a MAGA hat means the opposite -- it shows that you have balls and stand against the tide.
Right? Do you feel safer wearing a pussy hat, or a MAGA hat? Clear difference.
Hurricane Donald blew down their house of cards, and the Red Queen lopped off their heads.
Hope and Change turned out to be just another empty promise. Obama the Messiah turned out to be just another racist academic bureaucrat that used skin color to divide people instead of bringing everyone together. And they have the nerve to call Trump a con man.
They have the oldest state populations except for FL and AZ.

They have both the highest taxes and highest regulatory burden. (there should be one or two exceptions but I don't know of any.)

The biggest homeless/ poverty problems and therefore poor sanitation.

They invite criminals to migrate to their states and vote while in jail including illegal immigrants.

The poor debate performance by D politicians is more bad news but with coronavirus, flu and other diseases the anti-vac/anti-fa nut jobs death rates will go through the roof in the blue wall probably before the election.

Why have these suicidal policies been pursued?

A reading of the history of the French Revolution could provide many of the answers you seek. But the bottom line is that extreme far left or radical revolutionary movements tend to reach a certain apogee and then fall back to Earth and crash hard, often taking the rest of a civilization down with it. The far left "woke" or postmodern or pseudo-communist ideological movement which has unfolded here in America for the last seven or so decades has reached just such a point. I mean come on, they advocate for mass infanticide and the mutilation of children solely for gaining political power. As always happens the radicals among us will be brought to justice; wiped out—put down. The only question remaining is how much damage their final death throes do to the rest of America.

The boss lunatic of the asylum has yet to be sorted out but otherwise more or less right
Think of the left as an occupying force in our country that needs to be defeated. Every election is like a battle and eventually the occupying force will be driven out.

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