Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists

By instituting some of its more onerous principles? Not convinced.

The NRA tried to end the Great Depression by organizing thousands of businesses under codes drawn up by trade associations and industries. Hugh Johnson proved charismatic in setting up publicity that glorified his new NRA. Johnson was recognized for his efforts when Time named him Man of the Year of 1933—choosing him instead of FDR.[45]

By 1934 the enthusiasm that Johnson had so successfully created had faded. Johnson was faltering badly, which historians ascribe to the profound contradictions in NRA policies, compounded by Johnson's heavy drinking on the job. Big business and labor unions both turned hostile.[46][47][48] 1

According to biographer John Ohl (as summarized by reviewer Lester V. Chandler):

Historian William E. Leuchtenburg argued in 1963:

According to historian Ellis Hawley in 1976:[51]

No, by implementing Socialism.
Maybe you should look up Huey Long.
Only time when purchase power of the dollar actually increased, Roaring 20's Electricity, mass production, flourished because he kept the Gubbamint out of it


Crushed the economy.....lol

I'll assume you had no idea.
So what happened?
If things were going so well what happened?
Maybe it was all a facade.

Since I have no idea tell me how Cal DIDN'T lead us into the great depression.
The NAZI's weren't socialists at all, except in name only. Just like today's Republicans are in no way a party of conservatives and individual freedom at all, unless those freedoms extend to owning dangerous weapons.

Conservatives believe in small government, individual responsibility, and balanced budgets, and fair elections.

Today's Republicans believe in Donald Trump, racism, and everybody who criticizes Trump is lying and out to destroy America. Power must be retained by any means necessary because the opposition are demons.
Centralized government you stupid fuck, yeah, the Nazi's were Socialists. Grow a brain will ya?
This is a discussion of NAZI Economics, having nothing with their social agenda.

Hitler offered slave labour to German industrialists, helping build his war machine. You might try reading William Manchester’s book “The Arms of Krupp” which details how Hitler worked hand in glove with German industrialists to their great profit, and ultimately downfall.

Alfried Krupp and Gustav Halbach were 2 German industrialists tried at Nuremberg.

You need to have some knowledge of history to oppine on any of this stuff intelligently, but then you don’t have sufficient knowledge of history to oppine on anything intelligently.

Aren’t you ever ashamed of how ignorant you appear to the rest of us? I guess you’d have to have some sort of self-awareness in order to have shame.
Says the stupid twit who has no idea about history....
Everyone cares that Nazis were and are right wing.

Just you ignorant cucks try not to care because you are allowing Nazi ideology to creep into your own belief system.
Yet in the summer of Love, it was Far Left Socialists and some Far Right ANTIFA that were out their burning, looting and murdering black cities. Go figure..
A better example of venting is Charles Schumers terrible rant against the Supreme Court of the USA when he promised violence would be used against the Court.

The below is an attack by the left winger broadcaster.

So, we can agree they’re both venting?
The problem was that the promises of the welfare state could not be fulfilled within Germany’s 1933 borders. If the German people were to have this material paradise on earth, someone would have to supply the manpower and the resources to provide the means for this massive redistribution of wealth.

Aly points out that before and during World War II, the German “capitalist class” was made to pay its “fair share” for the benefit of the rest of the German people. Taxes were proportionally far higher on the “rich” in Germany than the rest of the population. During the war the government established mandatory overtime pay in all industries and imposed wage increases to keep “the masses” loyal to the regime – all at the expense of German business. At the same time, German industry worked under government-commanded four-year plans from 1936 until the end of the war in 1945.

Plunder Policy to Fund the National Socialist Welfare State​

But it was only after the war started that the machine of redistributive plunder was really set into motion. Every country overrun by the German army not only had to pay the costs of the occupation, but also was systematically looted for the benefit of the German population as a whole.

Both within Germany and around the rest of Europe, the great “enemy” that the Nazis were determined to eliminate were the Jews. Before the war the regime had attempted to pressure German Jews to leave the country. After the war began the government was determined to expel all Jews in western and central Europe to “the East.” Finally, the “solution” to the “Jewish problem” was found in the concentration and death camps.
Yet in the summer of Love, it was Far Left Socialists and some Far Right ANTIFA that were out their burning, looting and murdering black cities. Go figure..
Democrats will go to the mat to defend Socialism. Then when caught, follow up by saying they are not socialists. But if not, why defend socialism all the time? When one of their boys, Hitler proclaimed his was a socialist nation, which it was, they deny Hitler his due. That his people adored socialism due to the benefits accruing only to loyal Germans.
To ignore the nationalist element of the conservative socialism of the Nazis is to literally ignore half the facts.

You say you aren't trying to paint the Nazis as left wing and then go on a rant attempting to connect the Democrats to the Nazis.

Who do you think you are fooling except yourself and other ignorant people?
no you fucking moron, we are saying that Life Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, is Right Wing Polices, (classical Liberalism) while you on the other hand, are stupid Marxists who wants the government to tell you what you can drive, eat, cook with, and even shit. Because you are really that stupid.
So what happened?
If things were going so well what happened?
Maybe it was all a facade.

Since I have no idea tell me how Cal DIDN'T lead us into the great depression.
Ever hear of Herbert Hoover? No, right? This is the first time you heard that Hoover was the President AFTER Coolidge
Ever hear of Herbert Hoover? No, right? This is the first time you heard that Hoover was the President AFTER Coolidge
Hoover had been in office for <9 months when Wall St. crashed.
His first budget had barely come to life.
He made it worse but he didn't create the environment that led to the crash.
Friedrich Hayek, a famous economist, proved the Germans of the 30s and 40s were clearly socialists.
So what is the gripe? Apparently American socialists hate the notion that they are not the only socialists. They use propaganda to try to undermine that indeed the Nazis were true socialists. In fact it is difficult to locate a group more socialist than were the Nazis.

This article for example tries to help the socialists of America by denouncing the version by Hayek who lived under those socialists and could easily testify as a true expert about socialism.

To the deniers. Ask why the Germans were so delighted with Hitler until he went to war? Ask how Hitler embarked under massive socialist programs that actually did cause Germany to once more be prosperous.
Because of the German prosperity under Hitler, one might think American socialists would be happy Hitler was a socialist. And point out he did deliver prosperity as they tell us now they can do.

Why Hayek was Right About Nazis Being Socialists​

Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him chancellor. Hitler’s Third Reich had been born, and it was entirely fascist in character. Within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. Lest there be any remaining questions about the political character of the Nazi revolution, Hitler ordered the murder of Gregor Strasser, an act that was carried out on June 30, 1934, during the Night of the Long Knives. Any remaining traces of socialist thought in the Nazi Party had been extinguished.

Hitler allied himself with leaders of German conservative and nationalist movements, and in January 1933 German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed him chancellor. Hitler’s Third Reich had been born, and it was entirely fascist in character. Within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. Lest there be any remaining questions about the political character of the Nazi revolution, Hitler ordered the murder of Gregor Strasser, an act that was carried out on June 30, 1934, during the Night of the Long Knives. Any remaining traces of socialist thought in the Nazi Party had been extinguished.
Hitler also allied himself with the communist Joseph Stalin as the divided up Poland together, does that make him a communist?

Hitler had no soul, just power.
Hitler also allied himself with the communist Joseph Stalin as the divided up Poland together, does that make him a communist?

Hitler had no soul, just power.

It should be perfectly easy to see why the Adolf Hitler’s “National Socialists” had nothing to do with socialism, just as it should be easy to see why Kim Jong-Un’s “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” has nothing to do with democracy or republicanism. After all, what do socialists stand for? Well, a few core principles are:
Yeah, they did promote prosperity, until the ran out of other peoples money, which was why Heir Hitler had to go to war.

It should be perfectly easy to see why the Adolf Hitler’s “National Socialists” had nothing to do with socialism, just as it should be easy to see why Kim Jong-Un’s “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” has nothing to do with democracy or republicanism. After all, what do socialists stand for? Well, a few core principles are:

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