Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

Hilary Clinton is the worst possible choice, she carries tons of her own baggage

And yet despite all the right wing's best efforts to date, she still polls far better than any Republican.

The GOP is all about lies, smears, and taunts nowadays. Doing the same old shit, expecting a different result.

Retards, hypocrites, liars, and psychopaths.

Here's a fresh idea: PUT SOME SOLUTIONS ON THE TABLE! LEAD! Stop taking all your cues from the other team.
The campaign hasn't even begun, I predict her own party will make her look like shit. They'll want to gain some distance and plausible deniability when the big defeat comes in 2016.
The voters are going to look at the GOP and see a snarling hateful party which only knows how to attack their enemies and does not offer any solutions.

They will look at Clinton and see her placing proposals on the table.

Just like 2008 and 2012.
If she does not permanently distance herself from her Wall Street buddies she have to win without my vote.

I think you're going to be disappointed.
Being disappointed would mean I somehow expect her to break with Wall Street, I do not. Sick of these corporate dems, I would almost rather have a conservative government that openly despises my ideology.

At the moment she is better to play ball with Wall St... She loses nothing by accepting their money and giving the impression that they have control.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race
"hard left will be there for her"??? She's a bought-and-paid-for corporate Dem/ultimate insider/Repub Lite IMO. This hard left potential voter won't be there for her. I don't like puppets and dynastic puppets at that.
Hilary Clinton is the worst possible choice, she carries tons of her own baggage

And yet despite all the right wing's best efforts to date, she still polls far better than any Republican.

The GOP is all about lies, smears, and taunts nowadays. Doing the same old shit, expecting a different result.

Retards, hypocrites, liars, and psychopaths.

Here's a fresh idea: PUT SOME SOLUTIONS ON THE TABLE! LEAD! Stop taking all your cues from the other team.
The campaign hasn't even begun, I predict her own party will make her look like shit. They'll want to gain some distance and plausible deniability when the big defeat comes in 2016.
The voters are going to look at the GOP and see a snarling hateful party which only knows how to attack their enemies and does not offer any solutions.

They will look at Clinton and see her placing proposals on the table.

Just like 2008 and 2012.
That must be why Obama is President now, because Hilary has such universal appeal.
Hilary Clinton is the worst possible choice, she carries tons of her own baggage

And yet despite all the right wing's best efforts to date, she still polls far better than any Republican.

The GOP is all about lies, smears, and taunts nowadays. Doing the same old shit, expecting a different result.

Retards, hypocrites, liars, and psychopaths.

Here's a fresh idea: PUT SOME SOLUTIONS ON THE TABLE! LEAD! Stop taking all your cues from the other team.
The campaign hasn't even begun, I predict her own party will make her look like shit. They'll want to gain some distance and plausible deniability when the big defeat comes in 2016.
The voters are going to look at the GOP and see a snarling hateful party which only knows how to attack their enemies and does not offer any solutions.

They will look at Clinton and see her placing proposals on the table.

Just like 2008 and 2012.
Any hints of these proposals yet?
That must be why Obama is President now, because Hilary has such universal appeal.

It is exactly why Obama is President. He put proposals on the table while the GOP was busy snarling and attacking him as a Muslim marxist born in Kenya.

If the GOP wasn't retarded, they would wake up to the fact that being a solution-less party which takes their lead from the other party isn't a winning strategy.

"Wait until Obama says what he is going to do, then we will be in favor of the exact opposite and call him shit-for-brains."

The irony!
That must be why Obama is President now, because Hilary has such universal appeal.

It is exactly why Obama is President. He put proposals on the table while the GOP was busy snarling and attacking him as a Muslim marxist born in Kenya.

If the GOP wasn't retarded, they would wake up to the fact that being a solution-less party which takes their lead from the other party isn't a winning strategy.

"Wait until Obama says what he is going to do, then we will be in favor of the exact opposite and call him shit-for-brains."

The irony!
I see your confusion now, you think the truth matters. You believe that people should be persuaded by the actual facts of objective reality. Holy shit, there's one born every minute. The only thing that matters in politics is the contrived perception of reality.
Any hints of these proposals yet?

Stay tuned. And you can count on me asking her supporters the same questions I have asked them before. I have asked every supporter of every candidate of both parties the same questions, and not one of them has ever answered a single one.

One can't help but wonder what the criteria is for these rubes when they don't know a fucking thing that matters about their idols.

It causes me to crack a rib laughing so hard when one side calls the other side "low information voters". Pot, meet kettle.

Here's an appetizer, though: Hillary Obama proposals an important start on income inequality TheHill
During the primaries, I expect Hillary will hit on income inequality, college tuition costs, and Wall Street reform. She will only respond to whatever whackadoo shit the Republican candidates harp on when directly asked by a reporter, and she will reply with a condescending smile.

Otherwise, Clinton will behave as if the Republican candidates don't even exist until there is a clear winner on the GOP team. She will make references in her speeches to the ideas emanating from the Right, and mock them, but she will rarely name names unless specifically asked to by a reporter.

"Senator Cruz says you aren't qualified to be President and are a doo-doo head in league with the Antichrist. What do you make of that?"
If Hillary wins it will be for only one reason:

Americans are STILL idiots.

The old....we don't win because of low information voters

Maybe if Republicans would kick in more for education there wouldn't be so many low information voters
That is how the GOP blows it, see.

It's one thing to say Hillary botched something or did something wrong. But then they always have to cap it off with a thick layer of manufactured bullshit and insanity.

Let's say Candidate A slapped a police officer in 1972. This is a fact. Okay, fine.

The GOP turns it into "Candidate A wishes cops would all shoot themselves in the mouth and probably wipes her ass with pages from the Bible!"

The GOP really needs to kick the retards to the curb.
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

Hillary learned more about the running of the executive branch and foreign policy as First Lady than all the knowledge the Republicans have combined

Add in eight years as a Senator and four as Secretary of State and it is not even close
If Hillary wins it will be for only one reason:

Americans are STILL idiots.

The old....we don't win because of low information voters

Maybe if Republicans would kick in more for education there wouldn't be so many low information voters
Do you ever wonder why there's so much attention paid to the Presidential elections, but very little to Congressional and local elections? I believe it's because when we vote for President, it's completely meaningless except as a symbolic gesture.
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

They also don't have the scandals and corruption. Hillary has more of those than Bill has women on the side.

Please......can we talk about Bush lying to start a war that killed 6000 Americans?
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

Hillary learned more about the running of the executive branch and foreign policy as First Lady than all the knowledge the Republicans have combined

Add in eight years as a Senator and four as Secretary of State and it is not even close
That experience will prove to be more of a liability than an asset during the campaign.
That experience will prove to be more of a liability than an asset during the campaign.
Nope. Hitting the Benghazi bell only works now on people who would never vote for her under any circumstances. The constant harping has deadened that nerve for the rest of America, and will probably backfire on the Right if they keep hitting it. That's one dead horse.

And the Right is going to fuck up and try to apply a measuring stick they would NOT want applied to themselves. People can smell hypocrisy from a mile away.
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".

Hillary is more qualified than all the Republican candidates combined and Republicans run on a "Hillary is not qualified" platform

Bizzaro world

The current crop of GOP candidates are the Senators. They've got dick in terms of qualifications compared to Hillary. The SoS experience trumps them all.

But when the governors take the field (read, Walker, Kasich and Bush), there will be credible qualification contenders.

Hillary learned more about the running of the executive branch and foreign policy as First Lady than all the knowledge the Republicans have combined

Add in eight years as a Senator and four as Secretary of State and it is not even close
That experience will prove to be more of a liability than an asset during the campaign.

Oh please.......Republicans played their BENGHAZI card in 2012 and it was met with a yawn.
Want to talk about personal emails that were unrelated to any crime?
You can already see it is going to be exactly as I said. Personal attacks and no solutions. That's all the GOP has in its tool bag.

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