Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried

She'll have to be careful. You can't play the strong leader and the 'stop picking on a girl' card. Those are generally mutually exclusive. I think Hillary will do better with a 'Bring it, bitches' personal brand.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

As opposed to what? "Hope 'n Change"?

They ran aganst a slogan.... how is "Hope 'n Change" a solution?
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If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

Probably not. Hillary is ideologically lined up within a tolerable range with the money in her party. And within a similar range with the majority of the electorate. There's little chance of her being forced to take positions that will knock her out of either range.

The GOP candidates are in a bit of a pickle. As the money is increasingly well outside of comfortable reach of the majjority of the electorate on policy.

Take Romney, who signed in his own little Romney Care in Massechussets. But was forced to take a 'fuck 'em, they can go to the emergency room' position on healthcare reform when running for president.

He got hip checked out of the positions supported by most Americans by his own party. It could happen again, this time to Jeb.
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If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

Probably not. Hillary is ideologically lined up within a tolerable range with the money in her party. And within a similar range with the majority of the electorate. There's little chance of her being forced to take positions that will knock her out of either range.
If Elizabeth Warren were a candidate she'd kick the shit out of Hilary in a debate. As it is Jim Webb is going to flay her alive on foreign policy issues.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

I doubt it

Democratic debates will be short and non-confrontational

It is the dozen Republicans who will eat eachother alive
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

Probably not. Hillary is ideologically lined up within a tolerable range with the money in her party. And within a similar range with the majority of the electorate. There's little chance of her being forced to take positions that will knock her out of either range.
If Elizabeth Warren were a candidate she'd kick the shit out of Hilary in a debate. As it is Jim Webb is going to flay her alive on foreign policy issues.

Nah, Warren is good. But Hillary is pretty good too. She'd hold her own. And its unlikely she'd be forced to take positions that were too left wing by Warren.

Speaking hypothetically, of course.

Since Warren isn't running the entire point is moot in practical terms.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

I doubt it

Democratic debates will be short and non-confrontational

It is the dozen Republicans who will eat eachother alive

Its another pickle for Republicans. They have a larger than you'd expect dollop of fringe in the party. If they don't allow fringy candidates to participate in the debates, they sap the motivation of their supporters to vote republican. If they allow them, then the GOP crazy is on display. With democrats able to paint all the GOP with the positions taken by its outer edges.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

Probably not. Hillary is ideologically lined up within a tolerable range with the money in her party. And within a similar range with the majority of the electorate. There's little chance of her being forced to take positions that will knock her out of either range.
If Elizabeth Warren were a candidate she'd kick the shit out of Hilary in a debate. As it is Jim Webb is going to flay her alive on foreign policy issues.

Nah, Warren is good. But Hillary is pretty good too. She'd hold her own. And its unlikely she'd be forced to take positions that were too left wing by Warren.

Speaking hypothetically, of course.

Since Warren isn't running the entire point is moot in practical terms.

We're still a long ways out from the election, a lot can happen. Hilary Clinton is the worst possible choice, she carries tons of her own baggage, and she can't de-link herself from unpopular Obama foreign policy decisions. She has too much to explain and very little room to maneuver., choosing Hilary will be a strategic disaster of epic proportions.
If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

Probably not. Hillary is ideologically lined up within a tolerable range with the money in her party. And within a similar range with the majority of the electorate. There's little chance of her being forced to take positions that will knock her out of either range.
If Elizabeth Warren were a candidate she'd kick the shit out of Hilary in a debate. As it is Jim Webb is going to flay her alive on foreign policy issues.

Nah, Warren is good. But Hillary is pretty good too. She'd hold her own. And its unlikely she'd be forced to take positions that were too left wing by Warren.

Speaking hypothetically, of course.

Since Warren isn't running the entire point is moot in practical terms.

We're still a long ways out from the election, a lot can happen.

Of course. Any discussion of any presicdential run is by its very nature enormously speculative. We're making educated guesses at best.

Hilary Clinton is the worst possible choice, she carries tons of her own baggage, and she can't de-link herself from unpopular Obama foreign policy decisions.

Her polling numbers say differently. There may be better choices, but there are also far, far worse. She's actually got a solid shot at winning. Undermining the 'worst possible choice' narrative.
If challengers to Hillary arise afore the convention America can look forward to an epidemic of "suicides".

And that's the kind of batshit that is going to help Hillary tremendously. Just like the Birthers helped Obama. The DNC would *love* to paint the entire GOP with that brush.

I don't think they'll be successful. But I think folks like you are going to be hell on GOP momentum, always keeping them at least a little on the defensive.
The Democrats are so defensive when it comes to Hillary because she is literally all they've got. You remove her from the equation and they have no bench.
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

OH may flip. VA is not going anywhere with the # of government employees residing there.
Probably so. More likely Colo would flip, but it's smaller than Va. The gop pretty much has to have three of the four, plus a Midwestern state. At least that's how the math looks to me. From the 270towin site map.

Your logic is flawed because you assume the Dems will hold all the States Obama held.

New Mexico, Nevada, Virginia, New Hampshire, Iowa, and Colorado all voted for Bush as did Florida. If the GOP wins those states again Hillary loses.

Sorry...the math does not work for the Hildabeast. :(
Amazing.. the Dems run an unknown form Illinois, who's never really done anything... his whole plan is "Hope and Change"... and now they run a seventy year-old has-been firm the sixties who without "Clinton" at the end of her name, we wouldn't even know who she is.

And then they rant for hours about their "qualifications".
The Democrats are so defensive when it comes to Hillary because she is literally all they've got. You remove her from the equation and they have no bench.
Not really. Waiting in the wings are people who could beat any potential GOP nominee. It's possible. How probable we could not know this early in the season...unlike 2008 when we sane people were betting a wet noodle could win after Bush/Cheney melt down
The Democrats are so defensive when it comes to Hillary because she is literally all they've got. You remove her from the equation and they have no bench.
Not really. Waiting in the wings are people who could beat any potential GOP nominee. It's possible. How probable we could not know this early in the season...unlike 2008 when we sane people were betting a wet noodle could win after Bush/Cheney melt down

A wet noodle did win....

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