Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

We'll see. The GOP tends to do poorly when folks come out to vote. Which is why they try so hard to make voting more difficult.

I think the GOP is doing a much better job of preparing its candidates strategically. They have a nice crop of governors and charismatic senators they are slowly building up. I think the GOP will lose this election, but be well positioned for the next.
Please list her accomplishments. I'll start.

1. Logged many miles of flight. (I have to admit, I got that from hillary herself.)

Former FLOTUS, Former Senator from New York, Former Secretary of State, consistently among the most admired persons in the US, widely respected by foreign heads of state...

Superior resume to any GOP and/or DNC challenger who is considered a candidate for 2016.

Oh palease.... she was briefly a Senator and is a failed/disgraced SoS. Other than that.. being married to the serial sex-offender doesn't qualify her for anything.

How long do you have to be a Senator...she won re-election to the job. Your listing her as failure as SOS is interesting, not true but interesting.

Would you be so kind as to list who in the field (announced or not) who has a better resume...from either party?


Standard GOP cop out....I hope you're not this impotent in real life.

It's not a matter of WHO has a better resume, it's the fact that while she has been in office, she has done some REALLY dreadful things. The people she is potentially running against, HAVEN'T done the evil that she has done. It is that simple. She has had the opportunity to do great things, instead, she has DONE EVIL!
If Rubio, Paul, or Walker win the nomination I just have a hard time seeing a shrill, old woman like Hillary defeating a young energetic candidate, but anything is possible. This is a country, after all, that elected Obama and Bush twice, so the stupid is strong with Americans.

Best post of the thread.
Saul Alinsky must be having a party every night celebrating the stupendous success of the political parties dividing the nation. He couldn't have imagined the success of Obama in duping the left to such exquisite thoroughness.
ACA - almost the exact opposite of what the left wanted, but they still defend it.
When you have this level of cluelessness on your side, you are a virtual shoe-in from day one.
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

We'll see. The GOP tends to do poorly when folks come out to vote. Which is why they try so hard to make voting more difficult.

I think the GOP is doing a much better job of preparing its candidates strategically. They have a nice crop of governors and charismatic senators they are slowly building up. I think the GOP will lose this election, but be well positioned for the next.
If the gop is running on the rich pay too much taxes, we need to relax regs on Wall St., retirees make too much, not only no path to citizenship but no permanent legal residency for long time illegal aliens, and let's bomb Iran now .... I think it'll continue to be a tough hoe for us.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

Were you asleep during the midterms?


What happened was the time-honored refudiation of a 6th year President's party....Reagan lost just as many seats (give or take a few) that Obama lost and his positives were quite high. Look it up if you don't believe me.

You also had an unusually large number of blue Senate seats up for election relative to red seats. Such will not be the case in 2016.

The 2016 election will have much more interest and deliver the results I predict:

HRC wins Presidency
Dems win Senate
GOP keeps House

Wow. Nice try. You really must want this bad to deny reality.
Here is reality.

Mitt Romney got 206 electoral votes. It takes 270 to win. Outside of Florida, none of the large blue states look to be in jeopardy in 2016. So it will take 3-4 states to flip for the GOP nominee to get the White House (while keeping all of Romney's wins). It's not going to happen.

All you need to do is ask around a little. And I do mean OUTSIDE your little social circle. There just isn't the stomach for Hillary.
Really...who have you asked outside of YOUR circle?

Of the issues dominating the headlines, Hillary is on the right side of the argument with her base and independents..

The only way it is going to happen is if the media is bought off and they have no other option but to constantly beat the drum of Hillary over and over again. It is well known that Americans can't think for themselves. If this is what the media does, then perhaps you are right. But as it stands RIGHT NOW, if the election were tomorrow, NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL.
Speak for yourself...I think for myself. If thinking is too complex a task for you to undertake, blame yourself.

If the election were held today, she'd win by 30 points....

But I see what you're doing...laying the groundwork for the excuses....blame the media...blame the voters...blame the world; just don't blame your candidate.

SNL, a traditionally left leaning show, is a good bell weather. Just look at the comments of this video. I had to go down probably about THIRTY COMMENTS before I could even find the first Hillary supporter. Now that is pretty bad. Oh sure, there was support for the assorted odd democrat here and there for this candidate or that one, but certainly not for Hillary. This is a very bad sign. Your scenario is wistful dreaming Ms. Corn.
Well, if you are going to read the tea leaves based on the commentary of a You Tube video....talk about wishful thinking..

I'm not going to disagree with you. Americans don't know how to think, they have the media do their thinking for them.
Again, speak for yourself.

They haven't a clue how evil, treacherous, and corrupt she is. Time after time it has been exposed for them how unethical and immoral she is. They don't care.
She has some baggage...I agree.

Should just four states determine this whole election? Should they be the ones who determine who is chosen to be the candidate? Probably not.
Four states do not decide the election.

I think what you are missing is that, in the end, her position on the MAJOR issues of the day, will BE EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE REPUBLICAN CHALLENGER. So yes, she will make an excellent Republican.
Perhaps but the public knows who is actually empathetic to blacks, Hispanics, GLBT, the working poor, etc....women's rights, access to healthcare. It isn't the Republicans.

That isn't anything you learn from the media; you learn that by watching the candidates and their positions.
Her unofficial campaign slogan, for all of us in the know, is, "What difference does it make?" Because if she gets elected, if the Republican gets elected, it won't make a damn bit of difference for what the elites have planned for the nation. Vote, don't vote. I don't care if she wins. It makes no difference at all.
Then why are you commenting?

I'm not making "excuses," because point of fact, we're equally screwed when the Republican wins, you should know that. With Israel in Conservative hands, and the Project for the Greater Middle East slowed down only by the peaceniks occupying the administrative branch for the past eight years, America has really been restrained on how much death and destruction it has rained down upon the world. WWIII is just around the corner, as well as a global financial meltdown. It really doesn't matter if a Republican, or this Republican in a woman's skin gets elected. This woman is a nightmare. Just ask Bill.
Thanks for another reason to laugh...it's about the funniest thing I've heard since the Tommy Lee Jones rant on Under Siege....you forgot to add in that we have only one inch of topsoil left.
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

We'll see. The GOP tends to do poorly when folks come out to vote. Which is why they try so hard to make voting more difficult.

I think the GOP is doing a much better job of preparing its candidates strategically. They have a nice crop of governors and charismatic senators they are slowly building up. I think the GOP will lose this election, but be well positioned for the next.
If the gop is running on the rich pay too much taxes, we need to relax regs on Wall St., retirees make too much, not only now path to citizenship but no permanent legal residency for long time illegal aliens, and let's bomb Iran now .... I think it'll continue to be a tough hoe for us.

The GOP will frame it more intelligently than that. They'll likely run on a 'the poor are leeches who abuse aid and don't deserve' it platform. While lauding the 'builders and makers'.

I say follow the money. Cruz supporting PACs amassed more money faster than almost any in history. And its almost exclusively from hedge fund managers and billionaires.
Former FLOTUS, Former Senator from New York, Former Secretary of State, consistently among the most admired persons in the US, widely respected by foreign heads of state...

Superior resume to any GOP and/or DNC challenger who is considered a candidate for 2016.

Oh palease.... she was briefly a Senator and is a failed/disgraced SoS. Other than that.. being married to the serial sex-offender doesn't qualify her for anything.

How long do you have to be a Senator...she won re-election to the job. Your listing her as failure as SOS is interesting, not true but interesting.

Would you be so kind as to list who in the field (announced or not) who has a better resume...from either party?


Standard GOP cop out....I hope you're not this impotent in real life.

Jeb has a better resume on governance. Weaker on foreign policy. I'd say the strict resume leans a tad toward Jeb, given how often we elect governors to be President.

You make a good case.
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

We'll see. The GOP tends to do poorly when folks come out to vote. Which is why they try so hard to make voting more difficult.

I think the GOP is doing a much better job of preparing its candidates strategically. They have a nice crop of governors and charismatic senators they are slowly building up. I think the GOP will lose this election, but be well positioned for the next.
If the gop is running on the rich pay too much taxes, we need to relax regs on Wall St., retirees make too much, not only now path to citizenship but no permanent legal residency for long time illegal aliens, and let's bomb Iran now .... I think it'll continue to be a tough hoe for us.

The GOP will frame it more intelligently than that. They'll likely run on a 'the poor are leeches who abuse aid and don't deserve' it platform. While lauding the 'builders and makers'.

I say follow the money. Cruz supporting PACs amassed more money faster than almost any in history. And its almost exclusively from hedge fund managers and billionaires.

Cruz is bought by those who want to let the trading houses go back to betting on derivatives with shareholder money. How much that works against him with voters may be interesting ... if he gets the nomination.

And there are many issues like that, and like citizens united and like abortion rights, that resonate with various segments of the electorate. Immigration reform too. But, really, the one overriding and universal issue is that UNLESS WE REFORM MIDDLE CLASS ENTITILEMENTS WE WILL BECOME A SECOND TIER ECONOMY, and we'll have to chose between them and being a military power. I don't see how the gop can win unless they premise people taking cuts along with at least the very rich getting a taxhaircut. Even then, I think the middle class, such as it is, will have to pay higher taxes or lose some tax credits, both of which amount to the same thing. But, if raising taxes is the litmus test for getting the gop nomination, I think it's gonna be a very very tough hoe.
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

OH may flip. VA is not going anywhere with the # of government employees residing there.
Probably so. More likely Colo would flip, but it's smaller than Va. The gop pretty much has to have three of the four, plus a Midwestern state. At least that's how the math looks to me. From the 270towin site map.
If Fla, VA and Ohio all flipped, the dems still win. It's a tough hoe for the gop

We'll see. The GOP tends to do poorly when folks come out to vote. Which is why they try so hard to make voting more difficult.

I think the GOP is doing a much better job of preparing its candidates strategically. They have a nice crop of governors and charismatic senators they are slowly building up. I think the GOP will lose this election, but be well positioned for the next.
If the gop is running on the rich pay too much taxes, we need to relax regs on Wall St., retirees make too much, not only now path to citizenship but no permanent legal residency for long time illegal aliens, and let's bomb Iran now .... I think it'll continue to be a tough hoe for us.

The GOP will frame it more intelligently than that. They'll likely run on a 'the poor are leeches who abuse aid and don't deserve' it platform. While lauding the 'builders and makers'.

I say follow the money. Cruz supporting PACs amassed more money faster than almost any in history. And its almost exclusively from hedge fund managers and billionaires.

Cruz is bought by those who want to let the trading houses go back to betting on derivatives with shareholder money. How much that works against him with voters may be interesting ... if he gets the nomination.

And there are many issues like that, and like citizens united and like abortion rights, that resonate with various segments of the electorate. Immigration reform too. But, really, the one overriding and universal issue is that UNLESS WE REFORM MIDDLE CLASS ENTITILEMENTS WE WILL BECOME A SECOND TIER ECONOMY, and we'll have to chose between them and being a military power. I don't see how the gop can win unless they premise people taking cuts along with at least the very rich getting a taxhaircut. Even then, I think the middle class, such as it is, will have to pay higher taxes or lose some tax credits, both of which amount to the same thing. But, if raising taxes is the litmus test for getting the gop nomination, I think it's gonna be a very very tough hoe.

Republicans aren't ideologically capable of pitching the idea you've described. Their policy is already pre-molded: advance the military, cut social and infrastructure spending, and offer tax cuts that overwhelmingly favor the rich.

All they can do is frame it differently. The policy is already set.
The question Hillary should be asked but nobody will dare.....

"So, Mrs. Clinton, when The Democrat Convention again throws you under the bus in favor of a new articulate, physically fit (at least nominally) male minority will you run as an Independent?"
If Hillary wins, it will be because the GOP tards tried the exact same tactics they tried in 2008 and 2012 that failed them.

That is, don't put any solutions on the table and just attack the opposition candidate with smears, lies, and grade school taunts.

If the GOP turns Hillary into a victim of unfair taunts they will get buried
If the Democratic candidates have a televised debate, some nasty wounds are going to reopen.

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