Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

This whole conversation started with a list that I compiled. I guess you missed it.

Indictments of Convictions....not assumptions or feeling. Really get a grip....

Yeah I understand that that is what you have to tell yourself nutball. Lying and covering up and hiding your head in the sand is just what you have to do to be a Progressive.

So you got nothing except accusations. Then shut up until uou have SOMRTHING.

Actually I have quite a lot more, all of it can be backed up and verified. You just are too stupid to admit it. You don't see what you don't want to see. That's what makes you a Progressive moron, if you'll pardon the redundancy.
No, you can't. You as a far right reactionary dodo (like Yurt) make all sorts of assertions that you can't back up. That's why the mainstream GOP will never nominate one of your crazy ass wacks like Ted Cruz. Won't happen. Ever.

Fuck off liar. You're too stupid to talk to.
How about Huntsman, Christy, Jeb or Newt??? Someone that will bring people together instead of apart.
Hillary is a uniter!

She is all about big business, she is driving around the country and being on of us! She went to a fast food joint to eat with us common folk, she even taught us all a great lesson and not to tip those pesky minimum wage workers, they need to learn to get better jobs.

She is all about us common folk!
Indictments of Convictions....not assumptions or feeling. Really get a grip....

Yeah I understand that that is what you have to tell yourself nutball. Lying and covering up and hiding your head in the sand is just what you have to do to be a Progressive.

So you got nothing except accusations. Then shut up until uou have SOMRTHING.

Actually I have quite a lot more, all of it can be backed up and verified. You just are too stupid to admit it. You don't see what you don't want to see. That's what makes you a Progressive moron, if you'll pardon the redundancy.
No, you can't. You as a far right reactionary dodo (like Yurt) make all sorts of assertions that you can't back up. That's why the mainstream GOP will never nominate one of your crazy ass wacks like Ted Cruz. Won't happen. Ever.

Fuck off liar. You're too stupid to talk to.
Says the far right reactionary who can't answer the criticism and who will not be able to nominate a far right loser next year.
How about Huntsman, Christy, Jeb or Newt??? Someone that will bring people together instead of apart.

He isn't anti-science ;)
You're a LYING PIECE OF DOG SHIT. Your idea of science is tax payer funds funneling into your pocket.
That makes no sense.
Matthew is a modern day snake oil salesman. He "literally" pawns off bull shit as science to get grant money. Money that you and I work hard to produce, Matthew pisses it away in the name of science. But what he's really doing is sipping on mai-tais while pretending to be "saving" the planet from co2.
If Rubio, Paul, or Walker win the nomination I just have a hard time seeing a shrill, old woman like Hillary defeating a young energetic candidate, but anything is possible. This is a country, after all, that elected Obama and Bush twice, so the stupid is strong with Americans.

Rubio doesn't seem likely. He just doesn't have enough experience politically for a national campaign. He's in a good position to try again in 8 years though. Paul doesn't have the money, experience or savy. And Walker lacks the charisma and money.

I'd say Jeb or Kasich are probably the most likely. With the deck heavily weighted to Jeb.

Yeah, I see a Bush-Clinton rematch.
Indictments of Convictions....not assumptions or feeling. Really get a grip....

Yeah I understand that that is what you have to tell yourself nutball. Lying and covering up and hiding your head in the sand is just what you have to do to be a Progressive.

So you got nothing except accusations. Then shut up until uou have SOMRTHING.

Actually I have quite a lot more, all of it can be backed up and verified. You just are too stupid to admit it. You don't see what you don't want to see. That's what makes you a Progressive moron, if you'll pardon the redundancy.
No, you can't. You as a far right reactionary dodo (like Yurt) make all sorts of assertions that you can't back up. That's why the mainstream GOP will never nominate one of your crazy ass wacks like Ted Cruz. Won't happen. Ever.

Fuck off liar. You're too stupid to talk to.

Soooo, your lies have been outed and you have nothing left except name calling. Okay, that is understandable. Now, go back to one of your far right leaning scab web sites and post some more accusations or assumptions. They have had years of practice at this. Even before Bill was elected, their machinery was running full blast.

Come to think of it, they are probably really excited that Hillary is running. Now they can brush up on publishing more Fiction! I expect something like,

Hillary has been proven to be the daughter of an Alien.
Yeah I understand that that is what you have to tell yourself nutball. Lying and covering up and hiding your head in the sand is just what you have to do to be a Progressive.

So you got nothing except accusations. Then shut up until uou have SOMRTHING.

Actually I have quite a lot more, all of it can be backed up and verified. You just are too stupid to admit it. You don't see what you don't want to see. That's what makes you a Progressive moron, if you'll pardon the redundancy.
No, you can't. You as a far right reactionary dodo (like Yurt) make all sorts of assertions that you can't back up. That's why the mainstream GOP will never nominate one of your crazy ass wacks like Ted Cruz. Won't happen. Ever.

Fuck off liar. You're too stupid to talk to.

Soooo, your lies have been outed and you have nothing left except name calling. Okay, that is understandable. Now, go back to one of your far right leaning scab web sites and post some more accusations or assumptions. They have had years of practice at this. Even before Bill was elected, their machinery was running full blast.

Come to think of it, they are probably really excited that Hillary is running. Now they can brush up on publishing more Fiction! I expect something like,

Hillary has been proven to be the daughter of an Alien.

No dumbass, I have no lies at all. I just know Fake Jake and he's just too stupid to talk to. You are as well. I COULD post (again) a list if Hillary's corruption and dirty deeds and I can also support them with facts that you can research for yourself easily. But why should I? It's a waste of my time because you won't readvthem, you won't believe them and you will never ever change your mind no matter how many facts I put in front of you. You can continue to claim I'm unable to do so, do it all you want to I really don't give a shit. I just won't waste my time trying to educate the permanently and intentionally ignorant.

You are dismissed.
So you got nothing except accusations. Then shut up until uou have SOMRTHING.

Actually I have quite a lot more, all of it can be backed up and verified. You just are too stupid to admit it. You don't see what you don't want to see. That's what makes you a Progressive moron, if you'll pardon the redundancy.
No, you can't. You as a far right reactionary dodo (like Yurt) make all sorts of assertions that you can't back up. That's why the mainstream GOP will never nominate one of your crazy ass wacks like Ted Cruz. Won't happen. Ever.

Fuck off liar. You're too stupid to talk to.

Soooo, your lies have been outed and you have nothing left except name calling. Okay, that is understandable. Now, go back to one of your far right leaning scab web sites and post some more accusations or assumptions. They have had years of practice at this. Even before Bill was elected, their machinery was running full blast.

Come to think of it, they are probably really excited that Hillary is running. Now they can brush up on publishing more Fiction! I expect something like,

Hillary has been proven to be the daughter of an Alien.

No dumbass, I have no lies at all. I just know Fake Jake and he's just too stupid to talk to. You are as well. I COULD post (again) a list if Hillary's corruption and dirty deeds and I can also support them with facts that you can research for yourself easily. But why should I? It's a waste of my time because you won't readvthem, you won't believe them and you will never ever change your mind no matter how many facts I put in front of you. You can continue to claim I'm unable to do so, do it all you want to I really don't give a shit. I just won't waste my time trying to educate the permanently and intentionally ignorant.

You are dismissed.

If you have the facts and you are confident in them, notify the authorities and get them to indict her. Until you do that.....you are whizzing in the wind. You know that leaves you all wet, right?
You're a blind partisan.

You didn't answer my question.

Why should i care about personal corruption that has no effect on my life?

You won't hear me bitching about E-mails or Monica's stained dress. You also won't hear me bitching about GW Bush's spotty National Guard Service or about who outed Valerie Plame.

None of that shit has any effect on my life.

Bush crashing the economy in 2008 caused me to suffer

His incompetence, his mismanagement, his stupidity had an effect on my life.

That's really the only standard one should judge people on.

Or as Ronald Reagan said, "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" Or 8 years ago.

Was I better off in 2000 than I was in 1992? Abso-fucking-lutely. My pay increased, my property was sold for twice what I paid for it in 1987. Clinton was good for me. And I was one of you right wing assholes who got upset because he LIED about a blow job.

Was I worse off in 2008 than I was in 2000? a 20% reduction in pay, a loss of 50% of my stock value and a my condo being worth only 50% of what i paid for it. Yes, I voted for that idiot twice and paid a steep price for it.

so if you guys are going to make this a Bush vs. Clinton argument, I am going to have to judge it based on what really matters to me.
if i told you Bubba allowed the September 11, terrorists flight training so they could take down the twin towers, would you believe me that event affected every living human at that time ?

Well, no, I wouldn't believe that. Did Clinton personally sign off on their training?

I could talk about how Clinton tried to do something about Bin Laden, and the Republicans in Congress accused him of "Wagging the Dog" and mocked that he destroyed an Aspirin Factory.

Incidentally, the Bush Administration did extend Mohammed Atta's flight visa. AFTER he had crashed the planes into the towers. But that's another story.

Six Months Later INS Approves Terrorist Visas The Smoking Gun

We could also discuss how the CIA gave Bush a briefing entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike US" that specifically said airline hijackings might be involved. Bush replied, "Well, you've covered your ass" and went fishing.

So if you want to make the argument that 9/11 had an effect on my life...

Whose watch did it happen on?
Ok, well I was talking about corruption when you responded to my post. If you want to change the subject fine, but I'm talking about Hillary's extensive history of corruption. Someone else might be interested in discussing the things that affect you personally. I don't give at rat's ass.

So you want to pretend that some nebulous "corruption" had an effect on my life, because you can't nail down what Clinton did that would have.

Okay- one more time. What has Hillary Clinton done that had any effect on my life? Thanks.
Ok, well I was talking about corruption when you responded to my post. If you want to change the subject fine, but I'm talking about Hillary's extensive history of corruption. Someone else might be interested in discussing the things that affect you personally. I don't give at rat's ass.

So you want to pretend that some nebulous "corruption" had an effect on my life, because you can't nail down what Clinton did that would have.

Okay- one more time. What has Hillary Clinton done that had any effect on my life? Thanks.

What is the matter with you? Do you have reading comprehension problems?
Ok, well I was talking about corruption when you responded to my post. If you want to change the subject fine, but I'm talking about Hillary's extensive history of corruption. Someone else might be interested in discussing the things that affect you personally. I don't give at rat's ass.

So you want to pretend that some nebulous "corruption" had an effect on my life, because you can't nail down what Clinton did that would have.

Okay- one more time. What has Hillary Clinton done that had any effect on my life? Thanks.

What is the matter with you? Do you have reading comprehension problems?

No, but it's apparent you do. Or you are just desperate to change the subject.

Thing is, Americans didn't give a fuck about the fake Clinton Scandals 20 years ago, and they don't give a fuck now.
Ok, well I was talking about corruption when you responded to my post. If you want to change the subject fine, but I'm talking about Hillary's extensive history of corruption. Someone else might be interested in discussing the things that affect you personally. I don't give at rat's ass.

So you want to pretend that some nebulous "corruption" had an effect on my life, because you can't nail down what Clinton did that would have.

Okay- one more time. What has Hillary Clinton done that had any effect on my life? Thanks.

What is the matter with you? Do you have reading comprehension problems?

No, but it's apparent you do. Or you are just desperate to change the subject.

Thing is, Americans didn't give a fuck about the fake Clinton Scandals 20 years ago, and they don't give a fuck now.

Just how fucking stupid are you? I'm the one that is on the subject, I just told you that I wasn't interested in changing the subject but since you cannot understand what you read you didn't kniw that. Now you are trying to claim I'm changing the subject. Retard.

You are dismissed.

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