Why Hillary Will Win (probably)

We have with Eisenhower, Nixon, both Bushes. We will again. We need the right of to left of center more than you. Always been that way, except for 2004 when the socons went crazy and even registered and voted Martians.

You cannot win without real conservatives you will soon learn this.
The great majority of conservatives will vote for the candidate.

Sure, just like they did in 2008 and 2012 ;)
They did. The Dems pulled centrists that we need for the victory, so we lost instead. You far right freaks will vote GOP; that's given. That's why we reach to the center for the remainder of the majority we need. You will never govern GOP policy again.

You're wrong and you know it.

We stayed home at least I did for McCain....second time around I just wanted Obama out.

You kids go ahead and run Jeb out there, it will be an epic landslide because we will not vote for him.
Yup, you will. And if you don't and should the GOP lose, we will know then to cut you folks adrift forever.
The great majority of conservatives will vote for the candidate.

Sure, just like they did in 2008 and 2012 ;)
They did. The Dems pulled centrists that we need for the victory, so we lost instead. You far right freaks will vote GOP; that's given. That's why we reach to the center for the remainder of the majority we need. You will never govern GOP policy again.

You're wrong and you know it.

We stayed home at least I did for McCain....second time around I just wanted Obama out.

You kids go ahead and run Jeb out there, it will be an epic landslide because we will not vote for him.

Who is "we"?

Obviously, you do not speak for all Republicans

You seem a bit dense.

Conservatives are not going to vote for Jeb.

Unlike you little lemmings we will not march in lockstep to "The Party".
You do not speak for conservatives, only some of the far right reactionaries.
You cannot win without real conservatives you will soon learn this.
The great majority of conservatives will vote for the candidate.

Sure, just like they did in 2008 and 2012 ;)
They did. The Dems pulled centrists that we need for the victory, so we lost instead. You far right freaks will vote GOP; that's given. That's why we reach to the center for the remainder of the majority we need. You will never govern GOP policy again.

You're wrong and you know it.

We stayed home at least I did for McCain....second time around I just wanted Obama out.

You kids go ahead and run Jeb out there, it will be an epic landslide because we will not vote for him.
Yup, you will. And if you don't and should the GOP lose, we will know then to cut you folks adrift forever.

No I won't, and Repubs will deserve to lose if they refuse to listen.
Sure, just like they did in 2008 and 2012 ;)
They did. The Dems pulled centrists that we need for the victory, so we lost instead. You far right freaks will vote GOP; that's given. That's why we reach to the center for the remainder of the majority we need. You will never govern GOP policy again.

You're wrong and you know it.

We stayed home at least I did for McCain....second time around I just wanted Obama out.

You kids go ahead and run Jeb out there, it will be an epic landslide because we will not vote for him.

Who is "we"?

Obviously, you do not speak for all Republicans

You seem a bit dense.

Conservatives are not going to vote for Jeb.

Unlike you little lemmings we will not march in lockstep to "The Party".
You do not speak for conservatives, only some of the far right reactionaries.

Jake....everyone knows you are an imbecile.....anyone to the "Right" of you gets the tag "far right reactionaries".

The fact is this, you are a Democrat no matter what you call yourself....and real people just laugh at you because you think so highly of yourself ;)
Antares, you are a far right reactionary who does not speak for the GOP.

We will run our candidates we wish without your blessing and we will beat the dems. And we will happily piss all over you, bub.
One smart thing the GOP did was limit the number of debates. On the surface, at least, this was smart because it gives the whackjob candidacies of Cruz and Paul less official forums to announce their positions. Contrary to the belief that the Parties pick the candidtes; they actually have very little authority over them let alone control what they say. The flip side is that the urge to make a "big splash" may be too great for either of them to understand. Those who are looking to put their marker down somewhere between the hard right and the moderate right are probably the most dangerous.

Every karem to or pander toward the hard right forces the eventual nominee to move in that direction. This will, of course, hamstring him in the general election when the enevitable move back to the center has to be made.

The reason Hillary will win is because no such force sits to her left which would force her to react in such an irrational manner. Also, if such a force were to materialize, there would still be no need for Clinton to make the move; the voters on the hard left will be there for her in November. If we learned anything from 2012 it is that the hard right will abandon a GOP candidate that is seen as not willing to carry their water and message.

Obama fatigue and the ocassional flub (if they are ocassional) and tactical mis-step of the Clinton campaign will play a role as well but there shouldn't be enough of them to swing the election.

She isn't a shoo-in for the Presidency; there is still a long way to go. But it would be hard to imagine a better set-up for Secretary Clinton than what has happened in the last few weeks with Cruz, Paul and Rubio entering the race

Were you asleep during the midterms?

I am getting very tired of hearing about a low turnout midterm. The GOP had its "Last Hurrah" Reality is just around the corner, beginning in 2016.
If she does not permanently distance herself from her Wall Street buddies she have to win without my vote.

I've heard ducks fart underwater before

"If" my ass. You're looking for an excuse to vote for her. Period.

That bitch is going to take every possible political stance there is and brain dead dimocraps are going to believe the one that they personally want to believe.

She may 'distance' herself from Wall Street just long enough to satisfy idiots like you and then, 2 Months later, she'll be back drinking $3,000 a bottle Champagne with them and strangely, the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media won't notice.

Funny how that works

But the important thing is, it will give you the opportunity to rationalize your vote for her.

That's what you want. You want to be able to justify your vote.

People of low character are dimocraps. Period.

Good morning to you too Mr. Sunshine, I have been consistent in my low opinion of Hillary Clinton since the 2008 primaries, not going to vote for her, if you do not believe it then it makes no difference to me. The only thing you are consistent on is being a hateful jackass.

NOT VOTING FOR HILLARY!! I am sure she will be crushed....:woohoo:
Bad publicity is still publicity for Hillary and keeps her the spotlight, which is a bad election strategy for the GOP.

I call it the Ann Coulter effect, as the more you publicize a controversial figure (with good or bad news), the more likely they will get somewhere.
Antares, you are a far right reactionary who does not speak for the GOP.

We will run our candidates we wish without your blessing and we will beat the dems. And we will happily piss all over you, bub.

LOL, my words represent the collective opinion of Conservatives, we don't give a shit about you or your oatmeal candidates.

You can run anyone you wish but you cannot win without us....I don't know why but it always surprises me that a self proclaimed "Christian" like yourself has absolutely no integrity at all.
The great majority of conservatives will vote for the candidate.

Sure, just like they did in 2008 and 2012 ;)
They did. The Dems pulled centrists that we need for the victory, so we lost instead. You far right freaks will vote GOP; that's given. That's why we reach to the center for the remainder of the majority we need. You will never govern GOP policy again.

You're wrong and you know it.

We stayed home at least I did for McCain....second time around I just wanted Obama out.

You kids go ahead and run Jeb out there, it will be an epic landslide because we will not vote for him.

Who is "we"?

Obviously, you do not speak for all Republicans

You seem a bit dense.

Conservatives are not going to vote for Jeb.

Unlike you little lemmings we will not march in lockstep to "The Party".

Of course they will

Just like they voted for Dubya, McCain and Romney
Antares, you are a far right reactionary who does not speak for the GOP.

We will run our candidates we wish without your blessing and we will beat the dems. And we will happily piss all over you, bub.

LOL, my words represent the collective opinion of Conservatives, we don't give a shit about you or your oatmeal candidates.

You can run anyone you wish but you cannot win without us....I don't know why but it always surprises me that a self proclaimed "Christian" like yourself has absolutely no integrity at all.
No, your words do nothing of the sort. You are not a conservative, only a far right reactionary. The GOP does not need you folks out there. You have no vision for America, no ability to solve the crucial problems facing us nationally. Your words mean nothing.
Honestly, I have at times tried to align more with the GOP. I agree with some of their positions, but just when I think I can do it, their hypocrisy, dogma, racism, and/or "holier than thou" attitude turn me in a different direction. If only they could be legitimate instead of stuffed suits with a morality complex. Their tent continues to shrink.
Honestly, I have at times tried to align more with the GOP. I agree with some of their positions, but just when I think I can do it, their hypocrisy, dogma, racism, and/or "holier than thou" attitude turn me in a different direction. If only they could be legitimate instead of stuffed suits with a morality complex. Their tent continues to shrink.
Either we start aligning with women and minority needs, or the Dems will crush us.

1 of 11 blacks are part Hispanic, and in 25 years it will be 1 of 6. The brown and black populations will work together better than the mainstream GOP with its far right socons and reactionaries.
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If Rubio, Paul, or Walker win the nomination I just have a hard time seeing a shrill, old woman like Hillary defeating a young energetic candidate, but anything is possible. This is a country, after all, that elected Obama and Bush twice, so the stupid is strong with Americans.
They are young candidates with a message that is 40 years old
That's pretty sad dude really. Even though I know you as a left wing nut, still, believing that political corruption that doesn't directly affect you is ok, and that you think that that was the end of her corrupt antics? Well that's pretty pathetic even for someone like you.

Again, guy, wasn't talking about "political corruption".

What did the CLINTONS do that had any effect on my life?

I know what the BUSHES did that had an effect on my life.

But what did the CLINTONS do that had an effect on my life?
That's pretty sad dude really. Even though I know you as a left wing nut, still, believing that political corruption that doesn't directly affect you is ok, and that you think that that was the end of her corrupt antics? Well that's pretty pathetic even for someone like you.

Again, guy, wasn't talking about "political corruption".

What did the CLINTONS do that had any effect on my life?

I know what the BUSHES did that had an effect on my life.

But what did the CLINTONS do that had an effect on my life?

Yes....GW's administration is the reason that I am still workingtoday
That's pretty sad dude really. Even though I know you as a left wing nut, still, believing that political corruption that doesn't directly affect you is ok, and that you think that that was the end of her corrupt antics? Well that's pretty pathetic even for someone like you.

Again, guy, wasn't talking about "political corruption".

What did the CLINTONS do that had any effect on my life?

I know what the BUSHES did that had an effect on my life.

But what did the CLINTONS do that had an effect on my life?

Yes, I thank GW everyday when I go to work when I should be retired. Hey, but at least the Rich got their tax cut. Thanks George for driving the
economy over a. cliff.....
That's pretty sad dude really. Even though I know you as a left wing nut, still, believing that political corruption that doesn't directly affect you is ok, and that you think that that was the end of her corrupt antics? Well that's pretty pathetic even for someone like you.

Again, guy, wasn't talking about "political corruption".

What did the CLINTONS do that had any effect on my life?

I know what the BUSHES did that had an effect on my life.

But what did the CLINTONS do that had an effect on my life?
You're a blind partisan.

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