Why I am a Republican

It isn't the two parties that ate at fault it is the selfish nature of the American people. This includes the libertarian purists

tapatalk post

"Selfish" is an evolutionary imperative. The quest to survive is part of human nature. The attempt to suppress our natural tendencies is the basis of most societies, yet to deny that these are our natural foundations is dangerous.

And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

You end up with unworkable ideologies by ignoring human nature. That's why liberalism always fails.
"Selfish" is an evolutionary imperative. The quest to survive is part of human nature. The attempt to suppress our natural tendencies is the basis of most societies, yet to deny that these are our natural foundations is dangerous.

And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

You end up with unworkable ideologies by ignoring human nature. That's why liberalism always fails.

You define terms differently, bripat. You don't believe in American values or its Constitution, though you live here.

Your comments are interesting but offer nothing consequential.
It isn't the two parties that ate at fault it is the selfish nature of the American people. This includes the libertarian purists

tapatalk post

"Selfish" is an evolutionary imperative. The quest to survive is part of human nature. The attempt to suppress our natural tendencies is the basis of most societies, yet to deny that these are our natural foundations is dangerous.

And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

No, we don't live in caves. But I don't live my life for you and I don't expect you to live yours for me. Every person should obey the laws of the civilization he lives in, but he/she should also be free to live as they choose and to keep what they earn or create.

thats really where we differ, you want the government to determine what each person can have, I want freedom to make that determination.
Republicans want to pollute rivers and the sky
Republicans want to defund science
hate the highway/freeway
and want only people that make good money to be able to educate their children.

Sounds kind of like the 19th century.

I don't like a lot about what the democrats stand as I am pro-nuclear, pro choices within schools and would rather the social issues weren't in front of common fucking sense.
"Selfish" is an evolutionary imperative. The quest to survive is part of human nature. The attempt to suppress our natural tendencies is the basis of most societies, yet to deny that these are our natural foundations is dangerous.

And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

You end up with unworkable ideologies by ignoring human nature. That's why liberalism always fails.

Pure socialism and capitalism always fails. A balance of both is truly the only system that works.

1. government micro-managing everything doesn't work but 2. one or two large corporations doing the same is just as bad.
Republicans want to pollute rivers and the sky
Republicans want to defund science
hate the highway/freeway
and want only people that make good money to be able to educate their children.

Sounds kind of like the 19th century.


thats just plain stupid, matty boy. no one WANTS to pollute rivers and the sky. no one wants to defund science. who do you think hates highways??????? are you a total fucking lunatic?
And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

You end up with unworkable ideologies by ignoring human nature. That's why liberalism always fails.

Pure socialism and capitalism always fails. A balance of both is truly the only system that works.

1. government micro-managing everything doesn't work but 2. one or two large corporations doing the same is just as bad.

name the one or two corporations that you think are controlling everything.
"Selfish" is an evolutionary imperative. The quest to survive is part of human nature. The attempt to suppress our natural tendencies is the basis of most societies, yet to deny that these are our natural foundations is dangerous.

And this is how we end up with ideology that is not workable in the modern world.

We don't live in caves, Uncensored.

No, we don't live in caves. But I don't live my life for you and I don't expect you to live yours for me. Every person should obey the laws of the civilization he lives in, but he/she should also be free to live as they choose and to keep what they earn or create.

thats really where we differ, you want the government to determine what each person can have, I want freedom to make that determination.

You conflate liberty and freedom, and you clearly don't understand how they relate to law and government.

We are not libertarians, our Founders were not libertarians, we are not going to be libertarians.

You are interesting to read, but like bripat, your comments have no import.
Oh, yes pay their employees well.

And who or what is to decide what "well" is?


Enough to pay the rent and a meal after work :eusa_shhh:

So who enforces that?

What happens if their rent is for a place that is much nicer than they need?

What if they live in a state with higher rent rates?

Who decides what this figure should be?

Is that figure adjusted for family size? What happens if they have a kid, does he get a raise for that?

What if he gets divorced? Do they cut his pay?

Which federal agency would police this? Or should we just start a new one?

Or maybe we could just have the employer decide his value in the marketplace and pay him accordingly.

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Oh, yes pay their employees well.

And who or what is to decide what "well" is?


The cost of living.

So who enforces that?

What happens if their rent is for a place that is much nicer than they need?

What if they live in a state with higher rent rates?

Who decides what this figure should be?

Is that figure adjusted for family size? What happens if they have a kid, does he get a raise for that?

What if he gets divorced? Do they cut his pay?

Which federal agency would police this? Or should we just start a new one?

I really don't think you folks have answers for these questions. I strongly suspect the actual answer is "uh, I don't know, let the government somehow handle it, I really trust them."

This is precisely why having people with virtually no understanding of, or appreciation for, business economics throw out simplistic ideas is of no value.

"We stand for a living wage. Wages are subnormal if they fail to provide a living for those who devote their time and energy to industrial occupations. The monetary equivalent of a living wage varies according to local conditions, but must include enough to secure the elements of a normal standard of living--a standard high enough to make morality possible, to provide for education and recreation, to care for immature members of the family, to maintain the family during periods of sickness, and to permit of reasonable saving for old age."-------Theodore Roosevelt
Republicans want to pollute rivers and the sky
Republicans want to defund science
hate the highway/freeway
and want only people that make good money to be able to educate their children.

Sounds kind of like the 19th century.


thats just plain stupid, matty boy. no one WANTS to pollute rivers and the sky. no one wants to defund science. who do you think hates highways??????? are you a total fucking lunatic?

But if BOTH of those things happen in the course of events, oh well. Right Red?
the media seems to be pretty quiet about this


good for him

Opelousas Sen. Elbert Guillory has jumped to the Republican Party, becoming Louisiana's only black state senator in the GOP.

Guillory announced Friday that he's leaving the Democratic Party. Meg Casper, spokeswoman for the Secretary of State's Office, said Guillory filed paperwork on Wednesday registering as a Republican.

The state Republican Party said Guillory is Louisiana's first black GOP state senator since Reconstruction. The move brings the number of Republicans to 25 in the 39-member Senate chamber.

The party switch wasn't entirely surprising.

Guillory often votes conservatively on social issues, and he's been a regular ally of Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal. He was registered Republican previously, switching to the Democratic Party in December 2006, before running for a legislative seat.

"Although we have always counted on Sen. Guillory for his conservative votes, we are glad to see that he has made it official," Sen. Danny Martiny, R-Kenner, chairman of the Senate's GOP delegation, said in a statement.

The chairman of the Republican Party of Louisiana, Roger Villere, praised Guillory's party switch, while the Louisiana Democratic Party called it a "craven display of political opportunism."

The chair of the Louisiana Legislative Black Caucus said the political party change won't oust Guillory from the caucus, which otherwise includes only Democrats.

"A member's party affiliation is of no moment to his or her membership as a LLBC member. Sen. Guillory remains a full-fledged member of our caucus," Rep. Katrina Jackson, D-Monroe, said in a statement.

An attorney, Guillory is in his second term in the Louisiana Senate and is chairman of the Senate Retirement Committee. He had previously served two years in the House of Representatives. He represents the 24th District, a majority black district covering parts of Lafayette and St. Landry parishes

News from The Associated Press

I think Jindal is the only Catholic that doesn't believe in evolution. So why is that important? To refuse to believe something so well documented with about 98% of scientists on the side of science takes a certain kind of stupid.

He was warned about pushing a state constitutional amendment and was shocked when what he was told actually happened. Listen up skeptical right wingers. This is from FOX News. Your Arab owned Bible Site:

NEW ORLEANS – A New Orleans judge says a state law forbidding certain felons from possessing firearms is unconstitutional in light of an amendment passed last year that makes the right to bear arms a "fundamental right" in Louisiana.

Judge rejects Louisiana law barring felons from owning guns | Fox News
The Dum-Dum right worked tirelessly to give guns to felons and now are shocked that felons want guns.
New Orleans judge rules statute forbidding felons from having firearms unconstitutional after 'fundamental right' amendment | NOLA.com

The nonpartisan Bureau of Governmental Research also urged voters to defeat the constitutional amendment, saying it "would expose the public to unnecessary risks and hamper law enforcement efforts" and adding: "There is no good reason to enter this uncharted territory."

Gov. Bobby Jindal wrote an op-ed too, but his exhorted voters to pass the amendment, which he described as "an ironclad guarantee of freedom here in Louisiana."

See this right wingers? I couldn't make this stuff up. It would never occur to me. I just point it out.
Mac1958, we live in a social market democracy and have for a very long time.

We will never live in a society of unregulated capitalism.

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