Why I am giving up on Google

I gave up on Google when they conspired with the Chinese Communists to keep the Chinese people ignorant.
What's wrong with your car ? Wiring problem ?
No, th ere is a tiny vent at the base of the steering column on the left side and it makes a rattling noise, like something is stuck inside. I want to take it apart and see whats wrong, but I want something to go by before I disassemble my dashboard.
Check out YouTube to see if anyone else has experienced the problem as well.
That is how I repaired my dual climate control. Passenger side failed and was a cheap plastic gear. Still had to remove half the dash, but saved myself 100's.
You Tube is awesome regarding car repairs, snowmobile work, boats, etc.
LoL, talk about failing your own thread....
If you had a brain you'd probably take it out and play with it.
Don't take your butt-hurt out on me. Just be glad I didn't dog-walk you for even trying to fix a Buick.
Hey, I like that floaty ride that Buicks have, and they are generally considered the one of the better made American makes.

I plan to keep this 2007 a few more decades till I can get my flying car.
You are not comparing like pages

The Duck search is a web search and the Google search is an image search

The Web search is the same damned thing.

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I get all models of Buicks and a bunch of unrelated advertisements.

Google is degenereated into an over commercialized, PoS that tries to feed you what their advertisers want instead of what you want in your search.

Uh….no it isn’t. The pages are in no way alike.
It reminds me of an old comedy sketch I saw once. These guys are managing a mayor’s campaign. A note comes for the mayor and one of the guys managing the campaign looks at the note, shakes his head, tears up the note, throws it on the floor, and jumps up and down on it. The candidate asks one of the other guys “What was in the note? Was it bad news? The brother he asks says, “He can’t read, we’ll never know.”
You Tube is awesome regarding car repairs, snowmobile work, boats, etc.
As long as you get the same make model and year, sure.
Well sometimes you can draw a bead on the basic principle or concept of the problem from a video, then you just adjust a little in order to fix the problem... This is what one does after one learns a basic fundemental knowledge of what one is dealing with. Although wrapped up in different packages, the principles still remain the same on alot of designs and issues.
Google can be your friend, but only if you are smart enough to know how to use it.

To use Google you don't have to be smart at all.

You just have to be leftist fuck.

It gives you no reason to think, to question, it prepare all your talking points, while suppressing everyone who's not mind like. It even tells you that you're smarter than everyone else, and you actually believe that.
Here's a fun game: find things that duckduckgo and google give drastically different results for. Anything political/social that matters. Now click through like the whole top page of google results. Note the sites you're seeing. Look at the articles. The tone, the spin, the implied beliefs they expect the reader to hold. Realize that this is the world people like ginger snaps live in and everything outside of that bubble terrifies them and is seen as an existential threat to their fucking existence.

Good start... that white kid who killed himself after being bullied for being white. In google search type "white boy commits suicide after bullied for being white" and you immediately notice that the kid in question is buried and all of the results talk about some black girl who hung herself like 10 years ago or some shit. It doesn't get better from there. Spend an evening having a few beers and popping things in. The"violent crime stats by race" and "terrorist attacks by political ideology" are hugely manipulated results on google for example. Basically every result will be a far-left outlet and you can almost always find veiled calls for violence if you click through a few articles on them.

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