Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

And this is the reason I can not be a democrat.
you think that racial profiling is more important an issue than the lives that were lost.
Whoa Maryland Patriot
isn't this similar to saying Republicans can't believe in gun rights
where that is more important than the lives we lost?

Regulations that go "too far" and violate due process
are as much against the Constitution as violating the right to life freedom and security.

Why can't we agree on better procedures on how to screen out abusive or criminal
behavior upon first complaint WITHOUT violating due process for innocent persons doing nothing wrong?

There is a way to do this right, and PLENTY of ways of doing it wrong.
Trump's suggestions can become as unconstitutional as denying gun rights based on suspicion.

The reason sealybobo can't be a Republican is the inability to enforce
Constitutional checks as necessary to prevent abuses of the Second Amendment.

This is the same reason you and I have trouble with Democrats is
they are weak in Constitutional enforcement and keep
relying on party and politicians to defend their rights instead of Constitutional authority.

But unlike you I, as a Democrat but a Constitutionalist first, make it a point to interact
and work with my fellow Democrats in order to bridge that gap. If more people joined and worked with
Democrats on issues, maybe we'd work out the best way to
accomplish the goals but within the bounds of Constitutional laws and process.

I find it takes working with Greens, Libertarians, Republicans and Democrats,
all parties to put the best solutions together, and then figure out how to
reform Govt constitutionally to employ the most ethical, cost effective and sustainable solutions.

Instead of avoiding, we should embrace each other and collaborate
as the best means of checking and balancing against abuses or overreaches.
Not the same at all.
She's right. If you weren't such a tool, I'd be open to a 800 number where you can call and report someone for being suspicious. I have 2 people I know I would call and have them put on that list. But try suggesting this to a Republican and they'll go ape shit. They're ok as long as it is arab Americans sure but suggest to a white Republican that you want to be able to put white Americans on that no buy/no fly list and they'll lose it.

You can call the FBI anytime you like, douche bag. They probably even have an 800 number.
Listening to everything the GOP and Libertarians have to say, I have to say I viamently disagree with the direction they want to take America. They are a very selfish group.

Paul Ryan, the father of a Republican budget initiative that seeks to destroy Medicare and Social Security has continually invoked the name of Ayn Rand as his philosophical mentor and guide. Many other Republicans have do so too. They are embracing a philosophy which, according to Ayn Rand herself, is one of selfishness and is against all forms of Spirituality. The question any thoughtful Americans must ask themselves is: “Is this the America we want?”

And how do they get evangelicals to go along with them is beyond me.

Its a very selfish every man for himself mentality.

And Libertarians don't believe in the Commons. What are the Commons?

The Commons are resources that are owned by all of us. That includes the Grand Canyon, oil rights, power companies, roads, public airwaves, schools, etc.

Here is how they think. Libertarians think if we all own the land on which our sheep graze, we will each add one too many sheep until we destroy the land for future generations. That We the People can't manage the commons.

Libertarians think that if one person owns the land and charged everyone else grazing fees, he would be more committed to preserving it for the future than a village of farmers.

I disagree.

Proof you are and always be a far left drone.

As you have just proven, you are not capable of any type of independent thought!
That's it? That's all you got? No wonder trump kicked the shit out of every one of your candidates. Think about it Kosh. Without any help from us liberals Republican voters overwhelmingly said no to Rand Paul, jeb bush, Ted Cruz, kasich, rubio, Christie and all the rest. Pretty telling.

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.
Proof you are and always be a far left drone.

As you have just proven, you are not capable of any type of independent thought!
That's it? That's all you got? No wonder trump kicked the shit out of every one of your candidates. Think about it Kosh. Without any help from us liberals Republican voters overwhelmingly said no to Rand Paul, jeb bush, Ted Cruz, kasich, rubio, Christie and all the rest. Pretty telling.

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Scary, ain't it
Proof you are and always be a far left drone.

As you have just proven, you are not capable of any type of independent thought!
That's it? That's all you got? No wonder trump kicked the shit out of every one of your candidates. Think about it Kosh. Without any help from us liberals Republican voters overwhelmingly said no to Rand Paul, jeb bush, Ted Cruz, kasich, rubio, Christie and all the rest. Pretty telling.

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Says the far left drone voting for Hilary!
That's it? That's all you got? No wonder trump kicked the shit out of every one of your candidates. Think about it Kosh. Without any help from us liberals Republican voters overwhelmingly said no to Rand Paul, jeb bush, Ted Cruz, kasich, rubio, Christie and all the rest. Pretty telling.

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Scary, ain't it

What is more scary is those that follow the far left religion without question or hesitation and will vote for worse than Bush..
That's it? That's all you got? No wonder trump kicked the shit out of every one of your candidates. Think about it Kosh. Without any help from us liberals Republican voters overwhelmingly said no to Rand Paul, jeb bush, Ted Cruz, kasich, rubio, Christie and all the rest. Pretty telling.

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Says the far left drone voting for Hilary!
You would say that no matter who we ran so your opinion means nothing to me. Your perception is definitely partial. But that's OK so's mine. But if you think the rights position on these issues is going to be a winning position, brother keep talking. You convince people to vote for hillary better than me
You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Scary, ain't it

What is more scary is those that follow the far left religion without question or hesitation and will vote for worse than Bush..

But glad to see you guys finally admit bush sucked.

Now tell me the difference between bush Ryan and McConnell
You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Says the far left drone voting for Hilary!
You would say that no matter who we ran so your opinion means nothing to me. Your perception is definitely partial. But that's OK so's mine. But if you think the rights position on these issues is going to be a winning position, brother keep talking. You convince people to vote for hillary better than me

And you prove once again you are far left drone that will vote for worse than Bush every chance you get!
Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Scary, ain't it

What is more scary is those that follow the far left religion without question or hesitation and will vote for worse than Bush..

But glad to see you guys finally admit bush sucked.

Now tell me the difference between bush Ryan and McConnell

No one denies it, just that Obama is worse than Bush, so is Clinton.

And you will always vote for worse than Bush given the chance, just because of a letter!
Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Says the far left drone voting for Hilary!
You would say that no matter who we ran so your opinion means nothing to me. Your perception is definitely partial. But that's OK so's mine. But if you think the rights position on these issues is going to be a winning position, brother keep talking. You convince people to vote for hillary better than me

And you prove once again you are far left drone that will vote for worse than Bush every chance you get!
If you say worse that means better to me since you live in bizarro world
Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Says the far left drone voting for Hilary!
You would say that no matter who we ran so your opinion means nothing to me. Your perception is definitely partial. But that's OK so's mine. But if you think the rights position on these issues is going to be a winning position, brother keep talking. You convince people to vote for hillary better than me

And you prove once again you are far left drone that will vote for worse than Bush every chance you get!
If you say worse that means better to me since you live in bizarro world

And the far left drones prove they are irony impaired.
Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Scary, ain't it

What is more scary is those that follow the far left religion without question or hesitation and will vote for worse than Bush..

But glad to see you guys finally admit bush sucked.

Now tell me the difference between bush Ryan and McConnell

No one denies it, just that Obama is worse than Bush, so is Clinton.

And you will always vote for worse than Bush given the chance, just because of a letter!
Clinton had a surplus and Obama got us out of Bush's mess. No way we go GOP. I was worried about trump until couple weeks ago on memorial day he said something stupid again and not even Republicans like trump.
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.

Scary, ain't it

What is more scary is those that follow the far left religion without question or hesitation and will vote for worse than Bush..

But glad to see you guys finally admit bush sucked.

Now tell me the difference between bush Ryan and McConnell

No one denies it, just that Obama is worse than Bush, so is Clinton.

And you will always vote for worse than Bush given the chance, just because of a letter!
Clinton had a surplus and Obama got us out of Bush's mess. No way we go GOP. I was worried about trump until couple weeks ago on memorial day he said something stupid again and not even Republicans like trump.

More far left drone debunked propaganda, but then again they always say that Hilary is not the same as Bill..

The far left drones forget the GOP forced Clinton the in different direction.

See how the far left domes can not admit that their failed policies should be removed.

All you do is quote far left religious dogma and can not face reality!
Proof you are and always be a far left drone.

As you have just proven, you are not capable of any type of independent thought!
That's it? That's all you got? No wonder trump kicked the shit out of every one of your candidates. Think about it Kosh. Without any help from us liberals Republican voters overwhelmingly said no to Rand Paul, jeb bush, Ted Cruz, kasich, rubio, Christie and all the rest. Pretty telling.

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.
Yikes sealybobo even I would have kept Cruz in the mix as the strongest Constitutionalist. Neither Trump nor Clinton will put the Constitution first without the insistence of peers, and they both show unwillingness to listen and comply with checks and balances.

What concerns me is who is going to either abuse or correct flaws in the justice system too easily abused to push politics. Clinton will put politics and party before the Constitution. Trump would push Conservatives but Justice Roberts was bought and sold out so that's no guarantee. With either candidate it looks like we can't trust either side to keep partisan bias out of courts laws and federal govt. Clinton and the cronies in that camp would push for partisan one sided beliefs at the expense of Constitutional equality and inclusion. And Trump would not listen to checks and balances but do his own thing regardless of other ppl or groups right or wrong. Neither is centered enough to represent the full diversity and voices of America, so they'd both need diverse teams of leaders to keep them and govt. In line. They are both too selfish and ego driven to inspire equal teamwork, which is going to have to come from the people agreeing to work together anyway. It's not going to come from them because they are both way too divisive and scary to ppl, and don't inspire faith in uniting and working together. Only bullying down the other side. My vote is for teamwork, consensus, inclusion and collaboration and there are no candidates who can pull this off alone. It looks like it would take all of them working together to represent the govt I believe the ppl of America deserve.
That's it? That's all you got? No wonder trump kicked the shit out of every one of your candidates. Think about it Kosh. Without any help from us liberals Republican voters overwhelmingly said no to Rand Paul, jeb bush, Ted Cruz, kasich, rubio, Christie and all the rest. Pretty telling.

You are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And what do you care about anything outside the far left religion?

Not like you will ever open your mind and look at anything beyond your debunked religion.

You voted for worse than Bush twice and now will vote for Clinton, who is worse than Bush.

Just like I bet you believed you actually believe you get a choice in your nominations..

Another reason I could never vote GOP

Donald Trump on Monday proposed punishing Americans if they don’t turn in their friends and neighbors for behaving suspiciously. “In San Bernardino, people knew what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it,” The presumptive GOP presidential nominee was presumably referring to unverified reports that a woman who lived near the mother of one of the San Bernardino shooters had noticed that the family received “quite a few packages within a short amount of time, and they were doing a lot of work out in the garage.” A man who claimed to be friends with this neighbor said she did not report the packages and the behavior to authorities because she “didn’t want to do any kind of racial profiling.”

In Trump’s America, however, that woman would face serious consequences. “We need to make sure every single person involved in this plan, including anyone who knew something, but didn’t tell us, is brought to justice,” “These people need to have consequences, big consequences.”

He also strayed slightly from the prepared remarks posted on his website, which read, “If it can be proven that somebody had information about any attack, and did not give this information to authorities, they must serve prison time.”

Trump’s proposal that Americans be forced to report their neighbors expands on an idea he’s been peddling since last year, when he told a crowd in South Carolina, “People move into a house a block down the road, you know who’s going in. You can see and you report them to the local police. Most likely you’ll be wrong, but that’s OK. That’s the best way. Everybody’s their own cop in a way.”

Those earlier remarks, however, stopped short of proposing that people be punished for not informing on their neighbors — a hallmark of some of the most brutal and deadly regimes in history, including Nazi Germany and Russia under Joseph Stalin.

Trump’s latest proposal was part of a speech during which he repeatedly vilified and attacked Muslims, as well as immigrants more generally.

Notice how the far left reaches into the far left religious dogma to compare Trump to Hitler or Stalin when they vote for such things every time they vote far left.

The only reason and the only reason you would not vote for Trump is based on a letter and nothing else.

See how the far left votes for what they claim to hate, but all they hate is anything not far left!
Trumps a mess. I would vote him over kasich Cruz rubio jeb too but that's as far as he goes.
Yikes sealybobo even I would have kept Cruz in the mix as the strongest Constitutionalist. Neither Trump nor Clinton will put the Constitution first without the insistence of peers, and they both show unwillingness to listen and comply with checks and balances.

What concerns me is who is going to either abuse or correct flaws in the justice system too easily abused to push politics. Clinton will put politics and party before the Constitution. Trump would push Conservatives but Justice Roberts was bought and sold out so that's no guarantee. With either candidate it looks like we can't trust either side to keep partisan bias out of courts laws and federal govt. Clinton and the cronies in that camp would push for partisan one sided beliefs at the expense of Constitutional equality and inclusion. And Trump would not listen to checks and balances but do his own thing regardless of other ppl or groups right or wrong. Neither is centered enough to represent the full diversity and voices of America, so they'd both need diverse teams of leaders to keep them and govt. In line. They are both too selfish and ego driven to inspire equal teamwork, which is going to have to come from the people agreeing to work together anyway. It's not going to come from them because they are both way too divisive and scary to ppl, and don't inspire faith in uniting and working together. Only bullying down the other side. My vote is for teamwork, consensus, inclusion and collaboration and there are no candidates who can pull this off alone. It looks like it would take all of them working together to represent the govt I believe the ppl of America deserve.
Do you want to know why you should stop voting for Republicans and libertarians? Go to marketplace.org and listen to the series The Price of Profits. Why careers are gone and jobs are next. It like a 4 part series. Sole responsibility of a corporation is to max profits for shareholders. This wasn't the way things were were like for people in the 50s-70s but slowly the social contract with workers has been broken.

You can thank Milton Freedman Ayn Rand Jack Walsh and this is the GOP way so fuck them. They represent the investor class. They've changed America for the worse.

I agree with compromise. A company should be a balance. Look out for workers and then max profits. But labor is a cost that cuts into profits
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers

Exactly, libertarianism and extreme conservatism is nothing more then taking away the workers rights to bargain and the protection the avg joe fought for throughout the 20th century. The new deal built our middle class and unions gave the workers the ability to bargain for a much larger percentage of the profit. This = the reason why your parents and grand-parents lived much easier lives. Much smaller wealth gap, cheaper products, more innovation and the little guy could get ahead.

The libertarians want to take that away and send us back to the farm life of the 19th century. There's very little great in what trump wants for America. In fact it is downright hard and evil.
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Reaganomics destroyed our ability to bargain with our employer and made the outsourcing 10 times worse. But still they push radical pro-corporate shit down our throats and want take everything out of the hands of the workers and the avg joe on the street.

It is time to dump loserterianism as it is killing this country. Deregulating and rewarding the top 1% won't do a fucking thing to help the other 99%.
These people don't give a flying fuck about the rights of the little guy. Sorry, but they want the 19th century and it is ugly.

The rich would keep on fucking us over and do far worse to the poor then they're currently doing. Thank god for some protections and regulations. If you truly want loserterianism I feel sorry for you.
Well if trump says he's going to make America great again I want to know specifics. My dad and mom both got pensions and good paying jobs with highschool educations. We paid $5 for emergency room visits. They were able to save for retirement. They got interest on their savings. They had job security.

Seriously listen to that marketplace.org series the price of profits.

Although it's not you who needs to listen to it. This next generation needs to realize the Republicans are trying to sell them that workers are a cost that hurts shareholder profits. That's how Republicans see workers

Exactly, libertarianism and extreme conservatism is nothing more then taking away the workers rights to bargain and the protection the avg joe fought for throughout the 20th century. The new deal built our middle class and unions gave the workers the ability to bargain for a much larger percentage of the profit. This = the reason why your parents and grand-parents lived much easier lives.

The libertarians want to take that away and send us back to the farm life of the 19th century. There's very little great in what trump wants for America. In fact is is downright hard and evil.

Yeah man

The mean Libertarians are sending "your" jobs to India - oh wait, we are not in power

McDonald's slims, contemplates outsourcing jobs to India


Put a red dot on your forehead a move to Karachi.


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