Why I Could Never Be GOP or Libertarian

I've come to the conclusion that the average American is either too stupid or too preoccupied with stupid shit to look further into the future than about a year. The really sad thing is that the major proponents of 'free markets' are the people who will be the easiest to replace via automation and AI.
Free markets in itself isn't bad. Free markets without any oversight is the problem. The banking crisis being a perfect example. Once you say the goverment has no right to regulate how profit is to be made, pretty soon. Profit will be made on everything even when it is against the common good.

It depends what you mean by "oversight." Giving a way to redress things like fraud, sure. Government providing "oversight" being a euphemism for controlling markets, no. That's just a version of socialism. Government only has a role in ensuring free markets by providing civil and criminal courts. Government never itself makes markets freer
Completely free markets result in horrific corporate abuses. Like hamburger than isn't really meat and drugs that have been watered down or insufficiently tested just rushed to market to grab a profit before some other company can.

We had the best economy when we had pretty good regulations and there were usery laws to prevent things like Payday Loans with 400% interest. There's another example of what happens when an industry isn't regulated. Poor people financially raped because they can't get loans from banks.

Bull crap, corporations can't do that to you when you are free to walk away. What you are describing is what happens when government removes and restricts their competitors, and that isn't free markets, that is socialism
When the car is broke down and the rent is due and the baby has to go to the doctor and you have no insurance because you work for an asshole, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.

When it's the only place in town with jobs, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.

The only thing that prevents you from walking away in a free market is if they are your best offer, which means you are earning what you are worth. If you want/need more, it's on you to make yourself move valuable
Free markets in itself isn't bad. Free markets without any oversight is the problem. The banking crisis being a perfect example. Once you say the goverment has no right to regulate how profit is to be made, pretty soon. Profit will be made on everything even when it is against the common good.

It depends what you mean by "oversight." Giving a way to redress things like fraud, sure. Government providing "oversight" being a euphemism for controlling markets, no. That's just a version of socialism. Government only has a role in ensuring free markets by providing civil and criminal courts. Government never itself makes markets freer
Completely free markets result in horrific corporate abuses. Like hamburger than isn't really meat and drugs that have been watered down or insufficiently tested just rushed to market to grab a profit before some other company can.

We had the best economy when we had pretty good regulations and there were usery laws to prevent things like Payday Loans with 400% interest. There's another example of what happens when an industry isn't regulated. Poor people financially raped because they can't get loans from banks.

Bull crap, corporations can't do that to you when you are free to walk away. What you are describing is what happens when government removes and restricts their competitors, and that isn't free markets, that is socialism
When the car is broke down and the rent is due and the baby has to go to the doctor and you have no insurance because you work for an asshole, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.

When it's the only place in town with jobs, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.
Most libertarians have no kids so they can't relate.


Um ... OK?
It depends what you mean by "oversight." Giving a way to redress things like fraud, sure. Government providing "oversight" being a euphemism for controlling markets, no. That's just a version of socialism. Government only has a role in ensuring free markets by providing civil and criminal courts. Government never itself makes markets freer
Nothing bankers did during the run up to 2008 was or is illegal. How many people lost everything there? Again, you feel that preferable? Why is that superior, to saying there are certain things you can't do. Not allowing people mortgages you know in advance they can't pay back for instance? Btw the current bad ecoomic times you blame Obama for started there.

That whole thing was a cluster by both parties. Clinton started the policy of forcing banks to make subprime loans and the fed funded it with free cash. W came in and said wow, that's not going to end well. Then in typical useless Republican fashion continued and even expanded the policy.

That had nothing to do with free markets, that was a pure government manufactured crisis. And again, free markets ARE NOT SYNONYMOUS with being pro company. Free markets are about pro CHOICE. Consumers can fire any company they want. Employees can fire any hirer they want. Companies have to compete
Competition for stuff that is a basic human right, namely health makes no sense. Everything needs to be done to try to keep the cost as low as is humanly possible. Free market has zero intrest in keeping costs down.


And government does, yeah.

You again equated the interest of companies with free markets. You're just wrong. Free markets include ... customers ... who clearly wan to drive costs down. The problem now is there are not free markets in health in the US and there is no way to do that. It's government controlled markets. Exactly my point
Wow. If you are not on medicaid or medicare you have to get your insurance on the free market, or am I missing something? Obamacare didn't change that, it just put restrictions on what those insurers could do. And before that way more people where uninsured. My goverment does have incentive to keep medical costs down, namely, the less they spend on healthcare the more they can spend on other things. I'll explain the difference. Here first of, we have mandantory medical insurance. Our insurars don't need to spend money on a large infrastructure my town population about 35000 is serviced by my local health insurance place with a staff of about 15 ppl ,since everybody is covered. We for instance have no need for a farmacy to call the insurar since, again everybody is covered. Scripts are filled immediatly. To become a doctor you don't need hundreds thousands of dollars. College costs about 10000 anually with dorms and living costs included. Driving the costs of healthcare down, since doctors don't need to pay back huge student loans they can ask affordable prices to its patients. Our doctors also don't have to take a huge malpractice isurance, cause when he fucks up. Peoples don't sue for millions just for the actual damages incurred. And lastly our insurance companies are not a for money propesition, meaning that they don't need to give profits to shareholders further driving price down.

There is no free market here in medicine or healthcare. Government controls and regulates it to death. And Obamacare only made it worse. So no, you don't get your healthcare here in a "free market," so yes, you are "missing something"
Nope that's the whole thing actually. I'll give you a breakdown as how we achieve that if you want.

The US is driving medical advancements. Belgium is driving nothing. You're in a socialist country with price controls. Comparing the US medical industry to Belgium is ridiculous. And our costs have skyrocketed under the idiot Obama
Not true
Transplant specialists at University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium were able to preserve donor lungs outside of a human body for a full 11 hours, the longest time in medical history. The feat was possible thanks to OCS LUNG, a perfusion-based machine that supplies the quarantined lungs with a continual, refreshing supply of oxygen.

"The machine enabled us to keep the lungs outside the body for more than 11 hours with no negative effects," Dr. Dirk Van Raemdonck, who helped perform the operation told KU LEUVEN, adding that it was “the longest period ever reported — a world first.”

The machine is now commercially available in Europe and Australia, clinical trials in the U.S. are expected to start soon.
Quick google search. I readily agree that more inovation come from the us, but Belgium and all other developed countries are capable of inovating. Remember the US is to my knowledge the only developed country that has for profit healthcare.
We steal talent from those other countries because we pay the most. There's nothing wrong with capitalism. It's unregulated or improperly regulated capitalism that sucks.

Capitalism is just another ism

Capitalism is just economic freedom. That you think making your own choices is an ism is because of your sheepism

The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?
Nothing bankers did during the run up to 2008 was or is illegal. How many people lost everything there? Again, you feel that preferable? Why is that superior, to saying there are certain things you can't do. Not allowing people mortgages you know in advance they can't pay back for instance? Btw the current bad ecoomic times you blame Obama for started there.

That whole thing was a cluster by both parties. Clinton started the policy of forcing banks to make subprime loans and the fed funded it with free cash. W came in and said wow, that's not going to end well. Then in typical useless Republican fashion continued and even expanded the policy.

That had nothing to do with free markets, that was a pure government manufactured crisis. And again, free markets ARE NOT SYNONYMOUS with being pro company. Free markets are about pro CHOICE. Consumers can fire any company they want. Employees can fire any hirer they want. Companies have to compete
Competition for stuff that is a basic human right, namely health makes no sense. Everything needs to be done to try to keep the cost as low as is humanly possible. Free market has zero intrest in keeping costs down.


And government does, yeah.

You again equated the interest of companies with free markets. You're just wrong. Free markets include ... customers ... who clearly wan to drive costs down. The problem now is there are not free markets in health in the US and there is no way to do that. It's government controlled markets. Exactly my point
Wow. If you are not on medicaid or medicare you have to get your insurance on the free market, or am I missing something? Obamacare didn't change that, it just put restrictions on what those insurers could do. And before that way more people where uninsured. My goverment does have incentive to keep medical costs down, namely, the less they spend on healthcare the more they can spend on other things. I'll explain the difference. Here first of, we have mandantory medical insurance. Our insurars don't need to spend money on a large infrastructure my town population about 35000 is serviced by my local health insurance place with a staff of about 15 ppl ,since everybody is covered. We for instance have no need for a farmacy to call the insurar since, again everybody is covered. Scripts are filled immediatly. To become a doctor you don't need hundreds thousands of dollars. College costs about 10000 anually with dorms and living costs included. Driving the costs of healthcare down, since doctors don't need to pay back huge student loans they can ask affordable prices to its patients. Our doctors also don't have to take a huge malpractice isurance, cause when he fucks up. Peoples don't sue for millions just for the actual damages incurred. And lastly our insurance companies are not a for money propesition, meaning that they don't need to give profits to shareholders further driving price down.

There is no free market here in medicine or healthcare. Government controls and regulates it to death. And Obamacare only made it worse. So no, you don't get your healthcare here in a "free market," so yes, you are "missing something"
You do realize that " Obamacare " forces people to BUY insurance from FOR PROFIT INSURANCE COMPANIES --- NOT THE GOVERNMENT don't you?

I suspect you don't.
It depends what you mean by "oversight." Giving a way to redress things like fraud, sure. Government providing "oversight" being a euphemism for controlling markets, no. That's just a version of socialism. Government only has a role in ensuring free markets by providing civil and criminal courts. Government never itself makes markets freer
Completely free markets result in horrific corporate abuses. Like hamburger than isn't really meat and drugs that have been watered down or insufficiently tested just rushed to market to grab a profit before some other company can.

We had the best economy when we had pretty good regulations and there were usery laws to prevent things like Payday Loans with 400% interest. There's another example of what happens when an industry isn't regulated. Poor people financially raped because they can't get loans from banks.

Bull crap, corporations can't do that to you when you are free to walk away. What you are describing is what happens when government removes and restricts their competitors, and that isn't free markets, that is socialism
When the car is broke down and the rent is due and the baby has to go to the doctor and you have no insurance because you work for an asshole, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.

When it's the only place in town with jobs, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.
Most libertarians have no kids so they can't relate.


Um ... OK?
If you want me to explain in depth, tell me which part is tripping you up.
The US is driving medical advancements. Belgium is driving nothing. You're in a socialist country with price controls. Comparing the US medical industry to Belgium is ridiculous. And our costs have skyrocketed under the idiot Obama
Not true
Transplant specialists at University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium were able to preserve donor lungs outside of a human body for a full 11 hours, the longest time in medical history. The feat was possible thanks to OCS LUNG, a perfusion-based machine that supplies the quarantined lungs with a continual, refreshing supply of oxygen.

"The machine enabled us to keep the lungs outside the body for more than 11 hours with no negative effects," Dr. Dirk Van Raemdonck, who helped perform the operation told KU LEUVEN, adding that it was “the longest period ever reported — a world first.”

The machine is now commercially available in Europe and Australia, clinical trials in the U.S. are expected to start soon.
Quick google search. I readily agree that more inovation come from the us, but Belgium and all other developed countries are capable of inovating. Remember the US is to my knowledge the only developed country that has for profit healthcare.
We steal talent from those other countries because we pay the most. There's nothing wrong with capitalism. It's unregulated or improperly regulated capitalism that sucks.

Capitalism is just another ism

Capitalism is just economic freedom. That you think making your own choices is an ism is because of your sheepism

The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.
That whole thing was a cluster by both parties. Clinton started the policy of forcing banks to make subprime loans and the fed funded it with free cash. W came in and said wow, that's not going to end well. Then in typical useless Republican fashion continued and even expanded the policy.

That had nothing to do with free markets, that was a pure government manufactured crisis. And again, free markets ARE NOT SYNONYMOUS with being pro company. Free markets are about pro CHOICE. Consumers can fire any company they want. Employees can fire any hirer they want. Companies have to compete
Competition for stuff that is a basic human right, namely health makes no sense. Everything needs to be done to try to keep the cost as low as is humanly possible. Free market has zero intrest in keeping costs down.


And government does, yeah.

You again equated the interest of companies with free markets. You're just wrong. Free markets include ... customers ... who clearly wan to drive costs down. The problem now is there are not free markets in health in the US and there is no way to do that. It's government controlled markets. Exactly my point
Wow. If you are not on medicaid or medicare you have to get your insurance on the free market, or am I missing something? Obamacare didn't change that, it just put restrictions on what those insurers could do. And before that way more people where uninsured. My goverment does have incentive to keep medical costs down, namely, the less they spend on healthcare the more they can spend on other things. I'll explain the difference. Here first of, we have mandantory medical insurance. Our insurars don't need to spend money on a large infrastructure my town population about 35000 is serviced by my local health insurance place with a staff of about 15 ppl ,since everybody is covered. We for instance have no need for a farmacy to call the insurar since, again everybody is covered. Scripts are filled immediatly. To become a doctor you don't need hundreds thousands of dollars. College costs about 10000 anually with dorms and living costs included. Driving the costs of healthcare down, since doctors don't need to pay back huge student loans they can ask affordable prices to its patients. Our doctors also don't have to take a huge malpractice isurance, cause when he fucks up. Peoples don't sue for millions just for the actual damages incurred. And lastly our insurance companies are not a for money propesition, meaning that they don't need to give profits to shareholders further driving price down.

There is no free market here in medicine or healthcare. Government controls and regulates it to death. And Obamacare only made it worse. So no, you don't get your healthcare here in a "free market," so yes, you are "missing something"
You do realize that " Obamacare " forces people to BUY insurance from FOR PROFIT INSURANCE COMPANIES --- NOT THE GOVERNMENT don't you?

I suspect you don't.

Again, dumb ass, capitalism isn't "companies" it's free markets. If consumers don't have free choice, it's not a free market. Government controlling your choices is SOCIALISM, the opposite of capitalism.

It's like saying you have free choice when the mafia offers you the choice of you paying them protection money or they firebomb your business. That isn't a free choice any more than when government tells you what your choices are
Completely free markets result in horrific corporate abuses. Like hamburger than isn't really meat and drugs that have been watered down or insufficiently tested just rushed to market to grab a profit before some other company can.

We had the best economy when we had pretty good regulations and there were usery laws to prevent things like Payday Loans with 400% interest. There's another example of what happens when an industry isn't regulated. Poor people financially raped because they can't get loans from banks.

Bull crap, corporations can't do that to you when you are free to walk away. What you are describing is what happens when government removes and restricts their competitors, and that isn't free markets, that is socialism
When the car is broke down and the rent is due and the baby has to go to the doctor and you have no insurance because you work for an asshole, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.

When it's the only place in town with jobs, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.
Most libertarians have no kids so they can't relate.


Um ... OK?
If you want me to explain in depth, tell me which part is tripping you up.

The post I responded to. Sorry that confused you, I always forget what an imbecile you are
Not true
Transplant specialists at University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium were able to preserve donor lungs outside of a human body for a full 11 hours, the longest time in medical history. The feat was possible thanks to OCS LUNG, a perfusion-based machine that supplies the quarantined lungs with a continual, refreshing supply of oxygen.

"The machine enabled us to keep the lungs outside the body for more than 11 hours with no negative effects," Dr. Dirk Van Raemdonck, who helped perform the operation told KU LEUVEN, adding that it was “the longest period ever reported — a world first.”

The machine is now commercially available in Europe and Australia, clinical trials in the U.S. are expected to start soon.
Quick google search. I readily agree that more inovation come from the us, but Belgium and all other developed countries are capable of inovating. Remember the US is to my knowledge the only developed country that has for profit healthcare.
We steal talent from those other countries because we pay the most. There's nothing wrong with capitalism. It's unregulated or improperly regulated capitalism that sucks.

Capitalism is just another ism

Capitalism is just economic freedom. That you think making your own choices is an ism is because of your sheepism

The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism
We steal talent from those other countries because we pay the most. There's nothing wrong with capitalism. It's unregulated or improperly regulated capitalism that sucks.

Capitalism is just another ism

Capitalism is just economic freedom. That you think making your own choices is an ism is because of your sheepism

The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism

Of course there are other definitions. Walling up and pretending otherwise just means you can't communicate effectively with people using those other definitions.
Capitalism is just economic freedom. That you think making your own choices is an ism is because of your sheepism

The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism

Of course there are other definitions. Walling up and pretending otherwise just means you can't communicate effectively with people using those other definitions.

We steal talent from those other countries because we pay the most. There's nothing wrong with capitalism. It's unregulated or improperly regulated capitalism that sucks.

Capitalism is just another ism

Capitalism is just economic freedom. That you think making your own choices is an ism is because of your sheepism

The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism
Define referee. You just flat out said regulation is socialism. How do you referee if there are no rules???
Bull crap, corporations can't do that to you when you are free to walk away. What you are describing is what happens when government removes and restricts their competitors, and that isn't free markets, that is socialism
When the car is broke down and the rent is due and the baby has to go to the doctor and you have no insurance because you work for an asshole, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.

When it's the only place in town with jobs, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.
Most libertarians have no kids so they can't relate.


Um ... OK?
If you want me to explain in depth, tell me which part is tripping you up.

The post I responded to. Sorry that confused you, I always forget what an imbecile you are
It was straightforward enough - unless your mind couldn't also process the preceding post from Arizona Willie.
Capitalism is just economic freedom. That you think making your own choices is an ism is because of your sheepism

The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism
Define referee. You just flat out said regulation is socialism. How do you referee if there are no rules???

"regulation" is an ambiguous word. To a socialist, it justifies government doing anything it wants and controlling markets. Like when Slick started forcing banks to make subprime loans.

"Referee" means government provides civil and criminal courts for fraud and civil wrongs. It does not tell companies how they can operate, what they have to pay their employees, ...
When the car is broke down and the rent is due and the baby has to go to the doctor and you have no insurance because you work for an asshole, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.

When it's the only place in town with jobs, YOU HAVE NO CHOICE TO WALK AWAY.
Most libertarians have no kids so they can't relate.


Um ... OK?
If you want me to explain in depth, tell me which part is tripping you up.

The post I responded to. Sorry that confused you, I always forget what an imbecile you are
It was straightforward enough - unless your mind couldn't also process the preceding post from Arizona Willie.

Libertarians are man enough to take care of our own kids. We don't run to the government and tell them our kids are their problem like you dependency whores do. Grow up and grow a pair
The free market is just economic freedom. If we consider capitalism to include all the state sponsored legal constructs that prop up modern corporations, I think critics have valid complaints.

So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism
Define referee. You just flat out said regulation is socialism. How do you referee if there are no rules???

"regulation" is an ambiguous word. To a socialist, it justifies government doing anything it wants and controlling markets. Like when Slick started forcing banks to make subprime loans.

"Referee" means government provides civil and criminal courts for fraud and civil wrongs. It does not tell companies how they can operate, what they have to pay their employees, ...
We don't use the word regulations ambiguously. You do. That's your problem. If you think a specific regulation is bad tell your rep.

A company only cares about maximizing shareholder profits. The gov makes sure the company also serves the public's interest. Fair pay (minimum wage) taxes labor laws etc
So the second part says you don't know what capitalism is, because what you said is socialism, the opposite of capitalism. I thought you were supposed to be a libertarian, and you think capitalism is government picking market winners? Seriously?

Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism
Define referee. You just flat out said regulation is socialism. How do you referee if there are no rules???

"regulation" is an ambiguous word. To a socialist, it justifies government doing anything it wants and controlling markets. Like when Slick started forcing banks to make subprime loans.

"Referee" means government provides civil and criminal courts for fraud and civil wrongs. It does not tell companies how they can operate, what they have to pay their employees, ...
We don't use the word regulations ambiguously. You do. That's your problem. If you think a specific regulation is bad tell your rep.

A company only cares about maximizing shareholder profits. The gov makes sure the company also serves the public's interest. Fair pay (minimum wage) taxes labor laws etc

Yes, you are clear on "regulation," you mean socialism, complete government control they can do anything the fuck they want
Yep. Capitalism is a word that means different things to different people. Current corporate law in the US creates legal perks and privileges that are antithetical to equal protection and real free markets. There are legitimate problems with it from a libertarian perspective.

Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism
Define referee. You just flat out said regulation is socialism. How do you referee if there are no rules???

"regulation" is an ambiguous word. To a socialist, it justifies government doing anything it wants and controlling markets. Like when Slick started forcing banks to make subprime loans.

"Referee" means government provides civil and criminal courts for fraud and civil wrongs. It does not tell companies how they can operate, what they have to pay their employees, ...
We don't use the word regulations ambiguously. You do. That's your problem. If you think a specific regulation is bad tell your rep.

A company only cares about maximizing shareholder profits. The gov makes sure the company also serves the public's interest. Fair pay (minimum wage) taxes labor laws etc

Yes, you are clear on "regulation," you mean socialism, complete government control they can do anything the fuck they want
See how you hear and read things I didn't even say? COMPLETE government control? Are you a conspiracy theory nut or something?

I think prisons should be government run and not corporations. I know you guys have pushed to have corporations run our prisons (Aramark) but watch all the problems that come with private companies running our prisons.

I think elections should be run by we the people not corporations but you put our vote in the hands of private corporations and their rigged voting machines that have the results already built in.

And even if private companies run something they should always be regulated. Everything is regulated by the government. If not them who?

an authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure <safety regulations> b : a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law.

Who's going to regulate if a company is selling us cheap lead painted toys or poisoning our drinking water? A fucking corporations?

Who makes the rule of law stupid? We the People.

No corporations can't do anything they want. They can do anything they want within the law. Who makes the fucking laws dummy? God damn you stupid!
Capitalism means one thing. Free markets where consumers, suppliers, employees, employers, all the market players have free choices to work out their best deal. The only role of government is as a referee, not a kindergarten teacher. There is no other definition of capitalism
Define referee. You just flat out said regulation is socialism. How do you referee if there are no rules???

"regulation" is an ambiguous word. To a socialist, it justifies government doing anything it wants and controlling markets. Like when Slick started forcing banks to make subprime loans.

"Referee" means government provides civil and criminal courts for fraud and civil wrongs. It does not tell companies how they can operate, what they have to pay their employees, ...
We don't use the word regulations ambiguously. You do. That's your problem. If you think a specific regulation is bad tell your rep.

A company only cares about maximizing shareholder profits. The gov makes sure the company also serves the public's interest. Fair pay (minimum wage) taxes labor laws etc

Yes, you are clear on "regulation," you mean socialism, complete government control they can do anything the fuck they want
See how you hear and read things I didn't even say? COMPLETE government control? Are you a conspiracy theory nut or something?

I think prisons should be government run and not corporations. I know you guys have pushed to have corporations run our prisons (Aramark) but watch all the problems that come with private companies running our prisons.

I think elections should be run by we the people not corporations but you put our vote in the hands of private corporations and their rigged voting machines that have the results already built in.

And even if private companies run something they should always be regulated. Everything is regulated by the government. If not them who?

an authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure <safety regulations> b : a rule or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law.

Who's going to regulate if a company is selling us cheap lead painted toys or poisoning our drinking water? A fucking corporations?

Who makes the rule of law stupid? We the People.

No corporations can't do anything they want. They can do anything they want within the law. Who makes the fucking laws dummy? God damn you stupid!

You post it all day long, dumb ass. We have no freedom other than what government decides to give us. Government can bitch slap business owners all day long with whatever social agenda you have and then kick us in the teeth. Even your immediate examples to my question were two examples of social policy that you advocate government screwing businesses with. Then you wonder why we're going overseas, LOL

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