Why I dont post here

Good choice.

Putting bait in your mouth seems highly unsanitary.


bated adj 1: held back; "we watched the daring feats of the acrobats with bated breath" 2: diminished or moderated; "our bated enthusiasm"; "his bated hopes"</PRE><!-- google_ad_section_end -->
[Q] From Steve Gearhart: “Where does the term baited breath come from, as in: ‘I am waiting with baited breath for your answer’?”

[A] The correct spelling is actually bated breath but it’s so common these days to see it written as baited breath that there’s every chance that it will soon become the usual form, to the disgust of conservative speakers and the confusion of dictionary writers. Examples in newspapers and magazines are legion; this one appeared in the Daily Mirror on 12 April 2003: “She hasn’t responded yet but Michael is waiting with baited breath”.

It’s easy to mock, but there’s a real problem here. Bated and baited sound the same and we no longer use bated (let alone the verb to bate), outside this one set phrase, which has become an idiom. Confusion is almost inevitable. Bated here is a contraction of abated through loss of the unstressed first vowel (a process called aphesis); it means “reduced, lessened, lowered in force”. So bated breath refers to a state in which you almost stop breathing as a result of some strong emotion, such as terror or awe.

Shakespeare is the first writer known to use it, in The Merchant of Venice, in which Shylock says to Antonio: “Shall I bend low and, in a bondman’s key, / With bated breath and whisp’ring humbleness, / Say this ...”. Nearly three centuries later, Mark Twain employed it in Tom Sawyer: “Every eye fixed itself upon him; with parted lips and bated breath the audience hung upon his words, taking no note of time, rapt in the ghastly fascinations of the tale”.

For those who know the older spelling or who stop to consider the matter, baited breath evokes an incongruous image; Geoffrey Taylor humorously (and consciously) captured it in verse in his poem Cruel Clever Cat:

Sally, having swallowed cheese,
Directs down holes the scented breeze,
Enticing thus with baited breath
Nice mice to an untimely death.
[I’m indebted to Rainer Thonnes for telling me about this little ditty, which appears in an anthology called Catscript, edited by Marie Angel. However, it was first published in 1933 in a limited edition of Geoffrey Taylor’s poems entitled A Dash of Garlic.]
José;725315 said:
Have you ever heard Netanyahu’ fantastic phrase, Delta?

“The Palestinians say one thing in English and another thing in Arabic.”

Ah Bibi... such a peacemaker

"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."
-- Benyamin Netanyahu, then Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, speaking to students at Bar Ilan University, from the Israeli journal Hotam, November 24, 1989.

And that, friends, is what Likhud stands for.
Ah Bibi... such a peacemaker

"Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories."
-- Benyamin Netanyahu, then Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister, former Prime Minister of Israel, speaking to students at Bar Ilan University, from the Israeli journal Hotam, November 24, 1989.

And that, friends, is what Likhud stands for.

I think the fact that you insist on calling it Western Palestine, when the international community, and the UN all agree it is Israel, and have made it so legally, is all the evidence we need to know where your biases are on this issue.

I on the other hand, am called a Zionist all the time, yet I have never once called the west bank Eastern Israel. The Palestinian people want their own state, they do not want to share a country with the Jews. If you force them to live together, the Palestinians will not all of the sudden decide to get along with the Jews, they will continue to attack them, and eventually drive them all out of the Area. I have a feeling you would love to see that happen.

Anyone who has ever lived within a historic dispute knows that there are two names for almost everything, like Derry and Londonderry. José calls it Western Palestine because it is Western Palestine. Others call it 'Israel' because the occupiers are well-armed and rich, because they have a more-than-passable propaganda machine, because AIPAC has US politicians by the short and curly, but most of all because one of the parties to the dispute calls it that. You have to learn to use both names if you want a settlement. They call Derry 'stroke city'. I was born near Caerdydd/Cardiff then moved to Oswestry/Croesoswallt, and that's the way the world works. On the other hand, the United Nations, the Pope, the Dalai Lama and our cat can all agree together to give someone else's country to foreigners and the blasted locals still won't accept thievery and murder, however much you pay the odd 'responsible element' to grovel, unless you kill them all. La lutta continua.

Anyone is a Zionist, surely, who supports the present occupation of any Palestinian land by foreigners? Some of them are raving mad, their madness fuelled by total US support for any evil whatever; others. like you, are merely mildly racist, believing Jews have greater rights than other people without wanting to push that too far. But the only possible two-state solution will be imposed by the US, the madmen and the 'responsible elements' and be forever unstable. Do look at Ireland!

The madmen want a greater Israel and the Palestinians want their country back. Let 'em work out a way to do both in a single (very overpopulated) Country with international guarantees of both people's rights and there'll be some hope. Anything else means killing forever.
The madmen want a greater Israel and the Palestinians want their country back. Let 'em work out a way to do both in a single (very overpopulated) Country with international guarantees of both people's rights and there'll be some hope. Anything else means killing forever.

No. A single state solution means dead jews.

If the Pals can't grow up and accept a two-state solution, I'd say that's THEIR problem and at some point they'll lose.

Pals have no more right to Israel than I do to my ancestral home in Belarus.

And you might want to stay away from stereotypes about rich jews... just saying.
Anyone who has ever lived within a historic dispute knows that there are two names for almost everything, like Derry and Londonderry. José calls it Western Palestine because it is Western Palestine. Others call it 'Israel' because the occupiers are well-armed and rich, because they have a more-than-passable propaganda machine, because AIPAC has US politicians by the short and curly, but most of all because one of the parties to the dispute calls it that. You have to learn to use both names if you want a settlement. They call Derry 'stroke city'. I was born near Caerdydd/Cardiff then moved to Oswestry/Croesoswallt, and that's the way the world works. On the other hand, the United Nations, the Pope, the Dalai Lama and our cat can all agree together to give someone else's country to foreigners and the blasted locals still won't accept thievery and murder, however much you pay the odd 'responsible element' to grovel, unless you kill them all. La lutta continua.

Anyone is a Zionist, surely, who supports the present occupation of any Palestinian land by foreigners? Some of them are raving mad, their madness fuelled by total US support for any evil whatever; others. like you, are merely mildly racist, believing Jews have greater rights than other people without wanting to push that too far. But the only possible two-state solution will be imposed by the US, the madmen and the 'responsible elements' and be forever unstable. Do look at Ireland!

The madmen want a greater Israel and the Palestinians want their country back. Let 'em work out a way to do both in a single (very overpopulated) Country with international guarantees of both people's rights and there'll be some hope. Anything else means killing forever.

you obviously have NO CLUE on history....

let's give the USA back to the American Indians then! SHEEEEESH!!!!
Yeah, again, I'd have to disagree from the opposing flank and say a one-state solution means dead Palestinians. It's not gonna work, and all the major palestinian groups (and arab governments, and 99% of the international community) including Hamas and the PA have supported the 1967 borders 2-state solution solution.
No. A single state solution means dead jews.

If the Pals can't grow up and accept a two-state solution, I'd say that's THEIR problem and at some point they'll lose.

Pals have no more right to Israel than I do to my ancestral home in Belarus.

And you might want to stay away from stereotypes about rich jews... just saying.

'If the zionists can't grow up and go away, I'd say it's THEIR problem, and at some time they'll be driven away.

Zionists have no right whatever to the land they have stolen in Palestine, any more than the nazis did to Poland.

And you might as well admit that thieves tend to be richer than those they rob of everything.'

You see, jillian, there is more than one way to see the world, at least out here amongst us ordinary earthlings. Do try very hard to realise that you can't just go about the World grabbing what you want and murdering those who object forever. People will begin to notice, you know,
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'If the zionists can't grow up and go away, I'd say it's THEIR problem, and at some time they'll be driven away.

Zionists have no right whatever to the land they have stolen in Palestine, any more than the nazis did to Poland.

And you might as well admit that theives tend to be richer than those they rob of everything.'

You see, jillian, there is more than one way to see the world, at least out here amongst us ordinary earthlings. Do try very hard to realise that you can't just go about the World grabbing what you want and murdering those who object forever. People will begin to notice, you know,

You've got the facts twisted ass backwards. But I can't educate you.

So much for meaningful dialogue.
No. A single state solution means dead jews.

If the Pals can't grow up and accept a two-state solution, I'd say that's THEIR problem and at some point they'll lose.

Pals have no more right to Israel than I do to my ancestral home in Belarus.

And you might want to stay away from stereotypes about rich jews... just saying.


If the jews can't have their own ethnically pure nation that is THEIR problem. They can join the fucking Aryians over in the corner weeping about the whole Master (chosen) race schtick.

funny that you admonish anyone for generalizing jews though, jill. You dont bat an eye suggesting that pals all want to kill jews like werewolves under a full moon but let someone assume anything about a jew and you go strait into Scarlet A mode.

you obviously have NO CLUE on history....

let's give the USA back to the American Indians then! SHEEEEESH!!!!

The Am Indians are the EXACT example that shows exactly the problem with rationalized ethnic expansion.. Then again, i am absolutely certain that your kind wont have the slightest tear to shed for the extinction of pals similar to what we saw when OUR natives refused to back down... But hey, wounded knee was just another example of terrorism, im sure.
And, EDITIC, im not letting you off the hook, buddy. I'll repost the quotes even if you dont respond. You wanna play peacemaker? You wanna bridge a gap? You can't run away from the exact reflecting that your opinion here has with the LAST bunch of racist fiends who insisted that cultural segregation "is only natural".

So calling for a realistic and just solution to the conflict in Isreal, and asking people to tone down their ad hominen attacks on each other makes me a racist?

Indeed, go ask William Joyce if he agrees with you. What do you think his answer will be.

I haven't a clue. Why don't you ask him?

I can only tell you what I believe, and I try to address people's posts as I find them.

I seriously doubt you can speak for me, or my opinions, better than I can, though.

The hook you think you've got me on exists entirely in your mind, chum
Anyone who has ever lived within a historic dispute knows that there are two names for almost everything, like Derry and Londonderry. José calls it Western Palestine because it is Western Palestine. Others call it 'Israel' because the occupiers are well-armed and rich, because they have a more-than-passable propaganda machine, because AIPAC has US politicians by the short and curly, but most of all because one of the parties to the dispute calls it that. You have to learn to use both names if you want a settlement. They call Derry 'stroke city'. I was born near Caerdydd/Cardiff then moved to Oswestry/Croesoswallt, and that's the way the world works. On the other hand, the United Nations, the Pope, the Dalai Lama and our cat can all agree together to give someone else's country to foreigners and the blasted locals still won't accept thievery and murder, however much you pay the odd 'responsible element' to grovel, unless you kill them all. La lutta continua.

Anyone is a Zionist, surely, who supports the present occupation of any Palestinian land by foreigners? Some of them are raving mad, their madness fuelled by total US support for any evil whatever; others. like you, are merely mildly racist, believing Jews have greater rights than other people without wanting to push that too far. But the only possible two-state solution will be imposed by the US, the madmen and the 'responsible elements' and be forever unstable. Do look at Ireland!

The madmen want a greater Israel and the Palestinians want their country back. Let 'em work out a way to do both in a single (very overpopulated) Country with international guarantees of both people's rights and there'll be some hope. Anything else means killing forever.

LOL, to rich.

Look bud people call it Israel because the United nations made it legally so. Your views on the subject are totally one sided and silly if you ask me, but as Jillian said, You can not be educated on the subject so why try.
Yeah, again, I'd have to disagree from the opposing flank and say a one-state solution means dead Palestinians. It's not gonna work, and all the major palestinian groups (and arab governments, and 99% of the international community) including Hamas and the PA have supported the 1967 borders 2-state solution solution.

Black Panthers also wanted segregated black communities. so what. What does that have to do with the REST of the blacks who may not fall into that easy shopping cart? Fuck them, right? THEY don't matter since picking a convenient representation that fits your desire for segregation facilitates a racist two state solution?

good job.

You've got the facts twisted ass backwards. But I can't educate you.

So much for meaningful dialogue.

yea yea yea.,.,. white people said the same thing about those shifty eyed ******* eating watermelon on the chicken farm too.. Governor Wallace can't educate you, Jill..

So much for rationalizing racist segregation.
So calling for a realistic and just solution to the conflict in Isreal, and asking people to tone down their ad hominen attacks on each other makes me a racist?

I haven't a clue. Why don't you ask him?
I can only tell you what I believe, and I try to address people's posts as I find them.
I seriously doubt you can speak for me, or my opinions, better than I can, though.
The hook you think you've got me on exists entirely in your mind, chum

"realizitc" was the same bullshit excuse Wallace and Thurman tried to use to keep segregation around. This is why you avoid those quotes like the fucking devil himself. THAT is what makes you a racist. Trying to facilitate some "natural" seperation that makes William Joyce's third leg stand erect is what makes you a racist. For real... Go dive into his latest thread about UNAVOIDABLE BLACK CRIME and trade the words black for pali and crime for terrorism and see if you don't all of a sudden fall in line with his logic.

I don't imagine that I would speak for you, dude. Your posts do that already.

And, given your quickness to run like a roadrunner from Strom Thurman quotes i'd say your bravado is paper thin.
"realizitc" was the same bullshit excuse Wallace and Thurman tried to use to keep segregation around. This is why you avoid those quotes like the fucking devil himself. THAT is what makes you a racist. Trying to facilitate some "natural" seperation that makes William Joyce's third leg stand erect is what makes you a racist. For real... Go dive into his latest thread about UNAVOIDABLE BLACK CRIME and trade the words black for pali and crime for terrorism and see if you don't all of a sudden fall in line with his logic.

I don't imagine that I would speak for you, dude. Your posts do that already.

And, given your quickness to run like a roadrunner from Strom Thurman quotes i'd say your bravado is paper thin.

Read this closely, Shogun..

I cannot respond to every post here.

I have made my positions on this complex issue as clearly as I can.

Accusing me of being a racist because I do not repond to every post YOU object to is silly to the extreme.

Faulting me for what I write? Perfectly reasonable.

Faulting me for what I do NOT write or will not respond to, probably because I think it is pointless to respond to it? Completely assinine.

There is crap written by Jew-haters on this board that is so over the top that responding to it only gives it and them credibility it and they do not deserve.

In fact, responding to SOME of the trollish nonsense posted here only rewards their trollish nonsense.
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Indeed, you make the same argument, once again, that white people in the south made during the civil rights era. Avoid the realization of the similarity of your position to strom's if you wanna.. but thats just a copout. Do you also rationalize SOUTH AFRICA's excuses for aparthied with the "but blacks are the majority here" excuse too or does that all of a sudden become a statement you refuse to acknowledge? I've quoted you making the same excuse for a two state solution. Call it antisemitic if you need to. Your own posts are exactly why it's easy to lampoon your position.

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