Why I left the Left.

The Muslims you Liberals want to flood into the US execute gays.

Here, fuck head......LOL

Killings of LGBT People in U.S. Rose to a Record in 2016, Report ...

49 of the 77 were killed by a Muslim

Let's crunch some numbers, shall we?

There are about 320 million people in this country.

Last year there were 5.3 murders per 100,000 people. Roughly 17,000 people murdered.

77 of them were gay.

That is 3.5 times fewer murdered gays, based on their percentage of the population.

I don't see a problem.

How did this moronic thread become one of democrats "defending" Muslims killing gays????

Go play with your guns, right wingers and come out of the closet......LOL
So now progressives are to the left of liberals. LOL. I thought the word progressive was invented to be more moderate than liberals. If the video is to be believed, the cons definitely hate him. He's gay? Yep, it is in the republican charter to hate him.
Which avoids the point of the video, thanks.
LOL, Mac still shilling for the cons eh?

He has painted progressives for the sins of the far left. I just looked him up and that is his stick. He voted libertarian in 2016. LOL
And again, thanks.
Sounds like leftists to be honest, so all your ilk.

Well,THAT clears that up........LOL
So now progressives are to the left of liberals. LOL. I thought the word progressive was invented to be more moderate than liberals. If the video is to be believed, the cons definitely hate him. He's gay? Yep, it is in the republican charter to hate him.
Which avoids the point of the video, thanks.
Just who killed those 28? Do you even know? I'll bet you anything it wasn't Conservatives.

Interesting read.......

How anti-gay Christians evangelize hate abroad - LA Times
The promotion of homosexuality as an acceptable choice or lifestyle was a terrible mistake promulgated by radical Democrat know-it-all academic types beginning in the sixties. As this tragic trend increased, Christianity and traditional morality was forced down by Godless Communists and Anti-Americans, generally Democrats. They have, in their desperation to please the God-complex billionaire George Soros , once-Nazi-conspirer ,Jew-bagger, and wrecker of government economies like Greece's, spread various mental and spiritual cancers throughout America and the world in the false guise of "progress", "equal rights", and the party that cares about the working class and minorities. Read Homosexuality and The Politics of Truth, by Jeffrey Satinover. Then Rom 1:16-32 .
Just as we can see symptoms of mental illness at CNN, we need to realize that millions upon millions of dollars are paid by Soros to make them play the dummy and be his army. The typical non-Fox reporters are always angry and full of venomous hate when they read "the next" ridiculous stack of total BS accusing D Trump, America's first real president since Reagan, of far out acts which could get the ball rolling towards his impeachment. They are the next batch of human tools for Satan, in many cases totally unaware that they act as slaves to do the bidding of The Father of Lies. Note that they fabricate lies which make a desperate begging crackhead look like George Washington. People with decent self-respect do not even waste their time on giving the liar what they want. Addicts at a disgusting low bottom do not need to be indulged, and neither do conventional Democrats. They need to get help and start sharing the truth with others, instead of living a life consisting solely of lies and false accusations which, if left uncurbed, will bring America the Beautiful down into the gutter, with several bad and deadly habits, enslaved to another master. When the Dems make it possible, in the course of their unconfessed mental illness, for Sharia Law to begin in America, homosexuals and mouthy, pushy feminists will find out what Sharia Law fells like! Irony will then be very easy to use properly. God bless America and D Trump.
Rubin is great, an actual liberal who is horrified by what the Regressive Left (a term he strongly advances, one that was coined by another horrified liberal) has done to the Democratic party.

He could just no longer be associated with the lies and behaviors of the Regressives. He continues to advocate for liberal values such as freedom of expression and gay marriage (he is a married gay man).

Much respect for him, he has been attacked quite a bit.

Yet its the Cons who really hate him, the likes of Moore.
Do Muslims execute gays?
Rubin is great, an actual liberal who is horrified by what the Regressive Left (a term he strongly advances, one that was coined by another horrified liberal) has done to the Democratic party.

He could just no longer be associated with the lies and behaviors of the Regressives. He continues to advocate for liberal values such as freedom of expression and gay marriage (he is a married gay man).

Much respect for him, he has been attacked quite a bit.

Yet its the Cons who really hate him, the likes of Moore.
Do Muslims execute gays?

I thought Muslims just threw gays off buildings as they were not worth a bullet.
Rubin is great, an actual liberal who is horrified by what the Regressive Left (a term he strongly advances, one that was coined by another horrified liberal) has done to the Democratic party.

He could just no longer be associated with the lies and behaviors of the Regressives. He continues to advocate for liberal values such as freedom of expression and gay marriage (he is a married gay man).

Much respect for him, he has been attacked quite a bit.

Yet its the Cons who really hate him, the likes of Moore.
Do Muslims execute gays?

I thought Muslims just threw gays off buildings as they were not worth a bullet.
I love when facts destroy libturds
Rubin is great, an actual liberal who is horrified by what the Regressive Left (a term he strongly advances, one that was coined by another horrified liberal) has done to the Democratic party.

He could just no longer be associated with the lies and behaviors of the Regressives. He continues to advocate for liberal values such as freedom of expression and gay marriage (he is a married gay man).

Much respect for him, he has been attacked quite a bit.

Yet its the Cons who really hate him, the likes of Moore.
Do Muslims execute gays?

I thought Muslims just threw gays off buildings as they were not worth a bullet.
I love when facts destroy libturds

You know when a popcorn kernel starts hissing then explodes BANG...that's what happens when we destroy liberals with facts.
Still waiting for one of you libturds to discuss what was said in the OP. What are you afraid of?

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