"Why I parted ways with the right"

People should be provided with a basic sustenance whether they have earned it or not. Three hots and a cot.

Why should they be provided with anything??? :doubt:


Because we are the wealthiest nation on earth. What is your alternative? Debtors prisons? Tent cities, Hoovervilles, people begging at your doorstep, people dying in the streets?

Is that the America you want to live in?

12 trillion in debt and counting and you still spout that bs? :lol:
Willow, are you mentally deficient, morally bent, or just playing the idiot? Also, have a Merry Christmas season to you and yours.
Why should they be provided with anything??? :doubt:


Because we are the wealthiest nation on earth. What is your alternative? Debtors prisons? Tent cities, Hoovervilles, people begging at your doorstep, people dying in the streets?

Is that the America you want to live in?

12 trillion in debt and counting and you still spout that bs? :lol:

US GDP is $15 trillion, no other nation on earth is above $5 trillion. The US is the wealthiest nation on earth by a wide margin
dems having balls is a total contradiction in terms

If you thought the richest country on earth was the United States, you are wrong. If you thought it was China, you may be right. The truth is, it is pretty damn difficult to determine which country is the richest one on earth. This is because answering that question implies answering a broader question: “What is to be rich”, but we can always try.

Whenever referring to the US economy, you will hear that it is the biggest economy in the world. That claim rests on the fact that the US has the largest GDP in the world. However, being the fattest cat in the alley does not mean you are the healthiest one, you could be bloated and malnourished. :eusa_whistle:
China has 600 million peasants in their country. They are far from wealthy
Whether the right wingnuts admit it or not, these are the people they are attracting. This is becoming the unsightly underbelly of the Conservative movement. The scary part is that the lunatic element of the Conservative movement is becoming so powerful that the more moderate voices are afraid to confront them.
The standard tactic right now is to keep quiet as the lunatic fringe goes on their rants.

You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

WOW quite an effective way to convince yourself you are always right......Only listen/talk to people who agree with you. You get an A+ for remaining ignorant whatever the cost. I think on Coulter.com you can get foam fingers to stick in your ears so you can keep typing your BS without risking a single sound of truth entering your ears. Just IGNORE people to convince yourself you are right, REICH, Hitler would have been SO proud of you.
Those like DiamondDave and his ilk are simply intellectual bulemics, who are able to regurgitate on cue the far right material they have consumed. They don't understand it philosophically, and they can't argue for it in a convincing way. But, good heavens, can they throw it back up.
Whether the right wingnuts admit it or not, these are the people they are attracting. This is becoming the unsightly underbelly of the Conservative movement. The scary part is that the lunatic element of the Conservative movement is becoming so powerful that the more moderate voices are afraid to confront them.
The standard tactic right now is to keep quiet as the lunatic fringe goes on their rants.

You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

WOW quite an effective way to convince yourself you are always right......Only listen/talk to people who agree with you. You get an A+ for remaining ignorant whatever the cost. I think on Coulter.com you can get foam fingers to stick in your ears so you can keep typing your BS without risking a single sound of truth entering your ears. Just IGNORE people to convince yourself you are right, REICH, Hitler would have been SO proud of you.

Seriously now...

Diamond Dave does not refute what you have to say. He mostly just attacks the messenger.

The right wing Conservative movement has attracted some unsavory elements that will keep moderate independents from wanting to affiliate with them. Right now, the left is providing a more palateable message for independents
You want to go over the unsightly underbelly of the types that populate the DEM party and the far left?? You REALLY want to open that can of worms??? :rolleyes:

WOW quite an effective way to convince yourself you are always right......Only listen/talk to people who agree with you. You get an A+ for remaining ignorant whatever the cost. I think on Coulter.com you can get foam fingers to stick in your ears so you can keep typing your BS without risking a single sound of truth entering your ears. Just IGNORE people to convince yourself you are right, REICH, Hitler would have been SO proud of you.

Seriously now...

Diamond Dave does not refute what you have to say. He mostly just attacks the messenger.

The right wing Conservative movement has attracted some unsavory elements that will keep moderate independents from wanting to affiliate with them. Right now, the left is providing a more palateable message for independents

MY point is he BLOCKS everyone he disagrees with. The post didn't quote properly but look at his post on page one where he RANTS about all those he put on ignore.

DD the more you put people on IGNORE the more IGNORANT you will become.
For those of you who do not see the VALUE of social programs for the VERY poor just don't come bitching when your wife gets stabbed to death for the $20 stinking she has in her pocket.......If you want to increase the number of ENTIRELY DESPERATE PEOPLE get rid of any and all social problems. Now you may feel safe in your gated community but eventually you will feel the VIOLENCE that desperation breeds........Oh you will go for a few years switching the chanel whenever there is a story about a mother who shot to death a man coming out of the bank because her children hadn't EATEN for four days. You will go about your business avoiding "THOSE" parts of town. You may even pay out some $s to your neighborhood association for armed security but EVENTUALLY poverty will show up on your doorstep and it will take someone's LIFE. Maybe you shoot first the first time but maybe next time the guy shoots you before you open the door.

I don't think you people who rage against social programs understand the outcome of doing away with them.
That is a non-sequitur, xsited1. The intolerance here is shown by you.
"Why I parted ways with the right"

You became a flaming homosexual.

I know many in the GOP and libertarian camps that are gay or lesbian. So what is your point?

The right is not as tolerant of homosexuals, but the left somehow thinks homosexuality is an insult. Reminds me of the time when I mentioned to some left-winger that I had been to several gay weddings at Christian churches with congregations mainly composed of homosexuals and she asked me if I had been to a gay wedding at a Christian church as if to say that gay Christian churches are not really 'Christian'. Go figure.

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