"Why I parted ways with the right"

I notice there was no signator to the ad homenim strawman piece of shit in the OP.

Looks more like it was written by some hack at Daily Kos or HuffnPuff..

I am curious!! Why is every post that proves what is wrong with the right a strawman post?? You said the same about my post on the punishment for abortion..

Why can't you people at least look into the mirror and see yourselves for who you really are..

Facist, antiamerican, racist, bigots, that loves to kill innocent people of other religions, and deny the basic rights of fellow americans and women..

That is the rightwing to a tee!! Deal with it!!
For those of you who do not see the VALUE of social programs for the VERY poor just don't come bitching when your wife gets stabbed to death for the $20 stinking she has in her pocket.......If you want to increase the number of ENTIRELY DESPERATE PEOPLE get rid of any and all social problems. Now you may feel safe in your gated community but eventually you will feel the VIOLENCE that desperation breeds........Oh you will go for a few years switching the chanel whenever there is a story about a mother who shot to death a man coming out of the bank because her children hadn't EATEN for four days. You will go about your business avoiding "THOSE" parts of town. You may even pay out some $s to your neighborhood association for armed security but EVENTUALLY poverty will show up on your doorstep and it will take someone's LIFE. Maybe you shoot first the first time but maybe next time the guy shoots you before you open the door.

I don't think you people who rage against social programs understand the outcome of doing away with them.

All churches, for example, have programs to help the poor. I know of no one that is against them, except for possibility politicians in New York City.
That is a non-sequitur, xsited1. The intolerance here is shown by you.

I answered your question and now you're showing intolerance for my viewpoint. :cuckoo: Go argue with someone else.

You would have made a good Communist, because you accuse others of what you do. You create a shadow of reality, friend. The intolerance was demonstrated by you, you were called on it, and now you want to yell about it. Both immature and hypocritical of you.
That is a non-sequitur, xsited1. The intolerance here is shown by you.

I answered your question and now you're showing intolerance for my viewpoint. :cuckoo: Go argue with someone else.

You would have made a good Communist, because you accuse others of what you do. You create a shadow of reality, friend. The intolerance was demonstrated by you, you were called on it, and now you want to yell about it. Both immature and hypocritical of you.

See a Psychologist:

Psychological projection or projection bias (including Freudian Projection) is the unconscious act of denial of a person's own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, such as to the weather, the government, a tool, or to other people. Thus, it involves imagining or projecting that others have the same feelings or motives, rather than what they really think.

You made an incorrect assumption, were called on it and now are too stubborn to admit you made a mistake. :cuckoo:

It'll only get worse if you don't get help, so do yourself a favor and make an appointment. Here's a link that might help. Good luck.

So basically he parted ways with the right because he is a virulent idiot who has no clue about much of anything.
Thank you for proving my point, xsited1. You are projecting your hypocrisy, stubborness, and immaturity even as you accuse me of doing what you did.

Once again, you made the intolerant statement, you were called on it, and you are having trouble being corrected. Get over it.
Thank you for proving my point, xsited1. You are projecting your hypocrisy, stubborness, and immaturity even as you accuse me of doing what you did.

Once again, you made the intolerant statement, you were called on it, and you are having trouble being corrected. Get over it.

I can't help you anymore. I hope that you will either find it in yourself to seek help or perhaps some loved ones will have an intervention on your behalf. You have my pity.
No point was made or proven.. A statement was questioned and in neotard fashion that question was spun into meaning something else..

It is the right that thinks homosexuality is an insult which is why it was question..

See Westboro Baptist Church Home Page

Now the question is, can you people debate something at face value and not spin it into something it isn't..

What I want to know is?? How can you neotards read the OP, which is clearly an accurate discription of the right, not want to change your ways and actually try to be positive part of this nation??

You people are antianerican and far from being a patriot.. No patriot would deny fellow americans a fundalmental right of marriage.. Reguardless of what the bible or any religion says.. We are not governed by religion, the 1st the very 1st amendment takes care of that arguement.. So be an american and embrace the 1st amendment and leave your religious views at home.. Cause they don't matter anywhere else..
garyd, I imagine many rightists believe the same thing -- disagreeing with them is a demonstration of intolerance.

What the yokel forgot above is that choices have consequences. He chose to make an intolerant, rather silly statement. He was corrected. Instead of admitting to a momentary slip of character, the yokel wants to defend it. Rather stupid of xsited1, but there it is.
Tolerance is the religion of the liberal left.

Yet they have no tolerance for anyone who believes different than they do.

Of course we have tolerance for someone who believes differently than us.. But we don't impose our beliefs on others the way you do.. We fight for the good of the entire nation.. Not a select few.. The rich, the white, and the christian.. That is all the people you care about..
No point was made or proven.. A statement was questioned and in neotard fashion that question was spun into meaning something else..

It is the right that thinks homosexuality is an insult which is why it was question..


Some of the Leftists on USMB believe that homosexuality is an insult. This was just proven. (Where have you been???) I even found this to be true when I attended a predominately homosexual church for a couple years. Granted, it's usually the Right that believes that, but the emotional and intolerant Left are just as guilty. At least the Right are consistent. With the Left, you can never tell.
Tolerance is the religion of the liberal left.

Yet they have no tolerance for anyone who believes different than they do.

Of course we have tolerance for someone who believes differently than us.. But we don't impose our beliefs on others the way you do.. We fight for the good of the entire nation.. Not a select few.. The rich, the white, and the christian.. That is all the people you care about..
Trying to force everyone to accept the homo agenda and fag marriage is NOT tolerance. :doubt:
garyd, I imagine many rightists believe the same thing -- disagreeing with them is a demonstration of intolerance.

What the yokel forgot above is that choices have consequences. He chose to make an intolerant, rather silly statement. He was corrected. Instead of admitting to a momentary slip of character, the yokel wants to defend it. Rather stupid of xsited1, but there it is.

The fact that you can't see your own projection and incorrect assumption about me is truly sad. I hope you get the help you need. Garyd is unfortunately right about most Leftists.

Again, you have my pity.
No point was made or proven.. A statement was questioned and in neotard fashion that question was spun into meaning something else..

It is the right that thinks homosexuality is an insult which is why it was question..


Some of the Leftists on USMB believe that homosexuality is an insult. This was just proven. (Where have you been???) I even found this to be true when I attended a predominately homosexual church for a couple years. Granted, it's usually the Right that believes that, but the emotional and intolerant Left are just as guilty. At least the Right are consistent. With the Left, you can never tell.

What was proven is that you made a sexual insult and can't admit it. You can't stand being corrected. News for you, bub ~ you were corrected. Now get over it, and let's move on.
No point was made or proven.. A statement was questioned and in neotard fashion that question was spun into meaning something else..

It is the right that thinks homosexuality is an insult which is why it was question..


Some of the Leftists on USMB believe that homosexuality is an insult. This was just proven. (Where have you been???) I even found this to be true when I attended a predominately homosexual church for a couple years. Granted, it's usually the Right that believes that, but the emotional and intolerant Left are just as guilty. At least the Right are consistent. With the Left, you can never tell.

What was proven is that you made a sexual insult and can't admit it. You can't stand being corrected. News for you, bub ~ you were corrected. Now get over it, and let's move on.


I know several people like you. They make an incorrect assumption about what somebody said and will never admit they were wrong. Sad.

dems having balls is a total contradiction in terms

If you thought the richest country on earth was the United States, you are wrong. If you thought it was China, you may be right. The truth is, it is pretty damn difficult to determine which country is the richest one on earth. This is because answering that question implies answering a broader question: “What is to be rich”, but we can always try.

Whenever referring to the US economy, you will hear that it is the biggest economy in the world. That claim rests on the fact that the US has the largest GDP in the world. However, being the fattest cat in the alley does not mean you are the healthiest one, you could be bloated and malnourished. :eusa_whistle:

China is not the richest country on earth. The richest country on earth is the United States. The United States has the most wealth as measured in currency, no matter which currency, and therefore is the richest country on the planet.
xsited1, therre was no mistaken presumption by any of us who corrected you. In post 137, you stated the reason that a particular person was no longer a member of the right was that the person "became a flaming homosexual."

You were immediately and appropriately corrected. You have been informed that many gays and lesbians belong to the right. You then projected your hypocrisy and immaturity onto me.

Now either you are deliberately lying or you actually have talked yourself into believing what you are writing. Go back to post 137 and begin reading.

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