Why I think tea partiers/tea baggers are cowards...

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Does that mean you admit you're an expert "bagger"?

I worked in a grocery store during High School.

I think you are alluding to some derogatroy sexual deviate term which I do not know about nor care to.
But for some reason you seem familiar with.
I wonder why?

Where did you hear that the correct term is "bagger"?

I did not, it is just the logical shortening of tea bagger.
And they appear to be in Fox's bag so to speak.
I supposed bagged is the most accurate term for them.
didn't Rush tell people to invade and infiltrate the Dem party?
Actually no he did not; he instigated Operation Chaos, to do what dems were already doing, whenever possible to vote in their primary for Hillary even if it meant changing registration to dem. I've been a regular listener of RL since 92 and haven't missed much during that time, so I know when someone is making it up. I assume that you are not doing that, but that you get your "facts" from an unreliable third party source.

yada yada yada ... spin, spin, spin...
I worked in a grocery store during High School.

I think you are alluding to some derogatroy sexual deviate term which I do not know about nor care to.
But for some reason you seem familiar with.
I wonder why?

Where did you hear that the correct term is "bagger"?

I did not, it is just the logical shortening of tea bagger.
And they appear to be in Fox's bag so to speak.
I supposed bagged is the most accurate term for them.

Well, you sounded pretty sure that the correct term is "bagger"...

You believe your assumed correct term nickname refers to a "grocery bagger"?
Where did you hear that the correct term is "bagger"?

I did not, it is just the logical shortening of tea bagger.
And they appear to be in Fox's bag so to speak.
I supposed bagged is the most accurate term for them.

Well, you sounded pretty sure that the correct term is "bagger"...

You believe your assumed correct term nickname refers to a "grocery bagger"?

Nope just a shortened form of tea bagger.
You are the one hung up on a sexual perversion definition.
I did not, it is just the logical shortening of tea bagger.
And they appear to be in Fox's bag so to speak.
I supposed bagged is the most accurate term for them.

Well, you sounded pretty sure that the correct term is "bagger"...

You believe your assumed correct term nickname refers to a "grocery bagger"?

Nope just a shortened form of tea bagger.
You are the one hung up on a sexual perversion definition.

I never mentioned any sexual perversion definition... Why would you assume this?
Well, you sounded pretty sure that the correct term is "bagger"...

You believe your assumed correct term nickname refers to a "grocery bagger"?

Nope just a shortened form of tea bagger.
You are the one hung up on a sexual perversion definition.

I never mentioned any sexual perversion definition... Why would you assume this?

I have gathered from other posts on here.
MOst of my sex education in the last few years has come from politics.
For instance. I do NOT tap my feet in the bathroom stall.
Nor do I say I have gone hiking else someone will think I am shagging a floozie.

I still do not know the deviate definition of bagger though and do not want to.
I just think of them as Republicans that is enough deviation from norm for me.
60's Protesters are dropping faster than the greatest generation. Light at the end of the tunnel?
The 60's protestors were not led by mainstream media pundits and political parties.

They were perhaps true independents not tools.
Good point.

Did they spend the majority of their time crying about being called hippies?
Mostly because they spend the majority of their time whining about what others think about them.

Or maybe because they think that members of Congress should actually READ a bill that spends $800 billion of taxpayer's money before voting on it.:razz:
The 60's protestors were not led by mainstream media pundits and political parties.

They were perhaps true independents not tools.
Good point.

Did they spend the majority of their time crying about being called hippies?

Do you have evidence of any significant number of TEA partiers crying about that? If so, and given that it is from a legitimate source (ie not some biased media outlet), I would really love to see it. Otherwise, I will just put your remark down to hysterical ranting and childish whining.
The 60's protestors were not led by mainstream media pundits and political parties.

They were perhaps true independents not tools.

Just to add a little reality to the discussion, there were two great themes of the demonstrations of the 60"s: Anti Draft and Race Relatiuons/Equal Rights.

Many of the promoters of the Anti War rallies co-opted the passion to end the draft. When Nixon started the Lottery, the anti draft sentiment withered as suddenly 100% of the draft age young men turned into 5 to 14 % and the rest were free to go about their lives.

This effectively pulled the majority out of harm's way and deflated the numbers affected by the draft. This is perhaps the most brilliant political move of the second half of the 20th Century.

The massive anti war rallies ended shortly thereafter.

The Race Relations/Equal Rights demonstrations were pure in the days of MLK Marches and very noble as the courageous and just protesters were violently abused by the social and political and governmental institutions of the country, most notably, by the Democrats of the South.

The crescendo of this part of the movement was probably in 1968 when Tommy Smith and John Carlos held up their black gloved hands in a Black power salute. In your face, baby!

As my memory replays this, shortly afterward, Women's rights and Racial rights and Anti Draft combined in many ways, bras and draft cards were burnt in abundance, angry members of all groups accosted people who really didn't care about the issues. A national argument was joined dividing the county into two groups and both groups were sure that the other group was not only wrong, but conspitatorially damaging to the future of the Republic.

The divisive issues and the costly drain of resources combined with the runaway spending of the government and the shifting preferances of consumers to foreign made products created comparitively large deficites for the government and set a stage exactly as the one we now see before us today.

The days of the Carter Administration was in office years after the mid 70's end of Viet Nam, but the divided citizenry was the force that elected Carter who was inept, naive and uncapable to correct the problems he was presented by the times. He was the "Hope and Change" of his day.

In the spirit of everything old being new again, we are in almost exactly the same place again today.

Were the folks who protested tools? Were the folks that stopped protesting the draft tools? Were the folks that elected both Carter and 0bama tools? For the most part, yes. Some were actually making the plans, but most of us were just nailing or getting nailed.


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